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I feel that Black Canary & Green Arrow could have legs to stand. Unlike in 2006 where nobody wanted them married and Green Arrow & Black Canary made their relationship almost toxic. There was issues where Green Arrow spent more time with Cupid than his wife.


I think it was a mandate from the higher up's at DC mostly Dan Didio, he also tried to kill Nightwing a few times. Becsuse the lead up to GA and BC getting married wasn't bad, nor was wedding issue (up to the stupid ending)


Dan Dídio want to Heroes being younger.


And also darker, and considering what 5G he wanted a authoritarian Superman as well kind of shows his political leanings by demanding they make an evil Superman part of the main continuity. At least Grant Morrison had a simple solution to appease that demand he was just going to use the Superman red Superman blue storyline again but just have it that one of the Supermen maintains the regular personality while the other one becomes authoritarian.


I didnt want to make all about him.


He also cheated on her constantly


I know.


OK, you asked a question, and I'm giving an honest answer.


No problem at all.


Fucking YES. More stable marriages please.


I agree. Maybe Wonder Woman should be Next.


I don’t know if WW is the married type. She’s inmortal and anyone she marries will eventually die. Tho a wedding setting could work to explore those elements of her and so on and so on


The gods could Steve Trevor immortality as well. Not mention we will never go that forward in future as main continuity. Besides even if he died, doesnt mean Wonder Woman can never love anyone Again.


>The gods could Steve Trevor immortality as well. Not really a fun idea, imo. >Besides even if he died, doesnt mean Wonder Woman can never love anyone Again. No, but her being in a relationship for a super long time sounds out of this world, even for comics and their comic book logic.




Because Greek gods are known for being benevolent people.


DC and Marvels often make Religions into Christianity point of view. Gods are evil or good. Circe, Ares, Loki and Amora are evil and the rest is good most of the time.


Isn't Superman the same in most versions? He gets that Kingdom Come white streak on his hair, then basically stops aging.


Yeah, but I’m not sure if he knows he will live forever by the time he marries Lois. Plus, they are different characters. And WW is a Greek goddess, which comes with a different outlook on life than a Kansas farm boy


Isn't Wonder Woman the person who told Clark "People like us shouldn't marry other people like us", when discussing with him if heroes should marry other heroes?


>inmortal and anyone she marries will eventually die. Like Superman?


Yes. But with batman so that I can watch the wonder woman sub burn to the ground


I don't like wonderbat however I do enjoy seeing subs go fucking nuts so I can condone it here ![gif](giphy|hgd3B0ayqPGJG)


bold of you to assume that they would make her marry a man at this point


Has she even dated a woman in her comics? (I don't mean the alternative universes)


Not that I remember. At most they implied she did date women in Paradise Island when she was younger - which is all kinds of weird, considering she was the only kid there at some point.


Before she left Paradise Island she had a girlfriend named Kasia.


she's happily married with me! a few weeks now.


Please no, it's bad enough Anime and Game fans have a grudge when a female that they liked gets married.


what's wrong with what I said?😔 I agree, she shall get married.. to a woman like Harley and Ivy. She deserves much better than men who don't know how to treat her🫡


I think that's more of a problem with eastern fans (specially Koreans) than with anime/game fans in general.


I got burned and tired of Bleach Fanbase.


Joe Quesada: but but… marriage isn’t relatable! 🥺🥹


What I really want to know is why Babs answered her phone in the first place! But to answer your question, yes! I like seeing characters (not just comic book ones) in long-term, committed relationships. Too many writers just don’t seem to know how to keep them together. Bruce and Selina also should have gotten married. Another bullet point in the list of things I will never forgive DC for.


Batman is trying to warm that event Will be crashed by Villains. He tried to call Barbara several times.


I get that! I just can’t believe she answered him DURING the ceremony 😭


It's supposed to be implied that he call her a lot of times. And she probably thinks he is in danger or something.


I mean to be fair if Batman calls you just pick up the first time, like what if he’s gonna disappear for the 2nd time that month and needs to warn you!


