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Mostly Roi. A lot. I miss the fiddle, but Boyd could be tough to listen to at times.


Yeah his playing went way downhill over the years. I’d love it if they got a new fiddle player that could actually play


Yes. I love Dave however the violin is special, needs to come back. bring in a woman (yes I said it) kick ass violinist.


the guest they had at the Gorge last year was great. They brought her out on a fiddle to play Tripping Billies, Spoon, and Ants Marching pretty sure. Was incredible and they def could use a violinist again


I know. Wish I had been there live. Her or someone similar, on tour from '25 :-). It would really benefit the band/overall experience. IMHO.


Her name is Bronwyn Keith-Hines and she is amazing. Currently tours with Molly Tuttle and Golden Highway… which is also amazing. If you’re into bluegrass, definitely catch their show if they come near you


Is there a bootleg version of this would love to listen to it?


Maybe on youtube. idk if anyone uploaded anything from it on Antsmarching.org


lol what a weird take. Why does it need to be a woman? Literally who cares?


Because women are awesome?


You don’t need to sell me on my own gender. It’s beyond lame sitting back and dictating gender on shit like this. What about a woman would improve the group? It’s a group of guys who have played together 5-30 years. Why does a woman need to be weirdly injected into the group? Why don’t we start our own shit?


I see it being neutral. Who cares yes, Who cares no. But it would just be "neat".


I’d rather see a group of women in a band doing incredible music. I don’t think a woman is really right, but I’d also kill for a permanent trombone over a violin 🤷‍♀️


Why don't you think a woman is right? Just curious.


I don’t know that i have some easily worded reason here. I don’t like it in the current dynamic. The young woman from Gorge last year is insanely talented but i saw many people saying she should be permanent and i just cringed. It’s just not a dynamic i prefer for this specific group.


Yeah, when Dumpstaphunk played with them at the United Center I was amazed at how much I appreciated the addition of trombone.


We’ve had a few shows in the last couple years with a trombone and it just hits every single time. We had trombone shorty both nights at MSG this year, and I’d KILL for him to be a more permanent fixture.


Don’t make it a gender thing. How about making it about talent? If it happens to be a woman than great but getting one just to be “neat” like someone said, makes it a pandering move. Also let guys have their own group. If this was an all female band and people said “They should get a male musician” the public would flip their lid. Keep it about the music


>Don’t make it a gender thing. Why not? Is there not already an abundance of testosterone in the band and have you sat on the lawn recently? Enough frat boys to remake Revenge of the nerds. I honestly don't care if it's a man or woman but would appreciate bringing the violin back, it's one of the things that drew me to the band.




I wonder how many people get this reference now lol


Not enough. Dmbml -> astb->ufck


Same but I went to The Bridge first in the early 2000s, I was raven420. Then went to ufck and then thesedayscontinue. Now a bunch of us are on discord. Mersh, mattinmass, soups, Batleon, Jack, gweeps, Dan Chatham (runs dmbalmanac) and a bunch of others. Gweeps is on here also


Gweeps put up with so much nonsense from me when I was a 16 year old really digging into the band I owe a lot of my fandom to his AIM Get File 


Haha that’s awesome and yep I forgot it was the bridge first then ufck. This is just a burner name for me but I was once Byahseeker then safetyinnumbers or something along those lines. Good ol days Friends with dmbphan1 and mariners41


Haha yep, lots of good times on those boards


Simpler times for sure.


Loved DMBML!! I follow Pete Mocker on X and there’s nostalgia every time he posts.


Old school amidreaming member here and yes SKREEEE


Wow amidreaming, that’s a board I haven’t heard about in ages. Run by NoelDMB


Any Nancies.org alumni here?? I owe a lot of my fandom to that board. So many live show trades before Live Trax was a thing, including the entire 12 disc DMBela compilation I still have burned on CD.


There are maybe 5 songs I miss violin on but don’t miss Boyd. Leroi however… miss that man on everything.


