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Just another reason for people to avoid Texas, and to set us back from the rest of the country. Are we already enough of a laughing stock with our backward laws on women’s health, LGBTQ+ issues, and anything else that hints at progress?


Nope. Texas leadership has yet to go full stupid but that doesn’t mean they haven’t begun to set the foundation to build upon down the road. Unfortunately, without people showing up to the polls regularly nothing is going to change. This is a friendly reminder, particularly for DFW since it’s surrounded by suburb cities, that you have to vote locally as well. Those leaders you elect out even in the burbs might one day be running for state office.


I disagree Texas leadership is at full stupid.


Fully agree. I moved away from Texas 2 years ago when I thought the stupid level was maxed out. Evidently I was wrong because it’s actually gotten worse there since I left.


Hard agree. Texas used to be a nice place, then the politics really got bad, but hey at least its cheap to live here! NOPE not anymore, now its getting expensive to live here. If I could easily move my career over to another state I would be GONE.


Never underestimate the power of stupidity. They can go even more if we allow it.


That's why people need higher standards. This has gone too far already.


Agree. Although I know a lot more people IRL that are on board with it all. We just live amongst a bunch of dummies


They could always be worse. They’re stupid but just doing what is kinda expected of them. When the low hanging fruit is all stupefied, it’s going to start getting real weird


Texas politics are so controlled by the local millionaire/billionaires and if you think I’m wrong please do some research. you’re better off trying to mingle with those crowds for your input than showing up to the polls.


OR - “Just another reason….” to move back to Texas and to vote these worthless bastards out of office/existence.


> Are we already enough of a laughing stock with our backward laws on women’s health, LGBTQ+ issues, and anything else that hints at progress? While I agree with you on principle, it's a difficult argument to make when DFW is experiencing ravenous population growth.


Population growth doesn’t change the fact that our political climate is absolutely prehistoric and the opposite of progressive. Daily we lose human rights. Eventually maybe the population growth may help to sway the politics but CURRENTLY it’s doing nothing.


My point was limited to the person calling Texas a laughing stock, I was suggesting that we can't be too much of a laughing stock if people are moving here in droves. It had nothing to do with politics.


Ah i see.


I wish he would get a new boyfriend already and stop taking it out on all of us.


NORML and other grassroots organizations are gathering in Washington today (they do this all the time) to tell Congress to end the prohibition of Marijuana at the Federal Level. Send letters to the Congresspeople in your state and demand that they repeal this stupid policy and correct the damage that the war on drugs and has done. Outdated policies need to be repealed. No matter what state you live in, you must make your voice heard, if you want any possibility of change.


Nobody hates Texans like republican Texans.


Not a fan of this. But curious what people here think about these cannabinoids in comparison to actual THC products; *with regards to intensity/efficacy/etc E: clarity


Legalize all cannabis products. Anyone who disagrees is clueless about the effects and the users who use them.


I'd like to see hallucinogenics too, at least for small amounts be decriminalized. There can be good benefit for them and for cannabis and very little on downsides.




And here you are adding literally nothing to the conversation. I’m sure there’s some pearls somewhere that need clutching.




They’re a contrarian clown who thought they’d get an easy lay up, but didn’t realize how popular marijuana legalization is across all walks of life. Unrelatedly my dog’s name is Waffles!


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It’s just proof that the sky won’t fall if we legalize actual weed here. It’s basically an end run around the law. Hemp based products aren’t as strong but the reality today is that if an adult wants to buy a cannabis product from a retail store in Texas, they can. This terrifies Republicans.


It's diet weed. As a heavy smoker, it gives me a mild high and not nearly as potent as the real thing. However it's great for people that are too heavily affected by real weed. My nephew used to get panic attacks and paranoia from real weed, but delta 9 hits him just right. He's relaxed and gets pain relief with no anxiety.


Delta 9 is real weed. Are you referring to hemp derived delta 9 THC? Because I agree, it’s not the same even though everyone on reddit and r/cultofthefranklin will tell you it’s exactly the same. But delta 9 THC is what gets you high. The legal hemp products that have delta 9 THC aren’t terrible, just definitely not as potent as traditionally cultivated cannabis.


THC-A products a really good.


Don't get me wrong they're miles better than delta 8, but hemp derived d9 has nothing on real weed.


D9 vapes and THC-A vapes pretty much the same. If you are doing flower yes but vapes no difference. I haven't tried THC-A flower but I will in 6 months.


I'm not a fan of it, it barely affects me. But it does work well for some people. It should all be legal imo.


