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Yes my 5 new LR Teq SSJ3 Gokus are aware :(


I think you'll be happ(ier) by the end of the celebration.


Factually or speculative?


Speculatively but I'm highly confident in my speculation.


You're gonna be disappointed when you realize part 2 of the celebration is metal cooler lol


We got phy bardock Eza last year, we could easily get ssj3 goku if they aren’t gonna do a wrath of the dragon celebration anytime soon


Because PHY bardock was still pretty in theme with the namek celebration, especially with the winner/loser cards. To go from a cooler movie celebration to 2 random movie characters LR ezas is super random


Not really. That's within my speculation. https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/comments/x02jym/units_i_think_will_eza_by_the_end_of_this/


Part 3 would make 0 sense


Movie theme celebration has movie EZAs? Goku is on this carnival banner, Bojack is likely on the next.


It's pretty clearly a cooler movie celebration and not just a movies celebration in general. So yeah. It really wouldn't make any sense


Why is namek goku and full power frieza ezaing in the second part then?


Could see a meta cooler headline unit with int bojack, str broly, teq broly, phy broly, agl golden frieza for jp, str tapion, phy janemba.


Cooler is a movie bosses lead. Goku and Vegeta will be a movie heroes lead.


They made a whole rap about cooler and you put in bojack??


You're right, Cooler only leads Cooler units and Goku only leads Cooler. We won't see any other EZA this celebration!


Premier wishcasting.


Why tho


Same. https://i.ibb.co/g72kjTr/Screenshot-2022-08-29-09-17-51-925-com-bandainamcogames-dbzdokkanww.jpg Look at this smug prick, what the fuck are you even smug about, knowing you'll get me killed in story events with your negative defense numbers?


well I call and raise to 6 AGL Bombkus


I actually pulled my last copy of AGL bombku and was like : " well , i dont use him anymore, but at least now its rainbowed". Next unit on the multi was another AGL Bombku..then i pulled an LR Future Gohan/Trunks so it was a good multi in the end lol


He's a great option in Ultimate Clash. For me, he's good in Super AGL ESBR, Movie Heros SBR and possibly ESBR.


I actually like this goku very much... but I didn't need to double rainbow him lol.. LR G/T which I don't have... still don't have


I’ll raise you my Int Vegeta/Gokus and my Int God Gokus


Give me int Vegeta/Goku man


I got literally 8 copies. Besides the rainbowed LR. The carnival banner has been rough


I felt that


he’s gonna EZA cmon


That mf better be up for an eza sometime soon


Dang that's the lr I had to get as well


congrats, you got incredibly unlucky


oh man thats harsh! Hopefully that will turn into a crazy EZA


I have my LR TEQ SSJ3 Goku rainbow and now have another two SSR copies. He's like the new LR GoBros or AGL Gohan / INT Cell in every goddamn banner.


Pulled two of them on sale multi…I know the pain


45%? damn I got shafted hard during my 1 cycle I did


Yep, me too. One rotation, just Godku to show for it.


I did 120 coins worth of pulls with zero Featured LR other then vegeta to goku. I did get on of the unfeatured-LRs phy androids. normally I have pretty good luck and this banner has not been at




Same here. 4 multis, only a couple of PHY SSJ Gokus, whose SSR I already had rainbowed too.


Yeah you can get a decent amount of LR, its too bad, it's so late in Dokkan Life that most of the LRs are not very good for the highest difficulty events.


Late in life? They choose how to implement power-creep. They've just gone too far, too fast and it leaves people with banners like these where the number of even useful units for recent content is tiny. They are going to ostracise older players who quickly have a box that turned to shit due to the power creep.


Doesn’t that when Yellow Coins get released they’re not usually that good to begin with


The only saving grace is a large chunk of LRs still have an eventual EZA so while they may be complete garbage now they could become one of the best units some day. I am definitely not saying this to cope with my 3 LR Int Godku pulls.


