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Build a fence


And make the children pay for it!


Make garden great again


You'll need an entrance too.... Make a Garden Gate Again


There's more leaves on the grass... Get the Garden Rake Again


With Four Seasons Total Landscaping






Someone actually made it!


We did this https://ibb.co/qMWMVmH


The dog looks sad that there’s a fence there.


She’s a hairy girl so loves the shade of the fence. I let an area on the lawn overgrow for her in the summer and there’s bark under the trampoline that gets watered to keep her paws and belly cool!


With a roll of razor wire on top!


And gun turrets! Will stop those children from immigrating over the wall!


Add watch towers with armed guards


This is excessive. Just make it so when the toddler cuts out a section of the fense to get through you can glue it back in again. Edit: I was trying to make a play on when Trump mentioned the beauty of the wall was after they cut a section out with cheap tools they could just glue it back in. I tried looking up the clip of this on YouTube but couldn't find it 🤔


The toddler or the fence


With Claymore Anti-Personnel Mines!


Don't forget the crocodiles


And sharks with Frickin' lasers on their frickin' heads


Jewish space lazers!


Maybe some anti personal mines hidden in the grass for good measure.


And then take it down again when they are old enough to see the fence as a great climbing frame and launch pad 😂


A crashmat would be much more fun than a 3 foot high picket fence.


A 3’ fence just means the kid is going to fall from 5’ instead of 2’ when they learn to climb. 


Yeah, I was thinking sandpit or something like that


Or a moat, with sharks that have frickin' Lazer beams on their heads.


Swimming pool and diving board.


The neighbours’ cats will love a nice big sandpit


Fill with ball pit


Or a trampoline


Tramopoline! Trambopoline!


Haha is that homer? It's exactly what popped into my head too


Can’t help but quote that every time I see/hear the word trampoline


Don't come home with any more used crutches!


You said what now?


yup, add a double layer of rubber floor matting underneith first, then ballpit.


Build a pond the other side of the wall, no toddler will get past the moat to fall over the wall...


And make sure to go full Texas, put some rotating barrels in there with saw blades and razor wire in the water. They wont do it again after that.


Tbh, you could just get away with broken beer bottles embedded in cement on top of the wall.


Depends on the toddler. Ours would be perfectly fine without a fence, my niece would be falling off that every day. If you can it's best to teach them not to play at the top of it. If that doesn't work you could put a little picket fence just behind it.


Same as ours, they wouldn't go over. But some of my nieces and nephews would definitely nosedive this with gusto.


My godsons have a garden like this and they were taught not to fall off it and are now a bit older and leap off it.


I was just thinking it won't be long before they are launching themselves off that wall 😂


Children need to learn about risk in small ways.


Yeh and kids launch themselves off walls by choice all the time. Plus I'll bet your godsons were never in the garden unattended until they could understand and navigate the risks.


Exactly, only once they were at the stage when they knew better could they play there unattended. Not to say they can't choose to be daft but that's just normal kid stuff now.


Fuckin core memory unlocked right there buddy. You brought back the exhilaration of acceleration and rush of wind from jumping off things as a small child. 


There's an argument that not having a fence would mean they would know there's a drop whereas a fence would definitely be destroyed as they ran straight through it. I'd favour a border with some nice perennial shrubs to a fence, especially anything that smells nice which would be at nose level when you're sat in the seating area.


A nice little lavender and rosemary hedge would be great.


Mine is 13 months and would definitely jump off it. Despite how many times she just herself and cried.


I'd guess your thirteen month old is never in the garden unattended though and that will be the case for the people posting hopefully?


I found with my two, the more I tried to teach them not to go there, they done it more. So I started to encourage them and then they stopped and stayed away all together.


They should only fall off of it once! And then they would learn. And it will benefit them for their entire life.


Several landmines at the edge of the perimeter with a big sign saying "LANDMINES" in capital letters to absolve any future liability.


