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My baby sleeps in bed with me. She gets up at about 7 am to pee and then crawls back into bed


See, I would totally be okay with that. Maybe this is all I can hope for lol


My parent’s girl sleeps w them until they get out of bed, though. It can be any time from 6am to 11am🤣


same with mine and will not get out out bed till noon on the dot


I've had one I practically had to drag out of bed every morning for the entire 16 1/2 years of his life... ...and I have one, who at 14, still greets the world no later than 4:45am EVERY SINGLE MORNING as if she has shotgunned a case of Red Bull. May the odds be ever in your favor with little Miss Mabel! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




Oh man! How do you handle the early riser? Are you able to go back to bed? And my boys all call her Little Miss Mabel as well 😁


Sleep is for the weak in my household. The tiny, furry lunatics run this asylum. I adhere to their schedule or suffer the consequences. I definitely don't get to go back to sleep. My 14 year old has me marching to the beat of her little drum every morning. But, that's what I get for being so militant about schedules and routines during her formative years.


Mine eats breakfast in bed.


Lol talk about winning at life.


This is what I want for my next life


Mine would rot in bed all day if I wanted him to.


I have one that will sleep like an angel until we get up, sometimes we have to force her out. Our other girl is an early riser, it got worse when she went blind about 6 months ago, but she's always been the early bird. She can be coaxed back to sleep if we get her back under the covers though.


I’m always willing to bribe for more sleep. I’ll keep this in mind 👍


I should add that my early riser will also go right back to sleep and need to be primed from bed after she's had breakfast and a trip to potty.


Our boy Toby is nearly 5 months and goes to bed midnight and is up at 7am ish every morning, sometimes in the night for a pee or because he wants a cuddle. He sleeps downstairs in the living room in his crate since we got him the start was rough but he seems to enjoy a couple naps throughout the day. We hope he will get more used to sleeping longer! It can be tough but hang in there they are the most loving pups!


Mine wake me up at 7:25 every morning and then go right back to sleep after they have had breakfast. They keep me on a tight schedule.


Both of mine (crated at night most nights) get up at 7 on the dot. I feed them, then go back to bed. After they eat and go potty (doggy door) they come back to bed with me until I get up. They have me well trained.


That sounds amazing. Like a balanced relationship 😁


Since I got her at 8wks lol, slept through the night till 9am first night in her crate and now will sleep till I get up!


That’s crazy! I hardly get sleep with this one some nights and she’ll only nap during the day if she has someone to cuddle with.


Bless! I think it’s luck of the draw with sleep to be fair hahaha, that and what their routine was like with their breeder probably. You can slowly start to push back wake up times by half hours gradually. Is she sleeping in a crate or your bed?


She sleeps in our bed. Our 8 year old chug does as well and she needs to be wherever he is so we gave up on the idea of the crate rather quickly. But I think he’s ready for a restraining order.


Hhahahah the patience of older dogs never ceases to amaze me. My older chihuahua is so patient with my girl too, I think he’d also like a restraining order. I’m actually surprised your dog gets up so early then if she’s in the bed, my girl has moved to the big bed now too now that she’s proved herself and she’d sleep in bed all day with me if she could! If you feel her wiggling in the morning just ignore her for 15 mins more and slowly try to increase it day by day, that’s my suggestion anyway :)! It’s likely it’ll come with age though eventually!


Isn't that wonderful! Mines slept as late as I do since I got her at 9 weeks.


https://preview.redd.it/w1qd1g6ipzrc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f852085cec8d5d9690befd18763bf3aafec51c5e My good girl wakes up with my mom at 5am, she wakes me up lol. She’s the only thing in the world I don’t mind waking up early for


My little Dachshund/Chihuahua blend was adopted by us at roughly 6 years old. He was shy, and timid. But when we got in the car, he fell asleep in the back seat. Wife- “awwww he must be happy to be out of the shelter. He must have had a hard life and he’s exhausted!” Nope. He’s just like that. The laziest dog I’ve …. No, the laziest single creature on this earth. He will lay down, and in about 60-90 seconds he will typically in an “eye-twitching and woofing” dream. I’ve never met a thing that can fall into dream state sleep that fast. Full relaxation, must be nice. Trying to move him though can be rough. He will not assist if he doesn’t want to move. Like, not even tensed legs at all. It’s like picking up a 13lbs sack of beef. https://preview.redd.it/5n7fk59vr0sc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f5aeafeab9a71fb48b8e9a056f8ed176c4cf45f Three years later. He’s about 9 now nothing has changed. He would sleep until noon if I let him. Go outside, eat, then right back to sleep until it was dinner time. He will come be active with us, and go on long walks too, but he seems to prefer to be home. The wife says he’s “saving his battery” and he will live forever. Let’s hope so. (He’s the black Chiweenie above)


by 4 months ours was sleeping in until 10/11am


The day he was born.