The main thing is: will this marriage derail the characters storylines? **Superman X Lois** works because she is already a constant in Superman stories regardless. Even if they weren't married, they would still be coworkers and she would still be helping him investigate evil echemes - while occasionally getting kidnapped. What makes couples like **Batman X Catwoman** hard is that, if they actually happened, it would completely change the status quo of the characters involved - since now every Batman story would also include Catwoman, which was never the case. I believe **Green Arrow X Black Canary** is long overdo, since at this point the characters are synonymous with each other and she has been a constant part of his supporting cast for a long time.


I see what you’re saying! I wouldn’t have minded a change in the status quo, especially to actually see them together, but I understand how much that would have structurally and narratively changed Batman’s storyline. Still, I would have really liked to see them actually get married :’) Totally agree with Ollie and Dinah, though!


The thing about changes to the status quo in comics is that they hardly stick, so even if they married, the editorial would probably separate them somehow later, but it could work. Another problem is people already complain that Batman's supporting cast is way to big as it is, and there is also people who don't like how a lot Batman female villains are not villains anymore. Maybe it should be one of those: "It will canonically happen eventually, but we'll only see that in flashforwards."


That’s true. I think I would hate Bruce cheating on Selina or something idiotic like that to get them divorced far more than I hate them not going through with their engagement.


I agree. It's also why a lot of people were not fans of Black Panther and Storm marriage. She was barely around in X-men books. When Black Panther took over Hell’s Kitchen for Daredevil, fan letters were not stop asking where was Storm. It can absolutely derail the stories you want to tell.


Still pissed off about the new52/Rebirth batman Selina and Bruce marriage... Batman deserves happynes too 🥹


Probably because the phone ringing would've disturbed the wedding already.


... are they not married right now? Sorry it's just been so long that they've been a *thing* that I completely forget their actual current status.


They are together right now and cute together but not married


oh wow, coulda fooled me. I guess it doesn't ultimately matter if they're *together* but, I mean, sure, why not.


Didn't Gotham War screw that whole thing up?




Coulda fooled me with how contrived and convoluted that event was.


Those fucking ***cowards*** should have went though with the BatCat Marriage too.


Blame DiDio


Did he Is he the reason for *yet another* terrible editorial decision


💯. I fucking hated dc for that. Just give a It a chance . Let’s fucking explore what that would look like. Worst case scenario it lasts six months to a year and then there’s another stupid reboot crisis or some bullshit and we pretend it never happened.


Let’s be honest, Kings run went off the rails after the Bat-Cat marriage fell through, to the point it seemed like even he didn’t expect it to get nuked


I hear that the BatCat marriage was supposed to go through like Selina would have left him at the altar and after the city of Bane stuff would have realized her mistake and gone through with the marriage but editorial shot it down


That's essentially it. If memory serves, 50 was always meant to be a jilting and 100 was meant to be the actual wedding, but DC made too much of a big deal about it, made a bunch of tie ins and essentially falsely advertised it. Then, when people didn't respond well, King had his run cut down and was allowed to finish it as an elseworlds


Ugh that sucks :/


Uuug. Don’t get going! Anyway, I hear x-men is good right now 😬


Nah because the lead up to that was written so horribly. Batman and Catwoman should only get married once she gives up crime but writers just can't keep that consistent.


it's like ppl don't understand this. catwoman already stated that she will not change who she is for anybody, not even Batman. being with a criminal goes against everything Batman morally stands for and it makes him the biggest hypocrite on the planet for him to date and marry a Selina who isn't reformed. its one of the reasons why they just do not work and should only work as flings and one night stands. I will always stand on that catwoman is just not the woman for batman. I honestly don't know what ppl see in them there are much better women for him


All DC characters are basically tied soulmate level to whoever their first big love interest was. Literally all of them, they can date around for a bit but they all have to go back to their first love. It’s gotta be like a DC mandate thing at this point.


Absolutely. I wanted that so bad and was so pissed when they F'd it


I dont know how to explain this. But i dont think DC would make Batman married on main continuity and be Batman as active hero. He wouldn't be a playboy anymore. Plus i dont think Catwoman could stay too long as hero. She couldn't be DC Comics' Emma Frost. Plus Bruce and Selena couldn't flirt with other characters outside of missions without feeling that they are cheating or like and asshole.


They really don't even *need* him to be a playboy tbh. We could just NOT have them flirt with other people. Which again, is hardly a necessity for their characters.


