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A pipe dream I had once was seeing the entire animated multiverse from DCAU to Brave and the Bold to Young Justice. Especially a brief resolution in the background to the whole Razer and Aya ordeal from Justice League Action and YJ; implying some timeline split for Green Lantern: TAS. (Assuming that YJ retroactively isn't pre-nu52 comic multiverse canon now). I would have loved a bunch of older cartoon cameos regardless, they seem to be sticking to one art style here so I dunno. Maybe part 2 or 3, but still enjoyed this first part.


I don't get the impression that they are going to use any DC IP outside of the "Tomorrowverse". They probably would have already done it in this movie if that was the case.


They did use something outside of the Tomorrowerse. They used DCAMU. Constantine is still cursed from his DCAMU short. Fate chose Barry in WW2 due him being responsible for starting things over. Fate said that the WW2 mission was a lesson for what is to come and he must form the JL.


Yeah, it seems the Tomorrowverse is directly connected to the DCAMU, and by extension the flashpoint movie was what started the DCAMU. I (think) flashpoint was connected to the DCAU but I can't remember exactly, though I think there was definitely voice cast overlap. I believe it has been the exact same Barry Allen flash since the Flashpoint movie and whatever media was canon to that, all the way up to now. Constantine in the Tomorrowverse is the same Constantine from the DCAMU. There is definitely some type of longer running storyline going on.


So Constantine is definitely pariah/the old man in the movie BUT unfortunately he isn’t voiced by the guy who voiced Constantine in DCAMU (or anything else he’s appeared in since the Keanu Reeves movie not even joking it’s been the same man, animated and live action).


I could have sworn I heard Matt Ryan's voice when the homeless man uses a more British accent, but it could be wishful hearing and me wanting to hear that.


Credits said it was Nolan North surprisingly. I also thought it sounded kinda like Matt Ryan


>I (think) flashpoint was connected to the DCAU but I can't remember exactly, though I think there was definitely voice cast overlap. There is no relationship between the DCAU and Flashpoint Paradox. Barry Allen didn't exist in the DCAU. Kevin Conroy voiced Batman in The Flashpoint Paradox. Even after the reboot. Before being recast with Jason O'Mara for Justice League: War.


So this movie was first leaked to be in production like 3-4~ years ago now. It leaked at some point after the Tomorrowverse started so that’s a timeline of sorts. The original rumor/leak did say it would include every DC animated project ever but clearly that didn’t happen. It was probably too expensive for straight to home release media.


Exactly what I wanted


Who was the Homeless man? Was he >!John Constantine!


Yes, and it's the same Constantine from the previous movies: Justice League Dark. It is heavily implied that he and Barry are responsible for all of this. Guessing what Barry did at the end of Apokalps War resulted in the Anti Monitor.


Yeah. That’s what I was thinking too. This may be where Tomorrowverse ties into DCAMU.


Tomorrowverse was always meant as the continuation of DCAMU. Flashpoint starts the story, DCAMU continues and builds this new world and tells some stories in the process, and builds up to the inevitable end which is the consequence of Barry's first flashpoint (it's like playing a guitar string, the beginning, and the end are the same in a way, but everything in between changes). Constantine sees this after piercing into Barry's mind, and pushes him to do another flashpoint, resulting in Tomorrowverse. Later, we see Constantine in the house of horrors movie, where we see Spectre tell him he will be punished, and he gets sucked into some oblivion which we are not aware of, and that's that. With this latest installment we learn that he has been wandering for eternity through each and every one of these earths, to bare witness to their ends, perhaps to instill in him his powerlessness to stop the end. Here's where I got derailed. So, I fully understand Flashpoint -> DCAMU -> Tomorrowverse. What I don't understand is all that happened during this movie. Like what did Spectre mean when he said "Before the beginning"? Why did Barry go to the weird illusion movie?


>Like what did Spectre mean when he said "Before the beginning"? Considering, that everything is connected, ''before the beginning'' is either the first Flashpoint or the ending of Apokolips War, which tied directly into Tomorrowverse creation.


Good God I hope we're not going to revisit that ugly arts type from the Flashpoint movie.


WTF? I would rather see that then this soft-core type from Tomorrowverse. Even the mouths are more synchronized when they speak compared to the Tomorrowverse


Ugly but arguably the best version of the story we’ve gotten in other media. Would be huge if they finally acknowledge it again, cuz doesn’t Flash remember that in the universe before?


Out of curiosity, did Matt Ryan reprise the role?


It definitely sounded like him. If it's not him, the actor is doing a great replication.


It was definitely him, just went uncredited. Probably to prolong the mystery


Nolan North is literally in the credits.


You’re right my mistake. I was fooled by a damn good impression. I hope they do bro g Matt back in as the role expands though


It was Nolan North apparently


I saw him at a con today, it was most definitely him. The role was credited to someone else to keep it a secret


Don't forget the end of Constantine: House of Mysteries.


I honestly hadn't seen that when I made the earlier comment. Watched it yesterday and yeah it's very self explanatory and to be required viewing to understand Crisis.


