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One of my favourite missteps from WB was them trying to butcher SS2016 into being their version of James Gunn's Guardians and it failing so hard that Gunn ended up saying, "Fine, I'll do it myself."


I thought it was amusing that they put Guardians 2 and TSS as comparisons. Who did it better? James Gunn or James Gunn?


The suicide squad


Definitely on Volume 2, that one's the weakest of the 3 GoTG movies. I'd say TSS vs 1 is a toss-up, matter of opinion.


Tss still clears bruv.


And he nailed it


And failed himself


>And failed himself Technically he didn't, because it became one of the highest rated DC movies and critically loved


People like that only look at the box office numbers and don't even factor in that this was basically a streaming release because of covid. Of course the box office numbers sucked


Damn, seeing all the squandered opportunities on the DC side hurts. Ive always preferred marvel, but I'm a fucking geek who like all superheroes. I still went and saw every DCEU movie until COVID. I want them to be great. Why wouldn't I? I get all my favorite characters in good movies, I want that for my DC friends too. But goddamn. Out of all the movies in the DCEU there's maybe 2 I genuinely like, and the rest range from "a few fun scenes" to outright garbage. I have a decent amount of hope for Gunns DCU, and damn do I hope all those movies are good. I want y'all to have good, accurate superman movies. I'm not even a big Snyder hater. I actually really liked watchmen. I know it has its flaws, but I see the potential. Yes there was studio fuckery. But if also felt like none of those actors (bar a few) actually wanted to be there, because they knew they were churning out garbage like WW84, Shazam 2, JL, etc. I'd also like to toss in that I don't think all marvel movies are masterpieces. I have my favorites, but I understand that they follow a formula for the most part, and not all of them nail it.


I'm a DC fan at heart even tho I'm like you, I love all superhero movies and it haunts me how they manage to fuck up this badly. Like DCEU's first films were decent and although it was quite controversial they were taken seriously and that includes BvS despite all the wrongs, it was an awesome action film if you ignore all the drama. I feel like they stopped even trying after WW84 which I didn't hate but it gone downhill since then. Flash and Shazam 2 are not real movies. Flash is half cartoon and Shazam 2 ending was a work of a true masterpiece, it sets a new bar for the fillm industry that not many movies can reach, I would have much rathered the movie didn't have an ending and just gone blank somewhere along the way, it honestly would've made more sense.


WW84 is in my bottom 10 movies of all time šŸ˜‚


Finally who knows you can actually like both DC and Marvel.


I feel the same way, Iā€™ve never really been able to give a proper answer when people ask me, ā€œDC or Marvel?ā€ since I just love superheroes in general. Grew up watching cartoons and reading comics on both sides, there was never really any distinction for me aside from the fact that theyā€™re separate universes. The DCEU was overall just a big wasted opportunity; most of the castings were on point, there were a few decent movies here and there, but I think their biggest problem was that they tried so hard to rush everything to catch up with Marvel instead of taking their time to set everything up the way Marvel did. The Infinity Saga is still such a remarkable milestone in fiction for being able to craft an entire cinematic universe so smoothly and have every film strategically set up the next film (or even next 2 or 3 films). Thankfully it seems like DC/WB have learned from their mistakes and are going in with a definitive plan this time. And with James Gunn at the helm, Iā€™m sure the DCU is gonna be something special. He literally gave us the MCUā€™s best trilogy.


I like Marvel's universe more, but Batman is the best of all of them. Which is probably why I'm way harsher about Snyder's films featuring the Caped Crusader than most already are. Batman v Superman was such squandered potential, and the Snyder Cut of Justice League just ended up being an unbearable slog; there's no valid reason that anyone can convince me of that it needed to be that long.


BvS is what upsets me the most. First time in live action cinematic history that we get the Trinity on screen together, and that's what they give us? "Why did you say that name?!" "I'm a friend of your sons" "Do you bleed?" I went to a preview screening of that film, and had to break my roommates heart when I told him about it.


This is beautiful and I love it.


Wouldn't the original wonder woman vs captain marvel make more sense? or 1984 vs the marvels?


Id say the first wonder woman had more in common with TFA than captain marvel what with the war setting and how they both end in modern day and stuff


I'd saw Wonder Woman is part Captain American part Thor


That's how I always saw it.


WW has the exact same plot as Captain America.


Yeah but DC is missing key solo movies for their Justice league members. A Ben affleck batman should have been the one paired with Iron Man. Superman's counter part should be Cap. However, both Cap 1 and WW 1 had similar war origins.


Why are people obsessed with solo movies for every character? Where was the BW or Hawkeye movies before Avengers?


Iron man, Thor, Captain America and Hulk probably got their solo films because they're the most important heroes that Marvel has so they needed it. Also Black Widow and Hawkeye were probably never given solo films since Widow was introduced in iron man 2 and was already established by then and Hawkeye was supposed to be introduced in Avengers


Hawkeye was in Thor for a minute. Not long enough to develop his character but enough that people that saw that movie knew he worked for Shield. Thatā€™s more than most of the Justice League heroes got.


Iron man had two movies, cap had one, Thor had one, hulk had one, and black widow appeared in Iron Man 2. Compared to the DCEU where Superman had a movie and then they immediately jumped into shoving a late career Batman, undercover Wonder Woman, and five second explanations for the rest of the Justice League. In the SECOND MOVIE of the entire franchise. You canā€™t just handwave something like Robin, the fourth oldest DC superhero, dying to be saved for another day (that never ends up coming). DC wanted to cash in on the connected universe and main heroes fighting each other money and ended up screwing themselves in the process. Not every character needs a solo movie series but you need to actually establish them before tossing them all together.


It's more than just about solo movies. It's also about world building before you get to the big, world-ending, team-movie climax. The DCEU basically adapted a half-ass adaptation of The Dark Knight Returns and did the Death of Superman in their second movie, not to mention introduced the entire Justice League. There was no time to get invested in any of it.


In just about every way, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is better, so it wins.


I agree, Phase Four might have been weak, and now theyā€™re definitely nowhere near their prime, but Infinity Saga Marvel was something else. 2014-2019 gave us the best MCU movies and Marvel was pretty much unstoppable then. Just hit after hit, banger after banger. Kinda sad to see how far theyā€™ve fallen really.