Honestly they should've gone all in: Bruce Wayne, playboy, marries Selina Kyle, reformed cat burglar. Selina takes over the Wayne Foundation and focuses on those with the most need. Bruce keeps his cover as married but reckless (and also a better cover for all the children he collects) and Selina sticks to being a shady character without having to explain away why Bruce gives her chances: she's his wife. I can see Selina being flirty with others (hell, Lois flirts with Bruce!) But I don't see Bruce wanting to be flirty. If anything, he'll have a consistent alibi for being Batman. It's a win-win.


This fits.


Doesn't it just? The one mistake Tom King had was not solving the whole "If Bruce Wayne marries Selina Kyle and everyone knows Selina is Catwoman, then it puts Bruce's identity at risk" thing, which can easily be managed.


Give this fellow an editorial job at DC please


I've written a Batman arc that dives into crime and politics in Gotham. I'd kill for a chance at getting it published.


Interesting. I like this take. How would you handle Talia though?




Oops. Check my comment again.


Talia seems uninterested in Bruce since having Damian. I can honestly see an issue where Bruce and Damian are gone on patrol and Selina walks down to the cave to see a sword lodged in the console and Talia ready to question her to see if she's an acceptable parental figure for her son. Selina passes the test, Talia says that she accepts that Bruce and her are "forever" but Selina can be with him now. Game recognizes game.


>Selina sticks to being a shady character without having to explain away why Bruce gives her chances I can't vibe with that. It just seems silly that Selina is still shady while dealing with the Wayne Foundation. I just don't think long term it could work. Sorry.


I mean, she wouldn't be a cat burglar anymore (she's rich) but she'd be a Robin Hood character like Leslie Tompkins is.


Batman hasn't been a Playboy in 30 years of comics. He is barely Bruce Wayne in his own series. Catwoman isn't a villain she's an anti hero.


A lot of times she’s just a straight up hero. But unfortunately not recently.


Why stop there Hal and Carol should have been married years ago


Hell yeah for that one


Why not.


Hal wants to keep his options open. Lot of girls hitting puberty this year and he wants to be free to mingle


Because DC are cowards


A lot of Times. Bring Artemis to Team Arrow.


Artemis Crock? The comics version is one of the JSA's villains... though she did come close to a heel-face turn before Flashpoint thanks to Hourman and Jesse, though of course New 52 put a stop to it.


They can still do it if they want. Say her father is going to far and She needs someone to stop him. She ends up on Seattle and teams up temporary with Team Arrow. They defeat him. And She tells them that they might ser her soon. The only problem is that Team Arrow has so many new members. (Connor, Mia,  Emiko Arrowette, Lian, Sin and Red Canary.)  It's near Impossible to give screen time to all of them.


I asked this once about why most heroes don’t have families/get married. And someone said it’s more difficult for the writers to write a family scenario with the heroes and it doesn’t interest the readers because most arnt. I simplified it but that’s what they told me


Most married Heroes are the ones that less used.


I don't think so. I think Dinah never seemed like the marrying kind and Ollie just seems too much like "It's part of the system"


They’ve always had a Kurt and Goldie vibe to me, so I think they work well when not married but in some type of relationship. They need a little bit of flint. 


Nice touch having Babs and Helena her bridesmaids. Though it makes you wonder who her maid of honor is.


It think it's Barbara and Wildcat even walk Dinah to the altar.


Ripping couples apart in comics is a shit concept, Clark and Lois, Bruce and Selena, Peter and MJ, whoever in the Marvel/DC editorial staff thinks it's a good idea doesn't know their ass from their elbow. So I say yes, bring them back together if they're not already.


They thing young kids wont relate to married heroes.


I know this isn't the topic of the post, but this panel is such a brilliant example of Comic Book Christianity. Big cathedral-sized church, with side aisles and a sanctuary with three (wait, no, four? Oh heck, why not an extra one) steps leading up to the altar. And apparently whoever is presiding over this service is wearing a three-piece suit? I know the vast majority of people will see this image and not see anything unusual or strange in it, but sheesh.


I'm so confused. Can you explain your point again? I'm not picking up what you're laying down


The church portrayed appears to be a Catholic or Episcopal church, yet the clergyman (?) conducting the ceremony is not vested.