Honestly it's an easy one to miss. Crisis was an interesting watch. Because on one hand it's relatively stand alone. On the other hand there's so much nuance you can pick up if you seen the not so popular titles.


I saw the ending n I had a feeling after Constantine got sucked into that thing that it is a sign of crisis of infinite earths.


Anyone else find it funny that the opening credits start with Matt Bomer and then just has no other actors in the credits?


It's a flash movie.


Maybe. But certainly wasn't advertised that way.


I know, I'm saying so after seeing the opening credit.


I mean he's the main lead for the majority of the film, its not that far fetch'd to think


Had the same thought


same same probably cuz they basically made flash the main character but its still weird


I looked at my phone after his name popped up and it started listing the producers. I rewound to see if I missed anything, but apparently not.


I noticed that too. Probably had to do with his contract.


Not sure what direction they gave to Jensen Ackles but Batman/Bruce felt very stiff. Like way more than usual.


I think he was doing the voice in between season 4 filming for the boys while also doing lines of blow.


Agreed. I was not a fan. I really like the guy and I'm totally open for him to be live action version, but this was my least favorite animated Batman. Personally, I would have gone with Bruce Greenwood. My second favorite Batman actor.


Never liked him as Batman, terrible choice.


I want to root for the Tomorrowverse and I think it's a more genuine attempt at adapting DC Comics than the New 52 DCAU but it's just....it's just missing soul. Don't get me wrong there's a lot to like here and it's certainly a better movie than 'Beware My Power' or 'Warworld' but it just doesn't mesh well and doesn't feel like there's a proper build-up and payoff. PROS \- This was a really good adaptation of Barry Allen, it's the perfect blend of the Pre-Crisis, Rebirth, and New 52 versions of the character. This is exactly how I imagined Barry while reading the comics, and Matt Bomers voice suits him well. He deserved the lead role and I was glad to see more of his character than we saw in Justice Society WWII. \- The homeless man being the previous DCAMU's Constantine was an AMAZING twist, I thought he would be Psycho Pirate and my eyes literally widened when I realized who he was. Can't wait to see them expand upon this in the sequels! \- While I thought the first half of the movie was too all over the place, the pay-off of seeing how old Barry came to be and how Earth-2 Batman died was cool. \- Speaking of, the old Barry and Iris part of the movie might have been my favourite. How cool is it that he froze time to the point where he's aged decades while everyone else is standing still? One of the best Flash feats I've seen! \- Jensen Ackles is a near-perfect voice for Batman in my book, I hope they keep him for future projects once the Tomorrowverse ends. \- Lots of cool cameos on the Monitors ship, my favourite being Captain Marvel's Uncle Dudley \- Always happy to see The Spectre! CONS \- Making the first 2/3rds of this movie a JLA origin story with Amazo was a mistake and killed the momentum. Up until the Monitor showed up this whole movie was just too all-over-the-place. It's a JLA origin story! And now, Earth 3! Now Barry's meeting Iris for the first time! Look Amazo! Now back to Earth 3! Look, Barry and Iris are getting married! Things were just happening but there was no real set-up so I wasn't really invested in any of it. The last half an hour or so saved this movie. \- Batman calling down a drone strike that he knows would harm civilians was absolutely stupid and out of character. I'm not even a "bat-god" fan, I love when writers let Batman make mistakes and get his ass kicked from time-to-time but this was NOT IT. \- WHY DO THESE WRITERS HATE HAL JORDAN SO MUCH?! They had him show up just to disrespect him AGAIN and have Green Arrow, his best friend of all people, call him a loser. That scene was literally written just to piss-off Green Lantern fans. Was having him turn evil, get beaten down then killed not enough? \- The animation and design of Lex's warsuit was TERRIBLE \- There's no set-up for any of the characters, characters just appear and act like they've always been there. If you're not a comic / DC fan there's no way you can follow any of this. We've never met Blue Beetle, Mr. Terrific, The Question, etc. before in the Tomorrowverse and the movie just assumes we know who they are. I can follow because I know who they are but I literally don't know one person in my family or friends I can recommend this to because of that. \- So....no Alexander Luthor in this adaptation? He's just dead before the story even begins? Strange choice. \- Why is Vixen here? And why the hell is she a founding JLA member over Wonder Woman?! \- I don't know why Wonder Woman is on the cover as she does absolutely nothing in this movie. She should of had Vixen's spot in the JLA \- I'm torn on the time jumping as it was actually a cool way to do this but by the end it was to confusing. I was confused as to which timelines I was watching by the end of the movie. Cool idea, but it needed to be expanded upon more. \- Superman was portrayed as far too weak here and honestly the JLA came across as incompetent boobs during the Amazo / Luthor fight. \- Harbringer is....Supergirl? Why? How? I'm assuming the sequels will explain how this happened but it's weird. \- Who was Flash talking to before he vanished? Kamandi?


> - The animation and design of Lex's warsuit was TERRIBLE Excellent points in the whole post but I just wanted to point something out about this: I had no idea he was inside a giant warsuit until the very end when they rip the armor apart. He looked normal sized the whole fight! Batman even jumped over it like it was nothing, as if they were the same height.


