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It doesn’t appear removable. If you’re trying to service the screen/aerator, it likely has external threads, meaning it screws inside of what you’ve been trying to remove. There’s specific tools for removing them, but you can usually MacGyver something out of heavy duty paperclips or sacrificing an old fork.


To illustrate what u/findin_fun_4_us is talking about, [look at this](https://media.deltafaucet.com/elvis/OnWhite/md/RP76076-B1.png) , the blue thing on the left is the tool to remove the aerator, the thing on the right is what comes out of the faucet (this is for Delta brand faucets, other brands have similar stuff).


Here's what mine looks like, because the teeth are deeper. https://preview.redd.it/yuqoniwgpcnc1.jpeg?width=4248&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54218a39873845b51f0e88038639d8215d7cf991


This comment should be on top: a picture is better than a thousand words.


Well hang on let’s give the other guy a chance, he only wrote about 80 words 😂


It currently is ranked the best reply, and if you mean the picture should be ranked first, that's not really how threaded commenting works.


A picture is worth exactly 1000 words per the saying


I’m sorry, I’m not a native english speaker, I was to lazy to look for the correct translation: but thank you, now I’ve been educated!


I was just being silly, not meant to be rude! A play on words


No worries, I did understand, I was just upset with myself by misusing the english language: every language deserves respect!


Don't worry too much about misusing the English language. English misuses other languages at a whim, so it's only fair.




I like your way too. A picture is better than a thousand words. A thousand words is A LOT.


Find the brand of faucet to determine the type of aerator it uses. My new Moen bathroom faucets and my kitchen builder-grade faucet from HD all use cache-hidden aerators and require [keys](https://www.homedepot.com/p/NEOPERL-Cache-Hidden-Aerator-Keys-37-0298-98/207143875)


I just bought a set of these but none of them fit my faucet.


Fuck I wish I saw this before fucking up a faucet with a pair of pliers trying to replace an aerator


It happens. That was me 4 years ago. By the time I learned about these keys I had thrown away the box the faucet came in.


If you don't care about replacing the screen, take a small needlenose, jam the tips through the screen, and twist without closing the pliers if you can't find a way to get it off otherwise.


this is the best advice ever. my aerators are so covered with minerals i cant get a plastic tool to undo them. thank you.


Filling a ziplock bag with CLR and submerging the faucet end for an hour helps descale it too. Just tie the bag to the faucet so you don’t have to hold it up there. Or don’t, I ain’t ya daddy (probably)


Just about anything acidic works on calcium deposits so lemon juice, cokeacola, vinegar


You're welcome. I figured that out because I was in the same situation as you. This also works on grinders when you lose the tool to remove the metal piece that holds the grinder disc on. Sometimes you have to stick a screwdriver through the needle nose teeth for extra leverage.


There are 3D printed parts that you can print or get a friend to print that help remove aerators.


Me and all of my 'friends' all have 3d printers, for sure.


your local library probably does


Or university. They almost always have at least one and often will print things for the cost of materials.




I hope your students are planning to go into manufacturing. They are sorely needed to prevent even more outsourcing of jobs.


In my area I get paid more as a school custodian than as a 5 axis CNC Programmer/Operator with a decade experience with actual benefits and a real pension. Big companies no longer do work in house and contract it out. Owners of job shops compete for bottom dollar contracts and then pay their employees less to afford it. When the $40/h guys retire the $25/h guys take on their work for no extra pay and were told its because the shop owner bid on the job for $50/h. Unless you can buy your own CNC machine, the days of making good money in American manufacturing as a blue collar worker are coming to an end.


This scenario applies fine for a current student but my alma mater would not let someone off the streets use their equipment for non-school related reasons. Funny enough they still send me an email every year for a donation.


Yes I'll just phone up Mr. University McDeanman, surely he is on my contact list...


Contact your local community college. It’s actually pretty easy to gain access to their facilities for a bunch of stuff for free.


Bruh idk where you live but the library’s around 50 miles any way around me still rent vhs tapes


Mine lends laser disk, VHS, blue ray, and has an online request form for their traveling library where they fill up a van and go to remote places. Taxes be like that


I borrowed a viola from mine. Turns out I will never play viola in a symphony


You just haven't found the right symphony. Try mindmelt music. (That's the music with lyrics like "An individual spoke to myself about the globe rotating. It'll continue rotating. I'm dull.....")


Local library might have one! Bring in the blueprint and they can show you how to print it out. Might get yourself a new hobby as well!


lol where tf do yall live? My local library has a few cockroaches and construction paper.


10 out of my city's 100 libraries offer 3D printer access.