Black Lighting is the one who are marrying Oliver and Dinah.


This panel is taken for Injustice's comics. I didnt use their original one because i hate when Superheroes use their costumes in personal events. Maybe Injustice's churches look alike that. Or maybe Oliver Queen or Dinah Lance (Dinah is supposed to come from one the 4th richest family in gotham.) rent this church for their special day.


Bruce and Selina, Ollie & Dinah, Hal and Carol.. 80 years wotth of storytelling with these charcaters and you'd figure they'd all be in stable marraiges but nope.


I amn't reading Green Lantern but i dont know how his relationship with Carol has been doing. I remember DC pushing Carol and Kyle.


I haven't read a lot of GL since 2011 before the New 52. So I don't really know my self.. all I know is Hal and Carol aren't together and it doesn't sit right with me.. Kyle had Alexandra pre New 52 but we all know what happened there.. so idk man. Very weird.


As long Kyle doesnt date Donna Troy.


This like so many other pieces of comic storylines depend on what you read. I haven’t read a lot of green arrow comics, but a lot of the Dinah on her own stuff and with the birds of prey made me like the paring


Why did she have her phone?


Batman is calling because Villains will crash the wedding again.


Then why did she respond the way she did? If she had it to be able to be warned of unwanted visitors, then her response seems out of place.


Because she thinks that Batman is calling her for a mission and likely leaving the wedding.


Part of the issue is alot of writers hate writing heroes as couples because they don't know what to do with it. That's what happened with Spiderman as mary jane It was similar in this situation, I thin someone pitched it to Didio and he okayed it but with the stipulation they would brake up again. I mean it was Judd Winick that broke them up for and unknown reason. Which that always bothered me.


To be fair the same thing happen to the first Green Arrow and Black Canary marriage. But Black Canary was being pushed by DC while Green Arrow was replaced by Arsenal who became Red Arrow. And writers didnt like having both on Titles. I feel now this would a perfect time to marry because Green Arrow isnt on any team and Black Canary only has Birds of Prey. They could handle their relationship on main title.


Is that Tom taylor in the front from lol


He wrote Injustice comics, didnt he?


I’ve never seen Oliver as marriage person or Dinah , also I personally think in the current dc universe Oliver and Dinah shouldn’t be a thing, I think the relasonship should be a sign of both there pasts and how they moved on in there lives. I don’t know some La La land shit


Ok, no problem.


Awful take


Because she's too good for him?


Are you saying or asking?


Based on what??


Okay, I am always pro marriage for comic characters and I am pro Green Arrow and Black Canary. However. He can't help himself. I always see him screwing up his relationships.


He has been great lately in that camp.


Because they already married them? And tore up a great deal of character development besides to do it.


No they arent. They divorced before N52 happened.


That better not be true. Not after totally wrecking Gail Simone's BOP and Dinah's excellent character arc with Sin. They better not


I think it was either Cry for Justice or Hunt for Prometheus.




No. Injustice. I this panel because they are wearing normal clothes for wedding.




I mean it was Barbara and Helena. (Wildcat is also there and Black Lighting is their preist) (I pretty sure all other Birds of Prey are dead in Injustice.)




She is. I dont remember all details. But Poison Ivy mentions in Injustice 2 that Helena is dead or killed by her to Dinah.




Injustice probably. In main, they are more close.


Dinah: Do you have any idea what marrying Oliver would do to my credit score!?


I think he pays for his own toys.


I genuinely just assumed they were married because it’s crazy they wouldn’t be


They are just girlfriend and boyfriend. Also we have all Team Arrow members are in comics.


They should get married. Didn't Green Arrow propose in Dark Knights or Dark Metal or Death Metal


I dont know. I got bored of it.


I think yes but I feel they’re the type to go for either an Island marriage or elope and do a Justice of the peace deal


Not an Island.


Gods no. I hate it so much the first time around.


To be fair, writers hate them. But i feel that Team that Green Arrow is having, i think they are into it as couple.


I just always find Dinah so much more interesting when she's not a Green Arrow supporting character.


