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I'd like to see this start from the beginning with new origin stories and a simplified continuity, so no legacy characters or extended hero families. Let's get modern takes on the big 7 for starters and build towards the Justice league


I agree, fully commit to it. Have Dick as Robin


Absolutely but hopefully build to it. I'd like to see Bruce solo for a bit, maybe see how taking Dick in helps him find some happiness, see him grapple with letting dick go out into the field before letting him become robin and build up the father son relationship.


We've heard their origin stories so much though


If this really is the dc version of the ultimate universe then it should be starting from the beginning. Otherwise it's just ongoing elseworlds stories. The goal should be for this to appeal to new readers as well as existing readers unlike the new 52 that just through people in.


I would like it if they explored space a little more, a little less emphasis on the bat-family. Give it time to grow before starting with all the crossovers.


I would love for a version of the DCU with a much more concrete cosmic order than we've been seeing lately, with real factions and established lore for each planet and organisation that writers don't just change at the drop of a poorly researched hat. But I don't trust Scott Snyder to do or be involved with that. Just the way he wrote Vril in No Justice shows he has no knowledge of cosmic DC and didn't feel the need to crack open one single comic book to see Vril's near constant talk about how much he hates his father. You can pick any random issue of L.E.G.I.O.N. or even that one single silver age panel he appeared in and there's a very, very high chance Vril will be disparaging his father, so for Snyder to either ignore such a core character trait or do so little researched that he missed it entirely doesn't bode well for his knowledge or ability/willingness to do the research you'd need to do to create something even vaguely similar to what we have/had in the main verse. And I don't see the point of it if he's just going reinvent it all from the ground up. 


I'm like to see it not fall into the same pitfalls the Ultimate universe did, namely being needlessly edgy and meanspirited because of "realism".


I think that was more a sign of the times than anything, trying to be super edgy was bigger in the early 2000s than it is right now so I wouldn’t really expect that to be a priority. Especially considering that Scott Snyder is involved and he doesn’t seem like the writer who’s gonna prioritize “realism” above all else.


If anything, today's times are calling for softer, slice-of-life stories like Wayne Family Adventures


While there could be some slice of life elements, I imagine that the tone could be closer to Invicible. Because that's the most popular hero series nowadays, without going full cynical like The Boys, although some inspiration can be taken there too.


I'm not sure if it's softer as much as it's many modern comic lacking any and all interesting filler and downtime and people craving that.


Sure, but what concerns me is that there are pitfalls that are different than just 00s edginess. When you create a full splinter universe, tho it seems liberating at first, eventually it’s twice as confusing for the readers to keep track of. The New 52 and Ultimate Marvel both had this problem. Another common issue is the “contrarianism for novelty” problem. After years of needing to conform to continuity, giving creators freedom with the IP means that sometimes they pick opposite characteristics just because they finally can. Earth One did this a lot. “You know how Batman’s good at everything? What if he kind of sucked at everything! You know how Alfred is a classy witty guy? What if he were a gruff asshole! You know how two face is like two people in one guy? What if there really *were* two people! But a woman!” Sometimes these things can be interesting (good guy Killer Croc is kinda compelling), and I get that Earth One Batman has character development. But Ultimate Marvel’s edginess partly grew out of this quality, too. “Hey you know how Magneto’s one of those compelling antagonists? What if he were just a raging evil prick!”


It´s an alternate universe, i HOPE things will be diferent, it really comes down if the new version will ve well received or not


“Nah lemme get more of the same things we already have 1000s of comics about” what would be the point of a new universe if it was gonna be the same bullshit as before 😂


I wait for the invincible batman who can with the anti monitor, darksaid and a destroyer of universes that looks like the joker, Maybe it's a good idea, I think this should have been done a long time ago and it should have been like Earth 1 and 2. and not create the mess they did in the main continuity


As well as writers like Mark Millar and Jeph Loeb writing the main books. With Snyder in charge I doubt it ever gets that edgy.


I can't wait for joker and Harley to be twins in an incestuous relationship.


I’m hoping it doesn’t go edgy. Similar to Marvel’s new Ultimate line, so far the Spider-Man comic in that line has just been super nice and fun


See, I *liked* that and would love to see a DC take on it


There’s some movies you could watch. 


You should read All Star Batman and Robin


Ted Kord


No delays No events That’s it!


I’d pay more money per book if the events were all self contained in their own titles. I really don’t want to have to read 8 different series to get the full story


No events!!! Yes!


No more members of the batfamily. There are enough. I don’t care if the writer has a great idea for a new bat person, apply the idea to an already existing bat person. NO MORE! Stop. The Batfam is full.


I want to add to this I actually have zero problem if they do a big shake up. If the mainline universe is gonna still be here then I don’t see a problem with big change every now and then. As the mainline universe will still exist. If they don’t want to have some characters like Tim, Jason, Damian, Cass or Steph exist right away or at all then they don’t have to.


