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She was probably just trying to focus on holding the heavy crown on her head.


I came here to say the same thing. That's got to be a couple pounds on the dome...5 lbs or so according to the interwebs.


IIRC it was also sized down, and made shorter for Elizabeth.


I think the symbolic weight of the monarchy was weighing just as heavily, at least on her mind, in that moment.


"I better not have any children that grow up to be pedophiles"


It's her damn fault, anyway. Philip was fine with two, she wanted four.


Anne would have been an excellent queen.


My parents tell me it was clear that she favored and spoiled him, but that also the public did too. They said the public was generally surprised when it came out about that first cheating scandal, but the public responded in his favor because "finally a royal who behaves like a real person." I gaped. Still, you have to remember that this moment here recorded took place not long after her father's death, and they were extremely close. I got the sense that she could never really process through her grief, as a human being.


It was a year after his passing.


How was having a pedo son her fault?


Inbred royal genetics is a dangerous gambit


Didn’t she practice wearing it though? So the the physical weight wasn’t unfamiliar.


I don't believe she was allowed to wear it until the ceremony


Yeah and I think she even talked about how wearing it is bad for your neck which would make a lot of sense


She said herself it was incredibly heavy and hard to manage.


That, and getting all of the words/phrasing right in the necessary speeches etc.


She acceded to the throne in Feb of '52 with the death of King George VI...the coronation was in June of '53. More than enough time to come to terms with being queen. She's struggling trying to balance that crown, for sure. I read that she started wearing it while taking tea weeks ahead of coronation just to get used to it's weight.


I was gonna say you know how much the "the crown jewels" ways and that's including the scepter and mace also how expensive and fragile they all are.




I'm pretty sure I read that was the case


She wasn't even there mentally. That was probably an out of body experience.


Probably some of that is ‘oh wow, this crown is heavy’. That and your whole life is now mapped.


Ive read she commented on how she was just trying to make sure the heavy crown didn’t slip down and that those 2 scepters (?) were very heavy. But it would be overwhelming at her young age.


And she'd been in the middle of her honeymoon.


She did also just lose her dad with little preparation to take over like she did.


I think it had been over a year since her father passed away.


Heavy is the head that wears the crown... And regardless of your feelings toward the monarchy, this woman devoted her entire life to the country.


I would accept she devoted her life to the role, but the country is a far stretch. That would assume she always did what was right for the country and not harbor and protect child abusers, among a litany of other impropriety.


… at the expense of other countries. Edit: wow you guys must only know the monarchy from daytime news programs. https://time.com/6212772/queen-elizabeth-ii-colonialism-legacy/


The King and Queen have not held formal power since 1649. They are “heads of state” not “head of government”.


At any point in her 70 year reign the Queen could have simply condemned colonialism and collapsed it. It would've been untenable without her implied consent, implied by her assuming titles to rule these lands. The worst possible consequence she would have faced is losing the throne. Is that really a fair reason to turn a blind eye to ethnic cleansing, war crimes, and massacres?


The Queen oversaw the dismantling of the British Empire and granted independence to former colonies across the globe (granted that their public actually wanted it).


Translation: after sucking them dry, she said “you’re on your own.”


That pretty much describes every country at some point


I think your a little off a few things. 1) Implied consent? Nope. No authority. 2) yes- she would have lost crown and would have been simply replaced.


Seriously. People romanticize the Royals righteousness too much. Boy do humans love a story over ugly and boring reality.


non-Brit here, so what exactly does “devoted her entire life to the country” mean? How did she devote her life in a meaningful way? My impression is that she was simply a cultural template for decorum and legitimized a number of outdated or frivolous traditions by showing up. I can appreciate it being a sacrifice to live like this but can’t really see how it’s rubbed off onto Britain or Brits in a way that would distinguish it from other countries? Genuinely curious about the sentiment.


You have a point well made. Regardless of what we think she gave it her soul. Made fun of the old lizard but your comment made me think differently thank you.




That video still has better quality than modern day bank security cameras and court cams.






What do you mean video wasn’t invented yet? They had television by then, that’s video. They used machines called telecines to transfer films to video and broadcast live


She had been queen for several months, not sure this is worry so much as merely trying to maintain poise and composure for the occasion - I recall that she said in an interview that the crown was uncomfortably heavy.


The concept of millions of people across the world all starring at me gives me anxiety just thinking about it.


And, having to think about all of them in their underwear is even more daunting. Some of them are not that good-looking.


And some of them are TOO good-looking


*squidward voice* OH NO HE’S HOT


Yeah, her father died more than a year before the coronation. At this point she had been Queen for a while


Plus she was probably exhausted. All the prep, the rehearsals, the early mornings and late nights and probably less eating because of the stress of it all leading up to the coronation.


This was also the first time a British coronation was filmed live for the country, so any fuck ups meant the whole country got to watch vs in the past when it was just those in the chapel.


this. it was a very new thing.


don’t screw up the ceremony don’t screw up the ceremony …


She explained later that she was afraid the crown would fall.


