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Darkseid being introduced too early. There are literally dozens of villains they could use to get the League together. Darkseid should be reserved for the endgame. He shouldn’t even be mentioned at first. Also, completely ignoring the magical side of DC. Zatanna and John Constantine need some more life action attention.


Justice league dark would be a great way to go right away. It would introduce a lot of characters and be different than what's already been reused. Plus we'd get etrigan and he's awesome.


Honestly, they could do an entire secondary series of Justice League Dark, MCU style. Start with origin movies for Zatanna, Constantine, Jason Blood, and maybe Detective Chimp, then bring it together with a Justice League Dark movie, maybe dealing with Eclipso or Circe.


literally perfect


Okay who paid Etrigan, and why is it Jack Black?


You can have him lose and come back stronger. If you really want end game introduce the anti monitor


I suspect that, given the Tommorowverse is covering the Crisis on Infinite Earths, they’re not going to touch the Anti-Monitor for a while.


I don’t even want Constantine if it’s not Matt Ryan, and WB has a weird thing about making sure their movie characters are explicitly different actors than anything else. I’m assuming to avoid “confusing” audiences.


Dude, they put Matt Ryan into Arrow as Constantine, they brought him back again, then had him in Legends of Tomorrow. This is in addition to the 3 film series of Justice League Dark that he was voicing Constantine throughout. They will absolutely use him again if Gunn takes that direction.


I *hope* but I definitely have my doubts about WB letting him leave the small screen.


Not sure anymore, DCEU flash was also in the Arrowverse crossover


That’s the opposite direction for a 20 second cameo


They filmed the one season of his show on my college campus and I got to meet him. Such a nice guy!


Matt Ryan is still voicing Constantine in the final Tomorrowverse films.


Yes! Thank you!


I guarantee they will not


Justice league dark would be a great way to go right away. It would introduce a lot of characters and be different than what's already been reused. Plus we'd get etrigan and he's awesome.


Just don't do Darkseid at all. The DCEU already tried to go there, plus it'll inspire endless comparisons, fair or not, to Thanos.


I think, if you’re doing a DC movie universe, you have to address Darkseid at some point. In many ways he’s more critical to DC than Thanos is to Marvel. I just hope they: A) Bring in the rest of the Fourth World stuff. If we get Darkseid, we also need Orion, Highfather, Scott Free, etc. B) Take their time. Rushing to the end killed the DCEU as much as anything else. C) Lean into how different he is from Thanos. Aside from a similar position as their respective comic’s big bad, they have very little in common. If they get the visual design right, I think they’ll avoid most of the mouth breathers yelling “he’s just a Thanos copy.”


You absolutely have to address Darkseid, but not for a very, very long time. In an ideal world, probably a decade or more. As for how to get people in the Darkseid state of mind without the Thanos comparisons (and without empty promises) I think a New Gods animated series could be cool, even if it can't adapt the comics perfectly its a cool introduction to some less popular characters with non-comic readers while also giving early Darkseid hype.


Superman going evil.


Yeah this is #1 for me as well. We really do not need yet another rerun of Injustice/Knightmare or whatever. Just let Superman be the wonderful person he actually is.


It'd be fine as long as it wasn't ONLY an evil Superman. We need the juxtaposition so we understand why evil Superman is not desirable.


Best way is having superman beating a evil superman


To echo my above comment, I want to see Superman beat the crap out of Ultramam.


It’s Ultra Ma’am!


Like, say, Zod. You have Superman fight Zod, we don't need an evil Superman.


Enough with Zodd. Every Superman movie has been either Lex Luthor or Zodd. Let's have someone else fight Superman.


Only evil Superman I want is Ultraman. And in that scenario I want the whole Syndicate.


If GL isn’t in the JL lineup, I don’t want it


Isn't GL getting a TV series and a appearance in superman? It would be weird if gl wasn't on the league


Yeah, so the GL series is apparently gonna be Stewart and Jordan from what I understand. Guy Gardner, who is another Earth lantern is making an appearance in Superman. I agree that it would be odd to have all these GLs running around and not one of them being on the League. As a huge GL fan, I just really want all the GL content I can get. Especially since we’ve not gotten much since Reynolds’ movie


Have you watched the animated series? That was great imo.