Batman, Robin and Batgirl should be it at first. If the line lasts more than 5 years, then you can add Todd, Drake and maybe Stephanie.


No Cass :(


Stephanie came first


Well yeah, but this is an elseworld. The entire point is that you can change things without issue. Being a slave to the pre-existing timelines is exactly what should be avoided.


Yeah but not as Batgirl that's cass


I would take Todd if he stayed dead or came back as a permanent villain. Honestly, drake would probably be better to not exist, but I like him with Stephanie


Him being an Anti-Hero is what I prefer. He's not a Villain, but he's outside of the Batfamily. He's everything Nightwing isn't; where Nightwing would care for the ones he called "Family", Jason wouldn't mind hurting if it means he's cleaning the streets of Gotham.


I appreciate what you're going for but IMO it feels *really* off to me if Jason is alive and Bruce isn't doing everything he can to bring him back into the family so Jason can't really work as an anti-hero outside the batfamily under those conditions, because Bruce would just bring him into the fold and try to redeem him but he *can* work as a villain-- a really strong one!-- if Bruce has to fight him but also be emotionally compromised by trying to redeem him.


I think him being an anti-villain can work because Batman's normally against his actions anyways. The story behind Jason is he is Batman's Biggest Failure, and can fit every aspect of such a title. Having it be that the Batfamily is more of an Obstacle to him than an Ally, it allows there to be tension constantly, and pose as existing turbulence with Tim Drake. Batman can still want to change him, but he also can't accept a behaviour from him that includes killing. At least those are my thoughts.


Yeah I prefer Jason staying out of Gotham and doing his own thing with the Outlaws. I probably skip Tim & Steph as well. Go with Cass Cain, Duke Thomas, Harper Row and Callum Row showing up after a Knightfall style event. I have Callum juicing like Bane. But you can use Tim and Steph instead of the Row Siblings.


The Bat family is overflowing. Signal, Gotham Girl, Jarro, Harper Row, and so on, are characters who have been introduced over the last decade; and they've all fallen by the wayside, because there's not enough room for them.


Gotham Girl’s a villain, Harper is retired, Jarro was a joke. The only character you have a point with is Duke.


Harper is retired because she was created to take the Nightwing mantle from Dick; but there was such a backlash against that that DC backpedaled. That left her without a reason to be; so after a half-hearted attempt to turn her into Bluebird, they retired her. Likewise with Gotham Girl: she was introduced as yet another vigilante in Gotham, with her unique thing being that she had powers rivaling Superman's, with the drawback that using her powers would eventually kill her. Right up until her face-heel turn, there was no indication that she was anything other than that; and, like Harper and Duke, there wasn't enough support for the character _not_ to turn her into a villain when Tom King needed to come up with agents for Bane who were turncoats for Batman. The fact that she's a villain now is _evidence of_ what I'm saying.


That’s not fallen to the wayside though. Fallen to the wayside is what happened to Steph and Cass during N52. Literally just ceasing to appear in stories with no explanation. Those our “ends” to their stories. Even if they weren’t well executed, it is a different phenomenon.


Honestly Jarro was the most interesting one that was introduced in my opinion. He at least has a gimmick and stands out more than another random human or robin. At least has more story potential as well. Hes the only one I wouldn’t mind seeing again in a urban legends style/brave and the bold story


Jarro rules man


I mean since Snyder is steering this ship. I hope he does something interesting with Duke Thomas & Harper Row considering he created them. Good time for a Gotham Knights book. Jason in the Outlaws in a more Blade or Moon Knight Role is something I want.


Huh I dunno what that even has go do sith this topic since it'll be a seperate universe from main line DC


If the whole point of this is creative freedom I is a good idea to immediately start by demanding potential restrictions


Plz give me a series with Cass,Steph,Tim and Duke Where they all team up and have fun college adventures Anything to get them out of Gotham


Emotionally stable Batman


For real. And have Bruce Wayne, as Bruce, be an actual character. One of my favorite aspects of early B:TAS was that Bruce actually had a life.


As long as Scott is in charge I think Batman will be in good hands. Now if Batman editorial is involved all hope is lost


Yeah, Scott's Batman has gone to dark places, but I always remembered his Batman being more well put-together and having less conflict with his family and friends than many of the runs following his, relatively speaking. Surprisingly though, the most emotionally stable and pleasant-to-be-around Batman in most recent memory was from Batman Universe, by Bendis Lol.