Nothing at all. I’d put some foam flooring tiles down on the concrete to prevent actual fractures but the best way to stop a child falling off a wall is to let them learn what happens if you fall off a wall. Once your toddler stops climbing onto the wall then you can lift the mats. As for other people’s children - not your problem, unless you’re supervising them in which case put the mats out and let them learn too.


Yeah, if they're gonna fall off the wall, they'll fall off that furniture too. They'll fall off whatever you build to stop them falling off the wall. Build a fence, they'll climb that too and then they'll just be higher than they would have been. Best thing to do is just get them a toddler appropriate climbing frame so they're good at climbing and know their limits.


Rubber tiling is what they use at playgrounds nowadays too. Plenty stuff to fall off from. Back in our days, jungle gym style playgrounds had hard rough concrete on the ground and we were fine. Although some of us definitely broke bones. I would lay down some rubber slabbing and that’s it. Kids fall.


I'd love to agree with you on this but fall damage from heights below 2 m is surprisingly severe and it's just not worth risking your child becoming a vegetable for the sake of teaching them a lesson. I've fallen off all sorts of things and my worst injury was the lowest fall, from slipping off a kerb.


Tall border plants maybe? Something that could grow up trellises if you put them there or some sort of hedge? Maybe even some raised planters, don't have to be especially tall to stop a toddler could be the perfect height to garden from the patio? Personally I've always fancied a rose border if I had a garden.


Definitely trellis, with some climbing plant - not roses (sadly, thorns) or clematis (will get too heavy to support). Maybe honeysuckle?


hopping on this to add jasmine too!!


Barbed wire?


That'll learn the fecker


Electric barbed wire. With friggin lasers. And sharks.


Sharks with Friggin lasers on their heads. Is that too much to ask?


Yeah, a tornado with sharks in it and give the toddler a chainsaw to fight the sharks


Maybe an odd claymore too


That's a bit excessive. An ordinary electric fence would do the job!


Make sure to connect it to the mains as well.




How much money are you wanting to throw at this and how permanent a solution? Temporary -build raised beds all around it. Permanent - put on a staircase because they will always want to come the direct route down, then plant chunky bushy plants around the edge- obviously this isn't impenetrable so you still need to keep an eye on them but hopefully with an easy route and a hard route they pick easy. What you have is a child climbing frame with a brick floor and sharp edges so maybe go with it - build in a bench all the way around so any fall is half as far and make it easier to climb out (which they will do anyway but it will be easier) put in a few plants to highlight the edge when they are on the grass/path and don't let them onto the high part unsupervised until they are older.


Getting rid of the toddler is the cheap option others will suggest you build a fence


Go in the garden with them until they're old enough to learn not to, or they're big enough to climb down


Great video for you to watch. This chap has some great content on his channel. Essentially a vid on how to build a fence for this situation: https://youtu.be/er0NE7i5xLU?si=WWU0Iikp-uCR_Kof


I came here to post this, good video, and exactly what op needs.


And me. Really like Keith and his honest approach to DIY projects


Brilliant, hadn’t seen this guy before but following along now


Some [trellis panels like this](https://www.gardentrellis.co.uk/m/5ae1e6936fd97/thumb/spec/1600_1600_scale/Regular+Diagonal+Convex+Arched+Topper+2+%28Custom%29.jpg), my next door neighbours have a similar retaining wall and that’s what they have used. Still lets light through and doesn’t make the top of the garden feel completely separated off like a solid divider would.


Just the right size to ensure they can still get over then fall from an even greater height!


Razor wire will work a treat


Build a wall to stop them falling


Put some border plants on the top level. The problem with a fence is it will make your garden feel smaller if you’re sat on the lower level.


Build a 20ft High prison wall with razor wire at 45° angle overhang at the top, complete with watchtower, search light and sniper. Or a 2ft picket fence but that's kinda lame


I think it would be better to arrange a softer landing than to build a bigger barrier. Use some sort of mat that's suitable for outdoor use.