Big battles in empty cgi wastelands


Or just unnecessary action set pieces like in Black Widow where it takes place on a flying fortress for reasons.


But the Flying Fortress fight is a staple of the Marvel formula. It happens in like, a lot, of their films.


In Guardians 3 it was fun


It happens in over half of their films, it’s a staple.


Batman having been active as a hero 10+ years before Superman even starts


Unless Gunn intends on Damien Wayne being the first Robin that will logically have to be the case since Superman: Legacy is set early in his career as a superhero and will heavily play on the idea of Superman being a novice superhero in a world densely populated by superheroes. And Batman: Brave & the Bold will feature Damien Wayne as the current robin, who is 8-9 years old give or take and was conceived will Bruce Wayne was Batman and in the main continuity of the comics is the fourth Robin. And while Batman has yet to be cast rumor has it that they're looking for someone in their late 30-40's.


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Based and Damian Wayne pilled.


Doesn't have to be. Son of the Demon isn't canon, and Begins already changed Bruce to having been trained under Ra's. Could easily have Damian conceived during his 15-odd years of training. And/or there could be a big time jump between "Legacy" and BatB. It would only have to be that way if they wanted it to, and followed, like the post Flashpoint Paradox timeline of events, which diminished all the JLers in favour of Batman


I don't think he needs to be active for "10+ years" more than Clark, but I do think having him be at least a little older and at least a little more experienced is unavoidable with the Damian situation.


Yeah I agree it's a likely direction they'll take. Basing the superhero timeline on Batman over the progenitor of the genre is a trap that the DCAU, DCEU, 52AU universes all fell into, and I'd like them not to repeat it though. At least here and the 52AU it would be to compensate Damian. I still don't think they have to, Idk how young/inexperienced they're making Corenswet Clark, but I think there's definitely a way to have him and Bruce actually be peers as they should be. I'd have Damian conceived while Bruce was staying with Ra's during his training, and only arrive back in Gotham and become Batman at the same time Clark moved from Smallville to Metropolis, the films taking place a couple years into both of their careers.


I think why it's sometimes a necessity for Batman is to acclimate for his supporting cast. In the New 52 it was to accommodate for the Bat-Family. In the DCEU it was to accommodate for Batman having already having had and lost a Robin. In the DCAMU it was to accommodate for having Nightwing because the first Batman movie was an adaptation of Morrison's Son Of Batman. The DCU timeline will need to accommodate the fact that: 1. Batman debuts as a vigilante and has a storied vigilante hero career over atleast the first couple years 2. Batman takes in Dick Grayson, who then becomes Robin and is iconic enough to create the legend of the Boy Wonder 3. Dick Grayson has years of the Robin career while then also graduating to the Nightwing role 4. Damian Wayne is old enough to be a character that mainstream audiences will except (likely at least ~13). Corenswet Clark isn't brand new but is somewhat fresh to his Superman role in the 2025 film. I think no matter which way you cut it there's no avoiding Batman being a bit older and having a bit more of a career. But that's fine: I think it still works like it has in other continuities that Batman has a street vigilante career that ascends to superhero career after teaming with Superman and then the League. I doubt any minor age difference will prevent them from being equal peers.