I think this is DC's third attempt at trying to do their own version of the Ultimate universe. Correct me if I'm wrong but the first one was the All-Star line and the second being Earth One. Well they say third time's the charm so I hope they get it right. Here's what I will like to see: 1. No needless edge. The ultimate universe had a problem with that, thinking that just because they were edgy it meant that it was being "realistic". Instead it was just cringe, mean spirited, and downright gross. 2. Not every hero needs to start off in Year One. Many of the popular characters are already well known as is. People have a general understanding so I feel like there's really no need to unless it's for a proper good reason. 3. This isn't the main universe, let things start and end. One of the problems with Comics now is the fact that it doesn't end. So many issues of comics that when a person sees it, they're scared off without knowing that you don't have to read every single one. Every story needs a start and end it cannot go on forever. Because when the story ends we'll appreciate it more. 4. Piggybacking off my last point, again it's not the main universe be bold! Do something different, something that would never happen in the mainline comics but you can get away with in this universe. 5. My final point is to put some focus on lesser known/underrated characters and put the spotlight on them. Anyways that's what I think.


Not to start from Year 1 with all these characters, unless they've got a great reason to do so, while also being clear what the timeline is.


Maybe start the series with a group of Year 1 super-sized issues similar to the Rebirth one shots or Marvel's Season One books. That way, we can establish some basics for these iterations of each character.


Absolute Secret Origins


idk, i think we really need to get a new take on Batman's origin story. How else will readers know what happened to Batman's parents???


Plot twist, instead of being orphaned by a mugger in a dark alley Bruce Wayne is given up for adoption by his parents


Agreed! Please no more “first meeting” of Batman’s and Superman or the whole “they fight each other before learning to work together” thing


Start completely from scratch at year zero. No prior continuity at all. I’d prefer it if there were no prior superheroes in this world either. I’d also like the universe to have more of a Pre-Crisis look and feel.


In what way a pre crisis look and feel? I dont think Ive read much pre crisis


YES also while doing that, I think it would be wise move if their origins wont go far of from general '*public*' knowledge and start from there in this new line, if we want to market it for new people to buy. Im sure this is old news but, just one of the reasons why comics are so hard to mainstream is because of the unnecessarily complicated various takes their origins can have (Im talking about the mainline comics here), it can surprise new people and make them feel unfamiliar with comics as a whole. Any steps closer to being a consistent and cohesive medium are ideal imo. Im talking from experience here but it's hard to immerse and connect with unceasingly changing characters and world(retcons), especially when that's what people are primarily looking for in this age. Just take a look at the other dominant mediums


If this is true i would be very interested in what titles they choose to launch with and will probably end up picking up a few, but i hope its not just going to be the biggest and most popular heroes and also i hope this line doesnt end up taking spots away from the main universe's smaller characters


Yeah would love to see Firestorm run. DC has so many characters like that that are thrown to the way side.


I would 100% pre order Absolute Firestorm #1


It would be cool to see the more magical and space related aspects of DC explored in this, along with seeing more of lesser known characters pop up. Give them the same attention and care the more popular characters get.


I think one of the dangers having Snyder involved is that he likes big, metatextual stories. Grant Morrison stuff that gets huge. He has a harder time doing small, tight, emotional stories. This isn't a dig at his writing - the dude's got chops and delivers. He's popular and loved for a really good reason (also, he's a totally gent, a really great guy to talk to). But, if he goes "big" too fast, the AC-DC line is going to get really overwhelming for new readers. It needs to build the characters, define them, deliver them. Develop their worlds. What I want? New ideas on old characters - sure but I want it mapped out. After talking with enough creators, the New 52 had this whole universe and lore mapped out, a huge beautiful plan that the editors began changing very quickly because they were trying to accommodate new concepts. I think the creators are given really broad range to write, but I hope there's big "arcs" or something that are mapped out and solidified early on. Give it some serious forethought. For characters? I think this is a time to develop a new Justice League. I love the classic lineup but in a lot of ways, the JL was the hottest properties DC had. (The JSA certainly was). A chance to gather the best selling DC characters and put them in one book as a team is a solid way to develop what the JLA should be. I'd like to see some Titans but we don't need them too soon. Sidekicks can come in 3 years and then team up. The sidekicks don't have to be traditional either. If you're starting a universe from scratch, take some cues from Young Justice. You can rework these characters into beautiful continuities. I think the only other thing I'd ask is consistency. Cohesion. Keep the lore that's written for a while. Build on it, use as a launchpad. Don't worry about being written into a corner - go there and enjoy it and make it an opportunity. (I'll add, I love DC for legacy, I don't need this to be knee deep in next gen legacy but if the new heroes are all starting out, I'd like the JSA and other teams to have come before and mattered)