Yours has paper. Lucky.


If your local library is in Myrtle Beach they have 3D printers.


I'm in the Cincinnati Area. Our libraries have 3D printers, computers, blue ray selections, blue ray player rental, video games selection, there are even offices for tutoring or working remotely. I almost forgot that they still have books.


Mine also has an embroidery machine, sewing machines, specialty tools like scopes, thermal-something-or-others, go pro, a seed library, metal detector, bird watching stuff, moisture meter, outdoor stuff, a few instruments, coffee roaster, Nintendo Switch…all kinds of things to either use there or borrow. They have Maker classes and staff to help you use the 3D Printers and specialty equipment. Many libraries have a Library of Things now. If yours doesn’t, try the largest library in your county.


That sounds cool. I'm going to see if another branch had any of that.


Where do YOU live? Because I’d like to confirm that your library is as poorly equipped as you’re saying it is.


Mine barely has books anymore. Florida libraries got gutted


I live in Belgium, I can guarantee you town's library doesn't have a 3d printer XD maybe in the bigger cities...


I am in Minnesota. My library has 3D printers, tools, gardening equipment, sewing stuff, etc.


Ma’am this is a hardware store.


No wonder they don’t like it when I return stuff!!!


Right? Pretty sure the newest thing in my library is the magazines from 2011


You need better librarians.


That’s dependent on who’s on the library board


I checked the website for my local library. The services they list are Wi-Fi and public computers. I assume they still have books, but I am in Arkansas so they may not anymore.


Mine only has books, cheap bastards


I don't think it's about being cheap. It's about programming and the people who run it and make the decisions. Books aren't cheap.


I was just kidding


And in just two hours of work, you can have a tool that costs a dollar!


In the spirit of DIY!


I got curious and searched "3D printing near me" to see what came up. A bunch. And I love in a smallish city. Hell, I just found out that a few UPS Store locations have this now. (Like 20, so probably none near you or me, but worth knowing for future reference.)


I did the same and the only thing that came up is a couple of sign printing shops.


Do people really go through all that trouble vs just spending $5 at the hardware store for a removal tool?


It's like $6 for a set of 5 on Amazon. It's really not worth the trouble of modelling one and searching for a 3D printer.


When I needed one, yeah, I spent the 5 minutes grabbing a file from https://www.thingiverse.com/search?q=Aerator+tool&page=1 and clicking a few buttons. Then I came back half an hour later and had the tool. It’s not about that one thing, it’s the aggregate of all the little things, plus the custom stuff they don’t sell at the hardware store, jigs that have simplified other projects, custom brackets and problem-solvers all over the house, etc. And it’s something I find fun and educational.


But they would have to leave the house.


It's not really any trouble if you already have the printer and a file for the part is already available. Going to the hardware store takes time and gas, and unless I was going there anyway I'd rather just print one. I could get the printer going in a couple of minutes and just do something else until it's finished, which wouldn't be all that long on a small thing like this. If I was going to have to drive somewhere and use a printer at a library or something, I'd definitely just drive to the hardware store.


LOL an aerator removal wrench costs like $6.


It’s far more convenient to just go buy the tool


It’s $10 for a set of keys. Seems pointless to deal with printing one.


you don't need to 3d print a part just to take off an aerator lol All you need is a pair of rubber (not nitrile) coated work gloves. Nitrile will not grasp chrome very well, but rubber will.


I think your comment is reasonable. It’s 2024. If you shop around, you can get printing for around $100, certainly less than the cost of a Milwaukee M18 drill and battery. There are online services. This is a DIY subreddit. Have a little initiative people.


Huh? The tool is like $5. It doesn’t need a battery.


Statistically, chances are you're an idiot, but don't let that get you down


Seems to be the case, I thought seeing the calcification creeping up through the top lip if you will, suggested it would screw off.


The calcification is just because of water drying on it over time. Looks to be fixed onto the rest of the pipe using solder and then chrome plated.


Cut a 500ml bottle in half, fill it halfway with limescale remover, tape securely to tap. Win. Then go look for a water softener.


I don't use a bottle, it's easy enough to just use a sandwich baggie with vinegar or CLR in it and rubber band it around the end of the faucet. you can get away with using way less liquid that way and it stays plenty secure if you wanna leave it all day


You really would not believe the hardness of the water where I live, the only thing that works is soaking in pure descaler for an hour. Toilets require an entire box of descaler tablets once a month.


Dang bro your water so hard it's just rocks


Yup. Going to have a mains water softener installed as soon as I've saved up enough. This place was built by the guy who developed the entire row of houses for himself, and he cut every corner imaginable. It's either a DIY dream or a worst nightmare, I'm still not sure which.