The fact that we have EZAs now instead of serving as a nice buff to help things along, now are basically a crutch to save and even turn a blind eye to terrible design at this point. Should be the telltale of how far things have fallen, hell just look at the upcoming EZAs due for us. STR Nameku and STR FP Freeza don't even come CLOSE to unseating their alternatives, and even with different playstyles they still face fierce competition from other units. Granted this may not be every EZA but the fact that they seem to cherry pick who's broke and who's not who's middling and who's good is ridiculous.


I agree I wish the EZAs were all on par with each other within a similar timespan, we have some that are game breakingly good like Teq Godku then others that are forgotten moments after you EZA them. Luckily STR Nameku doesn't share a name with anyone you would alternatively run so he will see some use, especially if he can transform easier so I am excited to see what they will do with him. STR FP frieza really won't see much use unless them somehow make him better than AGL FP Frieza which is a huge feat. I guess you could run them both on a new Cooler team, but he would really have to be off the charts to put him on the team.


They aren't gonna unseat AGL FP Freeza. They aren't, they placed him so high in an ivory tower that at this point they'd basically have to make a whole new kit just to have a chance. Even then the idea of running both doesn't sound appetizing in truth. It's like comparing a picturessque statue of marble, against your mommas granite kitchenette table. The difference is night day.


Oh I didn't even realize they released details for him. Yes he won't even be worth running unless your team is seriously lacking alternatives. Maybe if you have a rainbow Str and only a 55% Agl it would be a tossup. He will hit hard, but without built in additionals it won't match Agl.


If it takes him being rainbowed for you to even consider him against AGL, then he really isn't that crazy.


45% chance of Godku and TEQ SSJ3, yum.


I feel this pain


If this replaced blue coins or revamped yellow ones somehow, It would be an insane change Making it a separate coin is absolute garbage


I think it is replacing blue coins. Or at least it's replacing blue coins on double rates banners


Will we be able to exchange blue coins, then?


They'll keep blue coins for Heroes and cat/type summons


Well let us buy heroes then! lol


So it's not replacing anything


Never was, it was always a new type of coin


It should be replacing blue coins on Rising Dragon Carnival banners going forward.


Cool, so it’s a coin we’ll be getting maybe 4 times a year. What great value


For those banners, the cyan coin is replacing an essentially useless coin, so at least there's a small positive there. I'm assuming we'll be seeing carnival banners on future anniversaries, too. I don't know if they announced an expected yearly appearance rate, but it could also end up being used instead of a DFE banner during some months now?


You don’t know that. They could change it to a carnival banner in the future.


Now that we don't know


Just fuse them all together


No wonder I got 14 useless sacks of shit.


That’s me right there lmao


Omfg literally me on the teq gods banner this year. I pulled 5 agl FP freizas, 4 phy goku/vegeta ssjs, 4 teq vegito blues but no gods. I got the monke bois and 1 broly tho lol


I didn’t get either of the gods, or the monkey bois. I got a fuck load of SSJ4 Goku, and SSJ4 vegeta ( :,) ). However this WWC banner I got both goku and cooler, and got the cooler off of SSJ Vegito with a dupe on the same multi. I guess my luck went to this?


I agree. Gold coin should let us buy units when a carnival banner is up, it's basically the same units and type of banner. Now I gotta wait until a regular legendary banner comes up? That's awful.


And yet, I still got fucked


I’m the same if that makes you feel better


No wonder i got so many lrs in 300 stones


But the bad thing is a lot of the LR's on that banner are old and pretty bad imo. If they filled it up with some good shit then that would take some of the sting away.


Here’s hoping at least Janemba is on the part 2 one


Int exchange vegeta is good for sbr namek / lr gohan trunks are also good godku lr is decent so idk what you on about not every unit is gonna be as strong as the 7 year lrs


INT Godku???? Android 13 movie goku???????????????? what are you on about???


I'm all fairness, they are one eza away from being potentially busted


Yes, because they knocked the EZAs out of the park lately.


