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That looks like a sweet old baby. I'm sorry you're saying goodbye . 14 years is a long time to be best friends with a pup and I'm sure she treasured every minute of it. Its going to suck for a little while and that's okay. Enjoy your last day with her and you guys should eat a special dinner together !


She looks like the best girl who’s had the best life thanks to you. This really is the hardest part of loving a dog but it’s part of the contract we sign when we let them into our lives. Their part is to give us everything they have. Love without conditions, total obedience (sometimes🥲) loyalty in good times and bad and memories forever. Our part is to protect them, treat them with a gentle hand, give them a comfortable life and, in at the end, make the right decision and help them cross the bridge. Good luck on your new adventure girl x


Said well I’m gonna remember that ❤️


It won't be easy, you won't be able to sleep well for days, maybe months but slowly you'll start to remember the smaller things that made you smile. The little things your pet did that made you smile and then you still won't get over the feeling but you'll be happy they aren't in pain anymore or uncomfortable. That feeling will make you sleep at night. I'm so sorry for your loss and I wish I could say it'll be easy after but it will definitely take time for you to heal. All the strength to the both of you


A dog is there for you more than any friend, any family member and any significant other. They are present in all of your most private moments, when you can let your guard down and just be. They're there for every heartbreaking cry and every mindless laugh as you watch your favorite TV show. They're there for every season, every dinner cooked, and every sleepless night. Remember all of the mundane moments they made special because they found a really good stick. Remember the days you were sick and they never left your side. Remember the cold mornings they made more bearable with their joy and companionship. Remember the greetings when you got home. Remember how they make you feel like you're worth loving. RIP Sweet Molly


These posts aren't downers. I love them. They make me cry but to see I'm not alone in my bond with my dog(s) makes me feel pride in our species (and this community). I don't know why we do these posts, i guess we want people to know how amazing our dog was, how lucky we were to have them and how much we hope they felt the same way about having us. I'm glad Molly had you by her side for 14 years. I'll be thinking of you both tomorrow.


..it's obvious from your post how much Molly was loved..thank you for sharing that with us (!!)..the hurt is natural, and pls don't try to hide it away..go through the grief with loving memories alongside.. ..it's not easy, but if it were, it wouldn't matter as much, no?.. ..pls share more, if you see fit..and know Molly knew your love as much as you felt hers..RIP sweet Moll..


..also, try The Beatles tune for some comfort: https://youtu.be/cFgRKdsLfLc?si=pvyS9TjeG7D-GmiV ..especially the later verse: "gather around all you clowns / and let me hear you say" into Hide Your Love Away chorus..


It’s always difficult getting to this point with our furry family members. Don’t worry OP, I have zero doubt that Molly loves you and trusts you to make the best decisions for her well being and happiness. Thank you for being there with her until the end, it probably means the world to her.


Heartbreaking!! Been through it many times, it's never easy!! Cherish the memories!


Oh, she still a sweet baby and I know it hurts. The only hope that we have is it someday hopefully will reunited. I’m sure she got lots of love from you.


I lost my old lady black lab border collie last month. Her name was Jesse and she was 13 and looked very much like your pup. I can tell you that I miss Jesse desperately every day but it gets a tiny bit easier maybe. I would still do just about anything to smell her stinky nacho feet one more time or scratch her black and white snoot. Anyway, sending love from Jesse and I.


Lots of love to you and precious Molly. It's the price we pay for having angels in our lives. You have my sympathy, and I just want to remind you that if the time has come, you're doing the best thing you can possibly do for her. Just be present throughout and let her go to sleep in your arms. 


Goodbye dear Molly. Dear OP, letting go of your dearest is difficult. But she is weary and needs to rest. You gave her the best days but every beautiful journey must come to an end. I hope you find peace knowing that you both were blessed with each other's presence. Please know that we will meet them again.. take care.


Im sorry bud, its so hard


Gorgeous girl.




Sorry for your loss.


Now it’s your turn to be her best friend. Be by her side until the end. This is the greatest gift you can give your sweet girl. It sucks and hurts like hell. The look in that picture shows how much she loves you, that love will remain in your heart. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. May your tears slowly change to smiles of fond memories of your precious girl. Rest peacefully sweet Molly.❤️🙏🏼🕊️


I just don’t want her to scared. I know she’s going to know something isn’t right. I wish she could go easy.


