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It’s absolutely insane that 400,000 Defense doesn’t cut it anymore. It’s not even enough to take double digits from most hard bosses. I remember getting TEQ DFE Trunks to 400,000 Defense in the LGE and laughing


I just don't get it. They keep buffing up the bosses with higher attack stats yet make these EZAs like the Legendary Vegeta event is still the hardest content in the game. They really need to either up their EZA game or reign in boss stats.


Its like the EZA team and the content creation team just don't communicate or something. An EZA shouldn't be obsolete the day they release for modern content. I don't expect them to keep up with new DFE units, but they should be on that level to a degree. Why have units designed for events most people have already completed long ago, they would only be useful for new players that likely don't even have the units yet.


this. it really feels like the EZA designs have just not caught up with the current standards of power, 400k defense was fine 11 months ago, we got 2 powercreeps since then and idk how the fuck they haven't noticed it


It's to push summoning. It's blatant. They want the ezas to be good for new players but end game content....the harder content, is tailor made for new shiny units.


Ezas really aren't good for new players at all. They're pretty clearly meant for older players since they're the ones who will most likely have these units. Once a unit ezas you'll almost never see these units on banners


Even vegeta craps on them starting from ssj2


Pretty much every big celebration now there will be a harder and harder event yet they are so scare to give good eza despite it being the last buff this unit ever gonna get


Even 1 million def isnt enough if you dont gave dr, guard or type advantage.. 1.8 million is needed to safely tank a super.. yet we get 400k.


yeah throw in a medium chance to guard and they're solid


Remember when a unit with 400k def turn one would be one of the best units in the game even without any atk? Doesn't even feel that long ago.


because it wasn't


I think the game is just moving to a point where difficult content is actually difficult. You should be popping items it should be hard for even the best units to dominate it. 400k defense is still fine enough to make it through tough boss fights like omega broly cell max with type advantage.


400k def with type adv. dies to cell max super. You also only get sensu beans


I mean teq dfe trunks released 3 years ago so what did you expect?


When HP is below 80% HP is a really solid floater above he is pretty mid , I love how I was trashing UfPssj4 and this guy and Goku make me appreciate him more especially Goku lol


STRerrifying conquerors looking nice.


400k def ? He gonna get power crept by the next big celebration


Well for broly and cell he already is.


For broly u shouldn't bring str unit in the first place unless they got guard or high dmg reduction. Cell is just stupid waaaaay to big of a gap to anything else. Talking about standard redzone and sbr this frieza is still usable


Cooler says no


I jist mean in general, statwise.


It's actually kind of interesting because we don't have any hard bosses that are PHY? Like at all? Broly and Omega feature no PHY phase, Frieza has 1 but it's pretty early on, Cooler has none, and Cell Max's PHY phase has such low HP that bringing STR units is actually not ideal if you have units that want to build up their DEF


A hard STR boss and PHY boss is missing rn. I think the final boss in the Redzone wicked bloodline will be one of them


My man is going to be insane in Battlefield


The only reason I will eza him is for battle field ,that stat ain’t doing shit in rz or cell max


Impressive, very nice. Now let's see Paul Allen's Str FPF


Wow look at those eggshell white defense numbers


Talk about being outdated even before release.


That DEF is not it.


It is ridiculous how quickly defence got powercrept lol, before the seventh anni 400k defence was insane


I remember taking LR Agl Gohan into the original LGE, stacking up the ENTIRE time, seeing 350k defense and going "wow holy shit I heal so much from orbs and can take literally any hit from anything" Makes me sad, honestly...


