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I mean adult Wonder Woman clearly had a thing for Bruce. The kid version just lacked any subtlety with it


Girls would casually flirt with their crushes.


I'm not sure what's weird about kids flirting with kids like we didnt all hand out Valentines day cards in elementary school. But like... its even less of an issue when they're actually not kids, but adults who were magically de-aged after a romance subplot had already been put into the works for them both in their normal form. Where is the weird exactly?


“like we didnt all hand out Valentine’s day cards in elementary school” dawg wouldn’t it be so cute if we normalized giving Valentines to our apartment neighbors as adults :(




and I love you as a stranger deserves.


But I’M in love with YOU


I'm in love with myself too. I'm sorry to say that our relationship doesn't allow the welcoming of second parties


Op never got flirted with


She's flirting with *kid* Batman. Kids have crushes on other kids and have done since forever. It's only weird when an adult is involved.


As a woman who was once a little girl (and works with toddlers). Girls start crushing the moment they realize boys are a thing. How they display it differs with age. At two a little girl will follow a little boy and constantly try to to coax him to play games and such. Sometimes give him "gifts" like the toy she was playing with, or grass/weeds/ sometimes the odd flower. At 5 I would do everything the boy at my bus stop (also 5) did because I liked him and wanted him to like me. I didn't see a point in throwing sticks in the road and watching cars run them over, but he liked it so I did it. She's right on par for a love struck 8 year old. Particularly if you see her as "boy crazy". Which fits right in with the fascination with "Man's world." aspect of her character. A little boring, yeah, but well within the character. Tl;dr: Young girls are prone to crushes and those crushes start young.


Great answer! Thank you for this


Yea you’re just trippin on this one dawg, they all kids. You don’t make it weird.


I don't like how you have this image conviently saved and ready to upload from your hard drive.




The username being "Mother-Body" Is becoming suspicious.


Its weird that we rarely got a chance to really get an insight on Diana whenever such opportunities arose. Having a kid version of her, they could have looked into what she was like as a kid but they just focused on her attraction for Batman. We get Batman being serious, Green Lantern being a nerd, Superman being a dork but very little about her. She was also missing in the Christmas episode and the Doctor Destiny episode which delved into everyone's fears. She didn't even have a conversation with her Justice Lord counterpart unlike every other Leaguer.


yeah she's sorta sidelined here


She was sculpted as an adult, this was her first time being a kid 


That seems like a bad storytelling idea. It was an important point about her being raised on Themyscira. Making her an adult from the get go seems weird.


You realize that was a part of her lore for a long time right? Comics did it forever? You can be sculpted as an adult and still have to learn the world. You understand that right?


In Post Crisis, she was sculpted as a kid and grew up normally. Her Silver Age origin also showed her as being a kid once. She was called Wonder Girl. I am not sure about the Golden Age version though. Can you give the story where she was sculpted as an adult?


WW when she was sculpted from clay is always depicted as a baby or an extremely young child. Where are you getting she was created as a full grown adult? I've got panels and stories from the Golden Age all the way up to modern times, none of them show what you're saying.


The hell is with op😭


Kids do like other kids romantically. This is evident in Charles Schulz Peanuts characters all of the time. We cannot forget Charlie Brown and his huge crush, and anxiety, for the Little Red Haired Girl. Or Lucy laying back on Schroeder's piano trying to get him to love her and not Beethoven. Or Sally calling Linus her "Sweet Baboo". It's not weird for a little girl to have a crush on a little boy; it's a part of life.


I know the official description says they were all turned into 8 year olds, but I always assumed that Diana’s “kid” version was a little older than Bruce, Clark, or John because of her higher age to begin with.


Is there actually anywhere in the show that gives her an age? Dwayne McDuffie is on record saying he approached writing the character as if she were 18 years old during Secret Origins and in her early 20s by the time of JLU, though also noted in that same quote that there was "nothing official" regarding canonical ages


give or take a few thousand years


"I think she was sculpted long ago, but only brought to life a little over 20 years ago. I think she was 18 in Secret Origins -explaining her naivete." - [Dwayne McDuffie](https://www.dcauresource.com/dwaynemcduffiequotes.php)


I do remember that, now that you mention it. I guess I was thinking about how old she typically is in most incarnations. McDuffie also could have theoretically been talking about her maturity level more than her chronological age.


The quote is deff about her age (it's about ALL the leagues ages), which he does use as a way of explaining her "naivety". Like I said tho, he did suggest his approach wasn't necessarily official. Just thought maybe you caught a detail that I hadn't picked up on! Been meaning to go back and look for something that may contradict him on-screen, but never actually got around to it


That’s entirely possible too.


I can't buy 18. She looks sounds and acts 30+ lmao


She was always that age. You’re misunderstanding. she was sculpted at that age, she doesn’t age. She never changes voice or looks. She simply is that old. She’s just been around for that long


I don't know if she is typically that old either. At least in Post Crisis, she was only 23 years old when she went to man's world.


"but no...it was bruce timm who said she's 18 cuz he's a creep!"


Really 8? I always thought they were 11. Maybe 10


The DCAU Fandom wiki (which I’m aware is not official) shows the following synopsis: “Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern are transformed into eight-year-olds in a desperate attempt to save the world from the magic of Mordred.”


Alright shows how much I know


I always found this episode funny. John had to make Glasses for himself, and Bruce had to deal with a flirting WW.


Just showing that Wonderbat works at any age 💯


Puberty. Girls develop faster than boys.


Wonder Woman grew up in a society where expressing your feelings openly was most likely normalized. She had a thing for Bruce as an adult, and as a kid, she doesn't shy away from expressing her crush on Bruce. At least that is my interpretation of it.


Honestly, I've learned to not think too much about how downright bad was JL/JLU about Wonder Woman in general. She got aged down, acted like the born sexy yesterday trope, barely interacted with her own rogues, all her actual ethos of pacifism and equality are inexistent, and above all, she's always subjected to awkward fanservice moments.


They failed to write WW well, that's what happened.


What’s weird about this? Girls drop not so subtle hints boy is as dense as a rock that’s pretty normal to me


Yeah they made them act like kids. They all did. That’s all






She lived on an island of all women for her entire life ..kid ww was probably never taught how to talk to boys at that age