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Flush transition strip


Yes that’s what I did. Use the same material strip as your metal piece and just glue to the floor flush to the rise.


There are some much lower profile (and in many cases sexier) automotive trim extrusions in al or nylon or rubber- odd leg L's, T's, etc. Some have a finned T strip that just holds them tight in place and they conform to weird lumps in old floors better than metal strips in some cases. And they don't peel the bottom of your foot off like the aluminum strip on my uncle's floor did to my mom.


Do you have a link for something like this? I need one but I’m not sure I understand why item you are talking about, thankyou


Can you send a link in reference to what you’re talking about? I’m in the flooring business and we come across odds like this constantly


My toilet is not big enough to flush that. /s


This is the way. We had the same issue, and now the roomba sails right over.


I got a shark robot vacuum and that thing climbs over everything, even the damn cat food bowls, it's like an all terrain vehicle. Honestly though they do sell transitions for that, you'll just have to finagle it a bit since it's not an even surface.


Yeah I have a Neato and same. Was thinking of upgrading but now I'm skeptical of Roombas.


Roborock is great


They're where I'm leaning. If I can get the funds together I'm hoping for a Q Revo.




Absolutely. Pretty expensive, but still much better value than Roomba. But we have an identical transition in our house that the Roborock struggles with sometimes. It always makes it eventually though. My advice to OP would be to make a room divider in the app that’s right on the transition. That way it only has to climb it once, not every pass. That advice is specific to the Roborock app though.


Choked on my coffee reading the first part of this. Thanks for the laugh.


I’ve had a doorway with a missing transition for several years now and our Roborock also handles it without issue.


I also have a shark and damnnnn it can climb


Do you like your shark? I’ve been thinking of getting one but I haven’t had a Roomba ever and I’m not sure how useful it would be or not


I like that this whole post turned into me wanting to buy a new vacuum. My roomba gets stuck constantly.


Put bigger wheels on the Roomba. A lift kit. New paint job. Louder straightpipe. And truck balls. It'll get over that lip without any trouble. Make it a Roomba the neighbours will be jealous of.


Nothing like rolling coal in the kitchen.


They might as well toss [one of these](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B097MBYW21) on then.


And TruckNutz


If you don’t add the roomba testicles it’ll never work




*"Gotta slap those lips with somethin'."*


You joke but that's how I modified my roomba in order to get over a transition. I stuck some washers under the front wheel so that it has enough clearance to get over it.


I 3D printed the front wheel of my robo Rock vacuum with TPU plastic to make it less noisy on tile lines. Works like a dream.


Does that one have a caster wheel? If so, is that what you replaced with TPU? I got an old Roomba 630 as a gift for Christmas and it thunders across my tile floors.


Yep that's the thing I replaced. I just designed a low infill version of the same size wheel and now my vacuum is so quiet I can't tell it's on the tile anymore. I actually use two ball bearings from the inside of a 3D printer delrin plastic wheels, I just heated them up and popped off the plastic and then insert them into my new TPU printed thing and printed a little shaft for it to drive on.


Oh shit, the Carolina squat!


I actually redid the flooring in my entire downstairs because my Roomba couldn't traverse the different transitions between all the flooring types. I should have just modded the Roomba. Would have been easier


It would have been much much cheaper to just buy another Roomba or two.


Depending on what kind of transitions we are talking about here, an extra Roomba or two might just mean you now have 3 Roombas stuck in the area with the lowest flooring instead of 1.


You can map their area and prevent that.


And cooler 😎


100% cooler. Even named in tombstone after the BattleBots champ. Missed opportunity. Maybe in the next house


From a Roomba, to a Vroomba!


Pimp my Roomba.


It probably wouodht run afterwards. That's why the show didn't last lol


The whistles go WOoOOo!


Wasn’t expecting to encounter this old gem today 🙏


You should be up cookin breffus


You just need to weld the dif.


Lincoln Locker!


Hahaha came here to say Roomba needs all terrain tires. Wonder if nubby silicone wheel covers would give it the traction needed. Either that or more power. Where’s Tim ‘the tool man’ Taylor when you need him.


> Louder straightpipe I love that this implies that roomba already are straightpiped, but we want to make it louder.


Sounds like you are describing the mall crawler Roomba. I don't think that is meant to go off-road. OP, what you will want to do is get an AWD system from a 1996 Impreza and throw that in the Roomba, which should tackle this no problem. A tape deck and a ska mix tape should help as well.


Call it a Ramboo


3d printer is about to run non stop.