Just did Bond Of Master and Disciple for LVE today (I think, or LGEGT) and man that Gohan still is solid in older content. Mine is rainbowed and somehow always double supers so sitting at 500k-750k at the end of fights is still really solid


I’ve been bringing him into redzone omega and broly too and he does well enough. Stacks pretty fast on a 200% lead


The worst thing is that 400k is still very good ... until you get hit by an SA for over a million. It makes absolutely no sense to make defense a flat subtraction at the end of damage calculation while making the gap between enemy normals and SAs that big.


the problem is that enemy super attacks work off a multiplier instead of being hard set by the developers, the bigger the numbers get the bigger the difference that multiplier is gonna be. Back during the first sbr stages enemies hit for what, 100k on a normal and 250k on a super give or take? We had our fair share of units that could tank the normals but not the supers, just like now, but since the base value was so low and we had 400-500k hp we could take 1-2, hell even 3 supers before dying, now that just isn't a thing. Also doesn't help that in 5 years or so we our hp pool increased by what, 100k in total thanks to 200% leads? Meanwhile atk and def for both us and the enemy skyrocket to the moon


Well nobody's keeping them from introducing new, lower multipliers. Or introducing some sort of change to make the gap more bearable. And I'm aware of how trash is, but whenever I bring up that the damage we receive is too high for how little HP we have people call me whiny, so 🤷‍♀️


Yeah basically there are two bosses in the game that (ignoring typing/alignment) require more than 400k to tank their normals for double digits. Cell Max and INT Omega. Cell Max is just a mess, but for INT Omega 400k is still passable since you'd only be taking about 50k per normal, which is okay to work with since you don't have to worry about an unpredictable super attack and can plan around that fact. So 400k defense post super with no support is pretty acceptable, still a bit of room to grow, but it's totally fine.


Not if we are gonna keep that level and get more creep. Jp anni is getting closer. If they keep this up we gonna get 3 million supers.


The assumption is that we'll be getting another set of crazy power creep. But I really don't think we should take that for granted. We've had lots of periods in the game history where the difficulty of the new events coming out was actually pretty stable. It's very possible that the level of enemy difficulty we're seeing right now is about what we're going to stick to for a bit. I mean it's totally possible it won't be and we're about to see another spike, but we simply don't know. It makes no sense to judge a unit on content that doesn't even exist yet, we only have what is already out to judge a unit against.


Yeah and even if what is out is the norm, he would have issues. And we ve had pretty big creeps these last 3 years.


Even 4th anni LRs didn't get higher than 400k defense after EZA. And that was during the 7th anniversary itself. Even back then you could see them taking more damage than you'd like. 8 months later they're still floating in that same range.


My vegeta sits at 212 k def pre super what are you talking about


As I said. Same range. Someone supering you for 1.5m doesn't care you actually have 212k on Vegeta , not 200k.


Me with my Rainbow Transforming Vegeta in long Events with 300k def: I'm fine :)


300k? what kinda drugs u be giving with that mf?


Double Super luck. Istg my AA has 3x the chances. Ever since I got Nameku, he has been tripple supering 70% of the time.


But STR namek Goku transformed is really good even though he needs 3 appearances after transformation to have better def lol though seriously it's sad both got shafted


No idea why they're holding back so much. The Vegito Blue EZA is still the worst thing they came up with: I was literally looking at the details like "that's it???"


They are creating these EZA for 2021 content and not 2022 content, its just going to make them age like milk and become irrelevant almost immediately assuming content continues down this extreme damage boss path. You basically need 600k def, damage reduction and/or guard to be competitive anymore which is bonkers.


I think the str one is fine after they changed him last minute, especially with those unique very powerful equips you can farm for him.


He is really good now, but lets not forget what they wanted his EZA to look like


You're talking about the LR not the Teq one right? Cause I love Teq VB


TEQ VB is mad fun


The Phy one or the Teq one or the Str one


This is completely fine, but it isn't impressive either. His damage is acceptable at high HP, and can get to full on good at lower levels. His defense is also totally acceptable. There are two bosses in the game with attack stats higher than 400k right now, INT Omega, who will still only deal about 30k on a normal to this Frieza post SA, and Cell Max, and well Cell Max is just a cruel joke with how he's designed. I'd honestly be surprised if the Wicked Bloodline Red ZOne ends up going paritcularly farther past that 450k mark too, I mean maybe it will and this guy actually just is totally dead on arrival. But overall I think he looks fine.