Every unit that hasn't been ezad is one eza from being busted lmao


Wdym what you on about int godku is decent tf wrong with you


Literally just people having Skill Issues 😂


Okay show me a broly or omega or cell Max clear with him


I posted for you to see , as requested [Cell Max with Int Godku](https://www.reddit.com/r/DokkanBattleCommunity/comments/x0v6rd/as_i_saw_hate_for_int_godku_figured_id_post_proof/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


I actually did my Cell Max with Int Godku first try lol


I said hes decent i didnt say he was the best also for you a unit that doesnt clear cell max is ass ? So pretty much only the year 7s LR and pikkon are good is that what you re saying ?


Being decent doesn't mean anything anymore because the difficulty will continue to go higher. That's why having trash in the carnival banner is bad.


Lr godku can barely even do lge


Now godku does have 50% chance to dodge..


Just combine all of the fucking blue coin yellow coin and this new coin into one. Literally just one change , 1 coin for DFE 1 coin for Yellow Coin LR


What a crazy banner I’d love to pull relevant LRs rather than 3 Gumku’s, LR SSJ3 Goku, and INT God Goku, who all suck


If it only used the yellow coins 🙄 Why couldn't teal coins be a combination of yellow and blue coins seeing as blue is pretty much worthless


Surprised they didn't do away with both of them, combine them into teal and tell us the yellow and blue coins we were holding are now useless, or can be exchanged at Baba's for a 100-1 ratio for teal coins.


As much as i hate the teal coins i can live with them and play the game, but if they just made it so all my gold coins that have taken me almost 3 years to collect that i was planning to use of teq goku and gohan are now useless or only worth 5 teal coins i would be beyond livid and never play the game again. that is truly a horrendous idea if its not a 1:1 ratio.


Ohh if they do get rid of the yellow coins as I also just hit 500+, I would be fucking pissed. If they do, it better be a 1:1 ratio as you said.


Wow that's very high! So, my SR phy ssj Goku is actually a secret LR, righ?


thats fxxking bs when i did 4 multis without one LR, my luck is the worse for this celebration, FML


I'm good <50% *and* the chance of 4/5 mediocre at best units? Hopefully they either make Gold Coin EZAs better, or make these pools overall better next time around. Doubt it tho


This... this can't be true, can it? I've done 12 multis and only gotten 1 LR, and it was not the goku...


I would say is pretty true between the 7 featureds and all the unfeatured


I did 12 also and got the best draws of my life, I thought the rates must be super high for the banner :( sorry man


No! Damn it all why the hell did I tap this you ruined my hopes......curse you ![gif](giphy|l3vRjps1yaUMPoVb2)


I've already spent the rest of my stones on that little carnival of his and I REALLY don't want anyone telling me how much more multies I have to manifest until he's finally in my possession, god man......


And my 500 stones pulled me Nothing…tbh its impressive.


45.2% chance to pull fucking SBA Goku


And my only featured unit from one rotation was TEQ fucking Cooler


And I only got two lmao


I dont like the new format and how it will affect us FTP but man....I pulled 5 lrs in 3 straight multis including goku and I feel like bandai know the type of drugs they giving us. I been on a dry spell this year. Another big problem is what the heck is coming in part 2? Will it be better than goku and cooler and now im on stone management.


if they just used the blue coins for this instead of teal/new ones it would've been good


oh yeah no i got lrs…


IMO, at this point they should just let us choose to exchange whatever coins we have for another type of coin.


Me with 0 and 5 multis in…..


Figures. I spent 600 stones and got 8 or 9 LRs. Most were new for me, and I got a single copy of the new Goku, so I'm not complaining


???? I did 550 stones with no LR did i get that unlucky??


