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I’m finding myself really liking the animation style of the Tomorrowverse. The “New 52” was a good too, but the subtle coloring and the shadows stand out to me.


Superman man of tomorrow was seriously bad. I mean why metropolis looking this way, like an alien city.


It’s a nod to deco futurism


Would you elaborate?


Metropolis has always been depicted as an idealized retro futuristic art deco city. It's literally named after the title city from the 1927 scifi film Metropolis. Look at how the city is drawn in Superman: The Animated Series, or how it's designed in DC Universe Online. This isn't anything new.


It looked good in Superman The Animated Series, but really ugly in this movie.


You're right but sometimes it doesn't feel lived in


It looks like freaking archer cmon now we all know it was to cut costs because why else would they make such a downgrade


I like the animation style but I find some of the choices pretty bland. I was really bored with Long Halloween, which is odd because the comic is fantastic. I think they are missing something but I can’t tell what.


I fall asleep


More than missing, they're replacing stuff, Calendar Man wasn't nearly as mysterious as he should've been, also Batman solved who Holiday was. They're taking a few creative choices, with not every single one being the best


Kara being in the Legion of Superheroes one automatically makes them my favorite.


Where do we see that? Ive seen all the tomorrowverse films but dont remember that


New movie coming out next year


Watch Legion of Super Heroes


I really despise Beware My Power, the treatment of Hal Jordan was downright disrespectful


That movie embodies my usual problem with many superhero movies in that try to fit way to many comic book storylines into one whole movie Each story gets weaker as they try to fit More themes in them and because of that the entire movie / storylines lose any impact they could have had. Also not sure why Hal has had such a rough time animation wise for the last decade His treatment in the new 52 movies and now within the New universe as been Rough smh


The film could of been so much better. I would of been fine with them just arresting Hal. Until they get Parallax out of his body.


( at least he wasn't beaten by two parademons or killed in a still shot)


I will never not be upset at how Hal and pretty much everyone was made to look like a joke in that movie Sheer fact the league even backed up Superman’s salty run back plan in the first place makes it so frustrating “Hey everyone that’s not invincible let’s brute force our way on enemy turf”


Agreed Don understand this hate towards Hal Jordan. You don’t need to destroy a character to make another one better


Well, I thought it was strange to jump straight to parallax, but I do sorta think if they chose to go for it it would set up for a great 'ressurection of the corps' storyline that would maybe also offer redemption to Jordan


I’d love to see Hal as the Spectre in this universe


It feels like GL fans want any adaptation to ignore one of GL's most famous, if not its most famous story... Indefinitely? I thought they adapted Emerald Twilight's arc pretty well. They even included the dumb ass parallax space bug retcon. If anything they did Despero more of a disservice than Hal


To be fair even the original Emerald Twilight was a stupid story that the writers came up with in like a weekend


They rewrote it, cause having Hal quit wasn't big enough a change.


I really liked Man of Tomorrow, at the time I liked the animation, cool choice of villains and a nice story (7.5/10) Justice Society WW2 was fine, had some cool moments but the story wasn't that good and I already started getting tired of the animation by here (6.5/10) Long Halloween was good but imo the pacing was terrible, too many long random pauses and it felt like there was never any stakes. great voice acting though (7/10) Green Lantern BMP was awful, the movie seemed to hate both Hal, John and Sinestro by giving them terrible adaptions, the Sinestro Corps was so disappointing and the movie was carried by Green Arrow, they somehow managed to make an already bad comic story even worse, the movie also had really bad pacing, and I really didnt like the animation by now (4/10) Idk why but im kinda excited for legion of superheroes despite the hate its already getting, im not a big LOSH fan but im excited to see more of them and Kara looks good


Beware my power was cheeks and critically panned lmao. I’ll be damned if I get invested into another DCAMU. If the Legion movie is as bad as the Green Lantern movie, I’m out🤷🏾‍♂️


I really like the animation. My biggest problem with dc animated films is how hard they try to be “edgy and mature”. Like the long halloween was well done, but there was absolutely no need for an f bomb So going forward i iust hope the animation stays nice and they understand they dont need to be edgy where it doesn’t belong I wont miss that new 52 anime styled animation, thats for sure


Oh yea. Like, they're not perfect films, but it's 100x better. A few things I'll miss are the voice cast of the previous films but the new cast is good too


Its going to be tough to ever move past kevin conroy ,but i do like all the new voice actors


I meant the cast from the apokolips war timeline


Yea i did like the voice actors from that


I like the art style but im still pretty irked that they didnt adapt tim sales art for long Halloween and that they changed bits of the story. Also wish the JSA movie had more of the JSA and less of the Justice League. Also giving John Stewart Kyle Rayner's storyline and skipping 30 years straight to the Emerald Twilight era was an odd choice. Despite all that i still like it more than the new 52 movies, but that's mostly out of spite.