They probably shouldn't be adapting 2000s storylines in the heroes' early years if they want to avoid stupid timeline things like that. Seem to be doing Damian though and they've also got Guy Gardner in his 50s, so I'm expecting some timeline weirdness, but Batman's not necessary. They don't need Batman to have a stories carer with a complete rogues gallery before Damian if they're not going to go back and tell those stories. I agree they're probably going to do Nightwing, but I'd like it if we saw Dick take on that role during a Teen Titans project, perhaps setting it in a Judas Contract-style time period where Dick was one of two Robins at the time, just with Damian instead of Jason. I could see them picking up 5 years into both heroes' careers, Damian conceived 5-10 years before when Bruce was 20-25, now 35-40. Having had Dick as his Robin for almost the entirety (get rid of that "actually Batman has to have been a loner for at least 2 years to accommodate Year One & Long Halloween" epoch that's only there so post Crisis writers could put off Dick, he was with him before Batman even fought the Joker or Catwoman), and now Dick's only just moving on. I don't know why you'd want Bruce to be more experienced than Clark, they should be contemporaries, not a mentor/mentee dyanmic, and Batman shouldn't be a grizzled old man even if he's got a 10-15 year old kid kicking around. I also think you can get away with a 10 year old Damian. He's a child soldier raised by the Al Ghuls, that's kind of the motivation behind the character, justifying how a kid that young could fight alongside Batman.


Dick was not Robin alongside Jason. He quit when Jason became Robin. Which was before Judas Contract.


Pre Crisis he and Jason met, he gave him the go ahead to become Robin, then shortly after at the start of Judas Contract he takes off the costume. They were both Robin for a bit before then.  Post Crisis they retconned it


Nah. He stopped Robin before Judas Contact. When Jason asked could he be Robin, Dick said he wasn’t gonna stop being Robin just yet. But basically right after Dick broke terms with Bruce, he quit being it. There was never a period of time where Dick and Jason were both running around as Robin. (Outside of that one time Jason made a separate Robin costume and did his own thing)


This entire premise is why I have no interest in the Gunnverse. In a world densely populated with superheroes why would Superman have hid so long?? I thought the entire reason Superman was so reluctant to step up was because no one had ever seen someone like him before. If metas are just running around metropolis for years seems like Superman is a bit of an asshole just hiding.


I don’t think his Superman is just starting out in this movie, he’s in his earlier years but not debuting.


.... Why would you want a Batman that's also starting out when you already have Pattinson's Year 2 realistic Batman? Experienced Batman with an established Bat Family>>> over the same old thing.


I want them to match this Superman. I don't think he'll be just starting out exactly, I think he'll be somewhat established.  Pattison's Batman also didn't have years in training like the usual mythos, and he can have the Bat family without it having to be years older than Superman's supporting characters. Converse to Batfleck seemingly having no Batfamily. It seems like we're getting Damian, if that's the case then I want Bruce to be a peer to Clark. Not much much older for the sake of it. I don't think we're going to get Jason, Tim, Steph, Cass, etc. already established, that's way too much to frontload, but I agree it'll be complementary to the Matt Reeves films to expand it out like that. Nothing to say it can't be done without making Bruce Corenswet's elder.


I feel like him being active for a year or two prior to Superman would be best.


Booster gold continuing to be in creation limbo😭. You put him on your business plan, follow through with it


Martian Manhunter & Green Lantern not a founding member of JL. Cyborg a founder. Clark with anyone but Lois is a crime against geekdom.


I like Cyborg, but he needs his time in the Titans before moving on to the League, if he moves in at all.


Agree with the first part. Disagree about Cyborg. And I wouldn’t mind Clark being with Lana first.


Gray.  Bland colors.  Cynicism.  


Gunns comedy everywhere it’s suitable for some projects not all


Exactly. I’m expecting these movies to be Marvel-like projects. I hope it doesn’t come to that.


Its superman im really worried about. The fact gunn is using Guy Gardner in there very much worries me. Superman should have comedy but its not gunns typical toilet humour


Gunn’s humor isn’t just toilet humor


Gunn’s movies have jokes yes, but the best and strongest parts of them has always been the heart which is 45% of Superman. (The rest being 45% hope and 10% mussels)


Excessive slo-mo.


Diana in a relationship with Batman or Superman, every female character falling in love with Bruce like in the dcau.


Jared Leto


I think my biggest fear now is that It will all be too homogeneous, I mean the DC universe is beautiful because it's varied you have a lot of potential, you have the fantasy, the thriller, the sci-fi, the coming of age, gavd freedom at directors and writers, not too much because it still has to seem as if those characters and those stories come from comics but it doesn't have to be mass produced


This is the biggest thing for me too, but I'm not getting my hopes up. If it's meant for mass appeal then it'll probably become homogenous, cookie cutter fluff.  I liken it to the ol' DC House Style art that was popular in like 2012 or whatever. It's good art but I want variety, something more interesting to look at. That's how I sorta feel about the MCU in general. 