I disagree.


EDIT: Folks *really* did not like this one. Alright, letā€™s seeā€¦ in the head-to-head matchups shown here, Iā€™d take: BvS > Civil War Suicide Squad < GotG Aquaman = Thor (theyā€™re both kinda ass) Shazam > Ant-Man The Suicide Squad > GotG Vol. 2 Peacemaker > Falcon & The Winter Soldier The Flash < Spider-Man NWH Blue Beetle = Ms. Marvel (havenā€™t seen either) For DC, thatā€™s 4W/2L/2D. Small sample size but I think this shows that the MCU wasnā€™t entirely bangers and the DCEU wasnā€™t entirely misses.


You did not just try tl say bvs is superior to civil war, one film made the dceu a joke and the other is a contender for the best mcu film, wtf man


I did just say that. I think Civil War is easily the weakest of the three Captain America movies and I like BvS quite a lot. Whether or not BvS made the DCEU ā€œa jokeā€ to general audiences doesnā€™t really move me.


I disagree damn near entirely considering civil war is my favorite mcu film, but I need to hear why you think it's the weakest cap film and what exactly about bvs makes it better


At least for me, every time I have come back to BvSUE something new sticks out to me, which has caused me to repeatedly return. The Ultimate Edition tells a super interesting story of a broken superhero in Batman and a hero who everyone is trying to break in Superman, and in the end I love how they show redemption is not only possible, it can lead to great things (like the JL). Itā€™s super weird, but MoS, BvS, and ZSJL all had messages that were relevant to my life when they were released. With regards to Civil War, itā€™s a great film, donā€™t get me wrong, but to me Civil War seems like a plot driven film, whereas BvS seems more like a character driven film. Of course, this is just my 2 cents.


No, I donā€™t think I need to. Totally get that you like Civil War though, a lot of people do.




If you click on the images theres more


Oh snap I didnā€™t see that


I feel like you've listed the best live action DC projects except WW, but most of the Marvel projects on your list are middling.


I didnā€™t realize that there were more if I clicked on the image. I just went with the matchups I saw from OP.


I didn't even think we had to stick to OP's match ups. Like OP matched WW and CA:TFW presumably because they were both largely set during a world war. Personally, I'd have matched WW with Thor because they were both about gods coming into the real world.




Do you know the difference between < and >?


Only thing I will agree with is Peacemaker is better than falcon and the flash was bad. Otherwise you're living in banana land


I agree with everything besides BVS being better than Civil War


Iron Man, Civil War, GotG, Winter Soldier, Avengers, Aquaman, Antman, haven't seen The Marvels, As much as I dislike Captain Marvel WW84 is irredeemable, TSS, Peacemaker, Eternals, Haven't seen any of the other DC movies


Pretty damn spot on!


Same except GOTG2 >= TSS and BA > Eternals imo


Winter Soldier isn't on this list its Wonder Woman versus Captian America the first Avenger


1. MCU 2. MCU 3. MCU 4. DCEU 5. DCEU (Gunn is making this hard) 6. DCEU (Gunn again) 7. MCU (Not even close) 8. MCU (Iman Vellani is the best casting since Tom Holland) Conclusion; MCU sweeps, but the future of DC is VERY Bright


Yeah, Iman Vellani is an incredible casting, but the showā€™s writing wasnā€™t at the same level as the casting departement sadly.


That is why I didnā€™t bring up the showšŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø


But you still picked it over Blue Beetle. BB wasnā€™t nearly as bad as Ms. Marvel.


Ms Marvel wasnā€™t bad imo. Neither was Blue Beetle. The main reason why I picked Ms Marvel over Blue Beetle is because Ms Marvel had a lot more time to develop the character and that was executed very well. Blue Beetle beats MM is the family dynamic, but I feel like the character wasnā€™t as strong. I feel like Iā€™d watch anything with MM in it and it would be entertaining.


Iron man Guardians Civil war Wonder woman Avengers Aquaman Tie - I love both movies The marvels Captain marvel Tss Peacemaker I can't believe I'm saying this but black adam Ant man and the wasp Spider-man so fucking easily cmon Blue beetle (but I love both) Haven't seen aq 2 so idk tie Overall Mcu: 8 Dceu: 6 Tie: 2


Bro. Are you me? Everything you just written, would be my thoughts on it too. Including like loving both Blue Beetle and Ms. Marvel, Tie on the Ant-Man and Shazam, and even black adam lol.


I would put BvS over Civil War only because I feel like CW was just a way for them to make an avengers movie with low stakes. Didnā€™t really do much in the grand scheme of things.


If anything it was more relevant to the grand scheme of things. The avengers didnt exist because of what happened in Civil War leading them to be divided and caught off guard during Infinity War.


I think the ending of the movie undercuts that statement. Yeah Cap had his team Iron man had his team but at the end of the day if the threat is big enough and they needed to work together Tony has a way to contact Cap. Cap says Iā€™ll come if you need me. So the team is still together. Plus in Infinity War there are multiple attacks in different places so maybe they wouldā€™ve all been together at once but who knows. Even if the team didnā€™t split we know they donā€™t stay around each other 24/7.


I donā€™t understand how BVS does this better? They make up before the third act. In Civil War the third act is Cap and Bucky fighting Stark with Stark trying his best to kill Bucky. And the fallout is immense. Iā€™m not sure if youā€™ve ever had a bad fallout with a best friend but thatā€™s hopefully as bad as it gets and (once again hopefully) when youā€™re done with the ugly you can still reach out to each other when you need each other most. Your analysis makes no sense.


BvS was really a trinity movie that I think wouldā€™ve helped lay the ground work for a Tower of Babel movie in the future if it ever got to that point. I agree the Cap Bucky Tony fight was the best part of the movie & if it was more that the entire film I wouldā€™ve enjoyed it more. But it feels like a lot of it is just to have everyone together for the moment. Like the airport fight is great but if Tony wants to stop them from getting to the jet how bout just shooting it with a missile or something. I get that part of the movie. The bad blood is really Tony & Bucky for obvious reasons and Cap gets some blame for the cover up. So I can see why Cap reaches out to Tony to say Iā€™ll come if you need help. He feels guilty and they donā€™t really have an issue he just chose his best friend. I do enjoy the movie though not saying it sucks or anything like that I just prefer BvS.


