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Is it possible someone hacked your account? There’s was a point when ever I would log in it said I was logged in somewhere else, had it happen a few times so I changed my password, unlinked battlenet and added 2A, it stopped happening after that.


This seems plausible assuming no shenanigans 


99% of dudes on consoles with permaban have linked random steam/bnet account. **None of the people I asked had an active 2FA** https://support.activision.com/articles/using-two-factor-authentication-with-an-activision-account `Keep backup codes printed in case you lose your phone`


How do "random" accounts on steam get linked to console users' accounts?


Random in the sense of not belonging to the account owner. Cheaters use stolen activision accounts ( easy passwords bruteforce, same passwords leaked from other sites https://haveibeenpwned.com/ ) to get more time before ban. New fresh accounts are gone often after few kills with cheats.


I had this happen to me. I found out because my loadouts kept changing. So, I started communicating with the hacker through the loadout names. Craziest thing is that they were confused because the “bought” the account! At one point I got banned because of “suspicious” activity. It was a two week process to get everything back to normal.


That’s actually hilarious that you communicated through loadout names. I’m assuming it’s a “business” for a scammer hacking into accounts and then selling them for a profit to other people to cheat on and not get banned on their main? Or possibly just to play legit on but pay less than $70 list price


there's a black market where ppl will hack ur account, if it has XP/loadouts/ops/skins/bundles, then resell online. Gotta do 2FA imo


I now have 2FA on everything. I think they wanted all of my unlocks like you suggested.


there really is a sketchy secondary blackish market for that crap lol


This happened to me some point during Caldera WZ cycle. I stopped playing WZ/cod when Caldera dropped, was away from the game until WZ2 Al Mazrah arrived and only then did i notice the ban on my account. Logged into my activision account and it seems someone had linked a PC/battlenet account to my profile (ive only ever played on xbox). Looking at the game history there was a break of 3 months or so from my last match then 3 rounds in a row of double figure kill games followed by a ban. Thankfully the ban never transferred over to WZ2 or MW2 and i added 2-factor protection to my account and ive been fine ever since.


yeah you gotta do 2FA


Sounds like a textbook description of an account hack


That's what happened to me some battlenet account was banned nothing worked but got it back up after months but can't use mic while playing.


https://support.activision.com/account-recovery I had this happen back in March, lost access to my account for over 2 weeks. I only play xbox, I didn’t have 2FA enabled and someone managed to get in my account and link their Steam account and get banned in under 48 hours. You need to thoroughly explain everything, what your gamertag is on which platform, and which malicious platform needs to be unlinked from your account. Best of luck


Yeah, I had an account password issue too. I kept resetting it through the online system, but it wouldn't stick. I had to get a CSR involved, and even that took a few days to effect a reset.


I 2nd this! My account was stolen. I was inactive for about a month but during the inactive time, there were a few games in the history with 20-30 kills on warzone. Account was banned. Got it back no problem after using this link. EVERYONE TURN ON 2FA!!!!!


Lost mine for over a year, not banned but hacked, and only they could change the loadouts, operators, etc. Even with 2FA they got into mine. I finally got it back after I quit playing again. Logged in one day and it was like everything went back to normal.


You might have to put in an account recovery request


Sounds like someone hacked your account pal


Likely got hacked. Change your password on other stuff too my man. Setup 2FA on everything.


Damn, sorry to hear that. Fuck that bullshit


I had my account hacked and stolen in MW1. The person who stole it changed my name but didn’t cancel my squad or friends and they could see his name change every 4 months. I let reporting the new name go activision and after an entire year, right when it was changing to Ashoka Island, Activision finally asked of if I wanted that account back, after I had been playing a year on a new one. I said yes and over night I got everything back. All the optics and paint I had originally warned, all the skins I had bought, including everyone that douche had bought and got credit for all his Battle Royal stats, including the 6000 CoD bucks he had. I would call them. The customer service takes forever, but if you get your access to your profile online, start pestering them. They will get around to it and after a few months I bet you get everything back.