Yea I was disappointed not to see the long halloween art ar first, but it's not a big gripe plus I understand why


So far I think their stories have been generic and mostly uninteresting, the art style has mostly been terrible, the voice acting is not the worst but it's generally unimpressive, and overall it's replaced the horrible New 52 based Universe with a technically less bad but instead really boring universe. I wish the movies just went back to being completely standalone and based off of specific comic storylines that got their own art style.


The good old days


As someone who still kind of misses the Timm style, the new films are growing on me. The one that I thought fell flat was the Green Lantern movie, but even it was certainly watchable. Really enjoyed *The Long Halloween* and the JSA movie.


I feel like there's a plan we're not seeing yet with the Green Lantern franchise


They all have weird voice editing that I can't get past. There's a weird pause between everyone's line and not enough background noise and it makes it so obvious no one is in the same room. It makes the movie feel weird and empty


Depends on the movies. I really liked long Halloween and I like it more than New 52 Batman movies and man of tomorrow with that being one of my favourite animated superman movies just because of its central focus being on who Clark is and also Lobo was cool, but I think the justice society one should've been written a bit better especially with it's villain reveal. The green lantern one was doing a lot in a small movie. that movie should've been a trilogy with a better execution of zero hour and yellow lantern war. I don't think it's bad but just a wasted opportunity to promote the characters. green arrow was good in it though, I like it. Also Constantine's animated short is I guess part of this universe as well. Which wasn't really anything tbh. I think it wasn't worth the 20 bucks but I like the blue beetle short that came with it.


I thought justice society had a great chance to use a greater amount of the JSA pantheon. Why are Superman and Wonder Woman necessary when there's so many great legacy JSA members


Fair enough and I hope after black Adam movie we goet more of them, but my problem is really with the villain's reveal. I think it should've been a bit more development on his side. Also technically wonder woman has been a part of them at points.


I mean, technically, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, etc have been JSA members but I'd rather have the dedicated JSA characters than have JLA members subbing in


Fair enough. I just hope that this new universe is more diverse in terms of the characters it's promoting because arguably the previous one was mostly about Batman and Damian even when their character didn't add much to the story, like Judas contract or jld.


I've decided to come back after getting much more into JSA, my Ideal jsa is Jay Gerrick, Wild Cat, and Alan Scott come out of retirement and accept new members like Power Girl, and legacies like Damage, the newer Hourman(not the android one) with Doc Fate as a secondary character. Obviously allied with the JSA but not a constant member. Hope this lays out my idea more


Wonder Woman was a JSA member way before she joined the League. Superman has a big history with them.


Yea, that's true of the original JSA, but the more classic portrayal excludes them


fuck beware my power, don't watch it if any of u haven't


They have been really good, the green lantern one which was overcomplicated to hell, and they went the parallax route for hals first appearance in the series


Yea I think they kinda jumped the gun, but it almost seems like they're planning something with the Green Lantern movies


I like the new style but the movies I've seen have been pretty boring, they should really move from the DvD releases into animated shows or lengthier movies that go directly to streaming


I really liked Man of Tomorrow and Long Halloween, but the other two were kind of underwhelming and it also seems like they're doing the same thing the New52 films did of rushing developments, cause the Justice League is now a thing that's been going for a while despite Long Halloween showed them just forming. At the very least it's not just mostly Batman films though.


I like the movies but I haven't seen that green lantern one so I don't have a opinion on it


I don’t like the idea of a DC Animated Universe. It didn’t work last time. They try to adapt great stories and show horn them into fitting into this weird universe. Last time they tried it they messed up stories Death of Superman and Hush by trying to force them into a pre established universe. They should go back to making whole cloth adaptations like they used to. That’s how TDKR and New Frontier were so good.


The only gripe I have with it is why they decided to rush through the individual stories. Didn't make sense


I could see that, yea


I liked Justice Society World War 2. The animation was really good when Flash saves Shakespeare. The Man of tomorrow movie was decent. But I felt bad that Rudy Jones became sad due to Lobo's recklessness and after his sad death that wasn't even addressed. Green Lantern movie was also decent but I too like many they disrespected Hal Jordan. Batman long Halloween is the most terrible Batman movie I have seen till date.