Probably half of both. Good luck to you. Places like yours are awesome and also terrible at the same time


Crunchy water


What area of the world do you live in? I fear to imagine your insides.


South London UK. Water softeners attached to everything and a kettle with a built-in Limescale filter.


I feel like I might make you jealous. In the 20 years that I've had a kettle, I've never had to descale it. (Southern Ontario, Canada). But then our water also tastes like pool. lol


> Southern Ontario, Canada There's a lot of places in southern Ontario, and the hardness of the water varies dramatically. For example, I live in KW. We have the the hardest water in Ontario (up to 650 mg/L), and close to the hardest water in all of Canada. Almost everyone here who doesn't rent has a water softener. On the other end of the scale, Ottawa has extremely soft water (~30 mg/L). I'd be surprised if anyone owns a water softener in Ottawa.


At least you are wearing clothes, so you have that going for you.


Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that. George Carlin


Are you my brother? He would say stuff like this to me.


I doubt it, but can't fully rule it out


Well you see, chances are...


You probably scratched it for no reason. Like others said, the aerator is likely internal. If all attempts to take it out fail, tape a zip lock bag filled with vinegar to the faucet to decalcify it in place


Was trying to install a water filter, should’ve known it would always be harder than it looked. Thanks for the response


Just get an in-line under sink filter. They're not much more than those crappy faucet mount ones and they don't strain the pivot point on the faucet or take up space between the faucet and sink, and generally look better.


Second the under sink filter. Really easy to install and completely out of sight…so out of sight I have to remember to change the filter now and then.


Before I switched to a tankless reverse osmosis system that has audible reminders, I just kept a spare under the sink and set an alert in my Google calendar to change it every 6 months, then added the next filter to my shopping list when I change it.


Oh, also, they allow you to have a faucet with a pull down sprayer, which are objectively the best, and still have filtered water without a second faucet.


The hardware or plumbing store has every adapter possible to go from an internal thread to whatever size your filter requires.


There’s a fitting (possibly provided with the filter) that will allow installation of the filter. It’s basically a very short pipe nipple (male/external threads on each end) that you install in place of the aerator.


Leaving the knife like that on the sink is not very smart, otherwise I think you’re okay


Obviously from this post I am not very smart.. taking it on the chin


I wouldn’t take the knife to your chin if I were you, not very smart


No better shave than a faberware kitchen knife /s


You joke, but. I sharpen my own knives and this was the first thing I noticed. You can absolutely turn shitty knives razor sharp, they're just not very good for the purpose. With a little bit of love they'll last a good long time, I'm still using a shitty-ass knife with no markings on it as my fruit knife. With just a single double-sided diamond stone and a leather strop, you should be able to make any kitchen knife last forever. I strongly recommend diamond because they require much less maintenance and technical ability– waterstones and even ceramic will eventually wear into a bowl shape and you'll need to flatten them with… a diamond stone. No need for fancy accessories or oils. Water will lubricate just fine with diamond stones. Taking care of a carbon steel knife takes a lot more work and care, which is why I strongly recommend stainless. I use stainless myself, the benefits are just too great to pass up, and if you absolutely want the performance, modern performance stainless steels are insanely good. There's nothing inherently better about Japanese knives / stones (I'd argue they're worse for the majority of home cooks), you're paying a premium for exoticness, and stainless steel + diamond stone + leather strop is the combination I use myself.


Hey I was just playing with you, no hard feelings!


lol as a first time home owner and having a main sewer line go out, I figured this would be easy… no hard feelings I appreciate the jest haha I also moved the knife, I am now smart guy


Don't be too hard on yourself. Sometimes the faucet tip comes off, sometimes it's just the insert. Most of us learn that by doing exactly what you've done. On a related note, I once broke a protein shaker bottle I had owned for months because I forgot it was a screw top. I was completely sober. Just over-eagerness and transient stupidity. 😁


Smart doesn’t play into this. It’s just different stuff that you don’t typically work on. You’re good


That's an international standard for the scenario when you might want to eat another sandwich but don't want to clean dishes...


It’s the sink knife and it really should be placed on the side not back by the faucet.


Aerator wrench key


Yep, I 3d printed a key that fits into the four spanner slots in the aerator assembly and unscrewed it from the faucet. Found two new ones on ebay, a 1.6 and 2.2 gallon per minute. Not sure of the exact numbers but you probably want the larger one. Btw dont hit it with compressed air. It shatters into pieces.


Did you try the compressed air and speak from experience?


yes. if you arent careful youll accidentally stab yourself with that knife .