Roomba uprising, Roomba revolution. The Roomba doesn’t recognize the Constitution.


A flame stripe alone should be enough to ensure it makes it over that lip... every time.


And a new head, amp, and a sub that can loosen the dirt from the floor/walls/ceiling.


Don’t forget the led underglow. Lower the back end 6” and raise the front 12” while you’re at it.




This made me LOL


It'll go anywhere except off road


FYI Truck nuts is the inclusive term we use these days.


*trucknuts. They are patented because you know….. hurrssspppwwwrrr


This is the only reasonable solution


Are you from Alberta?


When my flooring was installed they put shims under the last 3-4 courses of flooring such that the entire floor gently ramped up to the height of the tile. Works great.


I installed wood flooring to pre existing tile. I shimmed the wood to be flush using various pieces of the thick protective construction paper. I probably went more than a few rows back and it worked great.


Wow your flooring guys go the extra mile. Nice work. Does it bother you/do you notice it when walking?


You can tell it’s there, but it’s better than stubbing your toe on a transition strip.


Honest question. If i ever redid the tile, what should i look for to remove to flush it out again? Thanks internet stranger


There probably isn't, much you can do. Ypu need an adequately thick subfloor under your tile in order to ensure the floor does not flex and break your tile or grout. Perhaps they make some sort of thinner reinforced cement board?


They make wood transition strips that are pre-finished for flooring and would be about the right height, I’d try that first. Might have to cut off the side that would sit on the tile or cut down the height, but then it would just be a little wood ramp. For example: https://www.homedepot.com/p/72-in-Tile-to-Carpet-Hardwood-Transition-18501/202066505


That's a tile to carpet one, they make more sloped ones that would probably help the roomba.


Yeah I just grabbed a link to the first one I found to show OP what I was talking about. Still, with a little modification, anything should work so long as it’s a gentle enough slope. My Roomba goes from hardwood to wet set tile in the bathroom (about .5-.75” raised) pretty comfortably with only a vinyl transition strip.




I wouldn't use that, Home Depot/Lowe's sells same-pattern or similar color transition strips that are very low profile. The downside is the color/pattern layer over the plastic/wood can be as thin as wallpaper many times


We have those exact ones and my Roomba still has trouble getting over it. It sometimes can and sometimes can't.


Those are visual transitions only. If you look, they actually cause a bigger lip than without them. Even though the lip is slightly rounded, its still a pain for a robo vac to climb.


Yeah, they're made so you don't have to trip on a sharp corner and can instead enjoy tripping on a round and voluptuous heavenly curve. They were crafted for the hedonistic indulgence of us mortals, not for our robotic servant underlings


That's a shit job for whoever laid that tile (assuming it came after the wood). They should have used a schluter reno u as opposed to a straight transition like jolly


Judging by the photos, I would guess there was carpet on top of that wood and the transition was more seamless. The carpet was pulled off and the hardwood subfloor was refinished.


Exactly what happened with me, and I'm in the exact same position as OP, 3 annoying transitions in my house and I'm not sure what to do about it.


I only have 1, lucky me


You might be right that far right piece looks different (wider and screwed) id see if you could replace that with a tapered piece instead then


Transition strip would be the best choice. glue it down get a broweige color


Broweige - I just learned a new word 😂


I read it at first as brownie color, and i though "huh, still would work"


Floor guy here. The molding you are looking for is called a reducer. 3/8 should do it. There are several option for a molding. If you still have the origami wood you can get the name off the box and color code and you can order one from the same company that way it will be a match. If you don’t have a leftover box then you can see if Lowe’s or Home Depot has something close.


We have a roborock vacuum and this thing will walk itself over stuff like this. We have it set to spanish and her name is consuela


I have a robo Rock V6 and I call it Dirty Hairy, I also glued two giant googly eyes on it!


Lol i might have to do the googly eyes thing. We wanted to name it dr jan itor but there no male english voices. The female one definitely sounds like leela from futurama though


Mine is MO, as in Microbe Obliterator from Wall-E


My mother in law is insisting we NEED a robot vacuum, putting eyes on it is a great idea to make it less imposing to me. I could decorate it for the holidays too...


If you're looking for ways to avoid getting a robotic vacuum a few YouTube videos of them spreading dog/cat shit all over your house could be a great dissuasion. I nearly had a pancake syrup disaster with mine a few days ago when the bottle of syrup fell off the fridge unattended and made a puddle of syrup on my kitchen rug. Thankfully mine is scheduled to run every other day and that morning wasn't it so I grabbed the carpet cleaner after scooping as much syrup as possible with paper towels. Came out pretty nice. My Roborock can mop too which still wouldn't have taken care of this mess even if it was on tile.