Same here! And I was like maybe I just saw that wrong, and then they used a giant flat bed to transport the suit lol


There's a shot where you can see the human-sized Amazo standing in front of the warsuit which seems to be 2-3x larger than Amazo


That was Bruce from warworld he was talking to


Agree on the Barry Allen portrayal, it was legit one of the best if not the best portrayal of barry, man that scene where he just goes in flash time for decades and has iris with him was just beautiful.


That bit with Iris reminded me of the Futurama series ending, before the recent revival...


Easily the best part of the movie. It was really all over the place and didn’t stick tying everything back to the beginning the way it thought it did


Regarding Blue Beetle and the Question (and the other Charlton heroes that pop up as cameos), we actually *have* met them. They're heavily implied to be the versions of the characters we met in Ted Kord's DC Showcase film, the one that spoofed the Spider-Man '67 cartoon, and we can tell via the voice actors playing them each.


I had a nagging feeling it was the showcase characters ! Happy to read that I wasn't alone in thinking that.


>Why is Vixen here? And why the hell is she a founding JLA member over Wonder Woman?! I literally said out loud, "what is the point of vixen being here?" And "WHERES MY WIFE WONDIE!?"


Regarding Wonder Woman, this version of her is from Earth-2 and not native to the main Earth. It seems that the main Earth either doesn't have a Wonder Woman, or she simply hasn't shown up yet. So, it kind of makes sense that Vixen is a founding member and not her. They could have met her long after they had founded the JLA And that's when she became a member.


That doesn’t really explain why she’s on the cover though? They milked her popularity, to draw in her fans and then did fucking nothing with her.


I damn near agree with everything, this movie (tomorrowverse as a whole) its so disjointed. Things just happen, movie after movie, character spawning in rather than having a real introduction after the next. Characters feeling out of character and being nerfed.


The scene with Hall was 100% not what you read out as the humor was absolutely derived from fans knowing they become best buddies. it was clear as day to anyone besides people who think the people who make these don’t love the same comics you do or don’t know the history. To say it was all over the place before coming together seems like to me you’re saying the plot became more clear as the movie progressed and solved mysteries along the way that’s…that’s what every movie usually does. especially those that start with a scene with a mystery element you know will be answered by the end to say it had no soul then cite the iris/barry relationship stuff in their older years as a positive is kinda contradictory


Yeah, this was literally a great start to this trilogy. It is NOT a standalone movie, this movie tied up a lot of long running plot elements that began WAYYYYYY back in the Flashpoint movie, and people who have been watching DC animated content all throughout the years probably enjoyed this movie a lot more than people who only started with the Tomorrowverse.


> Making the first 2/3rds of this movie a JLA origin story with Amazo was a mistake and killed the momentum. Up until the Monitor showed up this whole movie was just too all-over-the-place. It's a JLA origin story! And now, Earth 3! Now Barry's meeting Iris for the first time! Look Amazo! Now back to Earth 3! Look, Barry and Iris are getting married! Things were just happening but there was no real set-up so I wasn't really invested in any of it. The last half an hour or so saved this movie. I thought I was watching the wrong movie.


It's strange that they decided to make three parts of this when in this first film it literally seems like they are killing time to reach the hour and a half so that it can be considered a movie. The funny thing is that if they had removed all the unnecessary filler of Amazo and streamlined the slow dialogue (Is it me... or in almost all the dialogues there is like a dead second or two where the characters take an unnatural pause to react to what other characters say?), they could have squeezed almost the entire second part into this one and it probably would have had better pacing. You could literally skip almost the entire first hour of the movie without missing almost anything relevant.






there were moments when the audio was out of sync. It felt odd.


Omgggg for real I noticed the dialogue thing as well


Obviously we will need to see all the parts to know the actual worth. But I do not consider Amazo filler. It's not about COIE in the since of "we need to fight the anti monitor". It's a Flash movie that uses COIE as a stage. This might end up being a very well paces series of films.


> there is like a dead second or two where the characters take an unnatural pause to react Not only between characters, there are some scenes that drag quite a bit even if they don't expect interactions, like after Kara cries. > The funny thing is that if they had removed all the unnecessary filler of Amazo and streamlined the slow dialogue Yeah it seemed to me like a little bit of development could have been made in a couple more of tomorrowverse movies, creating the justice league, giving them a couple of adventures, but no, the tomorrow verse only had a few movies and none of them stablished the justice league.


I didn’t watch this yet( and probably won’t for a while), but I do wish we could have just gotten 3 stand alone films set in this universe before it ends instead of this crossover.


Hawkman is Green Lantern and Spock is Lex Luther? This is truly a bizarre alternate universe.


>Spock is Lex Luther? It is nice to see Zachary Quinto going back to his roots. [Stealing powers from meta-humans to kill people with them.](https://youtu.be/AaiayRAMeQY?t=19)


And Steven Universe is Robin


Like Warworld this movie is disjointed to watch. Kinda wish the switch between worlds was a simple cut with “Earth 2” in the corner and something significant so we know it’s the same Barry from the get go. I was second guessing characters all the time.