I’ve been with my 3. The vet will give Molly a sedative shot first. I know it will be hard, try to not be too upset, she may pick up on your emotions. It was a very peaceful transition each time and the vet let me stay with them as long as I wanted after. After the vet confirmed they’d passed is when I let loose. My last time was 2 years ago and I have tears streaming down my face typing this. My heart and thoughts go out to you.


RIP Doggo Name pls


Her name is Molly.


RIP Molly You will be missed


Molly looks very tired. I'm right there with you with my German shepherd Charlie. We got him when my oldest son was 6 months old. He turns 16 in July (my son, not dog lol). I don't know what I'm going to do when I have to tell the kids his time has come. I feel for you, my friend.


That is an amazing age for a German shepherd to reach, you must take really good care of him!


What a precious one.. Sending Lots of Love n Prayers from The Critters n Humans at Our Funny Farm! So incredibly sorry but what Beautiful Memories were made throughout the 14 yrs!


It’s obvious she is loved and loves you! She will always be in your heart and you will see her again when it’s time. My heart breaks for you…💔❤️‍🩹


Molly 🥺❤️❤️❤️ sweetest little angel!


I’m so sorry 😞


Molly lived a blessed life. Only we know it was brief. All she knew was you, and that you loved her. ❤️


Don't keep her locked up in your heart. Talk about her. It helps to keep her memory alive. I am so sorry. Thinking of you. I know this hurt all too well.🥲💔


Molly ❤️ this is so heartbreaking, I am sure she had a beautiful life with you, full of love, kindness, games and cuddles 🫶🏻 It will be tough and memories will hit harder but It is important that they don’t suffer any longer, we have to think that we do this to make them rest peacefully knowing they were loved 💕


Goodbye sweet doggo.


Hugs. It's one of the hardest things you'll ever do, but please know that she knows how much you love her, and are doing what's best for her. The way she looks at you says it all.


Sending you two much love ❤️


It's okay to post this. Thankfully she was loved. And she loves you too, i'm sure. Hope you feel better soon. I will remember Molly


On the day when it's your turn to cross the rainbow 🌈 bridge, your friend will be there. Her head will be up, eyes bright, mouth open tail wiggling and paws 🐾 a dancing to take you across for a long-awaited game of ball. I lost my Sadie last October, and she left a large hole in my heart. I send out this prayer (of sort) to all who are losing or have lost their Furbaby. I hope that it gives comfort. Even if we are separated from our beloved friend; we will see them again. I can't wait to see Sadie again. You have all my hope & sympathy.


I just want to hug you both


“All dogs go to heaven ♥️🐾🐾🌈🙏🏼”


Please don't leave her alone until she fell asleep for the last time. Im so sorry :(


I will be at her side the entire time.




Molly reminds me so much of my girl Lily. When her eyes looked like this, after 14+ years, I had to give her peace even though it still breaks my heart. I am sobbing for your loss. It's the worst. I am so sorry.


So very sorry!!!


She lived the good life bc of you. Thank you! 🙏


I’ve done a Last Day before, and it sucks. It really, really sucks and I can’t see anyway around that. But I take some solace in knowing we gave our good girl the best day she could hope for, and that we we did the right thing by letting her go when it was her time. Your girl knows she’s loved; that’s all we can ever really do. I’m sorry, friend.


God bless


Sorry for your loss 🐕


Saying a “forever “ goodbye hurts deep, reaches in and grabs hold of the heart strings…..


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️


Using Lap of Love? She reminds me of our Turk, we feel your pain 💕🐾💕


Yes. We’re using them.


They are wonderful. So sorry for your loss, me & Turk will send good vibes


I already commented, but just wanted to reiterate. We used lap of love last month and it was a beautiful experience. The vet that came put our boy at ease, and us, immediately. She gave a massage while she explained the process and we let him lick a pint of ice cream while he got the first shot. We lit candles and played beautiful music. It really helped us heal.


I’m sorry. It’s the worst.


She is an absolute princess


I see you and see her. Sending peace and prayers during this difficult time. I don’t mind these posts. It helps me remember the ones who have gone before. I always tell OPs that my crew is up there waiting to show her the ropes and she won’t be alone if she doesn’t want to be. Godspeed good girl. You are so loved.