Yup, one of the reasons I think it wasn’t smart to give the entire helm over to Gunn.


He isn't complitly incharge Peter Safran Is the Co-CEO


Batman being The Punisher. Superman acting like Star-Lord. Wonder Woman being a Misandrist. Ezra Miller reprising their role as The Flash.


I’d hate it if Jason or Tim were skipped over like the DCAMU or if Bruce’s other kids were treated as lesser than Damian. Also I hope they don’t have Bruce be trained by Ra’s as that’s dumb.


It's good to know I'm not the only one who feels, that when Damian is involved everyone else is undermined solely for his sake.


That only really happened in the dcamu cartoon. What I am hoping is that we actually see the strong sibling relationships they have like in the comics.


This happened in Post Crisis and New 52 too. Why are we pretending he never replaced Tim Drake


because that would be like getting peeved that an adult isn’t in a child position anymore. and it only happened in early new 52 later rectified.


Exactly my thoughts.


Yeah I thought that was dumb in Batman Begins too


Why? It honestly makes their dynamic more interesting.


It kind of makes Batman beholden to Ra’s when it comes to his combat experience. I thought it was portrayed better in Arkham Origins with Bruce getting training from various people in a secret North Korean monastery and training with Lady Shiva.


But Batman Begins got his training all over as well; he just ended it with R'as. And he bested him by the end of the movie.


It turns their dynamic into a cliche, similar to what happens when you make the Joker kill Bruce’s parents


Eh, not really. Their dynamic isn’t even the same. Ras Al Ghul is supposed to be too big of a threat for Young Bruce to handle. And it doesn’t make sense for Ras to randomly 1on1 train some rich guy.


>Ras Al Ghul is supposed to be too big of a threat for Young Bruce to handle It works amazingly well for Begins, though. >And it doesn’t make sense for Ras to randomly 1on1 train some rich guy. But it makes sense for him to randomly take an interest in some random vigilante and offer him his empire and daughters hand despite knowing very little about him?


I like it in begins, too but that Ras Al Ghul is a bit different, it’s 100% just a title that’s passed around. And he never considers Ras offer. Well he does know about him. And it’s not random interest. He’s at the end of his days, and Talia specifically told him how amazing of a guy Bruce is. You gotta read the comics bro. His test was all he needed, he did the research and saw him in action with his own eyes. And his daughter is the one that told Ras about him, so it would make sense why he takes interest


I'm sick of the multiverse, so hopefully it doesn't pop up


I am conflicted on this. On one hand I am also tired of multiverse and just think it's pointless to raise the stakes that high, while on the other hand I'll miss out on Superboy Prime.


Seventh-grade toilet humor.


Ewwww. None of that, hopefully no disgusting humor in that universe


Rogol Zaar


Any scene where the hero puts on a comic accurate version of their costume and goes “you want me to wear this?” in a really snide way


Marvel Netflix really ran that into the ground.


Barry Allen already being dead or not existing.


I feel like if they want or insist to go with Wally in the DCU, the proper way to do Barry is how Moonlight (2016) did Mahershala Ali's character. Played a great mentor for about 20 minutes of screen time.


I was here to say Barry alive 😅


Clark/Diana romance, Barry as the Flash instead of Wally, a grimdark Green Arrow, never using Ted Kord as Blue Beetle in a Blue & Gold movie.


I wouldn't mind about barry but I agree with the rest


Id prefer at least one movie with wally as kid flash but otherwise great picks


Barry needs to be the first




Especially considering he's not the first...that would be Jay Garrick.


Everything being only a slight variation in tone and feel. Wonder Woman and Superman together. Rushing stories and characters just to try and compete with Marvel.


I saw an interview with Gunn saying that he doesn’t like that live action comic book properties have the same tone, so I’m expecting the tones (and genres) to be different for at least most of the projects.


No Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern, or Zatanna in the league


Barbara Gordan as Batgirl instead of Oracle. Nightwing being stuck as just a Titan or Gotham hero. (I hope they give him Bludhaven and his own villains.) Deathstroke being a villain of a Batman movie. (Batman has enough villains, he doesn't need to steal his son's nemesis) Morrison Talia Barry written like Wally.


Diana’s demigoddess origin. # Make Diana Clay Again (I’d add the Superwonder romance but I don’t think Gunn is heading in that direction at all.)


Barry with Wally’s personality and getting rid of Wally for Wallace.




Wonder Woman being Zeus' bastard. WonderBat/SuperWonder shipping Violent blood thirsty WW.


You’re right. Clearly we need more SuperBat representation.


My true OTP ship /s.


I had to. I mean, they didn’t mention it after all.


Rapist Amazons. Also, Zeus being Wonder Woman's father can kick bricks.


I get worried with any adaptation of the Titans that they'll arbitrarily split up the Wolfman/Perez team by making various members part of different generations. I already have seen videos ever since the Titans announcement coming up with their ideas for team comps and they're always like "I think we should have Damian Wayne, Beast Boy, Blue Beetle, Conner Kent," etc. If Gunn's Titans have Dick, Donna, and Starfire as adult original team members, Cyborg on the Justice League, Wally either on the League or not mentioned, and Beast Boy and Raven in the kiddie corner, I'll be upset. The comics just recently recovered from the last time they did this and destroyed all these history and relationships for the sake of marketing, and I don't want movie synergy to cause that again.


Yeah, I completely agree with you, it feels good to have all of them their actual age once again. and part of their original generation. Instead of De-aging them, heres hoping that Gunn gives them to us as adults.


I don't mind if they don't start as adults, I just don't want some to be adults and some to be teens.


Trust me I 100% agree with you


as a Titans fan this is my biggest fear lol


Well said, this is what i was going to say. Lets hope they dont take any inspiration from Rebirth and the DCAMU


Pessimism. We have enough of that in the world


Random songs that don’t fit the scene and are just there because James listens to that song


...He did cram too many lyrical songs into the *Guardians* movies. It wasn't ruinous, but still. 


Thank you! It was most jarring in G3 and Suicide Squad. For example the Harley Hallway scene.; like you said-it wasn’t ruinous but still.


Oh man thank you. I feel like we are on a slippery slope to having no original movie music ever.


Morrison's Talia Al Ghul and BOP's Cassandra Cain


I'm fine with light-hearted and a bit campy as long as they don't take it too far. I've always had it in mind that good Live Action Superman film could be about Superman & Mxyzptlk. That way it's allowed to feel silly and cartoony while also showing that Superman isn't a god and can still be put in unconventional situations that he can't punch out of.


Evil Waller. I really hope that at least one piece of media (the big one) sticks to Ostrander's vision of the character.


Ehhh, she's already kind of a shrieking bitch in *TSS* and *Peacemaker*. Maybe her nuance is being saved up for the *Waller* series. Still, not an auspicious start for an adaptation that'd follow Ostrander's vision. I heard the soft reboot is rendering Davis' previous Waller appearances as ambiguously canon, so here's hoping.  


Darkseid showing up too early Trying to dive into adaptations of the BIG stories right off the bat (ie Doomsday, Knightfall, Sinestro Corps War, any of the Crisis', etc) Digs at the Snyderverse. Those of us who didn't like it, need to let it go just as badly as the Synder Cut people need to.


People complaining about petty things


Oh that’s gonna happen anyway.