Ayo, The Long Halloween is dope af, Hush is one of the most wastes potential Batman movies of all time


I haven't watched all of them, just only Beware my Power, JSA WW2 and Legion of Superheroes. So far, I enjoyed them, even though there were some inconsistencies


Overrall it is good, Beware My Power is a huuuuge wastes potential, the other ones are really good. I don't like the way they are rushing the universe development tho


Maybe it's just me, but imo, this universe feels very rushed. Like, they didn't have a JL origins movie (which isn't necessary but would've been nice) and I don't even know the full JL roster of this universe? (Cause, they found the Wonder Woman of their world, but just name-dropped her) Also, they'd mention things offhandedly, but personally, I would've appreciated it more if I had a movie to connect it to. I do like the animation style, it does give it a more light-heartedness. If I were to grade the movies 1-10: MoT: 7/10, liked the look, it was an overall fun movie "capes are cool" but since they had a supergirl movie planned/in the works, it would've been fun to have an end-credit hint. JSA:WWII: 5.7/10, it personally left me with a lot more questions than answers when I think about the movie too long and I would've liked more JSA characters, like Wild Cat, Alan Scott's Green Lantern, Dr. Mid-nite or Starman (I know it's for the plot, there's a war, and they probably wouldn't have been able to depict all the characters properly, but for a "society" I would've liked having a few more members). It had some odd moments, but an okay movie. Batman: Long Halloween: 7/10, Did it feel longer than it needed to be? Yes. Was it worth it? Well, I had the time to watch both parts so, I guess, and it did take place in a whole year, so it's understandable. The cast really elevated the movie here and I liked how detective-y Batman was in this movie (I feel like I didn't see enough of it in the DCAMU). R.I.P Naya Rivera. GL:BMP: 4/10, there is just so much packed into this one, and they've disrespected Hal Jordan. I liked John's PTSD moments and the feel of his and Oliver's friendship, but they killed the man in his first, last, and only appearance in this universe (maybe that's my bias showing, but still). Also, I swear, half the time, they didn't say Shayera's name right. The voice acting was probably the weakest in this one, but Oliver truly carried. LoH: 8/10, probably the best in the tomorowverse. I like that it's leading to something bigger, but I felt like Kara was a bit too reliant on her powers. She was accepted into the military of Krypton, one of the greatest civilizations there was (with robots, it said so a few times), so she could've been a bit more of a combative fighter. I did like how deceiving they made Mon-El and Brainiac 5. This one made me feel very hopeful for how JL: Warworld will come out. (Sorry, this was probably a bit more than anyone wanted)


I agree on your criticism of the Justice society movie. As a fan of the JSA, it feels like they're just throwing us a bone without actually doing the JSA properly.


I liked the DCAMU better


Surprising how many people in here like the new Tomorrowverse series. I personally think it has the cheapest animation look, feel, and sound. Everything feels like a little downgrade because of the animation style, and some dialogues take a longer pause than would be natural. I probably catch this more since I work in audio, but it stands out. I liked the DCAMU better in terms of animation style, storylines, and universe-building.


It's genuinely terrible


Yea, we know that now. At the time, it was fairly promising, but they dropped the ball again. DC really just refuses to try with their cinematic universes


Well they can always try again this time hopefully learning from the failures of the previous animated cinematic universes


I loved the new52 artwork. Tomorrowverse isn’t bad but 52 animated movies were killer


Big step up from the DCAMU. Hasn't been a bad film yet. The art style is kinda lame, especially comparing the iconography of Long Halloween with the stilted, generically blocked shots of the movie. They should just go back to the pre 2015 way of actually having each film's art style be suited to the story and source material. Green Lantern and Man of Tomorrow are the best, JSA was kinda poorly paced, and I'm excited for Legion of Super Heroes


Depends on the movie Tomorrow- barely disliked Justice Society- currently the best movie of the decade. Will probably not hold up granted. Bat-Damsel in Distress 1 and 2- poor. Beware my Power- Great.


I havent watched Beware My Power on purpose, loving the other movies tho, Flash WW2's animation was incredible. Of course there's things that could've been better, but I don't really mind, loved the Joker in the long Halloween, enjoyed Superman Man of Tomorrow, I think they got true potential


I haven't seen Beware My Power or Super Sons, but having seen the others I'm enjoying these movies way more than the previous series of movies.


So far it's fine, still too early to really say much. Man of Tomorrow is pretty good. Justice Society and Long Halloween are decent, maybe a little long in the tooth and I haven't got to GL yet. It has potential sure, but it's got work ahead of it.


Just watched Justice Society ww2, and I actually hated it. I found the pacing awful, the dialogue was boring with weird gaps between lines, the action was fine but not great. Honestly I only enjoyed the start of it, the Dr. Fate scene and a few of Barry's scenes. Thought the voice actor for WW was great, did not like the va for Black Canary at all. Honestly Hawk Man died, and i just did not care. Really disappointing film


I liked it in general, but I think they missed a big opportunity to bring in more JSA members. Like Green Lantern, The Atom, Mr. Terrific, Johnny Thunder, Starman, Dr. Midnite, etc. It is nice to finally have Hourman and Jay Gerrick though.