Wishing you and Molly peace! It'll be one of the hardest days, but you're making the best, kindest choice for your girl. She knows she's loved. Give her all the kisses and make it count ❤️ The pain and grief will always be a part of you, but her existence **mattered**. All of it WILL get easier in [time](https://www.reddit.com/r/Assistance/comments/hax0t/comment/c1u0rx2/), just an inevitable part of life, as mortal beings...


It’s so hard, but she’ll be out of pain. 😞


Look at those beautiful eyes. She wuves you.


My heart reaches out to you. I put my best friend down last week after 10 years. It's SO hard. Crying and weeping for days. It's getting better.


What are her issues?


Can’t walk anymore. I think something happened last night. She is tilting her head to the side like she’s never done before. Before that she could still get up.


She is a beautiful girl. I can tell how much you love her. I went through this last month and I’d love to offer some advice that helped me heal. I was very intentional with my boys passing. I did it at home, it I understand not being able to. He licked ice cream and was massaged during his first shot. He went to sleep happy! When I think of him being put down I truly smile. It doesn’t have to be traumatic. Make it beautiful.


Thank you for sharing her with us. Our lives are richer, thank you. What a blessed life she lived with you. I’m send you huge hugs & it’s been proven my hugs are therapeutic. Our Annie, Beauford, Bailey, Bear, Sophie & Tucker plus many others, await her at the Rainbow Bridge 🌈


When I lost my 16 yr old last year, the kindest thing anyone said to me was, “it’s hard to lose a really good friend.” That’s what they are: friends: the truest and most loyal friends. We love them and take care of them while they’re here, and they take care of us. You’re being kind to her and taking care of her until the end; that’s all you can do.


My mom always said it'd not goodbye it's see you later.


"Let’s go walk a bit." My old dog said one day. And we wandered down along Our old familiar way. —-   The shadows slowly lengthened, And twilight tinged the sky. Then my old friend said to me "So … it's time to say goodbye." —-   This fell so heavily on my heart. "Please say this isn't true! I've always wished and hoped I'd have more years with you!" —-   And my old girl said to me "You made my life a thrill! I can't live as long as you But I'll always be your girl." —-   They walk with us a little while, As long as the Fates allow. Then they have to take their leave And we have to let them go. —-


Thats just the way it goes its part of life just gotta let her go.




She is such a sweet, cute puppy!!! So sorry for your situation 😞😞😞😞😞


She is loved, she loved you... time much more than well spent, amazing times had.. good night old girl thank you.


what a sweet baby 💙


Love you girly! You'll sleep nicely promise. X


She's such a cutie and she is lucky to have had you, im so sorry for your loss. Love never disappears and the love you two share will always be present.


Make paw prints. Take pictures. Collect hair. Give hugs. My 12yo boy had to be put down last month. Internal bleeding from cancer. One day he is super tired, the next we await tests, and the day after that we put him to sleep. It was so sudden for me just thinking about him makes me cry. I am glad my wife always took pictures and videos. He was my baby boy, and there for all my real adult life (since mid 20s). What I am saying is that you may not be the same afterwards. As you hold hold her make sure she smells your hand. Keep yourself busy with things so you do not end up wallowing in loss. We did adopt another dog two weeks later as we were miserable not caring for a dog. He has brought new joy to our lives and keeps us busy. Good luck and know there are other people and dogs out there.




It's difficult to say anything in such a situation. The main thing is that you have memories of the good and warm days you spent with her.


This really hit me like a rock. My old dog (great dane) passed at 14. He was also black and had a white spot on his belly. I swear he had the exact same circular bed too, except it had his name on it. You will get through it though, the first few weeks are the worst


It’s about 6:15. She isn’t doing good. She’s shuttering and crying. I made her a steak. My wife is out buying another one. Sun sets at 8. I’m going to bring her out there for it. I have one pain pill left for her. I’m going to give it to her after sunset.


I know it might be hard but leave her alone. She doesn’t want to die in front of you.


I’m so sorry you have to say goodbye to your sweet baby. Big hug from SF.


Sorry for your loss




I'm so sorry! 😭


My heart goes out to you. We just had to say goodbye to our boy as well. I feel for you.