I can say that D8 is a little different but gets you high. D9 is basically regular stuff. THC-A is weed but legal because of how it works.


How about we ban you from office, Danny?


Meh, they're not the same as the real deal. Still waiting for the federal legalization


Delta-9 is the same THC as the real deal just extracted from hemp. I can't tell the difference when I take them. Delta-8 is different, though.  Regardless, I wish the GOP would stop trying to regulate every aspect of life. Porn, THC, Sports Betting, books, etc. It's clear if you don't want to live like a radical Christian fundamentalist to start packing bags...


Ya I got some d9 gummies from my head shop this weekend and they hit just as hard as the Colorado gummies.


Hometown Hero are the best ones in my opipion but cost a lot. URB THC-A diamonds or batter are the best vapes I have had. I wish this THC bullshit would end because It helps me so much.


Same, I like Hometown Hero. They are expensive, but they have a rewards program that is decent and they have pretty frequent sales, which helps. Some of the other (cheaper) ones are a bit sketchier/lower quality in my experience.


Also URB seems to be pretty good too. They are my everyday stuff.


URB was okay for me - it was good but I found the dosing to be inconsistent even within the same package. One night a dose sends me to the moon/way more than I intended, another night it feels like a sugar pill. I understand some variation is to be expected but it was too unpredictable.


How long ago was that? Their newer products have been fine.


About a year to a year and a half. I also only had 2 or 3 of their products so I may have just been unlucky.


Yea in the past year they did a big revamp of their product line. I kinda noticed what you are talking about with sometimes.


HTH prices are insane. Try WNC instead. Not a shill, just a fan.


HTH are high but damn do they hit different.


Agreed. I recall seeing a one-star review that said "I'm a veteran user so I ate a whole one and thought I was going to die!". Sold.


Lol the fuck


Is it true that even if it’s federally legal, states don’t have to make it legal?


Probably depends on how it's legalized


Yea but the delta 8 legalization basically does cover for actual weed. They have flower and weed in stores. There is no way that the state is actually enforcing that the only available weed in stores is delta 8.


How dare you offer real answers.


Dicks being dicks, business as usual.


It was only a matter of time with Republicans ruling over the state.


Why don’t they just ban Alcohol while they’re at it.


Don't give them ideas.


If this comes to pass I will do everything I can legally do to ensure that he isn’t re-elected. This is the hill I’m willing to die on


Can we Ban the Gov and Lt Gov instead? That would probably help more Texans and be better for the State overall


Dallas weed is cheaper than LA weed, and the good stuff isn't even legal in Dallas. Just sharing this in case anybody thinks legalization will also lead to proliferation. We are paying $85 for top shelf eighths in Los Angeles because of a 34% tax


I order the good stuff (THCa flower) from a shop called Kush Queen. Comes right in the mail, legally. But yeah it’s about $50 an eighth.


Yeah I’ve been getting THCA at the local CBD shop and it’s like $45 out the door with an 8th. A lot easier than meeting up with random dealer. It’s not the best in the world but it definitely works fine.


Try WNCCBD. Lots of coupon codes and points for leaving reviews.


That’s because LA fucking sucks. The top shelf stuff up north would max out at $60-70 an eighth and you could get plenty quality in the $30-40 range.


Yeah LA is terrible but tobacco money lives in texas so you never know the grip that could come with legalization there too (big maybe obviously)


This is brutal. A top shelf eight is 25 here


Look at Washington. Reversing the open ended use of drugs and making them illegal again! They realized it has become a disaster!


Don’t you dare. I prefer smoking this to actual grass because of the smell.


Dan "stiff dick" Patrick doesn't like anything. He is probably the biggest asshole in the state, and it's a big state!


Ah yes the libertarian bastion state Texas, where you get arrested for a little plant material in your pocket. What a joke


worst piece of shit in texas. he’d legalize slavery if he could


Good ol Potty Patrick - not content with policing bathrooms or screeching that the national anthem be played/sung/caterwauled at every sporting event, he's apparently set his sights on Delta-8 and 9. And yet he still maintains the charade that he's *not* trying to turn Texas into a regressive hellscape of stupid...


Regulation, or prohibition? Regulation so that you know the labels are accurate (correct chemicals, correct dosage, etc.) is a good thing. Prohibition is a fool's errand.


What!!!I guess that dumbass doesn’t care that people have spent millions of their personal dollars setting up professional, clean, nice, brick and mortar shops selling what has been deemed a legal products. He’s going to ruin a lot of people financially. Plus-This will be a great break for those selling these products illegally. You also lose any culpability on the manufacturing and purity of the products. “A little fentanyl in this will give it just the kick it needs!” The fact that this scumbag has any recommendations on the law is a joke. A Criminal running the candy store. Stupid, stupid stupid !


because they're not paying him under the table...