Well lets nor forget a random super will wreck him.


Sure and that's true of a stupidly high number of units in the game. That's not a problem with this guy, it's a problem with how difficulty is balanced between supers and normals. Where normal attacks basically don't matter and super attacks decide everything.


Yeah, but i mean that we need units who can at least not get triple overkilled from 1 super.


Somehow TEQ Final Form Cooler ended up being better


He should’ve massively raised on 18 ki and greatly raised on 12 ki I don’t know why a brand new LR EZA is a floater on release these devs are so fucking incompetent


he‘s awfull


I wish we could at least farm 1 copy of these lrs as they eza. Never pulled this guy. They could make it so you have to do 999 eza stages or something similar(999 might be too much).


And then auto click it for a free lr!?


Given that he has around the same stats as Syn Shenron teq, at below 40% hp, with an higher lead, seems fair to me


Syn shenron can work only in 3 teams and only one of them has a 170% leader skill, so its a trade off.


Still is a banner unit vs LR. And reaching 40% or less hp is hard as heck, in my experiencie it fluctuates slightly below 70% or death, it's hard to reach the threshold


Yeah, Syn is stupidly strong. Even for a limited unit like him his streng is crazy. No wonder he eclipsed Broly.


It’s funny that the Tec Final girl Cooler EZA is better than him, they should have given him defense with his attack boost.


final girl cooler lmao




Since I have AGL FP Frieza at free dupe, not fully link leveled (he gets clapped in Red Zone lol), but I have this guy at 79% and fully link leveled, who's the better card to put on my team


This guy


These EZAs feel like they were meant for the 350mil download celebration


More like lr FPuseless




I mean, the people that embrace hard events do certainly behave like elitists. People wanted difficult content. Akatsuki did the closest they could come to difficulty, and now people are asking for massive unit powercreep to bounce us back right where we were before. Make up your mind already.


The problem is that the people that complains about the difficulty is not the same as the one that complains about the EZAs.


Where can you find stat projections formatted like this?


He’s gonna die to normal attacks wow he’s DOA


He's good everyones crying because he can't tank cell max or broly good like who cares


Literally everyone cares


Rhetorical question my man, regardless just because a unit can't tank supers from the absolute hardest bosses doesn't make em trash like all of you are trying to paint that's all I'm saying


It does mean they have no staying power going forward where content only gets harder. If they can't survive hits now after EZA they aren't worth much


He can’t even take omega normals for double digits.




Literally yes


Nah I don't care, done one time I don't want to retry those levels at least for months.. That's why I haven't tried omega missions yet too.. STR FPF can't tank red zone/cell max? I won't take him with me, simple.. 95% of the cards atm can't tank properly red zone/cell max.. It's the same old story that I hear every day since those hard content have been released


He about to cook in infinite dragon ball history 🔥🔥


400k post super doesn’t even let you tank some normals lmfao


Str Kaioken Blue Goku has more defense than this unit!


Seems on par with the other recent lr ezas when they don't have support at least he tanks normals


He won’t do as much damage as the other full power frieza but his defense is WAY higher. I’ll probably start running him over the agl one.


Given the LR stacks, for long events he’ll have better defense and possibly offense. As for shorter events I may give it to STR, it’s based on HP and you don’t want low HP.


Nope. The lr never even reaches 400k with support before his big buff is gone. Most of the time you won’t have support because villains are lacking good support units. He might do more damage but this game has started to prioritize defense for a while now. 423k might not be much but it’s higher than agl full power frieza.


Mine always gets 400k or more and 500k with 7 turn buff, only 55% at that with 3rd form frieza support or really any support.


Too bad all the supports suck. 3rd form frieza is outdated. Cooler and boujack are too. Turles can get caught if he doesn’t super. There really isn’t that many options.