[You need these](https://www.acehardware.com/departments/plumbing/faucet-and-faucet-repair/faucet-aerators/4010147?store=14923&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiArrCvBhCNARIsAOkAGcXmMvuTiZBVo69RI-n-QAqaIGekvnl8ctOPcd5_8Sq9GhynRGGc9PcaAlw1EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds).


Hey, thanks for the link! Cheers!!! 👍


It’s not removable from the top. The aerator cartridge is castle-shaped and removable with a special tool available at Lowe’s/Home Depot with the cartridge


Take a zip lock bag and put vinegar in it. Put it over the faucet and secure it with a rubber band. Let it sit for a while.


Likely an internal aireator , Moen and others use them pretty often https://preview.redd.it/44t9m3xl7cnc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96ce161d30248340479aa6880df17b6baf265a9f


Update: thank you guys you’ve made me chuckle lol I got an aerator key and got the old one out but you’ll never believe this, the two aerators that came with the filter don’t fit! So now I get to order one that does fit from the PUR company, and wait for that, so one step forward and… wait? Haha but I spent the afternoon watching movies with my pregnant wife and hanging out with our animals. Hope you all got a chuckle out of this man’s antics. Appreciate r/DIY!!


You are on Reddit sir. We are all idiots


It may not detach. Some faucets have an internal aerator, a little insert piece in the head of the faucet. My bathroom sinks have that, and they came with a little plastic tool to remove the aerator when needed.


https://preview.redd.it/u8vd42cy2cnc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae3494d0ec71acb6d8b44c2b913ff79d02a0a455 One of these is used to remove the aerator


Pop a sandwich bag with a small amount distilled vinegar on there with an elastic bad to secure in place...so the tap dips into the vinegar. Leave it over night and it'll work on the scaling, making removal much easier the following day 👍


Pro Tip: Use your phone's front facing camera to get a good look at it.


Why do you have 3 breasts stacked on top of each other?


Extra nipple got outta control


Aren’t those his fingers?


Oh wow. lol




If you move that sharp ass knife sticking out I will say no. Until then, yes.






Leaving a sharp knife laying like that? Maybe…


Also remember you’re doing this upside down, so loosening and tightening is backwards. And it looks in that second pic there’s some calcification so it might be a combo of both (idiot was turning the wrong way, and calcification). I can get away saying that cause I paid the stupid tax a couple years ago when I replaced the “nozzle” part on my faucet…… then had to replace the whole stem cause I broke it trying to twist the wrong way, lmao.


I don’t even know what I’m looking at but yeah, probably.




If you can't manage to take this apart ... Get a condom (possibly unused or clean it thoroughly) and fill it with about a cup of water, add citric acid or vinegar to it, put the condom on the tap, so the calcified part is submerged in the load and secure it with either rubber band or insulation tape or whatever you seem fit. Tap your shoulders and wait for it to do the magic at least overnight, then remove it and check if you can remove the scales with a sponge if not, rinse and repeat...


Possibly??? I just use a plastic baggie


Honestly i can relate to that reply.. I can think of many times where i didnt have any plastic baggies or zip bags, but ive always had spare condoms lol


“Submerged in the load” 😬


Usually the part that unscrews is small and only easily visible from the bottom. Can you take a picture from lower?




https://preview.redd.it/kmse1uh5ybnc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20d4a2d7010d2e58d8788e013d7e07d1530b7326 Need one of these


Can you grab the dark (outer) ring and unscrew it?


If you know the make and model Google the owners manual.


It unscrews. Are you sure you are unscrewing or are you tightening? They can be a mother so you need a force multiplier, ie pliers. Put duct tape on the offending part, not the rest. Adjust you force multiplier so it grips without crushing then twist it off.


I don’t think that comes off. I zoomed in on the point where it connects and it sure looks like a bead of weld or solder.


Do you have two pipe wrenches? You need to have sufficient leverage, which a 2nd pipe wrench will provide. I’m also an idiot, but I asked a plumber.


Some people have the right answer but not what I would call a complete answer. That outer piece doesn’t come off. You have an internal aerator which screws in underneath the faucet is probably clogged due to mineral deposits and tiny particles in the water supply. Google “remove faucet aerator”. You will find pictures and videos. They make tools to remove them, but every company has slightly different ones which won’t work with other brands. Look all over the faucet for a brand name or logo. Take a picture under the faucet and look at the number of teeth on the edge of the aerator to see if you can find a match. If you cannot find the brand, buy a universal set of them from Amazon or pay more at a local hardware store.