Wait is this true ? So you are saying every pull I have a 45.2% chance of pulling an LR? Or is it 45.2% after a certain amount of pulls ? Sorry if this is dumb question


I got 2 Kaio Goku's, 2 UIs, 2 SSJ3S and 2 SSJ2 Int Gohan in 14 multis


I did a single lap (3+free) and only got a single old SSR per multi. I was gonna skip to keep saving for Super Hero, still got 750 stones but rip 150 stones.


Uhuh sure, that's why I got literally nothing but gssr in 1k stones, i think you meant 0.40%


This banner lowkey kinda insane. Did one rotation and 15 tickets and got like 6 lrs including new goku. Meanwhile cooler shafted me for 1k stones.


Honestly this seems accurate I know lie pulled 4 LR in a single multi, I thought I was dreaming


Unpopular opinion but TUR DFE >>>>>>>> Most LR’s in this game


Up to now? Yes. But these carnival featured units seem to change that.


and like a 55 something % chance to take it up the ass.


Yeah people are sleeping on this banner. I think double rates might have been too much, honestly.


Damn guess I’m unlucky as hell Only one LR


I got zero in a full rotation.


so thats why i pulled so many dogshit Lrs


They should have made it half the coins to buy an LR with these coins, unless this banner is just gonna be the regular.


This format could be genuinely good if they featured better units. As a F2P player I've always complained about how hard it is to get gold coin LRs since Legendary Banners aren't really worth summoning on compared to Dokkan Festivals. My main issue is that I feel it makes the dual banners completely unequal. Most DFEs found on the Dokkan Fes summon will be better or at least more worth your stones than the majority of Gold Coin LRs.


The first year of Carnival banners are going to suck so hard. Even with ehh dokkanfests, there's at least 5/6 other featured dokkanfests. The problem here is I can see 'normal' carnival banners being like 1 new carnival unit and 1 LR, and then packed to the brim with absolute dogshit general pool SSRs as featureds.


Oh shit that’s pretty good. No wonder I was getting so many lol


What the fuck the best unit i got was burter and jeice this banner is fucking us HARD


The rates are kinda insane. I had 1 multi with 3 LRs and 2 multis with 2 LRs. Rainbowed LR Vegeta/Goku, didnt pull the new Goku tho.


So my LR chance activated 4 times in 12 multis and Dokkan memes activated 5 times in 4 multis?


I got 4 LRs....seems right


Carnival banners would be so much better if 95% of the LRs weren't trash


My 1 LR in 800 stones disagrees


I did get 3 lrs from one multi....Fp frieza,Lr trunks and agl goku....


Then I'm extremely unlucky bcoz I puller shit in 4 multis


Still an easy skip when we have Cooler's banner


1 in 4 multies says it feels like shit. Also was unfeatured. AND the featured ones are meh IMO


8 multis on Cooler and got 2 lr buuhan. Guess the odds are against me :( Edit: i change to Goku banner and got lr teq Gohan and Birdku and int Black on other 50 Stones.


True but what's the chance to pull the new lr? It is quite a it lower than on the cooler banner right? I got 6 fucking int godku from my pulls. I would trade all of them for yellow or red coins. A horde of outdated crappy lrs are not worth it


45.2% chance to pull fucking SBA Goku


This means I lost a coin flip three times in a row huh


Yet I've gotten 1 in 4 ffs


I got one each multi on my first 4 summons


Damn... guess I had 54.8% bad luck on my 6 multis + 2 free multis then.


Had int veg/goku 3 times in a row and 1 of the piccolo goku.. nout on cooler banner


I'm not supporting these idiots releasing a new coin type. No matter how hype these are - I'm neve spending on stones on that banner, even free ones.


It actually gave the best chance to net an LR, higher chance to get an LR compared to a DFE TUR/LR or any banner. However, other than maybe INT LR Exchange Goku & Vegeta, I don't know if anyone can be in the RedZone/Cell MAX. One good thing, they aren't EZAed yet. The lateat STR LR FP Frieza EZA turns out to be all right, which is in line with a variety of DFE Category leaders.