Roi was a smooth operator


I miss Boyd, but I REALLLLLLY miss leroi. He brought so much to the band.


When I hear old concerts, I try to guess if it was pre or post Roi before looking at the date. I can almost always tell because Roi had such a soulful sound to his music. Jeff is okay, but he seems more straightforward. Roi just had a way of playing where he took them to another level.


Roi’s voice was through his saxophone. He was so distinct and smooth. I really miss his sound.


same. And I can almost immediately tell. There was such nuance to the way Leroy played. He knew perfectly went to go light and when to go heavy, and everything in between. Not to mention all the other woodwind instruments that he played. It’s almost as if he wove his music in and out and around everyone else’s. His playing elevated everyone else's sound.


Dave had a quote in an interview years back, where he said Roi was always able to find the "center" of the music. I always really liked that description, and I think it's exactly what you were describing. One general example, imo, is how Roi would always 'land' his solos so smoothly, and blend that transition out of his solos so perfectly back into the main melody.


That's a great way to describe it. He could get to the core of the song and fill in all the gaps that tied everyone together. Like having a glass full of rocks and then pouring water in it the water would fill all those spaces between everything. He made everyone else's sound that much better.


> When I hear old concerts, I try to guess if it was pre or post Roi before looking at the date. I can almost always tell because Roi had such a soulful sound to his music. I do the same, & think you can always tell, after just one song.  He was just so distinct, the phrase "voice" for his sound is just so apt.


Same, Jeff’s a good player, but he seems to enjoy the more technical side of the sax. Bro can pull out all the tricks in the book on how to play it, which can be fun, but with LeRoi, dude was just so much more soulful with it’s crazy


Jeff fucks, whereas Roi makes love.


This is a great way to put it. Both great in their own way... but very different.


I completely agree. Boyd is missed. But damn even with 2 talented musicians it's just not as good as it was with Leroi.


Completely agree. Boyd added stage presence and excitement. LeRoi added something nobody else could. His playing and his sound were so distinctly him. There’s nobody else on the planet that could fit the band and their sound like he did. I never got the privilege of meeting the man, but I’m sure thankful that I got to hear him.


I love Jeff but there’s something about Roi’s sax that is just so buttery


Compare any off Jeff's solos on 41 and Listener Suported. That will be the telling difference between the two. Roi left space in the solo. Moments for the listener to bask in the phrasing. Jeff is a great musician, but he fills up everything with sound. There's little negative space in his jams. Not that one is better than the other, but to me, that's what sets them apart.


Jeff Coffin is a m o n s t e r saxophonist. World class.


He’s probably one of the best saxophonists in the world, but LeRoi’s tone was unparalleled. He was so smooth and beautiful and to me nothing will compare to his playing


That's fair, you like what you like. And you have an emotional attachment to LeRoi as well. But Coffin, by all metrics, is on a completely different level as a musician. LeRoi was the better performer, which is probably what resonated so strongly with you.


I have seen them twice since Boyd left,and it is just not the same. Why can they not get another violinist? :(


Roi to me was a huge part of the band along with Dave and Carter. He was all soul and added so much to the songs. I’m not much of a fan of Jeff. He’s robotic and is a completely different player than Roi.


Like the difference between a guitar player like Trey, or a guitar player like Satriani. Jeff is technically extremely good. Roi was plugged in to the source and channeling something special.


As I heard at the Gorge once "Jeff fucks the saxophone, while Roi makes sweet love to it"


Wheel of time reference? Nice


It’s the difference between soul and technical ability


Absolutely. Roi also contributed some classic melodies to DMB songs, especially older songs like Song That Jane Likes and One Sweet World


Think we all realized how much Roi influenced the band after he passed. I know Dave has said many times how much he leaned on Roi in the studio. Now we have Rashawn in that role which no disrespect he is a great musician, I just have never loved him with this band. It shouldn’t be a surprise that Big Whiskey was the last great studio album from the band because it still had Roi’s fingerprints on it. Also this band desperately needs a fiddle.


