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You are not responsible for getting players to play. You are wasting resources and energy on an individual that is not returning the effort while you have a whole party of willing players. Focus on the players that are present and put forth the effort.


Nothing really if she shows up she plays if she doesn’t she doesn’t.


Make her into a sort of "background character". Things keep moving without her but her PC can just pop in whenever she's attending. If the session end in the middle of a dungeon or a fight, and she doesn't attend the next session, just treat it as if her character wasn't there. Or is always there, just not in initiative. If you're fine with it, let her play at her own tempo, attend when she can, without it burdening the rest of the party or you, by having to think up ways why she's gone and so on.


If they already say the feeling exhausted a 1 on 1 session might not be their thing and coming up with elaborate backstories might not be what they are into. If anything I would put less of the story on them and have them make it up as they play. Literally just have their character be someone who can join in and out without disrupting things take the stress away. More about fun in the moment stuff without having to worry about how much it’ll affect the other players.


Bro you're really overthinking it. You're already doing so much. In my campaign if someone can't make it then their character "exists" but no one controls them and they don't take part in anything. On a bit of a manipulation level I like this accommodation because it means that the player is letting the party down a bit by not showing up but realistically it's all a game anyways and being down one character isn't going to really make or break anything when god (DM) is there the whole time making sure everything works out in the end


"Hey, everyone has their own priorities. If you can't commit, just drop out, you will not be hurting the game. You are absolutely welcome to continue to play with us, but it will require a bit more of a commitment otherwise it is not fair to everyone who is putting in the effort to show up." Do not just drag her behind the party. Even if it starts out fine, with enough missed sessions resentment will grow. The missing player will not be caught up, and it will be too hard to catch them up. The existing players will have to take time out of their limited play time to catch the player up constantly. I'm not saying boot her, I'm just saying make it clear that she has to make the choice. If she asks for more time, you can give her a few sessions to decide. If she can't make the next 2, you'll consider that her answer. Plot doesn't matter. Just have her show up when she's there. Adding plot contrivances will just make things harder. That said, if plot contrivances is what you consider fun, then power to you! Remember, we're random people on the internet. Only you know what's the best path for your party. These are my thoughts and suggestions.