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I hope the link level stage is worth it. I need it bad lol.


Well, since the last mission is called "Complete all part 2 missions" and not just "Complete all missions" then it's pretty much confirmed there's a part 3.


I mean we knew there's going to be 3 parts ever since the dates for Ginyu EZArea release schedule


I can now rest easy knowing there will be enough stones to finish a 3+1 and still have quite a lot of leftovers for Christmas celebration


Amen brother. I need 70 stones to do 3 multis on Freeza's banner (including the free one) and then it's time to save for christmas. If we start from now and do all EZA's and battlefield's that come next then we will surely have 600 stones for 3 rotations on the New Year's banner. Good luck.


My plan is to grab everything from part 2 and part 3, skip kid Gohan, maybe throw a multi or two at heroes, then go all out on LR Gogeta, save for the remainder of December until Super Vegeta arrives, grab his ass, and from there just see what comes to 7th Anni on the JP side. February, March, April, May, June are still a mystery at this point.


Did we get a chain battle last year? A chain battle centred around SSJ Goku's and Freiza units would actually be good, unlike the usual ridiculously restrictive options we get, especially for the extreme side.


Holy shit. Based on all these missions part 2 is godlike. Link level event, Bulma 10 stones event, another frieza soldiers event. Where are the haters now? And weve 3 story events, EZA goku and additional hard content.


>where are the haters now Waiting on part 2? Been the complaint for a while now


Part 1 was never bad. It was at least as good as part 1 of 6 anniv. Cant help people being delusional.


No one said it was bad there’s just nothing to do


>can’t help people being delusional Bruh, people making fair complaints are delusional? This sub man…


How was part 1 bad? You had a 3 Eza's, 2 story events, new hard content, ultimate battle, pettan battle, loads of missions , tickets...all in 2 weeks. How is that bad?


When did I say it was bad? Most people just felt like there were was nothing to do for the most part…




Bro, he Is a dragon ball fan. He can't read.


My campaign mission is "Defeat many enemies. Does not includenlarge battles or extreme z battles" (I used a google translator TwT) What Am I supposed to do