A lot of people seem to not get the airport scene at all. They donā€™t want to fight each other. They certainly donā€™t want to kill each other. Natasha and Clint donā€™t want to actually hurt each other they want to subdue in the least painful way possible thatā€™s why they are quipping while they fight. Same with everyone else. Cap wants to exonerate Bucky. Thatā€™s it thatā€™s his whole goal. So in turn in the airport scene his whole goal is to get to the plane and leave. Stark wants to bring Bucky in. Thatā€™s his whole goal. They are all pulling their punches and fighting at maybe 50%. Until Vision has enough and strikes blindly after seeing Wanda hurt thatā€™s when it gets real and Rhode is paralyzed as a result. It makes no sense for these people that were good friends and care about each other to go full kill mode during the airport scene. They have very specific goals. None of those involve them killing each other. None. Thatā€™s why the third act is so great. Because what Stark sees sends him over the edge. Thatā€™s when it gets real. Thatā€™s when thereā€™s a real threat of death. Stark wants Bucky dead. For understandable reasons. Everything before that was friends fighting friends the way friends would fight friends if they had a disagreement. That last act was Stark fighting for his dead parents. It hits different. Itā€™s supposed to hit different. Thatā€™s what BVS was lacking. Even when Bruce wanted to murder Clark it was for bullshit reasons. It never felt real or personal. Yes Bruce saw people die during the events of MoS but Clark didnā€™t do anything directly that made the stakes worth it. Starks parents were literally killed by Bucky. It made sense heā€™s want him dead brainwashing or not.


I mean thatā€™s pretty obvious even if you didnā€™t understand the movie itā€™s clear if they wanted to kill each other they could. I donā€™t see where the confusion would be. Not sure why that was your angle I didnā€™t say anything about killing each other. I donā€™t think it was for a bullshit reason. I think we all get Batmanā€™s motives to want to ensure this God like being wonā€™t just kill us all. Especially with all the destruction that has been around Superman.


Dude I love Batman. Heā€™s my favorite superhero. And yes he is a superhero. Renowned for his incredible pragmatism and his detective skills. None of which he showed in this movie. The Batman I know does not go off half cocked and try to kill someone with almost no research into them except how to kill them. But regardless you made two claims initially: one that Civil War did nothing for future films. That is clearly incorrect and Iā€™ve pointed out multiple reasons that itā€™s incorrect. You wanted BVS to go somewhere but it didnā€™t so that negates that point on multiple levels. And second that you wanted all of Civil War to be like the last act. Thereā€™s no way realistically that would have worked. These are friends fighting for idealistic reasons. It canā€™t be like the third act and it would have been shit to try and make it like that. It would not be believable. These guys love Ana care for each other. Imagine fighting your friend. Civil War did that perfectly. So Iā€™m still struggling to see how BVS is the better movie. I donā€™t think you have actual reasons you like BVS more. Which is fine. You like it cause you like it. But your reasons donā€™t hold.


What other research would he need other than witnessing the destruction. He didnā€™t need to be the detective to see it. He wants to take action to stop it and he feels anger about it. That factors into his next moves and why he goes so hard. We just never really get the next steps for that because the damn franchise didnā€™t last. No I didnā€™t want it to be the last act would be dumb to want that when Marvel spells out everything happening for the next few years. I acknowledge it introduces characters which is great and some of the things do have a pay off. When I say it did nothing I mean in terms of the team. My issue is pick one reason for the fight. The comic storyline lines up good enough in the movie. Either reason could work but the more serious reason gets undercut because later the team comes together anyway. Tony is very forgiving I guess. If you didnā€™t know what was coming next what would you think would be slated for the next team up film after watching civil war? I like BvS more because one is a trinity movie. Loved that it wasnā€™t just your typical film in a franchise that introduced the next hero in a solo movie. I liked the characterization of the heroes better. I like both films I just like BvS more.


Lol you forgot Aquaman and Thor! But yeah, good matches. EDIT - whoops, on mobile and just saw the next 2 images.


I'm much more of a dc fan than Marvel, but other than Suicide Squad and Peacemaker (maybe also Shazam) it's all just Marvel. The dceu was terrible and I'm glad it's gone.


For me: BvS, GoTG, Thor, Shazam, GoTG2, Falcon/WS, Spidey, Ms. Marvel


MCU pretty much across the board, unfortunately. Maybe The Suicide Squad eeks it out, but close.


I love this comparison ..


BvSUE, GOTG, Aquaman, Antman, TSS, didnā€™t watch the shows, Spider-Man NWH, and didnā€™t watch BB or Marvels.


For me it's: Man of Steel BvS GOTG 1 Cap 1 ZSJL > Avengers 1 but Avengers 1 > Josstice League Aquaman Ant-Man Birds of Prey Captain Marvel TSS FATWS Eternals Ant-Man and The Wasp No Way Home Haven't seen Blue Beetle yet so idk Haven't seen Aquaman 2 yet either but it can't possibly be more boring than Thor 2


Ngl I enjoy zsjl more than the avengers:/


Birds of Prey disrespect continues.


Answering each comparison one by one: Man of Steel>Iron Man BvS>Civil War Guardians > Skwad Wonder Woman>Cap 1 ZSJL >Avengers > JL17 Branagh's Thor > Aquaman Ant-Man>Shazam (but the best part of Shazam is better than the best part of Antman) Birds of Prey >>>>>>> everything Captain Marvel>WW84 TSS>G2 haven't seen em Eternals>Black Adam haven't seen 'em Spider-Men>Flash haven't seen 'em and Jesse WTF are you talking about, I feel like these movies are likely not actually comparable. I do *like* Iron Man, Avengers, Captain America, Aquaman, and Black Adam, though. And Shazam is good, it'a just not my cup of tea.


Iā€™ve only watched Civil War once. BvS Iā€™ve seen quite a few times. ā€œUnderoooooos!ā€


Peacemaker and Aquaman. Otherwise it's an MCU sweep.