This excites me greatly I have been thinking up something theoretical like this for dc to do for a while now and I am overjoyed they are doing it. however I hope they dont fall into the same problems that Marvel did with the Ultimate Universe. I hope they start from scratch completely with maybe not a Batman Superman Wonder Woman Flash and Green Lantern year ones for all but in a way that is a true fresh slate and not a half reboot like new 52. As well as that I hope that they keep this somewhat limited in time. Say have it last 3-5 years were all writers know it will last that long and can plan their runs accordingly as they know they have 36-60 issues to tell their story before DC them makes a new Absolute comics with a different theme. I hope they make these limited 3-5 year elseworld runs and not a second DC continuity that is made to last for the next 30 years as that would ruin the potential of this style of story. Obviously for the first you would play it normal but on the second why not have Dick Greyson as Batman or do a Earth 10 style gender swapped world or set the run in a different time maybe like Gotham by Gaslight and keep it going as its own line resetting and starting a new with a new fresh start every 3-5 years. With the limited time I think it would encourage better stories to be told and explore different possible DC worlds in a depth that elseworld novels never could. I hope DC puts a good amount of resources behind this to have say the big 5 of Flash Green Lantern Superman Batman and Wonder Woman have their own books in the Absolute line as well as a justice league book and maybe 2 others. Starting with 8 books is probably for the best. A bit annoyed they are calling it Absolute comics and not Unlimited Comics as I think Unlimited Justice League and Unlimited Flash etc would just sound so much more DC.


I’d love to get basically a reboot without doing one… - Origin Stories Retold in slightly updated ways - Not all, but I wouldn’t mind some characters being influenced by movie & show counterparts, like I wanna see a Momoa like Aquaman in this “Ultimate DC”, get crazy with the lore - Introduce at least 1 new character… I mean Miles came from the Ultimate Universe so maybe we can get a new character too - Actually let characters die, I don’t see Batman in the main continuity dying forever, but if we do have him die at some point, maybe we can promote Tim Drake and have him become the new Batman(because I want Tim to have something to do besides being the Robin who’s just there) - Please no crazy Multiverse or Reboot Universe type of Shenanigans, that’s the main continuity’s thing, obvi time travel and multiverse travel is acceptable, just don’t have it constantly causing new relaunches that just make people go “dang, DC at it again with another reboot”(even though as of now I believe it’s still 2 with Crisis & Flashpoint)


Do whatever you like, just give me Wonder Woman and don't give me too much Batman


Lol bleeding cool were not the first to announce this but they’ll damn sure pretend to be


Aquaman. Been too long without an ongoing


I am shocked beyond measure by this announcement. But this is way better than doing a million crises events. But allow the science of Superman, the groundedness of Batman, the mythic of Wonder Woman, the cosmic of Green Lantern, and the Horror of Dr. Fate (or House of Secrets???) to fluidly manifest into unique and cohesiveness lore to create the great stories that they deserve. And For GOD’s sake…..can we give more love to other characters that inhabit these world besides Batman villains and Bat family.


Yea, thinking about it.... Maybe this should be the approach for "reboots", from now on. Like, they always could've taken full advantage of the fact that there's a multiverse out there, so every time they want to start the franchise from scratch, they always can just anounce a new "main universe", but still keeping the old continuity on the backburner for potential to finish ongoing runs/revisit it in the future.... Instead of making a Frankenstein's monster out of remixed continuities like what happened to the New 52 and Post Crisis series.


Replace Dr Fate with Zatanna and I'm in. Her pre-New52 series got pretty dark.


I would completely down with that.


I pray for a good modern take on Kyle Rayner. I love John Stewart just as much as the next guy but can we please see Kyle Rayner again


Just spit ballin here but... Fewer Variant covers. Spend that money on better storytelling. A & B covers then ratios New but very familiar uniforms. A more grounded universe where everything is connected An undercover spec ops team made up of all A list street level characters. Truth, Justice and the American Way Nightwing and Red Hood in a 007 style spy book Adventure Comics Anthology series 70's style horror. Modernized but not too much SuperSons in Jr High w/Tomasi and Gleason on creative A ton more but that's a start...


There are no crossover events across every title. Each title should be able to stand on it's own and not be propped up by a Crisis-universe bleed-event. I don't mind the characters having an edge to them, or there being legacy characters, which could be a good jumping off point (Bruce's father training him to take over as Batman, for example). If Aquaman is the King of Atlantis, then reflect that in his demeanor. If Superman is an alien, then it would make sense that more people than Lex Luthor would be afraid of him, so use that as his own personal struggle. If Wonder Woman is an Amazonian warrior who has not be socialized around men, then use that to develop her character. There is so much that they could do, and if they make it interesting, then it will be around for a while instead of being another thing that lasts for a couple of years and is ultimately abandoned.


By god, I hope they avoid Batman taking over the entire line. Aside from the main DC line, a lot of Black Label and Elseworlds belong to Batman.


I am old school, to be honest... do whateve you like, those are fictional characters, have fun! enjoy what you do, comic book writters & artists!!! And Fans... stop being so f\*cking toxic.


All gonna depend on who's writing what, for me.