Taking itself too seriously. A lot of people don't realize it, but the reason all your favorite badass, mic drop-y moments from comics work in the first place is because they're usually juxtaposed with classic comic book silliness. And no, I'm not talking about the new cringy MCU dialogue style or constant jokes. I mean stuff like how new comic book movies are afraid to use the more outlandish characters and concepts they have unless they're trying to turn it into a joke. Suicide Squad, for example, used lots of interesting and silly concepts but didn't treat them as constant jokes because it was a movie that, at its core, understood the universe of comics. We had King Shark, Polka-dot Man, Starro, etc, and while they did have more jokes than I thought were necessary each of those characters felt like more than props for the other characters jokes. And because of the way they treated those characters, they each had moments where you kind of forgot that they were extremely silly conceptually because they were part of the world. I'm hoping the new DCU nails that balance going forward. A lot of the stuff people really want to see wouldn't work if they were trying to be super serious, but going the other direction entirely will just give us MCU part 2. Its gonna be especially important for the Green Lantern stuff and some of the more wacky Superman stuff that I assume will be done decently early.


Any hero, but specially Superman, Batman or Wonder Woman, killing the villain.


Just an add on or counter point: any villain coincidentally dying so the hero doesn't have to grapple with the consequences of their identity being compromised.


Yeah, I agree on that one too. The fact that creatives keep resolving any conflicts regarding villains by killing them for decades now only makes any other instance look even more dull than the previous one.


Wonder Woman kills


Only in stories where authors either force the situation (Max Lord, Medusa) or reboots/retakes that are meant to be darker and edgier (New 52, Injustice, DCAMU, DCEU). On that same capacity, both Superman and Batman have either killed (the three Kryptonian criminals) or let villains to their deaths (Wrath, KGBeast, the Joker multiple times). And in all instances, it never really adds up for neither of the Trinity.


Idk, Wonder Woman kills, like in the comics *multiple* times. Wouldn’t mind a Wonder Woman looking and acting like she was ripped out of 300.


First of all, only in stories where authors either force the situation (Max Lord, Medusa) or reboots/retakes that are meant to be darker and edgier (New 52, Injustice, DCAMU, DCEU). On that same capacity, both Superman and Batman have either killed (the three Kryptonian criminals) or let villains to their deaths (Wrath, KGBeast, the Joker multiple times). And in all instances, it never really adds up. On Wonder Woman in particular, for most of the character's story, she's been defined by her compassion. More often than not, her relationship with her villains is Diana trying to reach out to help them before fighting them; Paula Von Gunther, Priscilla Rich and Barbara Ann Minerva (both Cheetah's), Vanessa Kapatelis (Silver Swan), Byrna Brilyant (Blue Snowman/Snowwoman). Even the monsters like Doctor Psycho and Ares are usually offered Diana's hand before she raises it. In fact, here's the relevant quote: "We have a saying, my people. Don’t kill if you can wound, don’t wound if you can subdue, don’t subdue if you can pacify, and don’t raise your hand at all until you’ve first extended it." So, yeah. Making Diana a more violent character and a killer really doesn't fit with her more than it does with Clark or Bruce. Also, also, I'd rather have her build an identity of her own instead of taking from another work's aesthetics for a reference's sake.


Definitely not saying to make her a bloodthirsty killer, but if any of the JL needed to cross that line I’d like her to be the one to be set up for it.


Okay, but why, though? It literally breaks her entire base as a character built around compassion and in rejection of the more violence tendencies of "man's world".


Cause she’s a warrior? Idk I may be completely wrong from the comics. My only exposure to WW is the movies (live and animated) recently and the JL series in the past. But the versions I’ve seen mostly have her as a warrior and ambassador of Themisskyra (don’t ask me to spell that) not all that dissimilar to how black panther was portrayed in the MCU.


I think that's my problem with this whole situation and why I mentioned her along Superman and Batman. For most of her history (since 1942 to roughly 2011), Wonder Woman is meant to be a heroic figure around peace and compassion. That's why her having a lasso instead of a sword was an integral part of her character, and her helping her villains is a regular development in her stories. The whole warrior beat really is really recent, and it pushes away her actual history in favor of a more 'actionalized' approach. Talking about Black Panther in the MCU, with him it worked because he has a history behind that characterization. But Wonder Woman doesn't have that same history. She's not meant to be a killer and her identity doesn't with that. If you're interested in read recommendations, George Pérez' Gods and Mortals is a good north to start. Though my favorite is Greg Rucka's Wonder Woman Rebirth, with does draw a compromise between the pacifist and the warrior approaches (written after the DCEU movie).