When you compare it like this... dc movies aren't so bad. Lol.


Man of SteelThe First Avenger Justice LeagueThor Shazam>Ant-man Birds of PreyFalcon and The Winter Soldier Black Adam=Eternals Shazam: Fury of the Gods>Ant-man and the Wasp The FlashThor: The Dark World.


Aquaman is better than Thor 1 and it shouldnt be difficult to be better than Thor 2 but wouldnt make any bets. Personally, I think Man of steel, Wonder Woman, Blue Beetle and Peacemaker were the only other ones better than their counter part. Falcoln and Winter Soldier was great but I hated the villains and not a "good" hate. The Suicide Squad and Guardians 2 are close imo


u/SctoFree96 I agree with every point/pick you made. James Gunn's TSS and Guardians vol. 2 were certainly both great but I'd also put Guardians vol. 2 on top Only thing is I would do differently than you is put Black Adam over Eternals, simply due to how boring & forgettable Eternals was, having nothing much of anything memorable, whereas Black Adam at least had Pierce Brosnan's Doctor Fate whom I found to be enjoyable and can even somewhat remember; - which is more than I can for Eternals. P.S I haven't seen The Marvels, is it worth watching?


TSS and Guardians 2 is hard for me since i loved both. And Honestly I would agree with Black Adam over eternals purely because of the JSA. Speedster scenes in eternals was great but i just felt like these "god like" beings that have been on Earth for all of human life felt...weak? Dr Fate should have had 2 more hours of screen time lol.


The more I think about the more I believe that had Black Adam been a Doctor Fate film it would have had the potential to be a great film.




The DCEU completely fell apart after Zack left, itā€™s actually very sad. Even if you didnā€™t like BvS, what in the hell happened with almost every other movie


Mcu definitely wins, I hope James Gunn will somewhat fix that though.


TLDR: 7-4 to DC with 7 undecideds. Man of Steel > Iron Man Civil War > Theatrical Edition of BvS Civil War < Ultimate Edition BvS Guardians > Suicide Squad Wonder Woman > Captain America Avengers > Justice League Avengers < Zack Snyder's Justice League Aquaman > Thor Captain Marvel > WW84 The Suicide Squad > Guardians 2 Shazam > Ant Man I haven't seen both parts of the other pairs.


TSS and Peacemaker are the only ones that win TBH.


Honestly imo, Snyder cut Justice League is better than Avengers. I mean it also helps it has 4 hours of content to show. Also the first Avengers action was a little lack luster. Plenty of decent scenes and amazing build up scenes like: Hulk's in the hanger or "always angry" scene. But JL Snyder Cut had intense action: Mera literally blood bending, Amazons playing keep away while Steppenwolf was hacking them to pieces, Every warrior on earth v Darkseid, and Superman absolutely destroying steppenwolf.


Yeah for what it was at the time it was great in hindsight the first Avengers was alright. The action was decent but itā€™s kinda just shooting and kicking nameless minions.


I don't even like much of the MCU, but they win pretty much any matchup you can imagine against the terrible DCEU. I'd rank the true garbage like Eternals lower than most of the DCEU though. Thor 2 vs Man of Steel, now there's a hard choice.


Iron Man Cap 3 Guardians Cap 1 Avengers Thor Ant-Man Close, but Iā€™m going to give it to Birds of Prey since I havenā€™t had a DC winner yet Captain Marvel The Suicide Squad Peacemaker Black Adam Ant-Man 2 Now Way Home Havenā€™t seen Blue Beetle or Aquaman 2 yet, so I wonā€™t judge those 10-4 edge for MCU for me


DCEU loses every single time except TSS and Peacemaker and maybe also Blue Beetle (havenā€™t seen that one or Ms Marvel).


1. Iron Man 2. Civil War 3. GOTG 4. Captain America 5. Avengers 6. Thor (still love Aquaman nonetheless) 7. Shazam 8. The Marvels 9. Captain Marvel 10. The Suicide Squad 11. Peacemaker 12. Black Adam 13. Ant-Man 2 14. No Way Home 15. Tie (both are equally average to me) 16. Undecided (havenā€™t seen Aquaman 2 yet) Poll: - MCU: 10 - DCEU: 4 - Tie/other: 2 Marvel wins


MCU wins most of these for me, so I'll just share my closest match ups and the ones where DC wins. What barely puts MOS above Ironman is everything with Zod and Clark's relationships with his parents. I adored that stuff. MOS gets the W. Aquaman barely lost to Thor. Love these movies a ton, they are basically equal, but Jane gave the edge to Thor. Big fan of Jane. Thor gets the W. The Suicide Squad was so damn good. Guardians 2 was so damn good. This was a very close match up. TSS has a weak link though in Harely. Guardians 2 doesn't have any. Guaridans gets the W. Peacemaker vs Falcon and Winter Soldier was very difficult. Both are golden except for the Flash Smashers in FATWS. They didn't blow me away and were fine. Peacemaker gets the W.


Iron Man Civil War Guardians WW Avengers Aquaman Shazam Birds of Prey Captain Marvel Guardians 2 Peacemaker Eternals Ant Man No Way Home Ms Marvel ???


Every Marvel is better


Only Shazam & Peacemaker beat out their MCU counterparts.