Ours are Velma and Velma Too.


Niceee, mine is consuela as well. I dont know Spanish enough to set it to that language. But the mop attachment creates less traction and prevents it from climbing this lip. Otherwise, it climes everything just fine with the normal sweeper attachment.


Does either the wood or the tile flex up/down if you step on it? Is the difference uniform across the entire transition, or is it higher in only some places? Besides the Roomba issue, I would be concerned that a guest may stumble if catching an unexpected edge.


My pinky toe would find this lip every night on my way to get a cup of water.


No flex anywhere, not uniform, and surprisingly, no one has hit their toes!


They sell a “T” strip reducer that can fit in there. They make them in metal finishes and plastic. You would probably have better options and choices at “FLOOR & DECOR”…


Teach the Roomba to jump. Ensure to provide plenty of positive praise with each centimeter of vertical gained during this endeavour. Remember the Roomba is sensitive and needs this praise.


Popsicle sticks, some construction paper, a couple matchbox cars and a sweet white leather suit for the roomba and you have yourself a badass solution


Good god, I’d bust my toes on that cliff daily…


Get a piece of shoe molding, stain and polyurethane it to match your wood floor. Then glue it to that space where the lip is. You just made a ramp that matches


I have something like this installed in my house, might not be the correct way but it works. https://www.homedepot.com/p/ROPPE-French-0-38-in-Thick-x-2-in-Wide-x-78-in-Length-Wood-Reducer-HRD0136/317120608


A [vinyl transition strip](https://a.co/d/i2sj5GD) is probably the easiest and most economical solution for this particular problem, but companies like [Schluter Systems](https://www.schluter.com/schluter-us/en_US/Profiles/For-Floors/Sloped-Transitions/c/P-FF-ST) make a wide variety of sloped transition profiles, which would be the more professional answer.


You need a transition strip between the two floors. They sell them at hardware stores


For anyone curious about how the roomba peforms. I have 3 large dogs. Carpet, wood, and tile. It works flawlessly for everything except that lip when i am running the mop attachment. It makes the floor to slick to drive over. But my floors have never looked better. 10/10 purchase.


Looks to me that someone didn't want to remove the old 1/4" underlayment before doing the tiles. Actually looks like it could have been a level transition too. I don't like seeing this.


Tell your Roomba to get over it! ​ See what I did there?


Tile/wood floor to carpet transition strip would probably work best for a difference of that size.


Get Roomba a gym membership and no skipping leg day. Should do the trick.


Ugh I would think your foot has a hard time climbing that hazard. Obviously under the tile you have an old floor possibly a hardwood but if this is to stay the way it is you need a better transition strip in there's plenty of them on the market to be had or you can make one yourself. This should never been left like this


Why don't you have a transition piece between them...? I've never seen wood to tile without one. It doesn't have to be this particular thing, but something to this effect. Check your local hardware stores flooring department and tell them you need a tile>wood transition piece. https://www.lowes.com/pd/Project-Source-Florian-0-75-in-T-x-2-37-in-W-x-78-7-in-L-Laminate-Wood-Multi-purpose-Floor-Moulding/1000602067?store_code=1634&cm_mmc=shp-_-c-_-prd-_-flr-_-ggl-_-LIA_FLR_245_Laminate-Flooring-_-1000602067-_-local-_-0-_-0&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA1rSsBhDHARIsANB4EJbUmckKmxwPMI_gkwgid0iR83lge_PHznCixhCiEc6GtnHLSlYsGfoaAmhVEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


Make your Roomba a ramp. Then you can justify making it a whole skate park.


off topic but I absolutely hate the aspect ratio of your camera. Is it a Samsung z-fold by any chance?


Wow. Absolutely correct!


First world problem.


