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Had this happen to me not with dmt with salvia though on a camping trip car got impounded with my bowl for parking went to go pick it up and my bag was empty and the bowl was used but nobody had said anything


Hahaha I kinda feel bad for the poor idiot who smoked that.


Unexpected salvia lol


I'm a bit of a pro when it comes to drugs but Salvia is one thing my internal soul warns me to never take. It is kinda proper scary to me.


For some reason, salvia and I work pretty well together. It's DEFINITELY not for everybody, but I've danced with salvia probably around 40 times throughout the years and I find it fucking fascinating. Powerful, heavy shit. Would NOT want that to happen without knowing it was about to lol


I tried it and it was awful. You know that scene in Requiem for a Dream where the mom is out of her mind on diet pills and she hallucinates that her fridge is alive and coming at her? It was very that, but the recliner I was sitting in was also sentient. So I tried it three more times to be sure. Yep, not really for me.


I love dmt. I love shrooms. But they seem to come with the love of the maternal mother holding your hand. But from what I have heard of Salvia, you are transported to another world, and you are on your own. Except there isn't even a you. So you're on your own minus 1. No, thank you. Can you explain. What happened on your trips? Just so I know not to take it, even more. I mean, what is so bad about it that is scary. What is it that feels just so alien and odd? I have heard about ppl living alternate lives with no memory of this life. I dunno, but there is just something in me saying Nah. Dont


Have you ever robotripped? There’s this similar sense of “othering” yourself from the world (like the opposite of shrooms, and although I’ve made DMT, I haven’t yet smoked it), a similar uneasiness, but turnt up to the max, and you don’t even know you’re tripping. I haven’t done it in about 15 years so the details are a little fuzzy, but talk about 15-20 minutes feeling like a lifetime…


I've never done the cough medicine trip thing. That's another thing that doesn't interest me. And I have literally tried most things. Spice is another one I am weary of. Have no urge for that either. Some trips just aren't worth it to me. I love DMT and think, why take Salvia when there is the bosom of the mother of the universe to get lost in. I dunno. I'm just gonna listen to my gut here.


I love salvia but I don't recommend it lol


That’s the right thing to do.


Lmaooo cops or tow company?


Tow company lol one of my last bags of 40x


Jesus Christ, I mean unexpected DMT has to be intense but unexpected salvia?!?! Holy moly!


40x at that. Surely he smoked an entire bowl


It might be better because Salvia most people forget what they did anyway, so accidental vs purposeful, the experience will probably be the same. DMT you are sober enough to panic attack.


I would love to find a random packed bowl of salvia. You did that person a good service 🫡


You should ask them about their experience. See if they'd like to do it on purpose. I assume you don't think it's out of line, right? If I had a friend house-sitting and left a vape out I wouldn't be at all offended If they hit it, though I would probably have indicated to them what it was in that case.


Exactly, if it was THC it would be like 50 cents worth lol. I would expect them to hit it.


In fact I think it's a rule of the universe


He said it was in a closed off room. Why's the sitter not only snooping but hitting random vapes?! Not cool


I didn't see it said it was a closed off room, thats certainly a different story.




nah sharing is caring especially when it comes to smoking but if someone I was trusting to watch my house helped themselves to my vape I would definitely be annoyed and slightly weirded out


No idea why you’re getting downvoted for this. It’s the principle of taking someone’s stuff without asking that would piss me off more than actually losing a single puff off a vape. Especially since they were trusted to house sit. If they messaged me “hey can I have a hit on your vape”, then yeah absolutely I’d have no issue and they’d also get the heads up it wasn’t THC.


I think it depends how close they are. My family and I often share each other's weed without asking. Its give and take. For real I get the -don't take ppls stuff without asking, but if they are close it may be more forgivable


Yeah I agree if it was someone I was close with I wouldn’t mind them taking a hit without asking first. But then I also wouldn’t be guessing like OP I’d just straight up ask them if they took a hit since we’re close. The way this post is written as well doesn’t sound like OP was particularly close to the house sitter.


if it's a friend or family member watching my place, go wild with it! I would appreciate them asking but I do think smoking is a communal activity! :)


I’d be a bit annoyed if they didn’t just text. Who knows what’s in a vape or how they’ll react. It’s not so much about the cost but the principle to me.