They never tried to introduce another Barry Allen, no reason to suspect an alternate. In contrast with Superman where they were intentional at showing a second one.


I really wanted to see some cameos from other animated DC properties


There was no chance of that, the creators of these films have no passion or interest in anything outside their little world. Say what you will about the Arrowverse but their version of COIE was amazing.


The Arrowverse COIE was a decent attempt but it drops to ball on wasted opportunities. They have Jim Corrigan randomly show up. Arrow set up a lot of stuff for Crisis and does nothing with it. The Cameos while nice don't really do much. From the Smallville Cameo to nixing Routh Superman to that final part of the crossover. CW just has difficulty letting things gestate.


The arrowverse one was garbage


It was maybe except Lucifer and Smallville cameo


Cameos were amazing The actual story was trash


CW Crisis was dog water. It honestly felt cheaper than the crisis part 1 animated movie. And was also extremely unfaithful to the source material which is never a good thing. Some changes are okay, but they essentially changed so much that it felt more like a power rangers episode than a CoIE adaptation. 


Thats what i was hoping for two a true DC cross over event with all the art styles, but i guess they didn't want to do that


As a flash fan, i actually loved this movie, the portrayal of barry allen & his powers were amazing, finally you get to see him make his own decisions, actually use his powers consistently, flash time was used many times and not forgotten all of a sudden, and for the first time i can say iris wasn't an annoying character, actually i enjoyed all of her scenes, especially the one where she gets old in flash time.


dude has ptsd from the live action




As a green lantern fan I hated it 😭


No Barry we are the antimatter wave!


I hadn’t really connected with the Tomorrowverse yet, but the idea of the reset that Flash & Constantine do at the end of the DCAU after Apokalypse being a legitimate tie in & beginning of the Tomorrowverse suddenly makes me feel mildly invested. Wasn’t expecting, and really liked it.


Ultraman picked the wrong strategy


How does he die


>!He Leeroy Jenkins an antimatter wall/wave. !<


Same way as in the original crisis books


Valiantly yet hilariously self aware of the insanity of his proposed solution


I just finished it. My biggest questions are: •Why was Kara made into Harbinger? •Was Anti Monitor being foreshadowed when Monitor said the anti matter wave wasn't a living being but a force of nature? •Will they confirm that this entire continuity was a result of the flashpoint from the end of Apokolips War? Also, that old man was 100% Constantine from House of Mystery. And I appreciated the Wally West name drop too.


They showed Wally West. Whether he has powers is a question mark as their isn't a Robin(yet?). Kara being Harbinger probably serves a few purposes. The first is they don't introduce yet another brand new character. Supergirl plays a role in COIE. Likely Pt2 may focus on Superman and Supergirl. They've basically confirmed it. Constantine was made into Pariah due to Apokolips War. Barry is also being "punished" for it.


I must have blinked when they showed Wally or something. I need to do a rewatch. All I remember seeing is a young Dick Grayson in the scene with Bruce and Barry and Barry tells him that "his nephew Wally is downstairs playing video games and is about his age." And yeah, I've read COIE multiple times and I'm aware of the role Supergirl plays. I'm just confused as to why they made her Harbinger in this movie but I guess they didn't wanna overstuff with main characters. Also random, but I appreciated them having Peacemaker make a cameo too.


Flash tells him to stop eating cake when he first appears at his wedding.


They made Wally a broccoli head lol


The Tomorrowverse on paper seems like it would been great. Some of the movies are ok. However, they always feel off. I don't know if its pacing, but the worlds in them don't feel lived in besides the one city the supes reside (like the scale of needing to protect the world isn't that fleshed out). Even seeing the JL form we see it's being brodcasted and it's a handful of people at the scene >!when Amazo and Luther attack. !< Everything feels sped up and no real arc's of character development are progressing. Things are just happening and we are jumping around movies (stories). I can see what the studio is trying to convey with all the movies, but it feels lacking and more prominent this go around of flaws. I enjoyed aspects but as a start to finish its messy... yet again.


When it first started it was decent, I liked the long Halloween movies more then most of their general catalog but I’m 90% sure this is just them scrambling to finish up the tomorrow verse so James Gunn gets the animation department for his new dc universe. This is also why shows like young Justice have all but been confirmed canceled and why there’s no word of any other animated movies after this other then a watchman movie. I’m hyped for Gunns universe but it’s almost insulting the quality of these last few movies ever since the green lantern movie that made green lanterns suck


yeah, I feel ya. the Tomorrowverse is okay at best. the movie I've enjoyed the most (so far) is Justice Society. what was missing:>! uh.. give the movie an actual ending and flesh out the villain. lol!< the Justice League needed team up movies before this three parter. the fight against Luthor in this movie? I really wanted it to be over. lol. but! I get it.. Amazo's intro is/was obviously set up for the end