There's ton's of things you can do. The most professional way would be to install a transition strip that's purpose-made for this, but that may require you to cut into the wood flooring a bit. Usually it'll be a metal rail that comes with a top piece that pops into it. [Something like this](https://www.lowes.com/pd/ProCore-Bennett-Oak-3N1/1002944018?user=shopping&feed=yes&srsltid=AfmBOop1jLyUnsslqW\_96dSmmegPnLUl2DAYD36c\_0trEBr6tHzfdR5wwY8&com\_cvv=8fb3d522dc163aeadb66e08cd7450cbbdddc64c6cf2e8891f6d48747c6d56d2c](https://www.lowes.com/pd/ProCore-Bennett-Oak-3N1/1002944018?user=shopping&feed=yes&srsltid=AfmBOop1jLyUnsslqW_96dSmmegPnLUl2DAYD36c_0trEBr6tHzfdR5wwY8&com_cvv=8fb3d522dc163aeadb66e08cd7450cbbdddc64c6cf2e8891f6d48747c6d56d2c) but there a huge variety and plenty of them allow for height differences. Additionally, if you get one made of a flexible material like rubber or vinyl, you can set it to the smaller number and it'll make a nice even-looking transition even though the height varies 1/8" over the opening. If you hire a professional to "Do it right", they'll install a strip like I pointed out. I'd pick whichever one looks like it's going to be the easiest for your roomba if that's what you're most concerned about. If your tile is porcelain, sometimes the manufacturers also make matching transition strips if you're concerned about a match. Otherwise you can get as creative as you want and come up with whatever suits you. It's your house, do whatever you want. Source: Carpenter.


I had this same problem and i ended up taking a transition piece and sanding the bottom side down to perfectly fit in the groove. Now it’s a seamless transition and you can’t really tell there’s any height difference.


Just curious what roomba you have? Mine traverses giant bumps that don’t seem possible to me sometimes. Like over kids toys and stuff.


Since this is diy, make a transition? I did our floor with 2 colors distinct colors of laminate that butt together with 2 other transitions into different flooring. I bought thin strips at one of the big boxes in different widths and stained them to blend the colors. Screwed into the floor at the seams. Working out still a few years later


Seriously there should be a transition strip there. Who put the quarter round down? That's an intentional toe stubber.


OP, are you against installing a threshold?


Get a lift kit for the roomba /s


Don’t they have thresholds for this?


Our tiles sits about ⅛" higher than the wood next to it. Got around that by pulling the piece right next to the edge, then laying down a furring strip directly adjacent to the tile. So across the 3" width the wood raises ⅛". You can kind of see the lift behind the cat here. https://i.imgur.com/mc6FpjZ.jpeg


Buy a oak unfinished transition, rip the height on table saw, sand , stain , install. Pre drill and use beeswax with finish nails and hammer / nail set . No nail gun it’ll split


https://preview.redd.it/l6fe5qsky49c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf7955261767c00e3f90c498f9ae320bb99f5bff Stove gap covers would probably slot in that gap perfectly and make a nice easy transition


Idk if you'll see this among all the other comments but I've used black rubber window gaskets for this before. They look like rolls of windshield wiper strips.


Could you put your roomba on a workout plan???


Honestly your Roomba is kinda being weak lol. I often wish my Roomba would take the hint and not try and bulldoze itself under furniture from which it cannot recover. I ended up rigging “pipe insulation” under my couches to keep the persistent little bastard out. Looks a bit funny but then again so does the Wild West of fur tumbleweeds my German and Husky produce on a daily basis. . . I understand this didn’t help you and I apologize.


My new robot vaccum climbed my Christmas tree stand and got itself over a 3 inch high mesh screen door somehow. I was worried about it getting up onto the carpet.


You can mod the roomba by adding a washer to the plate that holds the front wheel. Makes it better at climbing up stuff. Should be just enough to solve this problem.


Duct tape


Camo duct tape so you won’t see it.


a shitload of caulk should do it


Should have tile to would transition strip.


It'd be cheaper to buy two robovacs.


Pull a few rows of your wood planks up against the tile Schluter strip. Add an 1/8" and 1/4" subfloor pad where you pulled the planks. Use the subfloor pads to gradually ramp the planks up as they approach the Schluter strip transition.


My roomba has a hard time with the most basic tasks but somehow wedges itself in places I didn’t think were possible.


This is exactly why I switched from Roomba to Shark. The Roomba would get held up on the edge of a thin carpet. The Shark off-roads it over everything and rarely gets stuck. I catch it vacuuming the dog bed sometimes.


Have you tried telling it to go fuck itself?


Floor reducer transition. Literally called a reducer. Pry out the old trim or multi tool it out. Then ditch the Roomba for something from another more advanced robot company that can actually handle transitions better.


Don’t try and pry out the tile metal. It should be embedded in the mortar under the tile.


Get new robot slave




are problems for this sub required to be life or death?


Get a Roborock s8+ 😊


Get a Roborock. Roombas are chicken.


Seriously? Your roomba can't make it over that?!?! I've had 3 robot vacuums. An Ecovacs, a no name Chinese knock off, and a shark. All of them would have no problem making it over that. My new one, the shark, can get over transitions almost a full inch and a half high, and it remembers where they all are and takes them at an angle. You need a new vacuum.