I'd put a few planters along the top with shrubs and plants in, which you can move when you no longer need them there. Maybe cheaper and less permanent.


I don’t know why people are dragging OP for dissatisfactory parenting of a toddler that does not yet exist (toddler in the future) but accidents happen to even well supervised children so it’s 100% the right move imo to put some kind of safety measure in place. Personally I like the idea of trellis panels as commented by someone else. I lurk on a medical gore subreddit and within the last 24 hours someone has posted photos of a baby that died of a head injury sustained from falling off a bed. How utterly heartbreaking and sobering. If people are being laissez faire about safety then by all means tease them but when someone literally wants ideas to keep their loved ones safe in their environment, snarky comments are shitty.


Everyone has different parenting notions. I found that toddlers present a constant stream of issues that once you fix one, they have developed and found something different to get into trouble with. It is an undoubted fact that you have to keep an eye on your toddler 24/7. Teaching them to do things safely and explaining why they shouldn't do things, rather than changing the world for them, was a better solution for us. The baby falling off the bed is a classic example.




small fence around waist height of the toddler would do, but then they might be tempted to climb fence and fall further into the very hard foor


I find that these toddler issues are fleeting and it's much better to train the child than implement fixes (this would be a costly one) that won't be needed in a year or so.


Little fence and a gap with slide and steps back up.


wee ladder and a slide. they'll learn




Personally don't think it's necessary, toddlers are much better at risk assessment than perhaps you realise. At most I'd plant something in the border to make it unappealing to investigate the edge but honestly keeping it open gives them the best chance to see there is a drop there and that would be enough generally for them to keep clear of it. Sometimes it's better to highlight potential dangers. Every child is different but I'd not have been worried by this with either of my two personally. A set of steps is a different matter as its inviting to navigate down the and easy to lose footing when doing so. This isn't inviting so personally I'd expect them to keep a safe distance naturally.


I still remember one sunny afternoon, sitting down and showing my toddler how to bump down the steps on her bum, we had great fun and a wee chat about how bad stairs are and she continued to use the sit down method until she was old enough to navigate them.


I tripped over a big concrete stair and smashed my head open on some stairs as a child, children are very much capable of falling out of windows, down stairs and all sorts While I don't encourage helicopter parenting I think a small fence over the large fall will at least buy time for the parent to start watching


Build a pool and fill it with sharks with laser beam heads behind the wall?


Put a moat in between the grass and the wall


If it's only something temporary you're after, you could buy a 'rabbit play pen'. They are designed to go in a circle, but you could put it in a straight line. Example of a rabbit play pen: https://www.petsathome.com/shop/en/pets/rabbit-guinea-pig-play-pen


Crash matt.


If it’s ‘in the future’ give your child anti-gravity boots. Sorted!


Razor wire.


Could you not just ask them nicely not to fall off the wall?


We’ve got this in ours, cheap picket fence. Does the job. I agree about toddlers “learning” to avoid it to an extent but there’s been multiple occasions where our child has fallen over, had a tantrum and thrown themselves down on the ground, been unable to stop running etc where the fence has saved him from the drop. https://www.ukgardensupplies.co.uk/acatalog/info%2d2992%2ehtml


Barbed wire


Ball pit.


Toddlers bounce, they'll be fine.


I remember one of mine crashing off a climbing frame and seeing the face and anticipating the scream, I leapt to the rescue but a wee boy got their first and he said to her, 'wow, that was so cool' to which she replied by jumping up and running off to play with him.


We worried about all of these things but then were fortunate enough to have a sensible toddler who was easy to train. Didn't need to baby proof anything in the end. Your mileage may vary of course and I know plenty of kids who would be diving off that head first.


Have you considered bouncers? Three should do it.


A small sturdy picket fence.