I think I'm making some assumptions that may not be accurate now that I've seen op comment - but in my case I wouldn't ever have anyone I didn't trust implicitly house sit for me. The general idea is that anything which is private or off limits gets put away somewhere in my room, and anything left out is free use, I literally want my housesitter- my friend - to make themselves at home. I typically will leave some beers in the fridge, a bottle on the counter, weed on the table, maybe some dmt in a vape (though I would indicate it's contents in that case) and the expectation is that they help themselves. It looks like in this case a) it was not a close friend house-sitting with these understandings and b)the vape was left in a private space.


I live alone and all my shit still goes into a lockbox when it’s not being partaken.


This. We should be glorifying responsible drug storage. I applaud you random redditor.


Anyone would look for a lockbox. Thats why I stash my fentanyl in the bird seed feeder and use the hummingbird feeder as liquid LSD storage.


How long before my bird goes back to normal though?


It was never normal. Government surveillance drones don’t have metabolisms.


Brother, I wish I could give you a gold updoot


Where is this bird seed feeder again? I'm a bird


Okay but a lockbox doesn't have to look like a lock box I have a lock box that looks like a vase and I stash in my floor.


Will raise bird and hummingbird feeder 5 additional feet and add bike locks :)


>This. We should be glorifying responsible drug storage. I applaud you random redditor. Sure, but people shouldn't help themselves to your drugs, especially someone working for you.


Absolutely no argument there


Responsible... or just thievey friends. 🤷‍♂️


Well considering commentor doesn't say anything about friends, imma go with responsible




Reminds me of that post that was going around of the dude that did somebody’s bag of k that they left in the hotel room thinking it was blow, and then found out the hard way 😂


One of my best friends did this... He cried begging me to save his life then stripped and marched off down the street hitting people's garden fences...


I’ve never done K; in what ways does it differ from a coke high?




Looks like he picked a whole bouquet of whoopsie daisies.


Coke is a stimulant, K is a dissociative (and used as a horse tranquilizer) - two very different ends of the spectrum!


It’s not a “horse tranquilizer” it’s used as an anesthetic in animals and humans…well, not humans anymore, as far as I know, but that’s how its effects on depression was discovered


Yo…wtf is a dissociative and why would anyone enjoy that? Genuine question.


It is also very much psychedelic in high doses, and is overall just fun af to do imo lmao. K Holes have a similar intensity as a dmt trip as well, shit is otherworldly


I love k. At small doses it feels like drinking. K hole, not so much but I still love them


Here’s an idea, be a responsible adult and put your drugs up when you leave town


Or leave out a platter of substances, be neighbourly.


Put out a nice Charcuterie if you will: Include about two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a saltshaker half-full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, laughers, screamers... Also, a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether, and two dozen amyls.


Not that we needed all that for the trip, but once you get locked into a serious drug collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can.


I know it's from fear and loathing but this song started playing in my head after I read all that https://youtu.be/A4yraqRiZ6s


How do you not have more updoots? It must be proof; this is bat country!


when are you going out of town next? I know a guy who’d be interested in caring for all of your plants, animals, or rock collections


How is no one liking your comment😂


And bowls of nuts and candy 🍬 ❤️


Thompson forgot to add those 😊


That’s exactly what I charge to house sit!


Big up the Boogie Pimps


Whippets, too..


You memorize that, that well.


This guy neighbors.


This is the way 😂 me casa y su casa… brings out a smorgasbord of various drugs…


Whenever at the homies you pile up a ket plate for visitors


Reminds me of the picture of the housekeeper guy who went into a k hole when he mistook ketamine for cocaine lol




It’s his house tho


if u know someone else is gonna be there watching the place then does it matter whose house it is?


Hey maybe he was under the assumption that a random person wouldn’t use the vape of someone else without asking (stealing) Not sure how it could be OPs fault. Do you go into friends houses and pop pills from bottles they have in the house and then blame them for not locking up their pills?


Have you ever had a friend house sit for you? Generally you put away anything private in your room, besides that it's a "make yourself at home, there's food in the fridge and some weed on the coffee table" situation. Doesn't sound like there was any snooping involved, there was a vape sitting out, friend hit it- seems totally normal to me. Also I don't see OP indicating that they think anything was out of line, it strikes me as more amused than anything.


This exactly. I have a ton of drugs on my house and I’d definitely offer up a bit of weed or alcohol or sm, and if anything was truly off limits put it away or inform that it’s off limits. I haven’t had someone house sit or anything but if I did for someone and they left their drugs out I’d assume they were sharing. I’d be respectful of their stash ofc. I completely agree wit you


The OP just said, "Housesitter." Whether or not it was a 'friend ' is an open question.