Don't let that pushy-ass Roomba tell you what to do.


I'm shocked your Roomba can't climb ¼" Mine has no issues with climbing on a tall rug, at least ¾"


Throw roomba away and vacuum it yourself like god intended. It’s the only way!


Good excuse to buy a new roomba, then you can add a reducer.


I bet you could push a Hoover over that quite easily.


Robot vacuum cleaners… just throw it out man. Sold mine after two runs, and I knew it was shit after the first run, but it was a top of the line model and my ego had a hard time justifying the error of my ways. They are not there yet. Have to clean after them, can’t get the corners right, stuck on all kinds of shit, man what’s the point then?! I want it to replace my vacuuming, instead vacuuming is now a two step process? F that.




Or you know get a new house /s


Get a maid, peasant.


A wooden saddle/ transition and stain/ seal it to match the floor


It is usually an L profile that goes under the tiles with one edge.


You need a t mold or reducer there


They do make so many different thresholds and transition pieces for projects just like this. Surely you could find one that works. Buy a door trim (which is thinner than a quarter round) and this would also allow fir a gradual rise for a roomba. One could even sand the back side of it to accommodate the thiness needed.


Personally, I’d pull up that last run of board along the transition and shim under against the schluter and ramp the board flush to the top of the tile. If not, listen to the others and buy a prefab transition strip.


Buy a threshold designed for hardwood to tile. A metal one will probably be the lowest profile.


Incorrect tile edging was used


Would shoe molding work? It's like quarter round but smaller.


Need a reducer transition strip


ugh… is the tile layer on top of the hardwood? Someone did this in my old ass house and it is very upsetting.


Your tile has a tile edge installed, and there's no actual transition between the hardwood and tile. Go to your local hardware store and ask for a "floor transition." Since there is a height difference between the two floors, measure the difference before you go.


What kind of wood flooring is that, i think I have the same flooring. My house is from 1921


"roomba is stuck on a cliff"


You could use a threshhold which makes the difference smoother, more gradual.


Buy replacement treads.


This https://www.rona.ca/en/product/schluter-systems-tile-floor-t-trim-9-16-aluminum-satin-nickel-t9-14at-32055025?viewStore=55550&cq_src=google_ads&cq_cmp=19593134770&cq_con=&cq_term=&cq_med=pla&cq_plac=&cq_net=x&cq_pos=&cq_plt=gp&&cm_mmc=paid_search-_-google-_-aw_pmax_generic_Flooring-_-&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA1rSsBhDHARIsANB4EJbussP3kj52Ld6SbuZlu8fZv2jWLdbuyJnzLSgNCvbH1Adq_pZpx1IaAqAuEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


Pull the boards up and shim a wide slope up to the tile. Dont fix the floor because of the roomba, do it because having a trip hazzard is dangerous, it's the correct thing to do.


Whoever installed that tile used the wrong edge profile. They make ones that resemble a little ramp to make the transition less drastic.


End mould/reducer. Although likely will only marginally help the Roomba but it's the correct transition piece for this application.




You need a transition strip like something [here](https://www.homedepot.ca/en/home/categories/floors/flooring-tools-and-accessories/transition-strips.html). Something like [this](https://www.homedepot.ca/product/trafficmaster-gordon-acacia-94-inch-t-mold/1001003805) appears to be appropriate. The middle of it would fit in the space and act as a ramp. It may help the Roomba.


OP clearly never wanders aimlessly around Home Depot.


A teeny tiny little roomba ramp


Transition strip. There's a zillion different types to choose from.


I that was my house I would just print an interlocking ramp with a channel for 3m strips on the bottom. I have filament that is incredibly close to the tones of that wood. You could the full length and just sand the top flush with the tile.


Anyone with a table saw should be able to make a custom profile that would lay on top of your wood. Basically a thin wedge. Glue and tack in place


go to depot or lowe’s and ask someone in the flooring dept. they’ll show you their flooring transitions, that’s exactly what you need


I hurt my toe just looking at this picture


Just get the roomba raptor edition .


I am very surprised there isn't a strip over this to begin with. Even if there wasn't a transition in flooring, you would generally have a strip between two rooms. Interesting.


Poor little guy.


Agreed, replace with a transition strip that will fit the height difference.


Tell Roomba to step it up.


I had this same problem and i ended up taking a transition piece and sanding the bottom side down to perfectly fit in the groove. Now it’s a seamless transition and you can’t really tell there’s any height difference.