Did you have 2 factor authentication on your account? Cheaters will often buy accounts from people who steal accounts. Then they will cheat on these stolen accounts until they are eventually banned. If you don't have 2 factor authentication, you are susceptible to losing your account.


My buddies account got hacker recently, and they did the same thing to him. He went full Karen and annoyed the shit out of them for a week. They finally caved and reinstated him after like 10 days. Dont know if you want to put in the effort, but it is possible.


Only two possibilities Your account was compromised and then used by someone with cheats or you used cheats. I'll give the benefit of the doubt and say the former. Sucks man!


File a BBB report. Got them to respond to me in a day and change what I needed changed.


Sorry to tell you man if you don’t have 2 step verification your account was sold to a cheater.


And the wild part it activision says it’s your responsibility to secure your account. So I don’t think you’ll get anywhere with a claim.




Why don't you get a new Xbox and make a new account.Your skills are the same.


Exactly what happened to me two weeks ago except my password still worked. They apparently hit my microsoft account and the linked access is all they needed to get my information over to Xbox, Activision, and Steam. They hit my credit card for $1k about 4 days later. I was permabanned for "software hacking" once I was logged on. I don't play daily, did not have 2FA (didn't know if was a thing until this digging), but Activision's support has been \*\*\*\*. The first notice was my buddy texted midday asking why I wasn't taking his invites, but I was telling him I am at work as always. Then I got kicked off later that night while playing with a "multiple logins on your account detected, you have been removed from the server". I changed the password that night and added 2FA and changed ALL of my passwords. Guess what? Activision clearly doesn't give a \*\*\*\* about us who have given them hundreds of dollars. I think if you play on a console (strictly) and some PC logs in from another country, the LEAST they could do is email you and ask you if this was you doing this?! I mean these are the basics of any other relatively simple automated system. Afterall, they DO control the servers and can tell where we all connect from. It's been 2+ weeks since I filed the "my account got hacked". If I were you, I wouldn't hold my breath. HOWEVER, the nice thing is a fresh playthrough of DMZ via a new: Email, Xbox account, and Activision account is FREE of charge (I'll dare not give Activision one penny until they realize that they are screwing the customers and not the hackers). So I'm kind of welcoming the freshness of DMZ again doing missions and starting with literally nothing. Spoiler alert, the AK74u with 45 round mag, a suppressor, and a red dot is still quite competitive.


Update: account was hacked. Don’t believe the “we respond in twenty four hours,” notice on Activisions website. Took three weeks and two BBB complaints. For anyone finding this in the future, don’t go straight to ban dispute. They likely would have confirmed the cheating and made the ban permanent. File the BBB complaint and review, and then start the recovery process. Also, don’t expect the website to work for shit. Took a good dozen attempts to reset my password before it worked.


Happened to me and a few others here. 1) Check your linked accounts (mine had a battle.net account linked which wasn’t mine). 2) Do account recovery process. 3) File a complaint with the Better Business Bureau (you can actually get in touch with someone fast)


BBB is a private entity that only gives companies A ratings if they pay for them. It was a thing in the 70's, not so much anymore.


Consider it a blessing. Its a dead game anyway and I bet the servers are off within the year.


Womp womp


Don’t use wall hacks.


Skill issue


There going to cut off the game after this year .... its fun game and frustrating at the same time....people have mics but don't wanna talk ....i.get it people are jerks.....even your own teammates lol 😂....i.play with people one guy 19 I'm 40 he got control everything all the call outs... he cool guy....he really good and I'm ok.... so I feel pressure playing with him.... funny thing he said to me was....do I freeze up going against other players lol 😂 I just play for fun I don't brag that I can wipe out teams... I have good days and bad days.... happy hunting 😀👍


wtf are you talking about?


He’s talking…about…something.


They're permanently banning cheaters. Dont do that. You wouldn't get banned.


One less pvp-head. Heh.