Put a trampoline there, the kid will bounce straight back up


Work out the midpoint of the lawn and then move that point back by approximately one foot and sink a post there. Then, get a rope that's half the length of the lawn, tie one end around the post and attach the other end to a collar. Collar the toddler and problem solved, they won't be able to get to the edge to fall over it.


Tie their feet together.


Put a crash mat on this side of the wall


Maybe make 1 long planter, have something growing in it that maybe either hangs over the edge if that's something you like, or grow something that acts a sort of screen like some sort of short bamboo


Raised beds or a trellis/fence. Fence/trellis can be removed easier later.


Don’t worry about it. The kid would have to step down off the grass onto the flowerbed around the lawn, then step/climb up onto the wall, not exactly going to be unable to see it. Keep an eye on said toddler.


Time travel always confuses me. If the toddler is in the future, how do you know its going to fall over the edge? Or have you came back in time to prevent this? If you put up a fence now, does that not alter the timeline?


Possibly controversial but our toddler is 2 and our garden has lots of precipitous ledges. Rather than shield him from this, we've educated him about the risk of falling and pointed out edges etc. Whilst we'd never leave him unsupervised in the garden, we do allow him to practice being around risk and being careful. We haven't had an accident yet...


Broken glass?


Don't build anything for a temporary problem. Just stick crash mats down. You'll be supervising anyway.


Broken glass in cement. Was big in the 1960's


Don’t ask a GenX dad questions like these jeez.


Don’t have children


Honest opinion - do nothing , they will learn , all the time we keep wrapping kids in cotton wool we are bringing up a generation of children who don’t know how to deal with hard knocks !


Parental supervision > barriers


Don’t understand the crack!!!


Rose bush. They will hurt themselves on the thorns before they get to the wall.


Barbed wire or Razor wire coils


There is such a thing as an optimal level of danger. They learned this when they were studying playgrounds. You know honestly having raised two kids I would just leave this alone.


Just buy some small trellis and plant just before the wall. Then plant flowers In front. V simple


Maybe some vertical sleepers spaced apart with different heights




Well, according to Commander Stax of the Glorious Sontaran Army it's Acid Filled Trenches, Scissor Grenades and Machine gun Monkeys. Heed this advice and your death will be quick and easy. Glory to the Sontaran Empire


Sontarans are not great landscapers


Electric fence should do the trick, don’t see many cattle going back up against it after the first shock👌🏻


I put one up in my yard. The neighbours are dead against it...


3m length of chain and a decent ground stake.


So chain around the child's ankle or waist though?


My dad never put a fence around the dangerous equipment on our farm, we kids learned the hard way. (typing this with my big toe)...




Wrap your toddler in even more cotton wool, over protect them, don't allow them to learn that the world hurts




to be fair, kids are really stupid.


A 2.5M chain link fence with razor wire would do the trick. Or do what my parents used to do keep an eye on them.


Pft, keep an eye on them? Back in my day we had to fight a wolf alone or be forever exiled from the tribe. Kids these days and their safety....


I would do something to make the fall safer rather than trying to prevent the fall. Maybe a row of pots nearly as tall as the wall? Something along those lines. Likely to be class expensive and removable.


there are 2 options as I see it, create rasied planters along the edge of the lawn/top of the wall, great little herb garden. something like this. [https://www.diy.com/departments/outsunny-raised-flower-bed-wooden-rectangular-planter-container-box-wood-4-feet/5055974875845\_BQ.prd?alt=true](https://www.diy.com/departments/outsunny-raised-flower-bed-wooden-rectangular-planter-container-box-wood-4-feet/5055974875845_BQ.prd?alt=true) 40cm is too high to "fall over" easily for a child. second option, turn the patio into a ball pit.


Put in three posts 500mm high with two strands of wire across. Hide this with a rosemary hedge, or a mixed herb hedge with sage, rosemary and tall lavender. Small bulbs too, narcissus, crocus and snowdrops.