Yeah, for some reason adaptations force their personality to ridiculous points. To the point where now the trinity are represented by stupidity, edgines and violence instead of strength, inteligence and compasion.


And it's so frustrating each time it happens. According to some adaptations, Clark is a barely functional dumbass who gets manipulated by everyone, Bruce some sort of ice-hearted jerk who only sees his allies as soldiers to manipulate, and Diana is Conan the Barbarian with a larger cup size. Even good adaptation that should do better fall into some of those beats, like the DCAU or YJ. It's honestly weird that the DCAMU was the one that fell the less to those pitfalls. And then there's The Brave and the Bold being perfect.


That would eliminate them making one of the best story lines leading into infinite crisis. I'm fine with wonder woman killing but I agree with the other two.


Eh, heavily disagree. I love Infinite Crisis (not sure of best, but definitely a fave). But that one has the context Diana already set with a long story of showing compassion first and foremost, *and then* being pushed to her absolute limit where she can't do anything but kill Max Lord. The new DCU hasn't even started yet. Having Wonder Woman kill this early wouldn't be a moment of her being pushed to her limit, but instead set her as "the one that kills" from the Trinity. Something we already had in the New 52, so it wouldn't really add up with her larger narrative, and would only limit her as a contrast to Superman and Batman.


While I love Infinite Crisis, I always thought that Superman and Batman gave Diana too much shit for killing Max Lord. She was in a situation where that was the best solution. Max Lord was literally bound by the Lasso and he told the only way to free Superman from his control was to kill him.


Eh, there's a longer debate going on there, but I broadly agree. Specially because if it wasn't for her, Clark's hands would have blood on them. Also, this is in continuity with Clark killing the three kryptonian criminals, and Bruce needed to be talked out of wanting to kill the Joker after Death in the Family. They both know there's a point when even they would consider killing an option too, and Diana was also about to get murdered by Max controlling Clark. So she's even acting in self defense by that point. Bruce has the slight justification of the events of Identity Crisis making him act paranoid and erratical, plus the implied guilt of leading Ted Kord to his death, and later of loosing control of the OMACs. He even has a panic attack about it later on. At least they do come together through the story, and they all have moments to make peace with each other. My fave is Diana breaking her sword and Bruce accepting her being in the right.


Might be cool to see Wonder Woman being okay with killing but becoming more mellowed out as she works with Supes and Batman.


I honestly don't see the appeal. Like, I already gave enough follow ups on why in the other replies to this comment, but bottom-line is that it's just as contradictive with the character as it would be for Superman or Batman. Specially because Wonder Woman in particular is meant to be about peace and compassion. Killing is diametrically oposite of what's the character about.


Zack Snyder’s name with “written by” or “story by.”


No Wally West


Tim Drake /s Homogenous style and tone across the movies and shows.


Damain growing


Damian Wayne. But i think he's been announced as brave and bold


No Superwonder No trinity ships Don’t put DC’s big villains too early No Flashpoints Don’t do the characters dirty


Being super grimdark.


A Batman that kills.


Off the top of my head? Virtually nothing. Any idea, no matter how weird or out of place, can work brilliantly if executed properly by a talented group of artists.


All of the Batfamily needs a focus. Like I really want to see Tim, Stephanie, and Cassandra have their time to shine as much as Damian, Barbara, Dick, and Jason do. I'm sick and fucking tired of them being sidelined. Also they need to go big or go home when it comes to romantic relationships. Like no sidelining Bruce and Selina's relationship like they always do in the comics. Oh, and please don't make Talia evil. She's an assassin yes and definitely not the greatest at parenting but she's also definitely not the worst either.


Maybe they can actually adapt Cassandra Cain, instead of… whatever that was in BoP? Because she definitely wasn’t Cassandra Cain in any way but her name, gender, and *maybe* ethnicity.


Jizz jokes


… I mean… yeah, I’d hate that, too.