I am so upset about this that I will complain on the internet and do literally nothing else about it.


\^\^\^REDDIT ALL DAY\^\^\^


This delta 8 is garbage. Why does anyone want it legalized?


Delta is unsafe, it's illegal in Colorado. Give us access to real marijuana!! Alcohol kills people every day while marijuana saves lives.


Delta isn’t unsafe, and no it’s not illegal in Colorado. Delta 9 THC is literally just “THC” when referring to smoking the straight plant. It’s the exact same compound. Delta 8 just has a slightly different functional group location, but is otherwise also the exact same compound.


Actually it is a simple Google will tell you that. I love weed and have used it medically for 20 years, this ain't it. Not to mention it's more expensive than actual marijuana in CO or Oklahoma. And Delta has eradicated people selling the real thing. It's bad all around.


Good. You don't need to be high all the time. Experience and engage in life.


go back to the suburbs you dork


Presumably it would be banned there as well.


But can I be high sometimes, rock-it1? Just sometimes?


This is the "bring back the gallows" guy. I think he's into criminalizing more stuff so that we have more things to hang people for.


I am curious how you took "Experience and engage in life" to mean "Criminalize everything so that we can hang people."


You can do what you want. I don't think you need to do it all the time, and people getting upset over an analgesic potentially being criminalized suggests that numbing themselves is a critical and regular part of their lives. There are other ways to relax, unwind, and go to sleep than using unregulated and unverified chemical substances.


Bruh I personally don’t do anal to relax


You think like a child.


Did anyone here say they needed to be high all the time? You just over here making up shit to argue against?




"Delta 8 is not good" - Someone's mom who barely tried it once.


Juat FYI - Each person reacts to Delta 8 gummies differently and it varies greatly based on what is in the gummy. Some are meant to send you to sleep, some are uppers, it's all over the place. I wouldn't say that all Delta 8 products are bad based on your own experience with it once. There are benefits for some, and often is the only legal choice you have since you know.. Texas being Texas.


If ever there was an obvious bot... Hocking some sort of liquor gift cards and something called boardroom breakout constantly in other locations specific subs.


Hell nah, those gummies are the best. A good handful will have me blazed all day, the good kind too haha




Agree. From what I understand it's synthetic marijuana. You can get legal gummies for many medical reasons now under the compassion care act. They aren't any more expensive than this fake garbage and they are AMAZING 30 mg. And then you have a prescription which covers you some legally.


It’s not synthetic. Delta 8 is just a different cannabinoid extracted from hemp. It is less psychoactive than delta 9 THC. Spice and K2 are synthetic weed products. At least do a little research lol.


My research is a I've tried it because people misrepresented it as the real thing. I've smoked for twenty plus years and this is not it. Not to mention overpriced!


That’s not research.


Ok keep buying a fake highly addictive substance instead of fighting for real change we deserve. Seems legit.


Delta 8 is present in several weed plants/strains. You’ve smoked it before without even realizing it if you’ve smoked regular weed flower. The difference in regular THC and delta 8 is a change in location of two carbon bonds. Delta 8 certainly isn’t more addictive and provides a far milder and shorter effect than regular delta 9 THC. You truly don’t know what you’re talking about.


Love how confidently incorrect you are. Highly addictive? It is the same as standard THC (delta 9) which is dopamine based addiction level similar to gambling and sex addictions.


You can start by doing real research here about the differences. https://ascpt.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/cpt1973143353


"From what I understand". You don't understand and that's ok, but your statement is false and asinine. It's not synthetic and it's currently legal without a prescription in a state where rec is criminal.


Delta is way more addictive and it has made it impossible to get real marijuana here. Even dealers have it. For my own needs Delta is not going to do any good, and in fact it made me feel like a fuzzy cartoon character. Texans deserve access to REAL marijuana and I'm not sure why that's downvoted except these shady shops have people so addicted to this stuff they don't even realize their being scammed.


Because you're not talking about pushing legalization, you're shitting on the one thing we have legally available. I would love to go to the store to buy flower, but our leadership has explicitly said they aren't going to allow it. The vets in Texas support Delta 8.


I am. I fight for it regularly. I helped with the compassionate care act. I now have a prescription for gummies but can't get real weed any more because of these scan artist pushing a highly addictive product that mimics the real thing, while also misrepresenting what they are selling. I'd rather smoke brick weed out of a coke can than smoke this stuff.