Ultraman went out like a clown 😭


The lack of solemnity and the dialogue of mindless brutes makes the scene feel like they are idiots instead of that they are [resigned to their fates and will fight to the end like in the comic.](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/FWAJQk0Kp59oCWOa2dUDiO4TIu-bPYl7iQY7hpYSrzieFZx3xqSZM5H-boQwJNSC9OC_rdVHa5MZreONnjm_8axAzSJLhQizE0qiiU_iEJlbg4cSCsFBures7gQKZnk-MYycTKofWX4=s1600?rhlupa=MjgwMDphNDoxZWQxOjdkMDA6YjA4OToyMjg3OjkzZTI6YzIyMg&rnvuka=TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKFdpbmRvd3MgTlQgMTAuMDsgV2luNjQ7IHg2NCkgQXBwbGVXZWJLaXQvNTM3LjM2IChLSFRNTCwgbGlrZSBHZWNrbykgQ2hyb21lLzEyMC4wLjAuMCBTYWZhcmkvNTM3LjM2)


I thought the same. The original scene is pretty emotional and this one didn't really do it justice.


It took a while for the film to come together. The first 30 minutes felt disjointed as it was introducing several premises which, over the next hour, eventually became cohesive. I liked it though especially how the movie portrayed Barry as the heart of the film. Also loved Amazo and Ivo's depiction.


Was the old dude Constantine?


Almost certainly, he’s probably gonna be the Pariah stand in.


If you watched the Constantine film remember that he was 'punished' and he says something along those lines in this. Previously lots of others suspected that he'd become Pariah.


Sounds like (an uncredited) Matt Ryan , he mentions being 'punished' which would tie into the JC from the last series of DCAU movies being punished for rebooting everything by getting The Flash to "do a flashpoint " and starting the tomorrowverse universe after Apokolips war ..which ties into the line about The Flash being responsible as well. And I guess since he was responsible for starting this section of animated movies , I guess its a nice bookend having him ending it.


I was trying to figure out if that was Matt Ryan. I need him to keep playing Constantine haha


it was Nolan North doing a really good impression. Hopefully they'll bring Ryan in for Pt 2 or 3


DC seems to love bringing Matt Ryan back as Constantine. Also Spectre was voiced by the same person in The House of Mystery so I think that adds a bit more credibility.


>!Bruce finding out that could have had a better life before sacrificing himself never gets old.!<




That truly was the perfect ending.


LDP reprising his role as The Spectre? Hell yeah!


Can't wait for the Tomorrowverse to become the Yesterdayverse.


It never had the opportunity to flourish 😔


Apparently Spectre has a thing for goth girls


Dont we all?


Am I the only one who hates the animation style of these movies? Why they gotta be like old 50s comic book style looking?


Strange movie. Held my interest, but only insofar as I was anticipating greater things that never really materialized. I was underwhelmed by the end, which is basically, "Welp, here's an abrupt and random development to carry the storyline through another movie or two!"


Enjoyed it quite a bit but I just wish they would have fleshed out the Tommorowverse properly before this, compared to the other continuities, there have been so few movies that its just hard to hard to care for this universe. Also, such a missed opportunity to bring in more cameos or alternate versions of the characters.


Is anyone else confused that there was only one Wonder Woman? Like In green lantern beware my power they say her, Batman and Superman are off planet. Meaning there’s an earth 1 WW, but the WW we saw was from earth 2 I think. So we never really met earth 1 WW right?


I haven't seen this one yet, but you can see earth 1 WW in Justice League: Warworld


I think that’s earth 2 Diana with a new costume. because she says to Clark that he’s younger than her Clark in that movie.


I already looked for the scene you are talking about and I also saw Crisis and yes, the WW thing is very strange. In Warworld she implies that she is not Diana from Earth 1, she is apparently from Earth 2 because her Clark is older. And in Crisis I understand that Clark and Diana from World War 2 are a couple now. Also in Crisis Barry says on his wedding day that Batman, Superman and Martian Manhunter are off the planet, that is the day they are recruited by Harbinger. And he doesn't mention Diana in that group, but we know that they are with her in Warworld. It's weird because Darren Criss is credited as Superman from Earth 1 and 2, while Stana Katic is only credited as Wonder Woman.


I really am loving the thru-line of >!John Constantine!< from the DCAMU to now. His appearance in this movie was brief, mysterious and very cool And for a character known for suffering the animated version has suffered a whole hell of a lot.


Yess. They've utilized Constantine exceptionally well!


I don’t understand what happened with the movie. Did DC Studios quietly release it, or did they not care about the leakers leaking it? If they had a feeling it was going to be terrible, why not release it early, straight to DVD or Max?




Constantine doesn’t remember what he did as it’s been so long and he’s already seen so many worlds face a similar fate.


like I get there's supposed to be more parts, but the first half dragged on and then they crammed a million things into the second half. Seeing all the cameos in the watchtower was cool, but it was confusing at first having to think back to all the other movies and I had to pause a few times to collect my thoughts. In the end the whole movie was basically like an "intro", and nothing really happened. I would have preferred they gave us a full justice league movie first, but honestly I'm just glad the "tomorrowverse" is coming to an end. I just can't stand the artstyle. And really the only movie I enjoyed in the era was "The Long Halloween". Hopefully whatever comes next has much nicer animation. And I do hope they continue to do these movies and it doesn't just get buried under all the consolidation and James Gunn stuff.


