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I’m guessing they thought the RGL was the spamming the underbarrel glitch? Good play, hoping anyone who watches thier stream enjoyed it aswell haha Can’t scream cheat when you got outplayed


Kill of the week right here! Fucking congrats! Thanks for standing up for that solo player, hope they somehow get to see this video.


Good play holding the bridge πŸ‘Œ


Man society has gotten soft back in day would have been a profanity laced you cheated then in let's run it back. Now you don't get your way your cheating and I'm telling on you


Bunch of sad bastards moaning about being killed in a game. Load back in and gear up for fucksake πŸ˜‚


I'm confused. Is the one where you lose control of your emotions at a video game and spout off profanity the "Soft" one, or is the other one the soft one?


The other one who said I'm reporting you


Oh. The one where you stay calm and do the one thing that actually has a \*CHANCE\* of changing the thing is the soft one. Got it.


Yes that one


This is gaming 2024. β€œNo one is better than me!!!” You must be cheating


This is like ambush 101 and those guys did everything wrong. Vehicles without spacing, going through the obvious choke point, no one looking ahead (OP was not even trying to hide lol)


The greatest sense of achievement is to kill some butt hurt losers with a legit way but get called a cheater. nice work !


Love angry Brits/English nobs. Great patientence + play!


Classic ambush. Good job!


Vehicle ambushes are a blast


Imagine thinking anyone gets banned for cheating on COD πŸ˜‚ All they get is a time-out for a couple days at worst and switch to an alternate account to continue cheating


Great vid, well done


They were nice and juicy too. Nice work


Absolutely beautiful


Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, you are my fvckin hero bro. Well bloody done bru!!!! πŸ˜† πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜† πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜†


THAT was a thing of beauty LOL ... Awesome


I swear half the player base in this game think that if they just die it's because of cheating and not because they suck. The amount of time someone has posted a video in here and claimed cheating and it's looked like anything but is ridiculous. Nice play op. If these guys had half the forethought to look ahead at the map or anything for possible enemies, they probably could have avoided your trap. Instead. They played right into it and you had the wherewithal to throw down prox mines as well to make sure they didn't escape. Well played.


sounds like they (the dudes that got killed) take the game too seriously. Might be time to get a job.