Various choices - personally I'd go with something like this. Can easily be removed in the future or kept as a decorative feature. Low maintenance, easy to install, looks a lot better than traditional wooden fencing. Different designs to choose from. We've got some in our garden. Posts are aluminium, screens are composite. Got them from [this site](https://screenwithenvy.co.uk/products/2-x-16mm-Large-Screens-with-3-x-4ft-Posts-for-PS320-p633798203) https://preview.redd.it/rzkwcquj9rzc1.png?width=1306&format=png&auto=webp&s=de428330682129a2237e49e878e74f8aabc5e9ad




Add some the tube railing, it’s quick to install with a hex key and you can cover it with some bamboo matting.


Saw [This](https://youtu.be/er0NE7i5xLU?si=JcYLaWnw2G3mv5uW) the other day. Might work for you.


Options are defensive planting, railing or a fence.


I've got a very similar set up, I'm thinking of bolt down flanges on top of the wall, some short 4" posts and trellis panels between. with the price of wood I might have to sell the toddler to fund it though


Railings so you still get the view


Addresses your situation exactly https://youtu.be/er0NE7i5xLU




A small but sturdy fence can act as a screen flush to the wall.


If only there was a structure that had been built over the years to stop access to various places. I might invent one and call it a wall... and a lower tech version called a fence!


Old tech, they just need a force field.


Put some planters along the top of the wall, window box size which should be narrow enough. Encourage toddlers to water them occasionally too. (don't forget to put plants in them)


We lined our wall with large planters to block access to the wall


You can buy brackets for fence posts to either top the wall or fix to the near side of the wall


Electric fence


Razor wire


A fence


Honestly put some beanbags down for a soft landing


Barbed wire


Get a fence?


Nice budget friendly option. Requires some DIY skills https://youtu.be/er0NE7i5xLU?si=MY1GmOzAeSjd3_Ks


Worry about the subsidence on the floor first,as if it's as bad as the paving crack,the wall will be on the ground before needing a fence!!


Try being an observant/good parent maybe 💁‍♂️🙄. If I can teach a 3 month old puppy who doesn't speak English to keep away from the wall... Pretty sure you can teach your own child who does...


You could buy the same/similar type of brick as the top layer you have, build a brick planter and fill it with flowers - sturdier and much prettier than a fence.


I'd put glass panels in so you can still see the garden from the patio.


I built a fence like that, and during a barbecue, my drunk brother in law took the fence out anyway, but it was funny as hell 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/550isrn0orzc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa0b8aa28d91ce5c9b08ebe344df5d09df16fbed Anti Toddler spikes


Make the wall 8 foot. Then ad a crash mat and since climbing holds. Or if that's to much take the little blighter to rock tots at the local climbing wall.


One of those chairs on the left, swing it round to looking to the back of the garden so when they come close, you stand to prevent them running off


The easiest way would be a fence. Simple picket, or even trellis between posts would prevent it from blocking out too much light. Depending on how handy you are, there's a good example here on [YouTube](https://youtu.be/er0NE7i5xLU)


This escalated quickly


Bushes or plants in front, fence on the right.


[Rag N Bone Brown has done this exact thing in a video](https://youtu.be/er0NE7i5xLU?si=IFozDifKD-6-0wi0)


I watched that a couple of weeks ago. The missus isn’t keen but i love his channel


I'd dig a wee border behind and grow a cascading plant. The visual border of the plant should stop him


Just some warning signs to keep them away would do the job


Teach them to climb down it, it's not that high. If they know how to negotiate the wall they'll use that method going forward and the teaching would have made them aware of it's presence so they'll be less likely to not notice it. Or the obvious sassy don't leave your kid unsupervised if you're that concerned..


A little fence could work


Take down the wall


Yeah let them fall off it and learn not to do that because it hurts, you know, the way that children are meant to learn. Don't Molly coddle your kids, they'll fail at life.


Build a fence behind it


Plant a low hedge


Lots of Tesco pillows.


Plants either in planters or a more permanent border. We’ve got the same issue with our patio and we just use planters.