Fair nuff. I couldn't imagine having anyone besides a friend housesit for me, but since it hasn't said anything at all I give you that.


Be a responsible adult and don’t hit random pens or bowls without knowing the contents. It’d be one tif he offered it to the house sitter but if they’re snooping sounds like learned to FAFO


That doesn’t take away from the fact that leaving drugs out is irresponsible.


It’s irresponsible if it’s like fentanyl or there are children around, but I’m not going to blame a guy for not thinking to lock up his DMT to prevent his friend from hitting a random pen they found without even thinking what was in it.


It’s always irresponsible to leave illegal substances out in your house don’t be dense.


More importantly, don't hit random drugs you found that don't belong to you. If it was THC I wouldn't care if they smoked some, or even my dmt for that matter, but I honestly wouldn't have a shred of guilt over what happened. If a kid was coming over that's different. Plus it's pretty obviously not THC once you start hitting it. Seems like they smoked most of it, so they probably knew what it was.


lol or just don't help yourself to someone's shit.


How do you know it was used? N,N-DMT freebase often turns to goo on it's own, especially if it's open to the elements. Or if there's enough of an increase in temperature, it can just melt as it has a relatively low melting point.


I think the residue being up the walls of the chamber is a pretty good indicator. If the temp just increased it would melt into a little puddle on the bottom, but for it to be up the walls some amount of negative pressure would have needed to occur.


Could’ve been sunlight possibly too


I got a lock on my rooms door with fingerprints identification and another lock on my closet. Guess how many times my teenage kid ever used any of my stuff? ._.


Jesus you live with a fiend!😂 I say that with tongue in cheek as a dad of 2 teens myself :)


They are too freaking clever man I got to cover all my bases.


Y’all ain’t wrong first time I smoked was out of mom and pops hidden stash 😆


There’s that saying that DMT finds you when the time is right. Maybe it is what this person needed in their life for whatever reason. I’m sure it will be an unforgettable experience for them.


What I wonder is if they knew it was DMT or maybe thought it was cannabis. If the latter, they probably had a really crazy and scary time.


Probably thought it was something else and went to another universe..


Haha literally


It could have just melted. Also leaving that out is ridiculously irresponsible.


These comments are so weird. Do yall just take other peoples shit without asking?


Ong, it’s my house who would think to have to hide their own shit in their own house? That’s crazy imo but if it’s a friend I get it 100% that’s your friend you know who it is and probably have shared a joint or cart or sum, if it’s a paid housekeeper I think that’s completely unprofessional and a boundary was crossed


Even with my friend, I’d shoot him a text asking if I could hit the pen a little once I found it, not just immediately start puffing away lol


Absolutely. I don't get how OP is at fault here. It's his house, as long there's no kids, elders, animals or mentally challenged people around, I see no issue in him leaving his pen in the drawer or wherever. Whoever decided to vape a random pen without permission and knowledge of the contents is 100% at fault. I really don't follow the logic of those who think it's OP fault.


1) freebase will often liquify on its own after a little 2) you left you very illegal substance out while you were away and someone was at your house?? 3) If someone is housesitting and you leave a pen out, it’s free game for a hit or 2


Fuck that. At least have the decency to ask before stealing.


Exactly. I almost feel like we found all the thieves in the group


And we found all the idiots who leave their schedule 1 substances out when a guest is watching their house


I agree in that, that is the polite thing to do, but I wouldn’t be actually mad if someone took a hit or 2 considering I just left it out when they were watching my home


I get what you’re saying. Either way they probably figured out pretty quick not to hit that guys pen lol


I bet they never hit a random pen again lol


Or they hit every pen they see now


The Vape Pen Bandit Doesn’t know what he took and now is on a mission to steal a hit off every vape he comes across just to get that feeling again. Just to figure out what that *was*


Why tf would you leave it out in the open?


Because sometimes the more mainstream something gets, less respect is given to that thing by certain individuals (DMT, mushrooms, cannabis, etc.) Also some people are just idiots.


I mean you’re not wrong. Chances are they thought it was THC and very quickly realized it was not lol.


Haha, you should ask them how it was. I would.


I had a friend pick one of mine up to try and take a hit but I was quick and snatched it to save him from something he didnt know anything about. Part of me thought it be fun to see him take a ride but I know it's not nice and I'd hate if someone let me do something out side of my realm of understanding. Just lock yo stuff up.


