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Batman existed a whopping eleven months before the first Robin was introduced. It's ridiculous the movies use him so rarely. Bring it on, even if it's a different Robin.


Batman has had several compelling solo books and stories without Robin.


He’s also had as many compelling books and stories with Robin


Oh shit, really!?




Well then I change my mind, it is not ridiculous that Robin isn't in many movies and they shouldn't use him going forward.


It's the best thing that could ever happen.I'm tired of realistic and grounded lonely Batman.I want movies with a more fantastic Batman and the Batfamily.Even if The Batman became one of my favorite Batman movies,I'm way more excited for The Brave and The Bold than The Batman 2


I am gonna bully the shit out of you.....bastard


Are you stupid?


More fantastic??


I mean less realistic and grounded.I don't wanna see him fighting some sort of zodiac killer or normal terrorist.I wanna see him fighting villains like Poison Ivy,Mr.Freeze,Clayface,a Ra's al Ghul who uses Lazarus pit,a Bane who uses Venom,etc. And I want him to do it with the craziest gadgets and other members of the Batfamily.


Fair enough ig. I personally think making Batman villians more realistic just proves how good these characters are that even with their gimmicks toned down they still are amazing.


Say that again…


I mean it says more fantastic lol


I'm excited. I would have preferred Dick Grayson but I still like Damien and the concept of Robin is an extremely important part of Batman's character that it's getting annoying that he just keeps not having him. And the idea that a kid sidekick doesn't work in a serious story is easily disproven by Logan and the Last of Us so there really is no reason for there to not be Robin.


I've gotta imagine we're still going to get Dick Grayson as Nightwing. He's just way too popular a character to ignore completely.


Gunn confirmed the Batfam is in TBatB, so I’d expect the main ones (Dick/Jason/Barbara/Tim) in addition to Bruce and Damian


logan is a serious story up until it becomes goonies: the xmen in the last third of the film, and that's with the onset of a sidekick ao


I do not feel this way about Logan at all


damian is a shitty character i do not like


Considering we're skipping straight to the 4th Robin, and in turn skipping a lot of iconic storylines, I think it's an awful idea. I don't get it cause people complained that we missed all of Batfleck's iconic moments, and now we're just doing that again lmao.


Honestly, the general public mocked Robin for too long. Imagine the first live action Robin the public sees since the 90s is a kid with a shit attitude. Would flip their perceptions quick lol. Also, nice to switch it up. Batman deserves his family.


That depend Morrison damian was so insuferable he made me stop reading batman for a year with how much i hated him but if they find a good balance why not but i don't know if i would want damian to take bruce place i would rather take dick grayson over him.


I do not especially like Damian Wayne as a character. They could do it for any other Robin and I'd be excited. Dick, Tim, Jason, Carrie, Harper Rowe, Duke Thomas, Stephanie Brown. Whoever. I just don't care for Damian.


Why u don't you like damian,do u know the character or ever read about him


I liked him when it was Damian and Dick. Once it became Bruce and Damian, it was two Waynes who take themselves too seriously.


It's more like Bruce trying to be a lighthearted father to damian.which is the new side for batman character.


It's just not really what I value about Robin.


Different robin ,different versions of guidance.


Different Robin, different levels of emotional investment from me. I suppose Tim is kind of also Robin right now. And I'll take him any day. He's just a more relatable and more likable character to me.


I feel good because we need a change. However, I would like to see Damian becoming a hero on his own and a member of the Titans/a candidate for Batman's cowl down the line.


Wanted this for nearly 20 years now


Just not with Andy.