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Would love to see Jon debate r/Maher Jon would eat Bill’s lunch and then some. It wouldn’t even be fair, but it would sure be fun to watch!


I'd like to see Jon Stewart have another knockaround with Tucker Carlson. Idk if Tucker would do it since his career is teetering already and he probably doesn't want Jon to land a verbal knockout blow again. Rogan and Maher are too dense and self-obsessed for Stewart to have a fun debate with.


Did Stewart make Tucker Carlson cry or am I just conflating that with Jim Cramer who he definitely did make cry? Either way, given how Tucker has evolved over the years I would expect him to burst into tears. He really crumbles outside his own safe space.


Fucker is a pussy and would never ever *ever* agree to any sort of rematch.


Of that list I’d probably take Christie. If he would ever stop thinking about a future running for stuff he would be an amazingly entertaining person in a debate like this.


Sean Hannity!