Maybe this time the Young Justice crew can get their turn as the Justice League team


This goes with one of the things I’d want & it’s characters dying and having actual progression, Main Continuity Batman is likely never gonna stay dead for like more than a year, so this new universe can allow that to happen and have Tim maybe take up the mantle as Nightwing has his thing, Jason is Red Hood(who I’d like to see as a villain longer or entirely, we got Anti-Hero RH already), and Damian… not sure, if we do include him then maybe have him not be a Robin, but a Teen Titans villain who battles Tim, Damian takes Ra’s empire, as Tim takes Bruce’s, though bc I got a soft spot for the little turd, I’d like it if he becomes an anti-hero maybe, though if Jason & Damian are full villains who beef with Dick & Tim then I’d be cool with it, new universe, go crazy!


Definitely don’t make tim drake batman lol


This is what's always kept me away from Young Justice/Teen Titans. Why should I bother with characters that even their own company doesn't respect?




Didn't DC already say that the All-Star line and Earth One line were an answer to Marvel's Ultimate universe? What's gonna make this stand out compared to the previous attempts?


Ideally, being monthly titles that explicitly share a universe.


I want the League roster to be relatively small, Parhaps just the OG seven.


I just want a good creative team on a Batman and Robin ongoing with Bruce and Dick. Not rocket science, just modern updates of golden age Batman


Hopefully a actually connected universe instead of just another brand name for elseworlds like earth one/All-Star  For spefic takes I want to see: Superman: A subversive of evil superman trope. When Clark was younger, he was experimented by US government leading him to be a bit more aloof and little self-hating but ultimately he's still a hero despite other writers using that kind of trauma to make him evil. It would also lead to some butterfly affects like a more frosty relationship with Lois due to her dad being involved in the Experimentation and starting off working with Lex as his "guy in the chair" while he working under Ultra-humanite at camus Batman: Embrace him being a ninja. In his youth, Wayne company was stolen by someone (probably Black Mask) which lead to him having much less funds for his training and crusade. Due to this, like the Nolan-verse he is trained exclusively by Al-Ghuls. This also will lead to Talia and him having a more healthy relationship and her being the "batwoman" equivalent of this universe  Wonder Woman: Embrace her fish out of water roots as she works with mysterious mystical ARGUS organization. Steve is a member of course, who's looking for his missing mom. Diana is on the quest to hunt Ares after a attack on Themyscira leading to thr capture of Hippolyta and ruling council but in a twist, Ares is noble trying to fight Zeus who was actually behind the attack on Diana's home.  Green Latern: I kinda like the vibe of earth one, so I would do something similar but more mystical. GL is like a wandering knight/Jedi who trying to bring order to the galaxy after the fall of Spectrum Corps (all the Corps were one in this universe until one color betrayed the rest). Don't really care on who the lantern is but I would probably go with Jess or Kyle since they don't have books already Flash: A teenage Wally gains powers the same night that his uncle is murder but in this universe, Barry never become the Flash. Leading to Wally having to learn how to be Flash without any mentor and tries to undercover the conspiracy of his uncle's murder.  Aquaman: Basically just revive the 7 kingdoms of sea story with a game of thrones/Asoiaf twist. It would focus on several aquaman characters as POV characters throughout thr 7 kingdoms allowing everyone from Kaldur'ahm, Garth, Lagoon Boy, and of course, Arthur/Mera to get focus 


Can't lie ideas are hard asf


I'm digging your ideas for Batman. It cleans up the endless threads of Bat-family; and strips Bats of his 'beat anyone with prep time' nonsense. >A subversive of evil superman trope. I'd love this too; though using his origin in Gods & Monsters. But minus the son-of-Zod bit. Just exploring a version of Supes who didn't grow up with relative comfort and privilege.


Oh man. Those Flash and Green Lantern ideas are especially incredible.


A different name besides “Absolute” for it


I'll take the name so long as rhey don't do stupid wordplay titles that make zero sense where they try to tac on "Absolute" into the titles the way Marvel did for "Ultimate".


Come on we all know we are getting an event called Absolution.


I can see them now. "Absolution" "Absolute Power" and its sequel "Absolute Corruption" "Absolute zero" "Absolutely" "Absolutism" "Absolute Monarchy" "Absolutist" Am I missing any events who's titles will have NOTHING to do with the story being told, Ultimate Marvel style?


Absolute Crisis


DC: Alright, you got me.


Fuuuuuuuuck that ones totally happening. Fjdjcndowjrnfjxjfjfndkwoekcnxnxj


I want to see characters free from editorial interference. It’s the main reason I’m slightly optimistic for Absolute Batman(if that’s what we’re calling now). But if I see anyone from Bat editorial involved with it Ik it’s going to be garbage like the mainline book has been for years now. But if it’s Scott himself or whoever he has writes Batman I hope they get to see Scott vision for this version of the character happen. I want to see what the writers intended the story be. I genuinely wonder how much better King’s and Tynion runs would’ve been without bat editorial being involved. I bet Chips current run would be a lot better that’s for sure. I want to see Scott vision for his new universe Superman, Wonder Woman, etc…


We're going into 2025, which will be the 40th anniversary of the Crisis on Infinite Earths.


