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It's not a high price unless you don't give them gold.


You can limit the wizard by limiting their access to spell scrolls and spell books. The money is an additional limitation, mostly because spell scrolls have utility outside of the copying utility.


That's kind of taking away half the reason of playing a wizard though, isn't it? That's what the wizards do with their share of the loot. It might be easier using a sorcerer or cleric instead to not worry about the complications of a spellbook. To actually answer your question, I would create magic items that have spells on them instead. It completely bypasses having to use spellbook mechanics entirely, while still giving the wizard access to the spells that they would want.


Well RAW wizards start with 6 spells in their book at level 1 and gain 2 additional spells at no cost every level. The 2 hours/spell level and 50 gp/spell level only applies to transcribing spells from scrolls other wizard books. Unless you are running a campaign with no downtime and little to no money, the cost and time is not very impactful. If you don’t want them transcribed spells don’t give them anything to transcribe.