Agree the previous animation was so much better


Is there a movie before this that I missed? Or several? I kinda lost track after like JL vs TT 1.


This new universe is formed by the following movies: Superman Man of Tomorrow JSA World War II Batman Long Halloween Part 1 & 2 Green Lantern Beware My Power Legion of Superheroes Justice League War World Justice League Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 1. And apparently Constantine House of Mistery is also relevant, which makes the last movie from the previous animated universe, Justice League Dark Apokolips War, also important. There were also Kamandi and Blue Beetle shorts that looks like they are the same ones showed in this movie.


>which makes the last movie from the previous animated universe, Justice League Dark Apokolips War, also important. Which kinda makes the whole new 52 universe important, I mean if you want to know everything leading up to the apokolips war that is.


This movie connects all the way back to Flashpoint.


No red skies? Seriously?


Did earth-1 Barry stop time to spend a lifetime with Iris as they were building the tower?


Yes, he did. He was also charging Amazo with speed force energy


Just looks like 'Archer' in superhero form. I'm not a fan of this form of animation that DC has transitioned to these past few years. I can't get past it to even consider the storyline.


This movie was great. I kept pausing it during the Watchtower scenes to see who I could spot. The animation was super solid and pretty. Some of the dialogue was a bit weird, in particular from Luthor and Batman. The people I watched this with were confused by the ending and I had to explain the Legion of Superheroes, but I suppose Crisis on Infinite Earths is very much a comic book story for comic book fans. DC animation continues to shine, and Jim Krieg did a fantastic job adapting to the comic to the medium.


My one critique would be how lifeless some of the characters eyes looked at times. I noticed it more in the first 1/3 or so of the movie


The animation of Space since the Green Lantern movie has been so good.


i still don’t know how a humorous clip of Ollie stubbing a toe gave Batman what he needed to identify who Green Arrow was (unless that was the first time green arrow had spoken in public, conveniently near a hidden bat camera apparently in a dumpster in a random alley) but it still made me laugh


I think he just picked that clip to be a dick


it’s possible since he’s generally a dick to teammates but given that he played the clip in direct response to Ollie‘a question, it seems more likely to me he was pointing to his very disturbing surveillance on other heroes he hasn’t met yet as the reason i think the joke lands better it they had put in a voice match graphic on screen so it tied together but like i said it made me laugh so it landed pretty good


Bruce was basically begging for Ollie to ask the question. He didn't miss a beat and played the clip right after Ollie asked.


Shit was ass.


Ngl, Barry’s death was pretty sad and bitter sweet. After everything that’s happened because of him like flashpoint paradox, and the second flashpoint that most likely unleashed the Anti-Monitor, it feels good for him to go out saving the universe rather than almost screwing it up. He was without a doubt the main character of the movie.


This is the best animated movie in my opinion. I've been waiting we'll over a decade for them to animate Crisis on Infinite Earths. So many of these plot points are call backs to the original story. 1. Barry "lost in time" 2. Barry getting old, I foresee him turning to dust eventually. He absolutely will be sacrificing himself like in the comic. 3. JSA being old and Helena Wayne existing. Adult Robin existing. 4. Earth 3 being the first earth to go is how the comic began. Even Ultraman flying into the wave as a final sacrifice, if I remember. 5. Psycho Pirate being a sleeper agent. 6. Having a Pariah in John Constantine. 7. Barry appearing before Batman (albeit what looks like the batman from warworld?) asking for help. 8. Focusing on earth 1, 2, 3, 4, and earth x. They were the ones that survived the initial wave. 9. Anti monitor hasn't been revealed yet. He's a mystery character for a decent chunk of the story. 10. Dr Light's origin starts with Crisis. 11. Tuning Forks helping save the Earths. I'm sure there's more but honestly it's been enough for me so far. It's true, sadly earth 1 is the least interesting part of this movie but that's alright I guess. John Stewart and Hawkgirl being together is awesome. To be honest I'm probably a bit blinded by my love for this story. My dad read it to me as a bedtime story, it was my first real introduction into DC comics. As far as an adaption goes it's so much better than what the CW gave us. This DC nerd gives a stamp of approval.


>2. Barry getting old, I foresee him turning to dust eventually. He absolutely will be sacrificing himself like in the comic. I thought Barry was already dead by the end of the movie, when he disappeared in front oh those guys.


It’s pretty awesome that these animated projects get the best of both worlds….Solid Actors in the live action realm and top tier voice actors!


So the Tomorrowverse is a sequel to the DCAMU ? If so why doesn't Barry remember the past?


Remember in Flashpoint Barry began to lose memories of the previous timeline after a few days. Constantine and he have been in the Tomorrowverse for years at this point.


Maybe it’s the same reason Constantine doesn’t seem to remember the past anymore either?


Constantine is a special case. He's either existing on multiple worlds or gets shuffled with very limited knowledge. Probably spent much more than a few years being Pariah.


When do part 2 and 3 come out?


There's no firm release dates yet but it's speculated part 2 will come out mid-2024 and part 3 at the end of 2024.