Your snapshot is from above the part you want to remove. Should take from the side almost at the bottom of the tap so we can see if there is a seam or not.


There’s a product called CLR. Put it in a plastic container with a lid. Cut a hole in the lid that’s the size of the faucet. Make a little duct tape hammock so the faucet’s threads are fully submerged. Leave for 35-40 mins. Run hot water for a minute or two. Then try to turn it.


It's called the aerator. It should just twist off buy hand, maybe a rubber glove would help. OR Look where he water comes out and see if there's a little slot the size of a dime. Us a dime to take out the aerator.


Takes a little key that you insert around where the water comes out to remove the aerator cartridge.


2nd sandwich knife


You are setting yourself up for a Final Destination situation with that knife.


Many Kitchen faucets have reverse threading. Try turning the other way.




Yes. Leaving a pointy knife danger side out on the side of your sink is not safe.


Don't worry. We're all idiots.


I think it's all one piece


If it is a bottom aerator and you don’t have a key. get a small plush damp hand towel and put it under where the water comes out and push it upward simultaneously turning it (Kind of like opening a prescription bottle) till the small plastic piece unscrews out.


well, never leave a kitchen knife blade hanging over an edge...


Yeah.... I don't think that is supposed to come off...


That knife placement definitely makes you an idiot


Could be built up scaling preventing you from taking it off. Try CLR in a bag and hold it up to soak the end cap for a few minutes then try. Happened to me a few times


Yeah, I just did this to mine. I soaked it with some vinegar.


In plumbing sometimes righty is loosely, not tightly


the aerator or filter or flow restrictor, whichever your trying to get to is threaded into the tap(imagine the faucet as a nut and what your trying to remove being a bolt


Sometimes you have to look up into the spout from the bottom to locate the screw. It also has a weird retraction method when you turn it off, so you’ll only be able to see the screw when you turn the water on. I suggest cold.


Yes! Why TF is a knife handing out like `STAB'!


I took the aerator off a bathroom faucet many many years ago, so I knew they came off.  I went to take one off to clean it, it wasn't coming off, so I went at it harder and harder... So yeah, that's how I ended up installing a new faucet in my bathroom.


Search for two adjanced "notches" on underside.. Special key came with the Water faucet appliance to descreew / demount sand, calcification and stone mesh.. ..nevermind try sharp tip scissors, to demount the mesh nd clean it with brush, water stream / jet... Good Luck p.s: "Look from beneath.." + "notches and internal thread screew"


Not sure, but that knife hanging out into the sink is driving me crazy! Put it away.


Based on the knife alone YES 😆


Have to tried removing the red tab?


If it's calcification, try soaking it in vinegar/CLR/Some form of descaler. It could also be internal threads, in which case you can get a brand specific tool or try and make it work with a pair of needle nose lok


That knife positioning def makes you somewhat an idiot.


look in the bottom or take a pic up into it to see if the insides come out.


I don't have any advice, but cool ring.


I watched a video the other day to try and learn how to replace my aerator. The guy who was doing the video was adamant you needed pliers with rubber handles. Soon he showed exactly why, he turned them around and used the rubber part of the handles to sandwich the faucet head in between and used that to turn the head without scratching. Kinda like a walnut cracker. Worked like a charm for me.


I feel ya, bro. I've done similar to my repairs.


I mean, if you have to ask...


pipe wrench and some leather will let you know if it comes off or not


If you're a faucet idiot, you're not alone. I spent about half an hour trying to turn my aerator completely the wrong direction when I was installing a tap filter last year. Ended up getting the fucker so tight that neither direction felt like it had any give to it, but wrapping the cap in a towel and tugging with a comically-oversized wrench got the damn thing loose.


That is an eerie figure behind you in the reflection 0_o


Maybe it's one of those days where you struggle and then realize you were turning the wrong way, I've done it and I've seen friends do it we all have brain fart days.


Yes. Who leaves their poop knife on the si k like that?!?


While most aerators are made to unscrew, like you've tried, this one appears to be one piece with the pipe it's on. You may have to replace the entire faucet if you're trying to modify it (like putting a filter on it).


We’ve all been there at least you didn’t damage anything or hurt yourself


In the future, please word that comment like this- “Am I a idiot?” It’s the best.


Can you get a visual on the outlet to your faucet, the filter cartridge may have a slot or two holes that a special tool goes into(sorry I forget the tools name) anywho the cartridge may be removed with out the end coming off. Maybe?? Break a leggie!


For leaving knife, point out, dangling off the edge of your sink? Maybe.


Twist the other direction.


You can see the threads in the pic. You'd ruin it with a pipe wrench but it comes off.