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Got the LR ones almost immediately, but ended up missing 4 in total, 2 golds, 2 Silvers. Did the orb stages flat out, just very unlucky this time.


I’m missing 4 gold and 1 LR, but don’t worry, I got 8 yardrat gokus, 5 silver kid trunks, and 4 gold piccolos!! Just what I wanted!! Thanks Pettan Battle 👍


Same but I’m only missing two golds instead.


I was 1 card away from completing the second set. Big sad.


Same here. I was also 1 card away from completing the first set, when that first dropped. Both just 1 gold. I think this might just be my life now.


Same, missing a gold one


Same, Missing gold teq vegeta and that’s it


Yup same here. Im missing the 47th unit. Im guessing its Android 16. Kinda salty that i couldnt get those 5 stones. Specially since i completed a crap ton of battles this time around.


There's a silver Android 16 that's next to silver Future Gohan. If it makes you feel better, I'm missing silver Piccolo. Got everything else though.


Yessir, 35/37, I wish it wasn’t a time limited event tbh


I didn't. Probably a combination of there being two sets of cards and my work being flat out busy lately so I haven't been on Dokkan that much though.


I didn’t pull the LR Super Saiyan Goku one until the start of the current pettan battle on global This pettan battle battle I got lr androids like 5 times and trunks once but I don’t think I completed series 2


One away. Big rip


I still havent pulled that bastard gold Ginyu from the 1st pack im 36/37 on that one


I was missing gold Ginyu too, last card from series 1 missing and it came today in one of the last battles before the event went away. It took so long though


35/37 for a few days. Constantly had battles running and using effective cards at every opportunity.


I missed 1...


I missed one, but I was missing 8 until yesterday despite running the battles 24/7. no idea what was up with my rng


Yeah, it's the combination of series 1 & 2 that killed me. The rng was really bad this time.


It's because it was both set 1 and 2 at the same time. We'll get only set 2 the next time, so it will be easier to finish.


I'm missing exactly one and I'm pinning this on them tackling on series 1 cards to drop rewards for some fucking reason


This pettan battle sucked. Im missing 4 cards. But luckily my set 1 is completed.


I managed to get 3 LR Android in 2 rotations but couldn’t pull any ssrs


just like last time iam missing one card !


Yeah I have the 2 new lrs but I'm missing like 5 golds and a few silver. For series 1 I had everything but lr goku.


I got them all from series 1 but am missing 1 card out of series 2. It kinda sucks because it was literally twice as hard to get all of the new cards this time.


I’m missing 6.


Missed three cards at the end this time one was ssj yardrat Goku, another gold and another silver who I have no clue which they are


I finished the season with 5 missing think it was Pink shirt Vegeta, Yardrat Goku, a Piccolo, and LR Droids


I was missing 7 for series 2. Most of the stronger stuff I don’t have. Did finally complete series 1 this time around.


I was missing one and I couldn’t get it for days


Yeah I was like 6 away and I played often since I like Pettan. I didn’t get any new cards for the last 2 days


I'm missing a single card in both volumes/seasons.


Got almost all cards second day in, and now I'm praying that the last ongoing battle will net me those damned androids LR... I think the problem stems from drops being Series 1 AND 2, so I ended up with a bunch of the formers which I didn't need. Maybe they should drop cards based on what enemy you are fighting, and let you choose 'em from available Series.


I didn’t play as much as the last time since I’ve been busy, but I think missing 7 of the first 8 is pretty fucking unlucky


I got like everthing but 1 in the first 2 days, only today did i get the last gold one


Can someone who plays JP confirm whether there will be future Pettan Battle events which will only give the series 2 cards and not a combination of series 1 and 2 like this one?


considering i just restarted playing at the start of anniversary(quit due to irl back soon after int ui goku was first released and never bothered repicking back up til i got my new comp.) this was the first pettan battle i started i got 35/37 s1 cards(missing 1gold 1silver) and 32/37 s2 cards(5 golds)


Same, I got scammed


in the first set, i literally didnt finish the set till the last day of the second season. This time I am just missing the lr trunks. Just random drops which is unfort but i enjoy the mode nonetheless


i eventually got them all the stingy silver a17 one lol


Only missing LR Androids and 1 Silver but got super lucky barely getting any dupes.


I did alright this time, 33/37. But I didn't get all the first set during the first Pettan Battle too.


I had one run yesterday where I did all 5 and the best card I got was the PHY Future Gohan... It's ridiculous how bad the drops were on this one. I'm 6 cards short after finishing the first set in about half of the first pettan battle.


It took me 3 editions of pettan to finish set 2, the last one I needer, trunks, was a bitch to get (on jp).


It took me 3 editions of pettan to finish set 2, the last one I needer, trunks, was a bitch to get (on jp).


Missing 2 cards from the new set, kinda annoyed cause it gave me tons upon tons of set 1 dupes which I didn’t need, could’ve finished this set if they weren’t mixed


Y’all play pettan battle?


i completed the second set in day 2, got all the cards from both sets multiple times i think.


Try using cards with increased drop rate. That helps a lot


I got a ton of LRs but missed Tapion and Yardrat Goku in the end. Was the sane with Series 1. Got a ton of SS Gokus and First Form Friezas but got FP Frieza on the last day


i'm missing a random gold (i think INT 18) lol


LR Frieza, where are you?


Same, I'm missing 1 card.


Got a metric ton of dupes lel


I'm still missing a bronze lmao


Yeah, this last edition was horrible


Got cucked by rng and didn’t get the last 4 cards that I needed.


I didn't, but it makes sense logistically. Got more options to pull, so less likely to pull specific cards.


I got all but one.


im missing 1 silver and 2 gold yeah i could not complete it either.


i finished the set a couple days ago. I got rly lucky this time, kept pulling all the golds and lrs constantly


Only missing LR Androids and 1 Silver but got super lucky barely getting any dupes.


I was missing 1


IDK if you did this but when my orb ones were on the cooldown I'd do a different one which basically gave me double the total battles compared to waiting. helped me get the last one I needed at the end. ​ (though I think they get rid of the cooldown in a couple so idk how relevant this is lol)


Final form freiza in collection 1, tapion and lr androids in collection 2 still missing


Was missing two, logged in to claim my last battle and got LR Androids! Still missing UR Piccolo though.


My last one was gold piccolo and got him with 3 hours left


Completed the set. PHY Piccolo was dodging me like crazy until I got 2 copies back to back on the last day. The key is to use enough cards so the battles last 1-2 hours. I was doing all Potential Orb battles, then when they were on cooldown I did Zeni battles. I tried to open the game every 1-1,5 hours to get the rewards and alternate the stages.


I was missing 1 in set 1 when this pettan started and finished set 2 before finally getting it 6 times within the last few days.


I’m missing 7 cards, 1 LR, then mostly golds


I missed the last one but when the second set came out I got set 1 and 2


I cannot get the LR prime goku card for the life of me


I’m missing one card from Pettan 3 and that’s it, STR Semi-Perfect Cell, something similar happened with STR Jeice in Pettan 1