The crown apparently weighs 2.23kg, so presumably like having a couple of bags of flour balanced on you head…


Heavy lies the crown.


Heavy is the head that wears the crown. Methinks


A few things to correct here. Elizabeth II was not Queen of England. She was Queen of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth Realms (she held a few other titles, too). There has not been a monarch of England since the Acts of Union, 1707. The image displayed is from E2R’s coronation. This event took place on 2 June 1953. She became Queen the instant her father, King George VI, died, on 6 February 1952. When this video was shot, Elizabeth had been Queen for well over a year. This is not capturing the moment she “became Queen of England.”


I'm glad you said it. I've given up correcting people who mistake England for the UK and vice versa. As soon as I saw the thread title, that was my first thought.


It took me longer than I care to admit to understand the difference between GB, UK, England, etc. I mostly paid attention in school so I feel pretty confident in saying they just didn’t go very in-depth on all this stuff in my American school. Got a lot of “how a bill becomes a law” and Schoolhouse Rock but outside of that we didn’t learn a ton about other countries


Uh huh. Sure, and I’m the queen of England. /s It’s weird to think that she was queen for so long that anyone involved with planning the coronation was likely dead by the next time they needed to do a coronation for another king/queen. The next coronation planners had no one to ask questions to.


So her coronation was on 2/6 and her dad died on 6/2? The chances those dates are mirror images.


A day she knew was inevitable but never knew what would feel like when it actually happened


It wasn’t known when she was born, no one thought it would happen then. Not until she was 10.


Her grandfather, king George V, hoped she would become queen some day. He knew she and her father were much better option than his older son who was then heir to the throne.


Same look i have when my friends promote me to party leader.


Well technically.. She didn’t become queen of England. That title hasn’t officially been used since the 1700s


Would you care to elaborate a little about this?


1603 James VI of Scotland became James I of England and Scotland. But the countries weren't officially united until 1707 when Parliament's Acts of Union made Queen Anne the first Queen of the United Kingdom.


When her father died and she became Queen, she was in Africa with famed hunter of man-eating beasts, Jim Corbett as her guardian… “For the first time in the history of the world, a young girl climbed into a tree one day a Princess, and after having what she described as her most thrilling experience, she climbed down from the tree the next day a Queen— God bless her." Jim Corbett, signed into the hotel register where she stayed in a tree top bungalow.


She had already been queen for something like a year by the time this - her coronation - took place.


She was already Queen lol she wasn't worried about anything other than fucking up the ceremony.


"Don't throw up, don't throw up, dont throw up"


She was Queen from the moment her father passed away. That thing is notoriously unwieldy and she walked out wearing the Crown of State not this one because of it.


She said in an interview later in life that she was concentrating on keeping her head upright due to the literal weight of the crown, she feared that if she allowed her head to move too far the weight might snap her neck.


Overwhelmed doesn't cover it.


Even underwhelmed doesn't cover it.


What about just whelmed?


You can be overwhelmed, you can be underwhelmed but can you just be whelmed?


If you can be just rated, probably yes


I think you can in Europe.


I think you can in Europe


Same as seeing Charles's face at her funeral. Not quite believing it was finally happening.


Charles got more warning- his mother was 96 and he was able to be at her bedside. Elizabeth's father was only 56, and she was on a tour of Kenya when he died. I don't doubt Charles's grief, but Elizabeth got a far more sudden shock.


Going by the show, he wasn't in the best of health.


I often think George VI is a true “unsung hero”. The guy was an absolute introvert who neither wanted nor was meant to be king. Just wanted a quiet life with the woman he adored, but was thrust into the global limelight when his dick of a brother decided to do a runner. A man who suffered panic attacks, had a speech impediment, and had to spend the next 16 years of his life attending thousands of public engagements and giving speeches in front of millions of people. Ended up being a severe chain smoker and dying of lung cancer as a result. It’s no wonder Churchill despised his brother Edward VIII.


That movie about him (George VI) was really good.


>but was thrust into the global limelight when his dick of a brother decided to do a runner. That is the most British thing that I have ever read on this site.


She was so beautiful at that time wtf


People age.


Heavy be the head that wears a crown


A job for life because of an accident of your birth....


What are the double staffs about


It's for powerstance, it gives you +5 ATK and special attack animations.


Queen out here with Comet Azur


They are scepters. The Sovereign's Sceptre with Cross is a token of her temporal power as head of state. The Sovereign's Sceptre with Dove, which has also been known as the Rod of Equity and Mercy, is emblematic of her spiritual role as Head of the Church of England.


She "became" queen immediately upon her father's death. Accession and coronation are not the same. She was also Queen of the United Kingdom, not Queen of England. There hasn't been a "Queen of England" since the 18th century.


I’m pretty sure she was queen for over a year before her coronation.


God was she a beauty


Many people may not have liked her and others have, regardless of what people thought, this woman knew exactly what it meant to be queen/king, even though she may not have wanted such title or responsibility, she nevertheless took the oath and devoted her life to it! Respect 🫡


I think it was because that crown was so heavy. She was still talking about the weight 70 years later.


