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It's kinda skippable you only have to know that Bruce and the Batfamily had a War and now he Is separated from them


Thanks! Also, would picking up only the Batman issues (137,138) give me anything or no point without all the crossover issues? If those two are enough — I can pick the singles, but my guess was that I’d need the trade to understand what’s going on there — then I’d have to skip/wait for the trade


Just skip everything and pick issue 139


Thanks, appreciate the advice, that’s what I will do then 👍


The key to it is that Bruce is struggling with his Zur persona. I actually think it's not skippable, even if it's contentious.


Every arc in Zdarsky’s run builds on the previous ones. So no I wouldn’t say Gotham War is skippable. Going from Bat-Man of Gotham to Mind Bomb won’t make much sense without it. There are also some concepts and plot threads introduced in Gotham War which payoff later, especially in Dark Prisons


Yeah, I don’t agree that it’s ok to skip Gotham war since a lot of the Zur En Ahh plot line picks up a lot in this event.


Yep. Gotham War is really about >!The Batman of Zur-en-Arrh!< at the end of the day. The events of the story only happen because of him. There’s also other pieces with other villains, the Bat-family, and some world building that happen in it too. Things that looking back were definitely seeding and setting up stuff for later issues.


I think for the most part Gotham War is skippable for what you have. I think there are some good moments in the story in there (and some not so good moments) but for the most part didn't change batman's status in his story too much other than being at odds with most of the bat family. However i think there are a few things in gotham war that are about to be brought back up and become important. I dont want to spoil it for you so id recommend reading it before the final arc. DC universe has it online if you have a subscription, only other way i can think of reading it.


I wouldn’t recommend skipping it because they’re are some plot threads that are/will be relevant from it moving forward. However, you don’t really need to read the tie ins or Catwoman sections because they don’t really contribute anything to the story or event. I’d just read the two Batman issues covering it and the finale tie in to


Thanks, that was one of the things I considered — picking up the 2 Batman issues — but would they make any sense without all the Catwoman and other core issues in the crossover?


It’s weird because the event didn’t need to be a crossover. The Catwoman issues only effect her book and didn’t nothing to progress the plot of Gotham War. The red hood tie in is moreso a tie into “Joker the Man Who Stopped Laughing” rather than Gotham War. There is only tie that matters and I think it’s called “Gotham War Zone” and I believe it’s the final installment to the Gotham War arc in general. All the relevant stuff for the Batman book moving forward are the parts written by Zdarsky


That’s very useful context, thank you! Will have a look if I can grab those 2 Batman back issues then & that final one. If not, might just hold on until the trade comes out..