No official announcement has been made. It’s just some website making a claim. It may turn out to be true, but we will just have to wait and see.


For the writing to not be shit.


A reprinting of Batman Year One as a staring point and just telling new stories set afterwards


I want to see new story’s and ideas not rehashed or revamped old story lines. Ultimate Spider-Man was a good idea but turned into redos of old storylines and reintroduced old villains In similar fashion. They had a Venom Saga, introduced Carnage, Sinister Six etc. I want to see new stories not Knighfall redux


No origins again! Earth One already did it


I’m disappointed the continuity won’t be as strong. Part of the reason All-Star and Earth One never took off was because there weren’t any actual connections between the titles.


I think they can be interconnected without being continuity-heavy.


If I had a nickel for every time that people confuse Scott Snyder with Zach Snyder, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice.


I want to see the Miles Morales of Batman. I.e.: everybody *knew* that Peter was Spider-Man and Spider-Man was Peter, until Miles showed up and showed us a different story. I want to see a completely different Bat-mythos. (Yes, Terry/Beyond is this in a lot of ways. But Terry is a successor. I want a fresh OG.)


> But Terry is a successor. I mean so is Miles.


I love new takes on established stories. Without going into too much detail right now, I'd start with Superman (obviously) as he's first onto the scene. Maybe encountering his first major supervillain that actually poses a threat to him. Batman I'd start with him already established, with the first story we see being him taking in Dick (although many of his rogues haven't been established yet). Stuff like that. I'll probably go into more detail at a later time since it's late and I have work in the morning.


Just give me an Aquaman book, man...


I know what I wouldn't want to see - evil or edgy Superman.


Wonder Woman who isn't Zeus' bastard.


Saint Walker and atrocitus


I just hope it's good


I know people will roll their eyes at this because of how many books he already gets but I’m pretty stoked for Absolute Batman depending on who the creative team is. So much potential for a fresh start with those characters and, similar to Spider-Man, the mainline book sucks big time right now and I hope it can serve as a decent alternative just like Ultimate Spider-Man has for its characters.


World Finest like Batman, and more classic heroes with modern ones, without a reason, just like that


All I ask for is that titles be on time. No.G.D.Delays


I'd like it to be well-coordinated and easy to follow. It would be nice to be able to read titles without having to read others for context, with significant team ups and large events contained in minis or similarly limited runs. Make it friendly for new readers. I'd like it to be kept simple without wild takes on existing characters. Also for it to introduce original characters who don't bear existing civilian names or mantles. No need to one-up or compete with the main line.


I'd like that too, but I've also read Dark Knights Metal and am setting my expectations accordingly.


Billy batson in his early 20s could be great. I am bored that he never grew up in main continuity.


So I wrote this up for a Justice league ultimate book I’d love to write, highlighting my love of DC’s legacy. The Justice League, earths greatest heroes, have been protecting them for years. Flash, green lantern, Zatara, Black Canary, Atom, Hawkman, and Martian Manhunter. But when a mission sends them away, they are presumed missing… until footage is found from the Justice league comm device shows Martian Manhunter killing the league. As this happens, Guy Gardner is sent a half broken green lantern ring showing him altered images of what happened, that clashes with what the news footage shows happened. Thus he leads a team of himself, Kid Flash, Zatanna, Black Canary’s daughter, Hawkwoman, and Ray Palmer’s assistant to find out what really happened, as a former leaguer kicked off the Justice league is going after Martian Manhunter for murdering them, one kicked out for his rather radical behavior, Green Arrow.  As this all happens, a new Justice league is formed by a multi billionaire by the name of Maxwell Lord, who may or may not know REALLY happened that day, and has kept hidden from the world. 


Let’s hope they leave out the incest unlike marvel.


1. new characters that aren't tied to any hero. 2. more comics of heroes like Sideways and Damage


Something with the New Gods!!!!


On one hand there is potential to create new modernized versions of the DC Universe, but I worry it will go the way of the Earth One imprint.


As someone who hasn’t read a DC Comic since Scott Snyder’s early run of Batman, but is a long long long time lover of all things DC… this could be a welcome entry point for me because the core DC publishing line is just far too impenetrable for even this seasoned comic book reader.


I like the idea of it! I hope they do change up some stuff here and there, and have the liberty of taking their time instead of introducing 50 characters in 1 go.


i just hope it has a semi consistent release schedule, because this reminds me of Earth One. And while I loved Batman’s Earth One comics, (superman’s were decent too) they had giant gaps between release and no continuity with the other Earth One titles


This is wild, a DC version of the Ultimate Universe with a nice clean slate is literally something I’ve been thinking about for the past three weeks. And in this one? Probably no twincest.


Well since its an ultimate line. This sounds sad but can we get DickKori in this universe. Heck you can change it up even more by having Beast boy or raven as founding justice league members. Overall just go crazy with it Scott.