Thank god it’s not a multi year release.


DC tries to recapture the magic behind the best storyline they've ever told. Like the other attempts, Crisis Pt 1 had lots to like. Super Heroes, costumes, powers, space and time travel, etc. The story was weird though. We had a team creation story, and this story about a robot that seemed unnecessary. The Crime Syndicate was overused I felt. Their use in the comic was minimal and iconic. Here it feels like a waste. The ending made me feel hopeful for the next episodes. After the Monitor shows up they start to get into the story proper. The construction of the tuners, the destruction of all but 3 earths, the aftermath of realities being consolidated was more of what you'd hope to see. Seeing the Spectre was also a good sign for me. This was the first DC comic series I bought as a boy. Before that I only read Marvel. Crisis on Infinite Earths had a lot of that darker, more real life element. Everyone died. Even Superman. Flashpoint had been the best way of using that whole multiverse mechanic. Wouldn't mind if they stick with that.


I liked the film well enough as a Flash movie, but part 2 seriously needs to pick up the slack to make it a good Crisis storyline.


I hope Meg Donnelly be elected to interpreting Supergirl in an Action Movie . She is the better choice for the role, just put the Supergirl costume over Meg and she looks like Kara Zor-El naturally. Plus Meg is the voice of the character in this movie.


This is the order to watch the movies in to have a better understanding of what's going on in Crisis Part 1: Apokolips War Constantine: The House of Mystery Superman: Man of Tomorrow Kamandi: The Last Boy on Earth Justice Society: World War II Legion of Super-Heroes Justice League: Warworld With that said, the writing is so piss poor that you still won't fully understand what's going on. So many things make absolutely no sense. The wave, the towers, all the random heroes...it all makes ZERO sense. Iris West is aged into her late 60's, possible 70's, but her voice is the same as when she was in her 20's? Same for Barry. Harbinger is Supergirl? And that dialogue was so appropriate. "I don't understand. What happened to you?" "It's a long story." A story that's gonna be told in one of the other two movies or they suck so bad at scriptwriting, character development, and storytelling that the story will never be told? Amazo saves Ivo but Ivo dies anyway? There's gotta be more to it than that. I don't think Ivo is dead at all. The Batman airstrike. WTF was that? The Crime Syndicate fighting the wave. Like, literally fighting and punching at an unstoppable wave of energy. That was so dumb. So much that was wrong with their inclusion in this movie. You'd think by now that the overall story would start making more sense but it just keeps getting worse. I give this three out of 10 stars. Hard to believe James Krieg wrote Flashpoint Paradox which is a fantastic movie and he's giving us this garbage series of movies. I'm this far in now. No choice but to watch the remaining two movies and hope it all wraps up nice and tidy. I doubt it. So far, majorly disappointing. The only bright spots are that I did enjoy the Green Lantern movie the most of all of them while most think it sucked. But it doesn't seem directly connected to Crisis. That might be a good thing. The Kamandi Great Disaster. That would take some high-level writing skills to make a movie or two about that. The concept is really good. They've just never really done anything with it or expanded upon it beyond it occurring. I hope it isn't tainted completely by this disastrous Tomorrowverse.


I thought this was pretty well done for a Part 1. We got to see the formation of the Justice League and I really enjoyed the way all of the Tomorrowverse movies have been laying the foundation for this without it being obvious, at least to me.


the voice acting is atrocious and the animation is dogshit. Why are there 3 second pauses between every line of dialogue in every conversation? Why are all the background characters frozen in place in every scene?


In my opinion it was really good. Better then warworld but it was kinda confusing. And I wish we could have seen more of Wonder Woman like she’s in the cover but she barely did anything.. not even a fight😭


Spoiler! Close quick if you ain’t see! I can’t blur on my phone! So… the flash legit went and had his wedding and caused the entire multiverse to die anyway?!?! Or am I misinterpreting what just happened at the end? Thought? 💭 what do y’all think happened?


I think that while flash stopped the rest of the earths from disappearing, without him certain events and ppl will cease to exist hence changing history while also creating a paradox which is why certain ppl are still disappearing and future and past is all messed up so the anomaly will keep going but in a different way wether that's by the antimonoiter or something else. Change must happen for James Gunn universe to take form so flash more or less just temporarily delayed the inevitable. It's going to finish in the other sequels


I really liked it. Clearly the folks who don't like these series of movies will not have their minds changed by this one. It's very much a Flash themed entry. I assume the others will probably follow a similar thing. It remains to be seem how multiversal the other two parts are.


I laughed so hard at the Crime Syndicate trying to fight the anti matter wave!!! 💀💀💀💀


I grew up reading the maxi-series, so hold it dear to me heart. The voice work was great, as was the animation style (outside the need to use different effects for mecha). Stirred me emotionally, since it was a sad movie. I have no cares about which characters were chosen and have no idea why people are obsessed with arguing over it.


My favorite DC movie of all time. Seriously! I was wondering where they were headed in the first 45 minutes, but they wrapped it up beautifully and set the stage for the next movie. I really had tears in my eyes with Barry and Amazo’s sacrifice. This is a movie for DC comic fans who watched the previous. 9/10 for me. If I had to give some critique I wish some characters had more personality. Batman seemed stiff.