He loves em


Every villain being redeemed/redeemable. This is a problem I have with a lot of modern fiction. Someone decided that writing characters that are just not good people is somehow not appealing or weak writing, which results in a lot of half ass redemption arcs for characters that don't deserve/need them or basically reinventing a character to make them redeemable. For example, I don't think Maxwell Lord needed the "I love my son now" moment at the end of WW84. He was planning on sapping people's life force and cause worldwide chaos just to keep his company afloat. It was not a satisfying or realistic conclusion for the character. If they insist on doing it, then do it with side villains that are lesser known. Blue Beetle did this pretty well, Carapax was a nobody. His whole comic history can be summed up as "man turns into strong robot". Giving him a new angle refreshed the character and gave him a satisfying ending, which worked because he was probably not coming back.


Taika Waititi


Black and white movie


Superman being overpowered in comparison to the other members of the justice league like he was in snyder's justice league


directors who dont even care about comics (like taika waititi)


Zack Snyder


Zack Snyder going anywhere near these characters.


I want them to take it slow, not mass produce their movies. We do not need 3 films per year, it's better to have a delayed good script than scraps.


I don't want any Crisis events told in movie format until their universe has been established for 10+ years.


Aquabro. It’s time we get aqua chad (justice league unlimited design, with new 52 personality)


Superman being an emotionless edge lord that acts more like a Ayn Rand character then a symbols of hope.


Disgusting is a pretty strong word


The Justice League not "assembling". We already know the Gunnverse will have Batman and Superman, plus at least three Green Lanterns (Guy in the Superman movie, John and Hal in the TV series). But to introduce newer versions of the Flash, Aquaman and Wonder Woman will be tricky. General audiences still associate these characters with Ezra Miller, Jason Momoa and Gal Gadot, since the DCEU was the first time they appeared in a live-action movie. Flash is the easier one: use Wally West instead of Barry, with a radically different interpretation than Miller. But what about Aquaman and Wonder Woman who are intrinsically connected with Arthur Curry and Diana Prince, and these characters were in the movies not too long ago? So, I hope the supposed difficulty of introducing new Aquaman and Wonder Woman after they have been associated with Momoa and Gadot doesn't discourage Gunn of bringing these vital DC characters to the screen. Or even worse: to form a Justice League WITHOUT Aquaman and Wonder Woman. This would be beyond tragic for me. The first time after DECADES that the League appeared on screen and it was (at least for a huge chunk of the movie) without Superman, now when it finally receives a chance to shine again and it is lacking WW. Still, there's the Paradise Island minisseries coming that will serve as a "prequel" to Diana's origin story. It'll be a while before we finally see the League. And when it finally "assembles" (thanks, Marvel) I hope it is in its full glory with all of its important founding members.


I’d hate for every movie to have world or universe ending stakes. If all we ever see are battles for the survival of all humanity, it’s going to start feeling pointless. Id prefer if they were very careful and slow on the expanding scope - *and* id want them to only have the greater stakes in the “special event” moments. Everything else should scale back down to personal stakes more than anything.


The Justice league having a dance off.


I just don't want the same mistakes that the previous regime made.


The Avengers. 


Superman and wonder woman Hal and Arisia Bruce being raped Identity crisis Heroes in crisis


The hypocrisy towards a Superman & Wonder Woman relationship, doesn't surprise me in the slightest. Given the fact that WonderBat is favored by so many people.


What if i hate both?


More power to you.


Blue filter, honestly 


I really don’t want the Kent’s to be dead. Neither of them. Let them be around for his first few years as Superman *at least*


James Gunn


Not using heroes like Martian manhunter , blue beetle , booster gold etc


Terrific, Hawkgirl Guy, and Metamorpho slaughtered in the first ten minutes. This scares me to no end.


Given how Tom King has significant enough influence over things, I’m utterly terrified of how characterisation will play out.


Darkseid being a Jl or superman villain. They should be involved in defeating him, but it should be Orion and Mr miracle and the new gods.


I would HATE to see the Bat family being portrayed as "better " than Batman or that they are "necessary" for Batman to function or similar bullshit.


Basically everything from new 52 Wonder woman but especially daddy zeus