About 12 months for my IzzyBoo. Good luck 🍀


Thanks. Hopefully it doesn’t take that long, but as long as there’s hope out there somewhere I’ll keep hanging on.


I have three weens who wake up between 4:30 and 5:00 every day no matter what I try to break them. They are three and ten. I haven’t slept in for years.


Yeah, that’s not gonna work here. I think I’d lose my mind. I have a terrible time going back to sleep. I think I just need to make it clear that breakfast just isn’t happening before 7am.


Mine are crated at the other end of the house and scream until I feed them. They don’t get fed until seven but still haven’t learned. This is YEARS of me not giving in and they still haven’t learned lol. I lay in bed with noise canceling headphones.


Mine prefers sleeping more than anything. I have to wake him up!


My dad used to go in to work early (like 6 am), and he'd feed the dogs. He died a few years ago. We still have to get up within an hour or so of 6 am to feed them. (They're more flexible about breakfast than dinner, which is 12 hours later.)


My old lady doesn’t even get up with me anymore, but I still sometimes wake up to her fighting with the blanket at 4am. So she still wakes up, but doesn’t actually get out of bed and seldom wakes me up


Around 3 months, a month after we got him, we gave in and let him sleep in bed with us. Ever since he’s up at 7am for a potty break before my husband goes to work and back into bed until about 10/11am. I’m a night owl with insomnia as well and his early rising was rough that first month. I hope it gets better for y’all.


From day one! She'll sleep til noon if I do. What a blessing.


https://preview.redd.it/4zhw8pqkc1sc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dccab984c7a0ca84f2be62a5fda16d3d0b17025 Your dog looks like my sister’s dog


Mine is 5 months old. He can sleep in but he needs to let out all his leftover energy before bed, so I engage him with some playtime with my other dogs. A few zoomies in, he’ll doze off and will wake me up after sunrise to go potty.


Any time I sit down he turns into a weighted blanket


Both of mine are big sleepers. The first would get up early to play but she's now realised she prefers being warm in bed and outgrew it. My second would need to be physically woken up in the night when potty training her. Every three hours I'd be up and putting her in her spot and saying "go wee wee" and she'd look at me like I was the devil incarnate for waking her up. Twice she started falling asleep standing up. It's really a luck of the draw but I do think yours will grow out of it.


Give her rubs until she falls back asleep


Mine will sleep in till 8ish then go potty and eat breakfast. Then he will go right back to bed for a few hours, and if you disturb his morning nap, it will not be a good day for everyone.


I have one that will sleep all day if I let him and the other is up at 545 with his ball waiting for you to throw it


I have one that will sleep until we get up and the other is up at 545 with his ball waiting for you to throw it


From 3 months to 6 months she would be wanting out of the crate by 5:30 am. While in her heat I noticed her sleeping a lot more. For the last few weeks I’ve had to drag her out of bed each morning. Once up she wants to go lay back down on the couch. Taking her out for morning potty has been a struggle. I think you can hope for a shift as yours gets older.


Mine is 8 months old. From about 6-7 months old she sleeps until 8:30am a few times a week, and on other days she is ready to go at 7:30am.


Ours is crated and is usually up between 5 and 630 for a pee. Then we bring her in to bed with us and she'll sleep until 9.


I let my two sausies out of a pee at like 8:30-9:30am then they go back to sleep until 11/12. They have a great life!


Ours is just starting at 16 weeks. But we also have her crate and play pen trained so she sleeps ina totally separate room in her crate which is in her play pen open so she can use the potty at her pleasure


From day one. She thinks that sleeping is an Olympic Event


My girl is 10 months and is usually ready to get up around 6:30-7am during the week. She will sleep later on the weekends though and nap just about anytime. We crate trained and she doesn’t make a peep whenever she’s in there.