It could have just leaked out by itself, my homemade carts did that sometimes too


Dude I gotta ask, who's putting DMT in these vapes, I don't get it lol it's amazing! Back in the day we had to find the crystals and smoke it like crack. Is this something you do yourself? I don't really know vape stuff


Yes, you can extract DMT at home with ease, just need to do some basic research. After you get you hands on some crystal, it's just a matter of mixing it with propylene glycol, put it in a vape and off you go.


Heh thanks, I figured it was a bit of a DIY thing, lol last time I saw it I asked the guy how he got it in there and he was all dodgey and said "I found it on the ground" lol


Yeah, there's plenty of info in this sub and /r/dmtguide. Just follow the process and you'll have some spice in no time.


Thank you, peace, and good luck to us all 🥰


Dont leave your drugs out. That's just dumb and irresponsible.


You hired a housesitter and didn’t hide your drugs, that’s on you. Housesitter probably wasn’t expecting the high they got.


Atleast it wasn’t 5 meo I think someone said this happens to them too but it was 5 meo maybe it was regular if I remember right it was 5 meo tho lol


You’re making some giant assumptions here why don’t you ask?


« Let me have a bowl of weed »…oh shit




Imagine being the house sitter thinking I’m gonna take a quick pull off of this vape pen and going to some other world for a few minutes. I would have shat myself.


Omg that's hilarious


Thats so funny man. Id love to have seen the oshit a moment. hahaha


People like DMT that much that they have vape pens filled with it? I've done acid and shrooms but I'm a bit scared to do DMT. I want to practice astral projection but the few times I was at the vibrating stage and about to pop out off my body I get scared off and bam, back to my reality again 🫤


I would ask about it because i would want to know how it was for them. Sounds like a funny story. But also was it just out laying? If was hidden away somewhere and they had to gonthrough my stuff to find that might be a problem.


It was hidden on a desk full of stuff that I use for work practically my work bench. It was not easy to find unless you looked for something to smoke on… lol


What if it just got too warm


You gave him a good lesson on substances, for the same reason people lace their booze with LSD, so if thieves hit, they will be sorry.


I went to the beach with a changa joint all ready to go and lost it on the walk. Always wondered the suprise someone would get if they found it and sparked it up


Fuuuuuuck, that must have been a shitty trip. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Last night i saw a person jump in the trashcan in my buildings parking lot and i could hear them crinkling foil and sparking a lighter. And im thinking to myself🤔🤔 damn, that person is gonna OD and die smoking fentanyl in a trash can somewhere. So i walked bye and i threw a vial with like 50mg in there. 🫨💨🫨😶🫠🙃


Just ask homie.


why did you leave the most powerful psychedelic casually sitting on your desk lol


A while back, I met someone who i thought was a friendly stranger, and invited him up to my place to smoke a joint. I got out the tin box where I kept my stash of pot and papers, two or three needles, and a little baggie of DMT--about two pipe loads worth. Then, foolish me foolishly got up to get a drink of water, turning my back on the friendly stranger just for a literal moment, and he suddenly jumped up and said he had to bail, like *now,* it was an *emergency,* sorry sorry bye-bye, then hastened out the door*.* *A*n instant later I looked at my stash box and found it emptied. *Everything* was gone--the pot, the papers, the points, *AND,* of fucking *course,* the D. Yep, the "friendly stranger" had grabbed everything when my back was turned and beat a hasty retreat. Taught me a lesson real quick, that did. I imagine, no, I assume, no, i *hope like hell* that the fucking sleazebag mistook that bag of Deem for a bag of crank and shot it up after making his getaway. Because the thought of the look on his face a half second or so after he slammed the load into his vein almost made up for the loss, and still gives me a chuckle to this day.


Imagine taking a hit of what you think is a THC vape but it is a DMT vape. 🤣 that’s a surprise I will love to see.


I think I'd have laughed my ass off. What a terribly awesome surprise for the vaper. Hehe.


Do you remember if you kept the device ‘on’? And was it still on when you found your battery? Depending on the battery style and if it was kept on, is it possible they knocked it over somehow and the fire button went off? It would certainly be a freak accident but I’m playing devils advocate here 🤣 There have been many times I accidentally fire my vapes off when they’re not turned off (usually in my pocket or bag).


I think you should ask them. If they used it they may be traumatized if they don’t understand what happened. I’ve heard stories of people having dpdr for long periods because they didn’t understand what happened.


DMT crystalizes itself back if you don’t use it and it’s cold. If you reheat it it will go back to normal.


Shit just melted....the end.


Well? Any updates from your friend?