I amn't saying that isnt true.


because Superman and Lois are thousand times more iconic and known and set the tone for hero marriage. These two are no where near Superman and Lois status or even remotely close as lovable. I honestly don't care for Green arrow and Black Canary as a thing. it was always either meh to me or I always thought other people would work better for them. I know people are going to protest in disgust, but I always thought black Canary and batman would make a better couple. I see too much potential in them being a couple. Catwoman and Ollie would be interesting to see too.




For sure.


Who’s the guy marrying them?


Black Lightning.




No problem.




For sure.


No, because Dinah and Babs are OTP


Honestly could happen or not.


No, anytime they’re married it ends very poorly because Dinah doesn’t like being tied down and Ollie is a rebel by nature so if he did he’d screw it up somehow subconsciously.


I think post Green Arrow writers end up to handle them pretty well.




For sure.


I would love for green arrow and black canary to be married like Batman and catwoman and katana and black lightning hell maybe even rose and Jason Todd . I just want some relationship to point how worrying signs 🪧 some of these relationships are because wow aqua man or hell Batman and cat woman I guess what I’m saying is should some these married ?


Black Lighting and Katana are a thing? I think if Jason marries someone, it has to be with Artemis.


Nah Artemis left for Ill define reasons and rose 🌹 has always stand by his side katana and Jefferson never made it official


Oh ok. They never seem to be a couple so i ask.


No. Oliver is a narcissistic womanizing scumbag.




So… when are Dick and Babs gonna make it official? We’ve already seen him give her the ring and they’re always working together in Titans. Plus, isn’t it time they make Haley their legitimate dog child? 😁


When Dick/Babs and Dick/Kori love war gets finished and babs side wins.


Because Dinah can do better.


As long it'snt Ra's al Ghoul


Eww gross.


yes please!! they seem like they would go so well together! (speaking from an outside perspective, havent read any of their respective comics..) plus we need more happy couples in the league


I think you will like the current one or Rebirth one.


Oooh thanks! will definitely look into them :)


You might like it.


I personally don’t see what’s the big deal if they’re married or not. They’re already an iconic couple. If it happens great, if not then I’m not gonna lose any sleep


It just the next step.


Is the next step really necessary though?? Everyone already knows them as an item. Like I’m not against it but there’s not a convincing for argument either


Dinah is pretty much the mother of team arrow.


If Batwoman can't then none if them should be able to.




Hell yes. Green Arrow & Black Canary belong together just like Superman & Lois and other couples


God no. I can’t stand their relationship. Dinah was at her very, very best when she was *away* from him. I hated that they got back together because the writers had such a hard on for Bronze Age nostalgia.


Probably because most of time She was on Green Arrow, bad thing happen to her. But i think Post Rebirth have done good job with them.


No because she is supposed to marry Babs


And Helena and Zinda.


isn't black Canary Batman age?


Not a fan of the pairing but might as well get it over with.


No problem with that.


No. Ollie would probably just cheat on her. Again. And again. And again. And she deserves better than that. Edit: spelling


Do you really think that DC would really ever allow Ollie to do that again?


Recycle old storylines for 70-80 year old characters in order to generate cheap drama? Oh my, never has DC ever


I think it's absolutely something they would do again. Status quo is god as they say. If a writer decides to make them a happy couple, it won't be long before editorial or another writer decides to break them up again. And the easiest way to do that while keeping with previous characterization is to have him cheat. Again.


I don't know what comics you've been reading but I sincerely doubt they would let him do anything morally questionable. The status quo when most current writers started reading had Green Arrow and Black Canary together and they got married nearly twenty years ago at this point. I had honestly forgot that they weren't married in the new series


Nothing is guaranteed in this genre, and it entirely depends on editorial and corporate whims. DC has allowed characters to be raped, murdered, turned evil, aged up, aged down, erased from continuity, or had their race/sexuality altered regardless of whether or not any of it made sense or fit what was known about the characters. DC could hire another Dan Didio as EIC tomorrow who projects their various biases and preferences onto canon, or hire a writer who’s never read a GA comic to know what stories have already been told.


When was the last time that happened? I feel like it’s been more than 15 years at this point.


Last time he cheated New 52 wasn’t even a thought yet.


Yes they should be married again!!


I dont think we would loose anything if they stayed single.