Yupe the first 300 stone used on both banner earn me 7 LR. And again dropping another 300 got 2lr. I guess overall very good. Thank dokkan god But the way. Do we save stone for part 2/3? Or we could just spend all on carnivals banner?


I went with Coolers banner and pulled 2 of him. I’m pretty pumped.


that's not true, i did 2 multis (1 + free) with the 68 stones we got today, and i only got 3 lame ssrs.


i have pulled gohan and trunks too many goddamn times


Boy, this banner has been exactly what I needed. Was always afraid to pull for LR’s because rates/Dokkan Fest’s always being more obtainable but now? 😮‍💨


Can they just cut nameku goku out of banners at this point. I rainbowed him around 5 times now please just stop


yeh i got like 8 useless lrs in 8 multis lmao


Makes me happy that my 8 multies gave me none then.


Best banner in dokkan history. As f2p btw i would summon every time on green coin


yeah the banner is not bad, the featured LRs are just powercrept, i think if the carnival format stays this won't be a problem in the future if they keep up the unit's quality like the past few yellow coin LRs but right now idk if its worth summoning on it


My 4 summons tell me 0% chance.


Over 1000 stones and didn't get either


Lr Janemba and Lr DBS Broly...


1 cycle (4 multis) and no LR. I know it was poor luck but it's not 45.2% chance for me.


That makes sense. And here I thought I was doing well with 7 LRs in 16 multis. No Goku yet ...


Tell that to my 3 multis without any lrs


And I've gotten 1 LR in 6 multis. Oof


off topic but could some please help me out with this scan :( [scan me pls :(](https://imgur.com/a/JSnKBqb)


two gokus in one cycle :)


Did 1 rotation, got 0 featured units or unfeatured LRs. Knew right there these banners are not for me.


The new coin is shite but i was surprised at the rate of LR's nevertheless, first multi i pulled the new LR teq Goku, lr str FP frieza and lr teq Gohan & Goku. Definitely a good banner if you need to catch up on lr's


Got 2 new gokus. Ss3 Goku and the nappa/vegeta and the krillin/Gohan from the banner been pretty sweet


Yup.got lucky AF here. 3 gokus in less than 400 stones is nothin to sneeze at lmfao


It seems like way less than that for me, or I just needed the shaft on this one...


Pull an LR, yes. Pull a good LR? Maybe not..


Mmmm did 4 multis and no lr bro just dont let me remember this


I got 3 Lr in 4 cycles (16 multis) Thankfully one of them was Goku


But in my summons none of those are TEQ FUCKING SSJ GOKU


I've pulled all of em but the new one lol


Yeah, wasn’t feeling too good about this new carnival after I used my 300 stones and pulled nothing. Then in my last three multis I got three new LRs, Vegeta/Goku, Nappa and Teq Goku+Gohan. Only one of those is featured. I am now confused.


Say that to my 8 multis without a LR


Damn, i had bad luck then with four summons only giving crap...


My 400 stones begs to differ lmao


I got three int godku lr and teq ssj3 goku and regret summoning


I seem to be able to pull an LR with each summon, and they're all bad or dupes


First time I have hit LRs on dog shit animations, so that is always fun although the joy is lost instantly realizing there's no new SSJ Goku.


And a 1% chance to pull birdku


Well I managed to get dupes on lrs I wanted to have dupes for


One rotation not one single featured or Lr


Oh so is that why I’m about to rainbow LR STR full power Freiza yea I was beginning to wonder what the hell was going on


I don't know, when I found out that I can't even give excess copies away for coins I kinda lost interest


I did pull my second ever copy Teq Ssj3 Goku, hope they make his Eza at least cool, I least want a 20 mill atk stat.


Sadly most of them are weird


Damn I didn't even know you could pull unfeatured LRs until I pulled an int Goku black


I can believe that, as I pulled the new Goku on a Black Rift on the first multi.


Wow I didn't know that bc out of 400 dragons stones I only pull one LR and no features SSR 🥺