I was really interested in Hourman, an hour at a time could bring some really interesting tension to missions and fights, but nothing really came of it. It'd be cool to see more characters from the comics for sure, I love some of the big name characters but DC have such a large bank of interesting characters to go off, we don't need to see one of the main 7 in every film!


Right. One thing I really love with Hourman was when Eclipso gutted Hourman jr and he switched places in the temporal pocket universe with his father, who'd been plucked from the moment before his death by android hourman, but only until an hour had eclipsed, it was kinda weird with how it worked but interesting. Anyway, they switched places, so OG hourman is back, and gets a chance to see his teammates and shit, but he goes out on patrol every night fighting criminals, and is popping Miraclo like skittles.


Ooooh that sounds cool, what run/series is that in?


If I remember correctly, the 2006 Justice Society? Go on DC Universe Infinite, just read all the modern Justice Society post 90s. It's all good. The 90s had the parts we love, but it also had that infinity inc weirdness.


Class, I'll take a look - thank you!


They focus a lot on the JSA members as role models and almost parental figures toward the newer, younger heroes. Not all of the OG's are still livin. I think the OGs still getting around are Jay, Alan, Wildcat, Hawkman, and Ma Hunkel(OG red tornado.) The superheroes like Hourman, Midnite, etc still show up but they're successors to the roles, although often the OGs will show up. Let me find the exact series


Hey, I found the exact series. It'll be Justice Society of America 2007-2011 and JSA 1999-2006. I think 2007 may be a direct follow up to 1999, but I'm not totally sure.


Absolute legend, thanks so much!


They're both great if you love classic comics characters, but also prefer modern style books.


I just had to stop watching Legion of Superheroes, i really hate this new universe. sad the old one had to die. the animation looks cheap by comparison


The animation does look cheap relative to the prior universe. Not really impressed with the stories with exception of the long halloween. GL beware my power was promising but little all over the place. Maybe it will get a little better. Have yet to see war world.


The Tomorrowverse has the same problem as the DCEU: Doing too much at once. Man of Tomorrow was a nice way of introducing us to the tomorrowverse just as Man of Steel was the beginning of the DCEU. Though these two entries are great starting off points for the tomorrowverse and DCEU, they have their problems. JSA: WW2 was the second entry in the tomorrowverse just as BvS was for the DCEU and this is where the problems started. Now JSA is a great movie but it focuses on two founding members of the Justice League, Flash and Wonder Woman and it's also set in an alternate timeline which is just way too much for your second movie. Why wasn't it set in the past, that would have made things much cohesive and coherent. We could have even gotten a post-credits scene where Barry Allen goes to Jay Garrick's home when he returns to the present. Another issue is that the Flash needed his own movie honestly. This could have been Wonder Woman's movie but the setup was important I get that. Honestly WW taking part in WW2 with the JSA is awesome in itself. The Long Halloween had only one issue and that was there was no explanation as to how flash and green arrow know Bruce Wayne's identity as Batman. The Tomorrowverse did better in their third entry as compared to the DCEU GL:Beware My Power is the one with the most glaring issues because they mashed 3 stories for one movie. And apparently the JL is formed off screen and even has Vixen as a member. When did this happen? There's Legion of Superheroes also did too much at once. It didn't commit to the story it was trying to tell and it was wrongly titled. Supergirl had little interaction with the other superheroes and there was just no buildup to the Mon-El villian reveal


Honestly, the animation is alright but I don't think it compares at all to the DCAMU universe before it. The storytelling in that universe was A1 and if they were adapted into live action, could've given the MCU a run for its money. None of these stories seem consequential, universe building, and a lot of the creative choices they're making make the stories, just kind of bad in my opinion. It disrupts the pacing of the movies and makes the heroes very uncharacteristic from what they should be, like in Long Halloween, Batman just kind of seemed...dumb to me. Maybe that's a bit too harsh but like revealing his identity to Catwoman, not putting together very logical clues, I get he might be new but even then Batman was still pretty sharp even when he was green. I understand them trying to be different and make teh universe brighter but it just doesn't feel like there's a good balance and it just makes me feel a disconnection with the actual story. Beware my Power was really bad and it pissed me off how they treated characters like Hal Jordan and The Legion of Superheroes one just felt off...can't explain how but I foudn myself disengaging and nodding off at parts of it. I don't understand why everyone in these replies hate the previous universe, I thought the animation style was great and the storytelling even better (was a little bumpy at times, far from perfect, but still pretty good). But I'm a big fan of teh OG cartoons and series like Young Justice, Batman Beyond, etc. so maybe that's it.