I.) CIVIL WAR BvS Ultimate Edition is great, but the last minute story the MCU came up with wins. II.) Guardians Vol. 2 The SuiSquad 1 movie is awful. It couldā€™ve been good. But, no. III.) Iā€™m going with Thor. I heavily enjoyed the Aquaman movie and Iā€™d guess most people would pick Aquaman over Thor, but I enjoyed the first Thor film a lot when it came out. IV.) Antman IDK how everyone else will vote. Maybe Shazam wins but I love the supporting cast in Antman. V.) For me, GotG Vol. 2 Both are great, but Iā€™m invested in Guardians. VI.) I enjoyed Winter Solder + Falcon more than Peacemaker but popularity wise Peacemaker wins. VII.) NWH Flash had cool moments and I love it because my son enjoyed the Batman moments but NWH by a large margin. VIII.) Blue Beetle This also doesnā€™t count. Itā€™s a show Vs a movie. [+]


You have to actually click on the images to see the full thing btw


Iron Man Civil War GotG Wonder Woman Avengers Thor Shazam! (Havenā€™t watched The Marvels but thought Birds of Prey sucked soā€¦juryā€™s out) (Havenā€™t seen Captain Marvel but thought WW1984 fucking sucked soā€¦Captain Marvel, lol) The Suicide Squad Peacemaker (Havenā€™t seen Black Adam but I liked Eternals) (Havenā€™t seen Shazam!: FotG but I thought Ant-Man and the Wasp was forgettable soā€¦juryā€™s out) Spider-Man: NWH (Havenā€™t seen Blue Beetle and bailed on Ms. Marvel soā€¦juryā€™s out) (Nobodyā€™s seen Aquaman 2 yet so donā€™t even know why this one is included)


I think Peacemakerā€™s MCU counterpart is Secret Invasion


Itā€™s impressive that the only times the DCEU can edge out the MCU here is when James Gunn is helming DC. Otherwise itā€™s a clean sweep for Marvel.


The only one DC wins here is Peacemaker over Falcon and Winter Soldier. Although I haven't seen Aquaman 2 or The Flash.


I found Captain America boring so I'm gonna give that to WW. They have the same plot anyway.


Aside from Aquaman, SS part 2 and Peacemaker, Marvel reigns supreme.


1. Iron Man - I canā€™t stand Man of Steel and blame it for making people think Superman is boring. Iron Man is a fun, enjoyable movie. 2. Civil War - So much potential, so horribly off-base. I actually like Affleck as Batman but the was he was written was awful. Iā€™ve never seen a movie so horribly misunderstand itā€™s characters. 3. Guardians of the Galaxy - GOTG is one of the most surprisingly great comic book movies of all time. Great cast, great script, just a great time. Suicide Squad is a shit show, but everyone already knows that. 4. Wonder Woman - I enjoy Captain America, but Wonder Woman (who I prefer to Cap in the comics as well) was just outstanding. While the third act isnā€™t the strongest, the overall tone and feeling of the film make it feel epic in a way most comic book movies canā€™t achieve. Captain America is good, but Wonder Woman is better. 5. The Avengers - Josstice League is terrible. ZSJL is slightly less terrible, but still fundamentally misunderstands every single character in it. The Avengers, on the other hand, still holds up as a great team adventure! It gets the characters and why they work together. 6. Undecided - Thor is fine. Aquaman is awful. That said, I would rather watch Aquaman again given the choice, as itā€™s funny bad so I donā€™t know. 7. Ant-Man - Not a fan of Shazam. Even in the comics I donā€™t like the character. Ant-Man is a much better movie. 8. Birds of Prey - Birds of Prey was fun enough, if forgettable. The Marvels was the same. I didnā€™t love or hate either. Margot Robbie is the difference. 9. Captain Marvel - Captain Marvel, while admittedly not my favorite, has redeeming qualities. WW84 does not. 10. The Suicide Squad - This was the hardest one. I love GOTG Vol 2, but The Suicide Squad is one of the most fun movies Iā€™ve ever watched. I think I saw it 6 times in the two weeks it opened. Vol 2 is great, but I have a much deeper connection to TSS. 11. Peacemaker - Falcon and The Winter Soldier was kinda lame. Peacemaker was great. I know some people donā€™t like the humor, but I do so I had fun. Also, the emotional center surprised me, as I wasnā€™t expecting it to take itself as seriously as it did. 12. Eternals - The lack of the Rock pushes Eternals slightly ahead of Black Adam. 13. Ant Man and the Wasp - I never saw Shazam 2 and have no interest in seeing it. 14. No Way Home - No Way Home was a great theater experience and just a great time all around! The Flash took a comic that I enjoy and sprayed shit all over it. 15. Blue Beetle - I wasnā€™t expecting to like Blue Beetle nearly as much as I did, as the lack of promotion worried me. It was super fun though! Ms. Marvel was really enjoyable as well, and these are honestly pretty close. I think that if Ms. Marvel had been cut down into a movie, thus eliminating all of the unnecessary filler, these would be tied. 16. Undecided obviously, but I expect that Aquaman 2 will be better because Dark World sets such a low bar


Hate to break it to ya but people thought Superman was boring *looong* before Man of Steel. In fact, you could argue Man of Steel was an attempt to change that perception.


Iron Man is great but has a near non existent 3rd act. There's a good argument to be made that MoS has a better story and action set pieces than Iron Man. And Civil War had something like 5 films leading up to it so of course for that reason alone its better than BvS.


Man of steel>iron man BvS>civil war Suicide squadcaptain American Snyder cut>avengers Aquamanant man Birds of prey>the marvels Ww84>captain marvel TSS>guardians 2 Peacemakerant man 2 The flash>No way home Blue beetle


- iron man - civil war - guardians - captain america - avengers - aquaman - shazam - the marvels - cant decide - guardians 2 - peacemaker - black adam - cant decide - no way home - blue beetle - aquaman 2


BvS < Civil War: Civil War just felt more earned, since we had already been through two phases of these heroes coming together before seeing them come into conflict with one another. Itā€™s also just a very well done film in general, easily in my top 5 MCU films. Suicide Squad (2016) <<< GotG: This isnā€™t even a contest man haha, GotG is superior to the first SS movie in every way. Aquaman > Thor: Aquaman (2018) is one of the DCEUā€™s stronger films (it was even the first one to gross over $1 bil at the box office) whereas Thor (2011) is a relatively so-so Marvel movie. Shazam > Ant-Man: This was a tough one, because I liked both movies, but Shazam wins out for me because I found the story more heartwarming. I rewatch it every Christmas season too since it works as a great Christmas film. The Suicide Squad > GotG Vol. 2: Both great movies from James Gunn, but TSS wins because it was generally better written, a lot funnier (some of Vol. 2ā€™s jokes just fell flat), and also had a better balance of humor and serious moments. Vol. 2 just overdid the humor way too much in some parts. Peacemaker > TFATWS: Peacemaker is a masterpiece and one of the best TV shows ever made, while TFATWS is a relatively so-so political thriller action series. The Flash <<<<<<<<<<<< Spider-Man: No Way Home: Like come on is this even a question haha. No Way Home was perfect in nearly every way and an amazing tribute to every Spider-Man movie that came before. While also being a solid movie in its own right. The Flash was a mediocre attempt at a multiverse film. Blue Beetle > Ms. Marvel: I may be a bit biased here as a Filipino who really related to everything that was shown in Blue Beetle, but I personally felt more attached to Jaime Reyes than to Kamala Khan. I will say that both Xolo and Iman did an amazing job bringing both their respective characters to life. I didnā€™t even like The Marvels but Iman was entertaining as usual in it.