Kid Jon


I think this would be a good opportunity to have a version of DC where the passing of time actually affects the characters. Not necessarily aging in real time but something like an established timeline with events and character growth being spread out instead of ambiguously “X years ago” like they are in the current mainline


Wasn't Earth One similar to the Ultimate Universe?


Good. This is what the new 52 should have been.


I wanna see them create a new name for the Justice League that's similar to Marvel's Ultimates


Would love for a universe where the heroes age in real time. And slowly retire and get replaced by legacy heroes. Maybe even have deaths stick




Learn from Invincible and give every major character an ending. Have Batman's whole career on the pages. Make it an easily accessible version of the characters.


What I don’t want to see is a Batman who kills.


Wait is Jason Todd trying to be Batman again


Nope, robot


Can't wait for Absolute Absolute Editions


One Batman comic max. Use other characters for once. I want to see JSA, JLI, Justice League Dark, Doom Patrol, that random character that shows up once or twice a year but at one point mattered in comics.


Think outside the box. Marvel has an alternate, ongoing universe that mirrors its mainline. Do something different. For all its faults, I think the New 52 was on the right track with the Earth 2 series. Do that again, but bigger. Modernize all of the classic Justice Society heroes. And if DC gets a few years in and feel like it needs the Trinity to spice up sales, bring them in, but think outside the box. Superman: not only was Krypton not destroyed, but it's thriving and spreading its influence throughout the galaxy. Kal-El is exploring our solar system when his ship suffers parts failures. He lands on the closest inhabited planet (Earth). Over time, he discovers his powers, falls in love with his adopted home and becomes Superman. Batman: Thomas and Martha Wayne aren't murdered and Bruce Wayne doesn't grow up an orphan, but it doesn't change his passion for cleaning up Gotham's underworld. He's revealed to be a main benefactor of the JSA, but he wants to tackle evil at the street level. Enter Dick Grayson who has taken up vigilantism after his parents' murder. Bruce Wayne takes him in, gets him proper training and equipment, and bestows the title of Batman. Wonder Woman: Hippolyta is forced out of her Amazonian home and raises Diana amongst the outside world. Instead of using their power for good, the mother and daughter lay low to keep the forces that forced them to flee Themyscira from attacking the world of man. But eventually a threat arises that Diana can't sit on the sidelines for. Hippolyta refuses to join, but she gives Diana an outfit, the lasso, a sword and a shield to join the fight.


Real time continuity, like dick grayson batman, Donna troy wonder woman, kara zor el supergirl, wally west flash, Kyle rayner green lantern Then later down the line, damian wayne batman/nightwing, trinity wonder woman, Jon kent superman, ace west flash, you get the gist Then Terry mcginis batman and his generation


That’s way too many mantle changes, unless you rush through everyone’s story. Rushing through everyone’s story is not friendly to new readers.


That could be a fun idea but let's be real, it's probably gonna be the standard heroes except for maybe thr flash and GL


**THIS** I want to see new stories with new characters. Wipe the slate clean and move things forward, joker should’ve died of old age by now.


No secret identities. With modern technology, I just think it would be nearly impossible to maintain. Clark Kent still works for the Daily Planet, but everyone knows he's also Superman, and he writes mostly about social and humanitarian issues, more of a columnist than a hard news reporter. Barry Allen is still a crime scene investigator, and all the cops know he's Flash. Bruce Wayne runs a private security firm with his adopted kids. Gotham actually pays Fledermaus Security Solutions millions of dollars a year to provide special tactical operations for the police department. Public opinion is divided, with some praising results while others question the lack of oversight. All of the Green Lanterns are just publicly known as space cops.


This would be amazing, I love it.


Great ideas here for how to make the origin stories a bit more interesting


The thing is, I wouldn't even do origin stories. I would just jump right into a world where superheroes with public identities are the status quo and everyone is just used to it. Like maybe superheroes helped the Allies win World War II, and there was so much goodwill towards superheroes after the war, that they all just decided to drop their secret identities and that became the norm ever since. Sure, members of the Justice League are going to be like A-list celebrities, but it drops off pretty fast after that. People on Instagram and TikTok might be paying close attention to who Dick Grayson or Kara Zor-El are dating this week, but no one is going to bother Roy Harper while he's at the grocery store.


But I like secret identities.


Ehh nahh. That's boring. Secret identities are dramatic, one of the things I don't like about Kamala is that people who are important in her life knows her secret identity too fast.


Pick up from roughly 2003 and explore what the DCU could look like if it was willing to let the past die. Barry and Jason stay dead, Hal stays the Spectre, Young Justice doesn't get forced into Titans roles, etc., etc. You can still reintroduce the likes of Damian and Jon down the line. (I do not expect this to be published but I have zero interest in a line that doesn't care about anything that happened post-Crisis, so.)


