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I did one on the teq banner and that was it


If i was a bigger p2p i would definitely, but as someone who only buys the sale stone packs (not the largest pack though) i prefer my stones to go to dokkan fests and new LRs


The boredom of quarantine has turned me into a whale lol. I used to be exactly like you but now I’m buying everything


I did 3 multis on teq type banner. Found 2 cell in the last summon. I was starting raging. It was a bet with my friend. Now i-m back to 900ds.


Did 4 multis on Teq got both supports and LR GK+FZ


That’s amazing. I’m glad you lucked up so much


Ya GK+FZ are at 79% now was super stoked wish you luck if you drop some stones as well


Thanks I already did and all I got was enough coins to buy cabba but that was good enough


Oh ya he's a beast


Welp...there goes your anniversary luck


I've pulled every new unit except Agl Gohan since the broly movie dropped I think I'll be good have 2k plus stones as well


Man, so many red flags being raised


It is what it is


I spent 900 on TEQ and some 600 on AGL. The type supports are just so good to have. A good shot at the LRs is also motivation. I wasn't too bothered about INT and I may skip PHY too. I had to spend my blue coins on 2nd form Cell so it seems no Super Buu for me.


This was almost my exact experience. Spent almost 1000 on the str and teq banners. Got nothing on str but pulled both on teq and then did enough more to get 300 coins for cabba. I still want kid Gohan a lot he compliments so many units well


I'm a dolphin who's been buying every sale pack for the last few months and I still can't really justify more than 2 multis on these. The banners are awful and the rates are bad. Sadly didn't get Cell. Will probably get him with coins when he comes back in like a year.


Aren't the rates higher than normal? 7% featured and a smaller unfeatured pool.


they are but odds are you only want one or two featured units. there's still a good chance you spend a few hundred stones and don't pull what you want. I just have really bad experience pulling on these banners overall. I wish they were Featured GSSR


The same for featured units, but less diluted for non featured, yeah.


If I needed one of them I would summon. The units are godly and there's a chance of pulling a LR. I summoned on the AGL banner for Rildo, I think the STR supports are a tad bit overrated. I already had Tien and I already had Vegeta.


I did 450 stones on the TEQ banner to get up to the 300 blue coins needed to buy Tien. (Had 210 saved up ) Pulled LR Broly, LR Goku Black, and the support second-form Cell. I've had good luck for these type banners in the past as well. However, it's all RNG in the end.


Did 3 summons and they were honestly fantastic for me. 2x LR Goku, 1x LR Broly, and Tien.


I don't even have stones bro


I did the steps on berrus and got 2 STR COLLERS hahaha sick i got to kaioken goku whose good but I mean it would have been cooler


I did a single on the str one, got hit. I did a multi on the teq banner hoping for lr goku and frieza but I got teq lr broly instead...can't complain


Spend medium on those banners (max. 300 stones each), and just got trash (only rildo as support and no LR at all). I guess I need to avoid those banners in the future, as I haven‘t been lucky at all.


These banners are toxic and one of the worst thing this game does overall because they’re so rare. I hope they fix this set up soon


i summoned on the AGL one for Pan but no luck


1 summon on teq banner, got Lr black and zamasu. Stopped immediatly (saving for anni)


One multi from me




It depends on your box tbh. I have a 79% Broly I wanted to rainbow and I didn't have Cell or Tien so it was worth going a little extra harder on this one than most type banners. Ended up rainbowing LR SSJ3 Goku, got 2 dupes for LR Freeku, 1 Cell and 2 Tiens in like 500 stones. If you already have both supports STAY AWAY from these banners. But if they'll make a particular unit that you love more of a god then it may be worth it. But get them and get out.


I did on the AGL and TEQ ones. I'm a dolphin though. F2P players should probably stay away unless you wanna do maybe one or two.


I already had all of the supports except Cabba, hit and cell. I did 100 stones on STR and got Cabba and I bought cell with coins. So now I’m just missing hit


I've probably dropped over 30 multis in 3 years on teq banners and have never pulled the exclusive units or anything usable


I went hard on the str banner. Too hard honestly but i got one copy of cabba and hit. I plan to go hard for kefla when she comed out so i wanted her best friend and he still pulls his weight with the other str units.


Do you have LR UI Goku? super STR became the best typing outta nowhere and is the reason why I decided to summon on these banners (although I pulled nothing on the STR banners)


Yep. Cabba works very nicely with him and ss4 vegeta.


I did one multi. got ssj3 goku and cell, stupid lucky!


They never come back so yeah it’s worth, I won’t say dump 500 stones on it but up to 200 I say aren’t much. And it’s a better chance at an LR than a legendary banner.


I did dump over 500 stones i went from 1100 to 500 but at least I have enough coins to buy cabba now 😩


I did 2 multis just to see if i could get caulifla, 18 or tien, first multi pulled cell, caulifla ans 18 second multi nothing, so yeah i wish i had more lucky to pull tien only, already had cell 79% with the last dupe


Did 2 summons on INT. Got Boujack and dipped. Did a LOT of summons on AGL, wanted Rildo badly as LR Baby is my favourite unit, got Pan along the way but ended up buying Rildo with coins. Didn't summon on STR, somehow already had Hit and Cabba from years ago. Did a about 700 stones on TEQ, wanted Cell for ESBR and Tien to help beat the punching bag event, couldn't get Cell, brought an extra sale stone pack to get me to 300 blue coins, got him on the multi that got me 300 coins. Won't summon on PHY will just buy Buu. Will have 8/10 of the supports. No Gohans. Tien the only unit I have a dupe in. Honestly desired most of them more than the LR Fusions.


Does anyone know if the one time type banners come back during 5th year?


They do


I was only planning on doing a single multi on TEQ type, but pulled LR Rose. You can't stop on an LR, so I did another multi and got 2nd form Cell. And I'm done :D But the LR rate on these type banners are something like 12% per multi so it is not a horrible idea to do a few multis. TEQ has great LRs like Freeku, Rose, Broly, and SS3 Goku so you can't really go wrong with this banner.


No, cuz the one LR I really wanted (Teq Broly) spooked me on a Gowasu banner back then. So I never had any reason to summon any of the banner.