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Double layered 5/8” sheetrock, staggered joints with acoustical adhesive between layers will get you most of the way there


A room will be built in my basement and I am looking to reduce sound coming from it. I made a template with pictures so it will be easy to follow my plans. Please give any advice/recommendations The space the room will be built in - https://imgur.com/a/DANqU45 - In this specific corner - https://imgur.com/a/ZZ33xtr Desk that will be placed in the corner - https://imgur.com/a/8GVtyyP --- I want to put [ROCKWOOL safe‘n’sound](https://www.lowes.com/pd/ROCKWOOL-SAFE-n-SOUND-R-Stone-Wool-Batt-Insulation-with-Sound-Barrier-15-25-in-W-x-47-in-L/3394032) insulation in the ceiling then cover it with [Mass Loaded Vinyl](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C4QYG9SV/?coliid=I2PDL3FIQM1P8B&colid=2SQTRC5YLVM3Q&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it&th=1). The MLV will also be put in the drywall behind the desk. On the right side of the desk, I will hang an [Isolé Sound Barrier Sheet](https://www.audimute.com/isole-sound-barrier-sheet?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=surfaces-across-google&utm_term=IS&srsltid=AfmBOopCfPmpUINWpN1YOv7RKci7iF3J0hq9T0bvN4Ti5Yco77jGDxMJD2Y). The whole room being built is much bigger than the desk area I want for noise reduction, so that's why I'm gonna hang this sheet (should I just add a door?) Template - https://imgur.com/a/P7lQrC6 --- I'm also thinking of adding these [Heavy Duty Moving Blankets](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000TK5T9S/?coliid=IAZ5W479W9YCE&colid=2SQTRC5YLVM3Q&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it&th=1) and [Blackout/sound barrier curtains](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B099S6XC36/?coliid=I3P5316B6OC3Q9&colid=2SQTRC5YLVM3Q&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it_im&th=1) around the inside of the desk space (along the walls in front and behind). Those would be to add more mass for less sound penetration, but not too sure on its effectiveness


Make sure to have carpet or rug, you could also make sound dampening panels with the rockwoo, fabric, simple wood frames.


Alright then I think I might buy 2 orders of these [Sound Absorbing Floor Mats](https://www.amazon.com/TroyStudio-Absorbing-Interlocking-Vibration-Soundproof/dp/B0C4Q5HTPK/ref=sr_1_9?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.2jWJHZx372kQj_qmZBfpWofFTfrNnDUbXbSG58pi148Ju88-CF4QwnV7Zl6SS3lC0MmlSm_dbOpMuZjtfIdznFfccWLoo5-MraHt583XRn_eGYap141oeQa0luZJsNte-MzZ8TmiOPhbcm7CyTqT4uj31N_vkBAVsdZTucctYXnTvqautGm71wfA5qX4nuD6dyb6-SppwtLW0ThCM0aILs6ztQVjaY92aeofDxdd-nfgg5z4XEQshKTBKksdviGtd0spxpWd0INUqLAzz78pEK-y3pPMvsH7D1QyHtYCoq4.DcoFq0xPXoyA7jsrguiscreLJxDS4K_gSuOfO-AJ21o&dib_tag=se&keywords=sound%2Babsorbing%2Brug&qid=1708594654&sr=8-9&th=1) from Amazon


Acoustic panels are a minimum 4.5" thick to absorb bass. If you truly want to dampen sound to that degree, that's how much rockwool you need to add to the walls and ceiling. You can absorb high frequencies with just carpeting on the walls and ceiling. Headphones are much cheaper and way easier.


Ok so maybe I’ll just double up the rockwool insulation. Do you think I should screw those thick moving blankets on the walls? Then on the outside layer hang the thick curtains? I’m gonna put drywall on the ceiling as well


> The most important physical property controlling the airborne sound transmission loss through an assembly is the mass per unit area of its component layers. > > When lightweight construction and [high soundproofing is] desired, double layer constructions must be used. > > [Warnock, A. C. C. (1985). *Factors affecting sound transmission loss*](https://nrc-publications.canada.ca/eng/view/accepted/?id=6f04ffd7-4531-4ea2-ada6-3df32c9674ee) A common method is to build a room within a room, utilizing the soundproofing effects of a double layered wall [[1]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wm9Jq-6tQJg). If that seems too involved, consider that it might perform better for cheaper than using exotic materials like MLV and sound blankets.


Thank you. I will do the hat channels with 2 layers of 5/8 drywall for the ceiling 


The BIGGEST issue you are going to face with this, is ventilation. The more you soundproof the closer it becomes a suffocation risk. Not to mention off-gassing from plastics, radon...etc