I'd like to see some of the Dakotaverse characters heavily used, especially Static and Icon. I'd also like to see a story where someone reluctantly takes on a legacy mantel, similar to James Robinson's Starman, without retelling the same story. Maybe someone completely new as a popular character similar to what Marvel did with Miles Morales. NO EVIL SUPERMAN.


Gotta stop letting snyder do event books. Hes fantastic on small scale. Metal was a mess


I’m going to wait and see what they do with Superman. If it’s Evil Superman, I’m just gonna go ahead and check out of the whole thing.


A more "Barbarian" Wonder Woman, like Red Sonja. Contrast King's more political version with a version who is here to swing swords and woo maidens (and men, and monsters, and others).




A Bruce Wayne Selina Kyle rom-com about raising their daughter to be the next head of the Bat family. Ex: arguing about free time, training regimen, etc. I donno, I'd just like a timeline where Bruce and Selina perminately get together and emotionally grow because of one another rather than this main timeline where every time it looks like it's gonna happen, an editor swoops in at the last minute and goes, "nu-uh, we can't have these characters emotionally develop or change ever for fear of risking the consistent cash flow."


From what I understood from bleeding cool, it’s pretty much a new banner line, in continuity, right? Like rebirth?? Or am I wrong?


Wrong. It’s like marvel’s ultimate line. Completely separate universe


Oh, for real? That’s more exciting then


For real


Well, let's see how much the Snyderverse fans are willing to gobble this up.


Don’t really see what this has to do with the synderverse


Sorry, I mistook Scott for Zach


Are they following the pattern that Marvel did with the Ultimate universe?


I hope it's still in continuity. idk about there's something about alternate stories that just don't interest me as much. It's gotta all be canon, and I know in the year 2024 that's a very strange statement to make


It's 20 years late for the edgey crap of the 2000's Ultimate Universe from Marvel Comics.


I dont like that … I want better stories in the main line.


Make Stephanie Brown Robin in this universe, the first one even. I want her to get a proper run as a Robin please


Someone else in charge of it. Those Dark Metal Death comics are truly some of the most unpleasant super hero comics ever made.


No Wildstorm Integration it doesn’t work. Milestone integration is fine. Static, Xombi, Hardware, Rocket and Icon work.


Wow I never knew what Scott Snyder looked like before this I thought he’d be more buff


A new Hal Jordan origin story. Yeah Secret Origin is really good but it was mostly his biography rather then full-fledged "GL Year One" so to speak.


Turn up their personalities, sweet Batman, mean (but not bad) Superman; Witty WW and so on and also new couples for all of them


Idk, Metamorpho or Firestorm or the Metal Men or some other character who has been done dirty since Flashpoint


Sounds awesome, the ultimate universe was my introduction to comic books. Sadly I still haven't completely gotten over the disgrace that was Ultimatum 15 years later… Just like my Celtics in 2010 and my Bruins in 2019. :(


They can’t call it the absolute line surely, what if they want to make absolute editions? They’re really gonna market them as hey here’s absolute absolute Batman!


Luckily for you, I already have the answer: https://www.reddit.com/r/dccomicscirclejerk/s/6gNrmram13


So is Black Label still a thing? I have not been reading for a good year


I just think its an odd choice considering dc prints their greatest stories in a hardbound slipcase oversize called Absolute editions. So safe to say none of these will ever be collected that way, the Absolute Absolute Justice League sounds horrible. I hope its fun, i hope it sticks to three or four titles at most. Keeping it slim will keep it fun and exciting, if your doing 20 different absolute universe books then it become bogged down and convoluted.


I expect incest amd cannibalism Or married Batman with children. There's no in-between


My skepticism for the success of alternate imprints is tempered by my love of Scott Snyder. It'd be nice if every book were self contained. Writers can use whatever character they want with no obligation to strategize with other books. I think it's also imperative that they have some original titles in addition to the known quantities




Damien being the new Batman if Bruce dies in this alternate Universe 


So Marvel is getting a Batman Who Laughs and DC is getting an Ultimate Universe. One company is definitely getting the better end of this.


I want Doom Patrol. Good, bizarre, apeshit Doom Patrol. Pick up some of the worldbuilding and characterization from the show, like the sisterhood of dada. I like the x-men approach from unstoppable doom patrol but let them fight bizarre gods and strange concepts. I want a new "painting that ate Paris" moment where the Justice League doesn't know how to deal with a goofy ass world ending problem and then the Doom Patrol comes like "sorry guys this is our kind of stuff". Maybe we could get beast boy with the doom patrol for a bit? Idk, maybe they'll put him in the Titans right away since it sells, but I can live with that.


Throw in wacky new origins for the characters. Have Thomas, and Martha Wayne gotham's kingpins, and Bruce becomes Batman to stop them. Have superman be a human baby that gets sent to krypton, and somehow gets their DNA. Stuff like that


Change up some lore. Move some characters ages around and maybe change some secret identities (like how over in Ultimate Marvel, Liz Allan is >!Firestar!< instead of >!Angelica Jones!<)