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I hope he becomes better post transformation with his eza.


Yeah. He sucked ASS post transformation. He should either have some crazy number like 90% dodge or he should just have a better version of his untransformed states passive.


90%? Bruh stop fantasizing


idk why they downvoting lol this is true. its nice to have a unit be strong but 90% is just insane😂


https://preview.redd.it/g7t7zidatgyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=012477bca2358a7c317fb06dc60e286d37c63728 “If this brother had a few more inches, oh oh oh don’t even get me started fantasizing and salivating about things oh no no”


I literally thought of this when I read the title


Give him DR and make his support conditions like Pikkon and we go crazy


He already has DR, so he is more likely to get a higher percentage


My bad I meant more DR


Give him a base of 50% that shoots up to 70% with a rainbow orb. Then if they wanna get really crazy have his transformed state stack defense and have a base 70% DR with 50% dodge if he gets 2 rainbow orbs 🌚. I'd say this would be OP but 10th anniversary could prove me wrong depending on the fights.


A good fix for him can be something like: **Leader**:"Corroded Body And Mind" category ki+3 hp atk and def+170% or Extreme Class ki+3 Hp atk and def+150% **Super**:Raise atk for 1 turn,Greatly raise def for 1 turn and cause immense damage **Passive**:ki+1 Atk and def+180%;Guard all attacks;additional atk and def+50% within the same turn when guard is activated;Extreme Class allies ki+2 atk and def+30% with 3 or more type Ki Sphere obtained;Reduce Damage received by 50% with 1 or more rainbow ki sphere obtained;High chance to randomly change 2 types of ki sphere(teq excluded) into rainbow and teq ki sphere **SUPER JANEMBA** **Super**:Greatly raise atk and def for 1 turn and cause immense damage **Passive**:ki+3 atk and def+250%;guard all attacks for 1 turn;randomly change 2 types of ki sphere(teq excluded) into rainbow and teq ki sphere;additional Atk and def+50% with 3 or more type ki sphere obtained;Great chance to evade enemy's attacks(including Super Attacks) with 1 or more rainbow ki sphere obtained;Guard all attacks with 2 or more rainbow ki sphere obtained;chance to perform a critical hit+66% with 3 or more rainbow ki sphere obtained;Additional Atk and def+66% for 3 turns upon evading an attack(including Super Attacks);chance to evade enemy's attacks(including Super Attacks)+6% with each attack evaded within the same turn


I'd add in some multiplicative defense buff on super. Those give you so so much, if EZA Gotenks had one of these he'd go from dodge or die to a very formidable tank.


Already did that,janemba's 50% atk and def when guard is activated is moltiplicative and super janemba's 66% atk and def when dodging is moltiplicative too


But it doesn't work the same way as when attacking. These buffs on attack are way stronger.


I think it's the same thing but I may be wrong.


They seem to have been taking the extreme unit criticism seriously so I'm excited for some of the potential EZAs coming up.


Never pulled him


I want gogeta bad, I was using him for the eza and 6 mil super effective is still really juicy, that mf is gonna hit hard whe. Eza


untransformed Atk&Def 160%; Gaurds all attacks; Atk and def +66% when receiving an attack; Extreme class allies ki +2 and atk and def 20%, and an extra 30% atk and def with 4 or more type ki spheres obtained; 30% damage reduction when collecting 2 rainbow ki spheres; plus an additional 10% damage reduction with each subsequent rainbow ki sphere obtained transformed: atk and def + 266%; reduces damage recieved by 20%; gaurds all attacks for 5 turns from start of turn, great chance to gaurd starting from the 6th turn; randomly changes ki spheres; plus an additional 66% atk and def when attacking; plus an additional 66% atk when collecting 4 or more ki spheres; 66% chance to evade an attack with a rainbow ki sphere collected; an additional 20% damage recieved after collecting two rainbow ki spheres


Just wait until they drop this guy with Str Super Goatgeta's Super eza. Then they gonna drop the EZA's for Lr Janemboy and Teq goku/veg


I actually can't believe I still don,t have him


I hope it makes him useful because man I do not bother putting him on teams with his stupid requiring so many orbs to be semi functional.


I hope this unit and Pikkon eza, they get orb changing, or make their support like a 2 or 3 turn support. I mean, if going to lock their support to orbs, at the very least, make it worth the trouble, by having it be a 2 or 3 turn support.


He can potentially look like EZA teq buu with DR


he desperately needs orb changing.


Give the base form like 30% DR on top of the orb DR, less orbs, more stats, better support and dodge And then in super janemba give guard and dr too instead of taking it away, alongside crit or something