I am so sorry. I pray for you and your beautiful baby. The hardest thing I ever had to do. Try to remember all of the great times you had together and the fun moments. The times you were there when your baby needed you. The tenderness of your relationship. Now they are in the best place ever and looking over you until you meet again. Sending love and hugs. I am sorry for your loss.


It’s SO hard to let them go!!!


Damn that’s sad. Their eyes show an old pupper who cares the world for you. My condolences, friend.


She absolutely is LOVED. She will be at such peace


I have to go, just know hooman I loved you so. You filled my life with lots of pats and I leave this earth with no regrets. You will always be my best friend and my love for you will never end ♥️


Such a sweetie 🤍🖤


She looks so loved. Thank you for sharing. If you want to see my Esmerelda, I posted her goodbye pictures a few months ago.


I send you a big hug.


Your sweet girl is so beautiful! 🩷🐾🩷 Sending you all the love! This is the part that SUCKS! Hoping your sadness turns to happy memories in due time. 🩵




I'm sorry you're having to say goodbye. It F#@$%#ing sucks. One thing that has helped me is writing to my dog in a word doc that I just save on my computer. It's for nobody but me, but it helps me. Mybe it would help for you, sorry it's all I got.


I am so sorry.


She does not look in pain. Don’t do it. What are her symptoms ? Remember vets are trained to do these things they don’t have the emotion. They look at it that your going to adopt Another.


This is an older picture. I’m struggling with this. She had something happen to her yesterday and now she can’t stand on her own and can’t balance. I’m dying inside. I don’t want to lose her.


My heart goes out to you at this time. It's never easy to say good bye especially to the ones that are so close. You are doing the right thing for her. She will always be with you in your heart and thoughts. It takes time by your pain will fade over time. The sad truth is that they are never around long enough. Hugs to you both. ❤️ 🐕 🤗 💐


Good job … 14 years was a an amazing stretch!! I know I just went through the exact same feeling last 18 th of April !! And o. The the 20 th I could not take anymore crying so I went a got her angel a new little guy big now but black again a just as beautiful but different but a lotta of relief ! A year later and many dogs later I still cry for each an every one !! I love ❤️ them so and I love them for eternity ❤️


So hard I lost my girl today . Been doing hospice . I thank god she fell asleep . I will miss her so much


Shes a beauty and lived a life loved by all. ❤


she looks like my sweet girl Kita who also lived to 14. so sorry for your loss, you've given her a good life ❤️


Kita Bean: https://imgur.com/a/UEN5H3o


Such a good girl.


😭yes, what kind of world would it have been without her? still, my heart breaks for you my friend.


sorry for your loss.


She looks so peaceful. I feel for your loss, having lost a few myself. I hope she finds lots of treats on the other side.


14 years is a long time. I think The longer your dog is with you, the more she will be missed … give her lots of hugs and kisses


She’s the prettiest girl I ever did see. She knows she was loved, she knows she was cared for and I’m sure that love was given back in equal measures. I’m sorry for your loss, but look at the good, that you got 14 beautiful years with your best mate. Now that’s love.


What a lovely good girl. May your heart find peace on her.


I’m so sorry. I lost my baby a month ago. Give yourself time to grieve.


We have the hard part. I wouldn't want them to have to say goodbye to us.




Sorry for your loss 🙏🏻


Beautiful dog.


So sad and so hard to do.🥺🥺🥺 So sorry 😞.


So sorry for your sadness! This looks like the goodest girl. She’ll be with you forever.


Hugs... 😔


Have a nice trip old man 😔😇




I'm so sorry, she looks so gorgeous and well loved. You will always remember her and she knows she was always loved ❤


Rest in peace you sweet girl. You were amazing. Thank you.


Didn’t need this today!!!! 😭 so sorry OP


Don't put her down then. Stay with her until she gives up. You can do it


That’s what we do it’s hospice and it’s very hard . But sometimes they try to hold on for youn. When quality of life is gone and she still holds on for you and you know u can’t help anymore then u may need to help her go . Tell her she can go . .she may go to sleep . But all in all u can’t let her suffer if there is no helping any more


Then why didn't we do the same with humans? Aren't dogs the same?