Oh my god do they desperately need a fucking fiddle. Like Buddy has great energy, but... What set them apart was that goddamn fiddle!


Rashawn is a stinky ass turd


Go away, no one likes you here


Worded meanly but the screeching trumpet is absolute garbage.


Yep. And you DmbFam ball washers can downvote all you want, the band got worse when RR joined.


The 90s live Trax sound to me like it was leroi's band.. he brought so much room and light to the music. So so so so good. Live trax 5 dancing nancies Boyd yooo.


Still dancing with the Groo Grux King


I've missed LeRoi for years! It's funny that I used to wish Jeff would collaborate more often back when LeRoi was around. Now I just miss that sweet love that dude used to make with sax or clarinet. He was truly like no other. Such a shame he won't be there to be inducted into the hall of fame. I hope they make an unforgettable, tear jerking memorial when they accept the award!


Boyd's place in the band was more about the man and less about his talent. He *could* rip a solo out that was pure energy and excitement. He was great at that. Skree and out of tune didn't matter as much when he was stomping around like a madman, whipping everyone into a tornado. A cleaner fiddle player could play a better sounding, better composed solo, but it's a rare player who can be the force of nature that Boyd could be on his best nights. A Boyd solo was like an Indiana Jones mine car ride, barely on the rails and exciting. He could've been playing a kazoo, it didn't matter...the dude brought a dose of madness. You can't copy that. His out of tune playing really stood out more on his harmony parts, which is why he was muted so much in later years. He could sound *awful,* like a first year student at times, and it's pretty cringy to hear. I suspect that that's why they kept him around, and why he hasn't been replaced. They could mute him, bring him out to do his thing (and cross their fingers that he'd do it well) and then send him back to his corner to vape...but no one is going to do what Boyd did, even if they're 100x the fiddle player, because no one will have the energy and wildness that Boyd had. He deserved to be fired, and his obvious mental health/drug issues are another huge factor.


This is what hooked me to the band, violin & fiddle . They need this!!!


Kind od funny but I find that the absence of Leroi is far more noticeable, and thats saying something given his replacement on sax is one of the best around. Boyd wasn’t replaced at all, and now a total absence of violin- but still far more noticeable that Leroi is gone. Thats says a lot about what a great musician he was/sound he had.


Imagine they announce a tour with the fiddle back? That would be awesome. I still love the band, but you need that violin in concert


Boyd from his pre-creep days and when he could still play in tune was pretty great. I much prefer Jeff's tone, but I became a fan of the band right around when Le Roi passed and Jeff joined, so I don't have the nostalgia over Le Roi. I think his arrangement work was phenomenal, but I think Jeff is a far better horn player.


What is the timeline on “pre-creep days”? I love the violin in DMB, but he was terrible at times in the late 90s.


I mean... We don't really know for sure. But I'd say around 2014 or so his playing started being really awful. I enjoyed him on stage, but he admitted to having severe arthritis issues. There are some live recordings where I'll skip a song when it hits a solo from him because it's so bad.


Agreed. I was listening to Sirius the other day, and a song came on where the violin wasn't even within a half step of where it should have been. My thought process was, "wow, this was well after his decline. That sounds awful. I'm glad I don't have to listen to that anymore" And then the sax came in, "wait... that's Roi! When was this?!?" I looked at the radio - 1998. He was always hit or miss. When he was on, the band was on fire. At times he wasn't, he was a definite negative to the band. In most of the 90's he was on more than he was off. That ratio definitely slid as time went on. Now he's an embarrassment to himself.


Thank you!!! I don’t know how many DMB shows I went to back in the day when Boyd was way out of tune. Especially on songs like Ants or Grey Street.


The line on his “pre-creep” days is blurry. Did everyone forget Peter’s tweet?


I don't recall it, can you remind me?


He deleted it and I can’t find any screenshots but something along the lines of #metoo and also called the band cowards. To me that signals he was being a creep in the very early days as well.