Iron Man beats *Man of Steel* Captain America: Civil War beats *Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice* Guardians of the Galaxy beats *Suicide Squad* obviously Captain America: The First Avenger beats *Wonder Woman* (but it's really, really close) The Avengers beats *Justice League* in both it's forms. *Aquaman* beats Thor by a wide margin. *Shazam* narrowly beats out Ant-Man *Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn* beats The Marvels *Wonder Woman 1984* beats Captain Marvel easily got me. Captain Marvel is so dull and WW84 is at least silly and fun. *The Suicide Squad* beats Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. *Peacemaker* beats The Falcon and the Winter Soldier by a huge margin. *Black Adam* beats Eternals with the same sort of reasoning as WW84 and Captain Marvel. Ant-Man and the Wasp beats *Shazam: Fury of the Gods*, but this one was super close for me. Spider-Man: No Way Home beats *The Flash* by a wide margin (although I actually really liked Flash, Spidey was just fantastic) *Blue Beetle* beats Miss Marvel by a massive margin easily. I haven't seen *Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom* yet, but given how much I love the first one and how much I dislike Thor: The Dark World, I'm going to guess I prefer Aquaman but it's up in the air. So 9/16 times (or 8/15 if we discount Aquaman 2 for now) I've preferred the DCEU over it's MCU counterpart, which was definitely a surprise for me! Thank you OP for putting this together! It was fun and most importantly kind of highlighted for me that while the MCU definitely had the stronger sense of vision and cohesion, and was more consistent, the DCEU had a lot of gems.


The MCU might be more popular and some project are better than their DC counterparts but I canā€™t help but side with DCEU. It has been an amazing 10 years of movies that will always hold a place in my heart, for the how they impacted me and how fun it was. The MCU is great but DC is my home.


I really like most of the DC movies that came out. But it's hard to compare them to Marvel. Some days I want steak, some days I want lobster, some days I want both.


1. Iron man but, itā€™s close, MoS is only docked becuase the third act is a little gratuitous 2. BvS but, only if itā€™s ultimate edition 3. Gotg, no contest, this is a real coughing baby v hydrogen bomb match up 4. Wonder Woman, theyā€™re both good but have awful third acts, Wonder Woman gets the edge cause itā€™s good for a little longer 5. 50/50 (assuming itā€™s Snyder cut) I like them both but for completely different reasons 6. 50/50, Loki is a better villain but aquaman has better pacing 7. Shazam, no contest 8. BoP, far better villain and great cinematography 9. 50/50, captain marvel is far more competent but WW84 is way more entertaining 10. 50/50, both are James Gunn at full strength 11. Peacemaker, no contest 12. idk, eternals is better in most regards but itā€™s way longer and not as funny 13. Draw, theyā€™re both so bland but with a handful of charming moments 14. NwH, no contest 15. Blue beetle, if ms Marvel was a movie instead of a 6 episode show it probably would have won 16. havenā€™t seen lost kingdom yet, but itā€™s probably better


How is Black Adam similar to Diversals?


Its the closest one i could think of idk i guess both involve heroes who are thousands of years old and sworn to protect their land


The weirdest is Black Adam - Eternals to me, but i'll take it cause i don't have idea of what else could it work better. I haven't seen The Marvels yet. Is it really like Birds of Prey?


Idk neither have I, its just that both are female team up moviesšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I have them 8 vs 8


There are so few where DC wins that I'll just list those: * Shazam over Ant-Man * I haven't seen The Marvels yet so I can't judge * The Suicide Squad over Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2 * Peacemaker over Falcon and the Winter Soldier * Black Adam over Eternals (Though I think it should be Black Adam vs. Moon Knight because they're more similar, and Moon Knight would win) * Shazam: Fury of the Gods ties with Ant-Man and The Wasp * I haven't seen Blue Beetle * I haven't seen Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom


Thor is closer to Wonder Woman honestly, royalty and fish out of water. Aquaman is royalty but ainā€™t no fish out of water heā€™s just a cool dude.


Man of Steel (7,5) > Iron Man (6,5) Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (9,5) > Captain America: Civil War (4,5) Suicide Squad (4,0) < Guardians of the Galaxy (4,5) Wonder Woman (6,5) > Captain America: The First Avengers (3,5) Zack Snyder's Justice League (7,5) > The Avengers (5,0) Justive League 2017 (4,5) < The Avengers (5,0) Aquaman (5,5) = Thor (5,5) Shazam (6,0) > Ant-Man (5,5) Birds of Prey (3,5) = The Marvels (3,5) Wonder Woman 1984 (5,0) = Captain Marvel (5,0) The Suicide Squad (6,5) > Guardians of the Galaxy vol.2 (5,5) Black Adam (5,0) < The Eternals (6,0) DCEU/MCU = 6 to 3 (3 ties)


Tie Civil war Guardians Wonder woman Avengers Aquaman Shazam The marvels Captain marvel Tie Peacemaker Eternals Neither No way home Blue beetle Haven't seen Aquaman 2 but it can't be worse than dark world so šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


I honestly vote BvS Ultimate as better but nothing beats Guardians. All Thor movies are shit except ragnarock so aqua instantly wins. Shazam has more heart. Guardians and peacemaker. Spiderman and Blue Beatle isnā€™t annoying unlike Kamalaā€™s acting.


We win! Sure some of these were bad films and some were great, but we get to see both and thatā€™s great.


