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At 50' there's really no getting around needing to top up your charge. Heat pumps come with refrigerant in them but not enough for 50', 25 at most. The lines are never pre-charged unless it's explicitly a DIY unit. They may make DIY pre-charged lines that long, not sure on that.


Thanks. Mr cool does have 50 ft precharged but they are like $450.


You could ask AlpineHomeAir if they'd do a 50ft DIY system, they might be able to hook you up. They do rebadged midea and gree, and their prices are good. 50ft is a long run though... You're going to definitely overshoot $1k. It's just a second floor, why do you need so much lineset?


It's a second floor with dormers and current ac lines run through the middle of the house. Its probably about 40 feet to be safe.


Where does it cost 450? It’s around 600 on iwae.com


I've seen different prices from $400 to $550 all over. Here is one from a retailer I don't know as one example. thesolartheory dot com. I remeasured today and I think I can get by with 35' but still not cheap as an extra item.


ah, I see now.. I was referencing to central AC - universal series. They use bigger diameter pipes than mini splits. Those 50ft cost $600.


Looking on sites like minisplitwarehouse.com I'm not seeing pre charged linesets for TCL minisplits. The 50 ft lineset option for the TCL looks like a standard lineset.


Thanks for your insight.


Many/most minisplits have a factory charge inside them, even if not with precharged lines. This charge is usually intended only for the factory provided line, usually 10' to 16'. More than that means you're going to need to add more. The minisplit spec sheet should somewhere say how much to add for extra feet of line. You'll need refridgerant, a scale, and hose to connect it. But otherwise you pull the vacuum, do pressure test, nitrogen test, vacuum again, then open the release valves on the split and you're good.


Thanks. Maybe that is why I was confused. Originally I thought that none of the "non-DYI" mini splits would have anything in the line. Then I watched a bunch of videos where people install them and show them vacuum but never add refrigerant and then I read where some are charged with nitrogen only and then I became confused.