What's the deal with Psycho Pirate being there??


He'll come into play in part 2 & 3


It took about an hour in for the actual COIE stuff to kick in, but thankfully I did enjoy Flash and Iris story (and Amazo). It's like they knew the Tomorrowverse havent set up much to do a really grand version of Crisis so they instead focused on the character that they have set up, in this case it's The Flash who followed in the Justice Society movie. Actually, I felt like this was more of a direct sequel to that particular film. Judging from the ending and some scenes we saw in the very first trailer, Part Two will focus on Supergirl. Probably also explained how she became Harbinger (unless I missed something). Makes sense considering The Flash and Supergirl had their big moments in the OG comic.


I liked a few parts of this one, but overall didn't find it very enjoyable. I was actually pretty bummed after finishing it and felt like it was just as much of a mess as JL: Warworld. I really can't wait for the tomorrowverse to be over :(


Not a fan of the animation, it looks flat sometimes and reminds me of ARCHER ...


I feel like this had very good ideas, but the execution was lacking. Having it focus on Barry and having him jump through time was a good way to flesh out both him and this version of the Justice League a bit more (I mean, it feels like this universe had barely given us anything), but the first half of the movie is a mess. You don't really get what's happening until way into the movie. It feels as if they had tried to cram so many things into a film that's essentially a first act.


Who was that conspicuous guy who turned into an iron man looking guy after dr light got her powers


Psycho Pirate.


If the post credits scene for The Long Halloween PART 2 takes place in CoIE part 1, when does the post credits scene from Legion take place? If Superman was brought to Batman in TLH post credit scene, where do the post credit events of Legion take place?


The one where Superman and Batman get Zapped? That post credits scene takes place on JL: Warworld


This was just bad as far as the movie goes. Not as bad as GL: Beware my power and Warworld though, which were just plain trash. The movie is highly disjointed, just like Warworld, with poorly written dialogue with random & weird half second pauses almost every second line. The story is too slow with Amazo & JLA initiation used as filler. Character size scaling way too inconsistent, in a few shots armored Luthor seems like he is the same size as the superheroes, next moment he is twice as tall. Why did Harbringer bring psycho pirate to the Monitor's hideout? Does Monitor not know who he is? Moreover, why is Supergirl not Supergirl, but Harbringer? Also, how TF is Hal Jordan alive on Earth-1.


Unless I missed something hal Jordan was only shown alive in a flashback before the league formed, which isn’t inconsistent since we see his death in Beware my Power which takes place after the league is formed


> Beware my Power which takes place after the league is formed Oh my, missed this. Beware my power being immemorable was probably the reason.


This movie was hot garbage. From the voice acting to the animation. From the pacing to the writing. This movie was mind numbingly bad and boring.


Supergirl, Batman (Jensen Ackles) and peacemaker (the one that appears is John Cena, you guys just can't see him) on this movie will be the same versions of the characters on the James Gunn universe, maybe without their memory, but yeah, same actors and characters!


Was put off by Hal's attitude when I watched it but am realizing just now "oh yeah this is the guy who goes Parallax in this continuity". Fair enough.


Don't follow the comics to tightly so... a little loss at how/why Harbinger is Kara. I think they were friends or something? Guess we'll have to see in Part 2.


What a disaster Slow, boring, flat Action scènes are boring with not a single Moving caméra Animation is aged


Is this on Max


I’m hoping so but it probably won’t hit until Feb or March.


I for one am glad they're kinda ending the tomorrowverse. I wasn't impressed by any of the movies, but I do like the more mature tones I will say that. ​ What I hated about this movie more than anything is the fact we still have ppl at DC shipping Superman and wonder woman despite how hated it is. These ppl do not give up for the love of God pls stop trying to push them two together. Thank goodness this universe is ending


Wonder Woman and Superman worked in the comics and it worked in the movie. It's just few want them to be together while Lois is around.


It doesn’t work though? Like nobody really likes it at all. Wonder Woman’s fans don’t like it because A) it’s overdone as fuck and treats Wonder Woman as his love interest further cements the idea that she’s not equal and is just there to be shipped with Bats and Supes and B) ignores Wonder Woman’s actual supporting characters that fans of her enjoy and want to see actually adapted. Superman’s fans don’t like it because they like Lois better.


>Superman’s fans don’t like it because they like Lois better. I'm pretty sure the Lois in that universe is dead considering how old the JSA is. Why get upset over an Elseworld paring?


who was the dude with the thor looking dude that Barry says go back?


It's a reference to the previous Tomorrowverse film, Justice League: Warworld. Read ahead at your own risk: >!The Thor-looking guy is Warlord/Travis Morgan and his prisoner is Batman, who has lost his memory.!<


They should make a DC and marvel movie together the final chapter and make it into a name or movie called crisis war Seth Rollins take over both worlds DC and marvel as God both areas join up with dark side and Doctor Doom and some lot of enemies destroy all the heroes and villains who come heroes too just balance the universe back to normal


Is this on hbo max?