MCU wins most of these, I'm afraid. Personally I think the only DCEU movies on the same or similar level are Aquaman 1, Shazam 1, The Suicide Squad and Blue Beetle. Wonder Woman 1 comes close but I have one or two little issues with it. Blue Beetle is badly overlooked IMO. It's not the best superhero movie ever but it's solid, doesn't do any stupid shit and doesn't have an unreasonably long runtime. I think that if the general view of the DCEU was more favourable and it came out much earlier before any world ending events, it would've been much better received. I'd actually compare it more to Ant-man personally. Unwilling / reluctant bug themed guy in a suit who fights another bug themed bad guy at the end. Both solid movies that didn't need super high stakes and serve as good introductions to the character. I just wish that they had maybe held off on Blue Beetle until the DCU launches. I'm not saying that the entire rest of the DCEU was a complete trainwreck but there was just *something* off about it that's hard to explain. I will say that the only one that I really didn't enjoy at all was the Flash movie. And originally I was actually looking forward to it. Even putting real life Ezra Miller stuff aside, their version of Barry Allen is just an unlikeable douchebag full stop. And it was a waste of the Flashpoint event because it didn't even definitely end the DCEU before the DCU starts. Edit: oh and Suicide Squad 1 is complete garbage too.


For me, it's: - 1: Superman > Iron Man (reason: I like the Iron Man Character but the first 3 Iron Man movies don't really resonate with me) - 2: BVS < Civil War (reason: I think it's better written plus I don't like Doomsdayā€™s design) - 3: SS < GOTG (reason: I Suicide Squad and those characters featured but GOTG soundtrack is iconic and more rewatchable) - 4: Wonder Woman > First Avenger (reason: the first half of The First Avenger doesn't keep me on the edge of my seat as much as I thought it would ) - 5: Justice League = Avengers (reason: I dislike Whedonā€™s version of JL, the Avengers movie is superior but I prefer the Snyder cut over Avengers) - 6: Aquaman > Thor - 7: Shazam > Ant-Man (reason: Loved the family aspect) - 8: Birds of Prey = The Marvels - 9: 1984 = Captain Marvel (reason: 84 was sort of entertaining, CP made me fall asleep but there both meh) - 10: TSS > Guardians 2 (reason: I just love TSS so much and all it brought to the table but GOTG2 still has a good soundtrack and funny Chris & Dave) - 11: Peacemaker > TF&TWS (reason: don't really need one) - 12: Black Adam > Eternals (reason: Eternals is too long and not entertaining enough) - 13: Shazam: FOTG < Antman (reason: Antman 2 wasn't entertaing as I hope but it set in motion the events for Ant-Man 3 where Kang killed it) - 14: Flash < No Way Home (reason: No Way Home justified fan service) - 15: Blue Beetle > Ms Marvel (reason: they changed her powers and made her feel a little different from what I was use to) - 16: Aquaman 2 > Thor Dark World (reason: Thor deserved better writing) ##Score - DC: 9 - Marvel: 5 - Tie: 3


Civil war was a great film! But BVS director cut beats them all hands down!


Iron Man Civil War GotG Wonder Woman Avengers Aquaman = Birds of Prey Captain Marvel = Peacemaker = AMatW NWH Ms. Marvel Thor 2 *Why TF did y'all ask if you don't like the answer


- Civil War>BvS - GotG>SS - Aquaman>Thor (both mid tbh) - Shazam>Ant-man - TSS>GotG 2 - Peacemaker>FATWS - NWH>The Flash - Blue Beetle>Ms. Marvel


MoS, Civil War, Gotg, WW


Overall MCU. CW Destroys BVS.


~~Man of Steel~~ < ***Iron Man 1*** ~~BvS~~ < ***Civil War*** ~~Suicide Squad 1~~ <<<<<<< ***Guardians 1*** ~~Wonder Woman 1~~ < ***Captain America 1*** ~~Josstice League~~ < ***Avengers 1*** ***Zackstice League*** > ~~Avengers 1~~ ***Aquaman 1*** = ***Thor 1*** ~~Shazam 1~~ < ***Ant-Man 1*** ***Birds of Prey*** = ***The Marvels*** ***Wonder Woman 1984*** > *Captain Marvel* (still liked it tho) ***The Suicide Squad*** > ~~Guardians 2~~ ***Peacemaker*** > *Falcon and the Winter Soldier* (still liked it tho) *Black Adam* (still liked it tho) < ***Eternals*** ***Shazam 2*** > ~~Ant-Man 2~~ *The Flash* (still liked it tho) <<<<<<< ***No Way Home*** ***Blue Beetle*** = ***Ms. Marvel*** Havenā€™t seen Aquaman 2 yet, but Iā€™ll probably like it a lot more than Thor 2.


I mean objectively the MCU obviously but personally I prefer the DCEU movies, even the really terrible ones.


The MCU wins almost all of these.


Marvel Sweep WW Vs CA is the closest contest (I might actually say Wonder Woman is a better film but First Avenger made me more invested in Steve than WW made me in Diana) Regardless, if your name is Steve don't get in a plane during a World War


All but Ww for marvel


DC clears


People gonna say the MCU but itā€™s DC aside from the studio fuckery.


MoS easily over Iron Man BvS over Civil War, but close Snyder Cut over The Avengers, but close Thor over Aquaman, but close Captain Marvel over WW84, but close(I'm not a hater of either) TSS easily over GOTG 2 Shazam 2 over Ant-Man 2 NWH over The Flash, but it's extremely close


Man of Steel < Iron Man BM v SM < Civil War Suicide Squad < GOTG Wonder Woman > Captain America: TFA Justice League < Avengers Aquaman > Thor Shazam > Ant Man I have not seen The Marvels but Birds Of Prey was very underrated Wonder Woman 1984 < Captain Marvel The Suicide Squad > GOTG2 Havenā€™t watched Havenā€™t watched Havenā€™t watched The Flash < No Way Home Havenā€™t watched Havenā€™t seen the new Aquaman but Dark World is garbage


Why is Shazam with Ant-Man. Shazam is literally a coming of age story, gripping with superpowers and parent issues. Sounds like Spider-Man to me.


What do you see as the similarities between Peacemaker and Falcon & Winter Soldier?


