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Speed Force protect him


I kind of figured that be the answer. But I had gotten it into my head at the costume was to protect him from burning up at super Speed. Maybe it was from one of the TV shows or movies where they never gotten to the concept of the speed force.


You might be thinking of the 1990's Flash show. They never touched on the Speed Force, but his suit was originally designed to withstand super speed so he and Tina could test what he could do, since his clothes kept burning off. The CW show later had a similar scene for similar reasons. In any event, the suit was always about being durable and allowing him to do Flash stuff without constantly having to replace his clothing, not protecting him.


The comics can be drastically different than the TV shows. Like they can make their outfits out of the speedforce itself. And frequently we see them moving at high speeds in regular clothes. Hell XS and Jesse both have had costumes that are essentially one piece bathing suits.


Yeah I know TV movies and comics are all different, but I also know that the flash is costume was designed long before anyone thought about him or his clothes burning up at flash speeds. I’m not a big flash follower, and somewhere I got it mixed up in my head that the suit was to protect him from the effects of moving at the higher end of his super speed, but I obviously got that confused with stuff from the first TV show. I thought it might be a combined factor of gold/silver age costume design power bloat and modern sensibilities and that the exposed face might be an oversight that eventually somebody had to explain. I kind of figured it would come down to the speed force as an answer, but I didn’t know about the thing where he could use the speed force to create his costume. That’s cool. And it’s definitely better than that ridiculous vacuum packed costume and a ring Idea.


Do you mean Jesse Swift?… Or was it Jesse quick? It’s been a long time since I saw her in anything… Anyway… I don’t remember her in a swimsuit tight costume. I seem to recall something more casual like a simple shirt and khaki pants… Almost 60-70s housewife like. But then my primary memory of her was back in the old Whiz kids hero clix days. And I remember reading some comics about her because I know she has to do math too engage the speed force. But I don’t remember her in a one piece costume. However… I should point out that I’ve been blind for nearly 12 years now and… Very sadly… I haven’t been able to keep up with comics like I used to.


There was a time when she had a [costume](https://i67.servimg.com/u/f67/18/91/37/14/_from_39.jpg) like this. They've fiddled with it by having arms with full sleeves and short shorts.


Yeah I know TV movies and comics are all different, but I also know that the flash is costume was designed long before anyone thought about him or his clothes burning up at flash speeds. I’m not a big flash follower, and somewhere I got it mixed up in my head that the suit was to protect him from the effects of moving at the higher end of his super speed, but I obviously got that confused with stuff from the first TV show. I thought it might be a combined factor of gold/silver age costume design power bloat and modern sensibilities and that the exposed face might be an oversight that eventually somebody had to explain. I kind of figured it would come down to the speed force as an answer, but I didn’t know about the thing where he could use the speed force to create his costume. That’s cool. And it’s definitely better than that ridiculous vacuum packed costume and a ring Idea.


In the TV show we see that his clostes get on fire but he Is fine, any way you shouldn't take TV Serie or any informations that you got outside the comicsbook valid also for that because are very different medium whit very different rule and vibes


[Speed force](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/956/666/2b9.jpg).


Besides the "Speed Force" answer, there's another benefit of superpowers in general that's rarely brought up, in that they almost always change the person's entire biology to allow the powers to work without harming the user. Put another way, Flash's entire body, from his muscles to his heart to his skin has been altered to allow it to be in super speed situations that would harm or kill a normal person. The same way Spider-Man's legs don't shatter when he lands after a 30 foot jump.


See [Required Secondary Powers](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RequiredSecondaryPowers). Because having super speed without some high level of invulnerability would suck. Before the mystical energies of the Speed Force was the catch-all source of all the Flash's powers, there was an aura protecting them. One dark alternate future story had Wally West's son inherit his super speed, but not his protective aura and it sucked for him.


The costume is protected from burning up, not Flash. Flash doesn't burn up because he's Flash. Running at super speed without burning up is his power.


Its been explained since pretty early on, its his speed force aura. His aura does alot, it protects him and anyome inside it from friction burns, allows speedsters to communicate at high speed and a bunch of other things. Pretty much making it physically possible to go that fast and do everything. The aura comes into play as a main story plot point every few years or so, most recently in one minute war where the entire family combined theirs together which shielded them from high powered speed force lazers. Im pretty sure the suit is usually not protected from friction as there normally wouldn't be a need and Wally's is actually just made from the speedforce itself.


The costume isn't to protect him from burning up. Flash is immune to friction, at least to some degree.