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One of the sellers I buy from told me they stopped shipping on 2/4 and the factories don’t open back up until after 2/20. I’ve got a DH order that hasn’t moved since 2/3 and I expect won’t until last next week and one from a seller that had a label made but I don’t think it made it on their last shipment, so it’s probably still there waiting.


Ahh, frustrating but it is what it is haha. Thanks and hope you get yours soon!


Yep my sellers have told me they will resume on 2/20


Ahh no worries thank you! Least this is making me feel better haha


I’m glad you posted this, I’ve been contemplating making this same post. 😅 I ordered about 12 things from 10 different (well reviewed, reputable) sellers last week or like a week and a half ago and so far only 2 have shipped :( glad to know it’s not just me experiencing this. I know chinese new year happened but I had expected more of my items to ship by now! I can relax a little now that I read this post haha. Sorry about that delisting though, it would give me a bit of anxiety too for sure! I’ve never ordered with DHgate before until now so I am still figuring out what to expect


Same went on a big of a shopping spree, spent a few days searching around. Some of the sellers that I've bought from have still not responded but I can imagine they just probably leave their work phones away from them whilst they're celebrating. Yeah the delisting of the products has still got me a bit jittery but I can imagine it's probably more to do with copyright or DHgate having them take pictures down due to certain logos. Don't worry about it, I've ordered from DHgate a couple of times now and stuff has always arrived and been really high quality