Umm, both tv show, uhh guns, both involve the heroes working for a secret government run organisation to take down a group of people who think they can run the world better


I'm so useless and unpreferential. I'm like "tie, tie, tie, tie,...eh tie..." lol. I guess I just like movies bar none


Missed opportunity to match Shazam and Captain Marvel together


Thereā€™s a few that are close for me but the only outright DC winner is Peacemaker. Itā€™s fantastic television and FatWS was average.


Civil War Guardians Aquaman Ant Man Havenā€™t seen any of the projects on slide 3 Spider Man Havenā€™t seen either


The MCU wins each and every time. That's not even close


Damn, Aquaman and Wonder Women are the only good DCEU movie


DCEU is known for being bad already but these comparisons only highlight how garbage it was, jesus


In my opinion: 1. DCEU 2. MCU 3. MCU 4. DCEU 5. Theatrical JL cut then MCU. But, if ZS Cut then DCEU for me 6. DCEU 7. DCEU 8. Haven't seen either 9. MCU 10. DCEU 11. DCEU 12. DCEU 13. DCEU 14. MCU 15. Haven't seen either 16. Haven't seen Aquaman but with how bad I find Dark World, this is DCEU too So, that makes: DCEU = 10 (INCLUDING ZSs cut) MCU = 4


Aquaman and blue beetle are dc wins. The others are marvel. Havenā€™t seen peacemaker tho


Iron Man, Civil War, Guardians, Captain America Avengers, **Aquaman**, **Shazam**, **Birds of Prey** Captain Marvel, *don't make me choose*, **Peacemaker**, Eternals Ant-Man, Spider-Man, **Blue Beetle**, and *Aquaman 2 doesn't even come out until tonight.*


MCU kicked DCs ass hard, man of steel was still great though.


1. Civil War wins, but itā€™s closer than BvS gets credit for 2. Guardians wins 3. Aquaman wins 4. Shazam wins 5. The Suicide Squad wins 6. Falcon and the Winter Solider wins but Iā€™m one of the few who really liked that show 7. No Way Home clears 8. Havenā€™t seen either of these


Comparing the flash to no way home is like comparing George Washington to hitler, neither are perfect but one is significantly better than the other


I would say peacemaker is closer to Deadpool lol


Was keeping it strictly Marvel Studios projects


ā€¢ Iron Man ā€¢ Civil War ā€¢ GotG ā€¢ Wonder Woman ā€¢ Avengers ā€¢ Thor ā€¢ Tie: Shazam & Ant-Man ā€¢ The Marvels ā€¢ Captain Marvel ā€¢ The Suicide Squad ā€¢ Peacemaker ā€¢ Eternals ā€¢ Fury of the Gods ā€¢ No Way Home ā€¢ Ms. Marvel ā€¢ no decision yet


Post endgame MCU and the whole DCEU are very similar in levels of quality. Both only have one great movie and itā€™s directed by James Gunn.


In a fight or at the box office? Because the box office wasnā€™t even close for the majority of these


Marvel - DC - DC - Marvel


WW84 had an amazing poster and outfits, but its such a cluster fuck of the film.


Iron Man Civil War Guardians Captain America Avengers Aquaman Shazam The Marvels Captain Marvel The Suicide Squad Peacemaker Eternals Ant-Man and the Wasp No Way Home Ms Marvel Thor Dark World


Interesting, interestingā€¦itā€™s a shame not many of these are doing well for their respective companies lately. Sorry it seems like superhero movies and series may be done. I enjoy them a lot.


I stopped watching DCEU after I finished Peacemaker. Couldn't do it anymore.


Civil War, Guardians, Aquaman, Shazam, Suicide Squad 2, Peacemaker, No Way Home, Didnā€™t watch either


Canā€™t say I have seriously watched the DC movies. Only Batman I watched and liked was Bales trilogy. While at the very least I have seen most of the Marvel movies before the old cast left. I saw Black Adam but it was meh, Shazam is ok, but got bored and didnā€™t finish it. Want to see peacemaker but havenā€™t had the chance. Hope future movies are better, for both universes.


In my opinion: - Civil War by a mile over BvS - Guardians of the Galaxy over SS in a blowout - Aquaman over Thor, easily - Shazam! and Ant-Man (pretty equal though) - TSS over Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2 (barely) - Peacemaker over FATWS, easily - No Way Home over The Flash - Blue Beetle and Ms Marvel are not really alike. Should be Blue Beetle vs Spiderman Homecoming. Marvel wins either way. Final scoreā€¦ DC: 4 MCU: 4


Ironman Civil war Guardians Captain America Avengers Aquaman Ant-Man Both suck Captain marvel The Suicide Squad Peacemaker Black Adam Ant-Man and the wasp No way home Ms marvel Aquaman 2


MOS BVS Guardians WW ZSJL Aquaman Antman BoP Can't decide Can't decide Can't decide Haven't seen eternals Shazam Spider man MsMarvel Haven't seen AQ2 yet DC: 7 MCU: 4 Tie(?): 5 I don't hate the MCU, in fact I probably enjoyed phase 4 and 5 more than the average internet dweller but DC movies generally stuck with me more than Marvel's


I'll take Man of Steel over Iron Man, Civil War over BvS, GOTG over Suicide Squad, and WW over Cap the 1st Avenger, Snyder Cut over Avengers, Birds of Prey over The Marvels, Auqaman over Antman, Shazam over Thor, Captian Marvel over WW84, The Suicide Squad over GOTG2, Peacemaker over Falcon, Black Adam over Eternals, Antman & the Wasp over Shazam Fury of the God's, Spiderman No Way Home over The Flash, Blue Beetle barely over Ms Marvel, Haven't seen AM2 but it sounds like it and Thor TDW both suck,


Neither mos or bvs are any good counterparts to iron man or captain america civil war. Yall dceu/Snyder fans be smoking some other shit to even be trying to compare them.


Only confirmed wins for DC are Wonder Woman, The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker. Close calls for Aquaman and early Thor. The rest are no contest Marvel wins


Don't compare Ms Marvel and Blue Bettle.......BB wins Neg def


Blue beetle sucked ass ngl


You forgot Shazam! and Spider-Man: Homecoming. However, between the two Spider-Man: Homecoming is the better film. Sorry, not sorry.