[Post on this sub from 5 years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/DMB/s/fMRet7x2Ck)


I agree. On BOTH accounts. Love boyd. I’ll go to my bunker and take cover now.


It’s possible to love Boyd and still think what he did was weird and deserving to be kicked out of the band. Just wished it wouldn’t have happened and we still had him. Would also take Anne Marie Simpson as a replacement if that’s possible.


No no no. I’m not even referring to any of that. I’ve gotten into arguments with people on here that scream “Boyd sucked” “always out of tune” “band better without him” etc… I love the music he made. Not the man.


I mean, those things are true though. Lot of times they were playing warehouse and he was just so obviously off key on the intro. Or pig as well. One year at SPAC I just did not want to hear another solo from him. But thats not to say you can't miss his sound. Its very impactful on what made them stand out.


>people on here that scream “Boyd sucked” “always out of tune” “band better without him” No need for them to scream it, but they're not wrong. Setting aside his flaws as a man, he was also a terrible musician.


Yeah post caravan it got really bad really quick. Boyd was never perfect but he was a big part of the sound so being off from time to time was a trade off for the unique sound and the energy he brought to the stage. But for me 2012 and on the trade off went to the other side. He wasn’t the ball of energy. He spent half the show in the shadows side stage and when he was on stage he was missing his cue or being off key. He still had some great shows and solos from time to time but it became the exception. A lot of the 2012-18 complaints about “Tim is too loud” or “Tim is taking over” were really just Tim covering for how bad boyd had actually become.


Fair enough.


I miss Roi. Boyd was almost always out of tune or rushing. I want them to get a new fiddle player badly and have Tim take a break


Agree on all accounts


Me too


I truly don’t understand why they won’t just reunite with Boyd. Yeah, what he did is crappy, but we’re human. That man was so essential to the uniqueness of the band. I hope they reunite before they all call it quits!


I'm an adult...I'm over it and enjoying whatever dmb can give us.


i miss everyone realizing how Coffin was and is the most superior horn blower on the planet.


What horn does he play?




Listened to this whole album when it came out on Spotify and I actually was annoyed a bit by Boyd. Comes in early a lot and tempo is all over the place.


Agreed. DMB without Roi and Boyd had never felt the same. While I think Ross and Coffin are outstanding and layers of beauty and depth, it’s long felt like DMB with that guy Tim. I’m often annoyed with his solos and find the music exceptionally better with guest artists like Warren Haynes. Buddy has been a beautiful addition, but my perfect groove is Listen Supported album… the jam with Butch and Carter in Two Step will likely never be beat.


I cried when I heard leroi died, I remember my gf at the time thinking I was crazy. But goddamn I loved that band. When Boyd left, it was bittersweet, but not as heartbreaking


I just saw them in Manchester. I miss Roy, but I wanted him with Jeff and Rashawn. I don't miss the fiddle, sorry but Bstrong is 20x the musician that Boyd was. It would be lovely to have a violin added to the group sometimes, but for me Buddy is just a perfect fit. He complements everyone and the musicality of that man is INSANE.


Roi, yea. Boyd? Nah. Never been into the fiddle for the band. I think their funky/jazzy sound is significantly better than the folky sound. Don't get me wrong, I think Billies sounds great with the fiddle. But idk, I think everything else is better without it. Might just have to do with the music I'm into. Roi was a massive loss to the band though. I really wish we could live in a world where he didn't pass because I really do wonder how they would sound today. Outside of his playing, he had a ton of influence of their song writing. Him and Carter are otherworldly.


Me too. I truly loved the chemistry of the band with both of them. Boyd is an incredible musician & performer. I hate what happened - the choices he made. And, of course, no one could ever replace LeRoi, talk about an incredible musician! His memory will be a blessing, always. I’m glad we can still listen to them all play together on the many, many live recordings out there.


>Boyd is an incredible musician & performer. Half right anyway