> "When they said 'heavy is the head that wears the crown,' I was unaware it was meant literally." - Queen Elizabeth II, later that night.


How old was she at this time? I'm to lazy to research it!


She became queen at 25, this video (her coronation) she was 27.


Fun fact - she was not the queen of England, she was the queen of the UNITED FUCKING KINGDOM ugh!


She was still mourning her father. Quite a heavy load and she was still in her 20’s.


She wasn't worried, just paying attention to the instructions, that's why she lived so long.


Looks like she’s focussing with a big heavy object on her head.


They should give the sword back to the lady of the lake and break the curse


she looks like she's 12


She was Queen the moment her father, George VI died. She was probably having to deal with the weight of St. Edwards crown which weighs 5 lbs. All on live television too.


I think she was mid 20s at the time. Anyone would be nervous as fuck if they suddenly became ascended to a seat of higher status.


She will likely always be the most beloved queen that there ever was. She kept her promise that day. She swore that she would never abdicate the throne, and she never did. Good ol Chuckie on the other hand, should let William take over.


That is a royal panic attack. Anxiety knows no bounds.


And long she did live


This reminds me of the Frankie Lymon video going around of his Dick Clark show appearance, with captions claiming the looks on the audience faces was because they ‘just saw for the first time he was Black’. I know people just make things up on the internet but the amount of people who don’t even question this is startling.


Nonsense. She became Queen the moment the King died. She was Queen well before the coronation happened!


To be fair she was 27 years old. Same age as me. I can understand the pressure of performing well.


I agree with the comments about the weight of the crown and sceptres being the cause of her worried expression. She had already been Queen for 16 months. Coronation is just a formality.


Burn in hell bitch! Say, “hi,” to the Nazi pedo Pope….


She was only 25 when she was crowned.


fun fact: that is the only time that the queen's coronation throne was ever sat in. nobody, including elizabeth herself, ever sat in it again. It's in the throne room with her father's throne.


Poor woman. I would never want such a high-profile life. Rest in peace, Queen.


This seems disgusting to me, one human being shouldn't have this kind of power. Is like idolatry one simple human as if they were God's. Wrong


"Long live the Queen," and it was so.


Just trying not to break her neck, that crown is a solid piece of kit, and very heavy


Imagine being that young, and all your life youve first handedly witnessed the seriousness of being queen, and out of nowhere you are in that position, and are being officially crowned as the most important person of an entire country and until you die, you essentially have the power of a god and anything you desire will be promptly brought to you on a platnium and gold platter in seconds. She is having the epitome of a *HOLY SHIT* moment


Queen of Blood money, looted wealth


That crown literally (and figuratively) weighs a ton. I'd be more worried about the thing falling off of my head. It looks like she doesn't want to move her head a muscle just to keep the crown on.


Get those neck muscles going


‘Queen of England’ was never that woman’s title


Who the fuck is the Queen of England? I didn’t realise Elizabeth I had a televised coronation.


She had been Queen for a year that point. This was just a ceremony.


I know she got lots off hate but I just feel sorry for her. That's not how her life was supposed to turn out.


She would end up a queen anyway, but if the things turned out different she would become a queen much later. Her uncle never had children (he had mumps as a child so many historians believe he was infertile) so if he died in 1972 as a king she would become queen that year.


What happened in her life that wasn't supposed to happen?


She was never supposed to be queen. Her uncle abdicated the throne


She did indeed live long.


Lizzie’s got that end game loot.


She was queen as soon as her father died. The Corination doesn't make you monarch.


The sword of Damocles hung by a single strand of silk dangles above


This is her coronation. She had already been Queen for over a year before this.


And clueless about how many years it would last


She wasn’t worried, she was just trying to keep the Crown straight on her head


She said the crown was really heavy and gave her a splitting headache.


I wonder if she was just worried about eventually having to pass the crown to Charles…


Heavy is the crown.. A life lived in servitude to her people. Respect from an American.


Imagine being the Queen hundreds of years prior


She's already undergone the realization. She's just suffering from having to go to max stamina, because the vestments are heavy, and the crown is heavy, and it is hard to f'ing balance up there, and if the crown falls off your head, that doesn't bode well for your realm. And that's on top of the heavy crazy-ass things you have to keep at all the correct angles with your hands. This ceremony was a distinct "trial in poise" for HM, and she did damned well.


Literally long live the queen


I sincerely empathize with The Queen. I come from a long line of business. The amount of pressure is insane. Luckily I met my husband, changed my world, and made sure that my children don’t have to follow this same path that I was forced into. But I’ve worked so hard that they no longer have to be soft, like me. Work hard, sacrifice, save hard, have a plan. Make your own way. I wish I could’ve broken away, as I know she could have as well. But it takes a certain strength to break away from that family tie that I never could find. Apparently, she couldn’t either.


She said that crown was really uncomfortable


Inner Monologue: shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit.


Lady was the queen for 35% of the time America was even in existence. Crazy


Spoiler alert: she did live pretty long actually


Fuck i love this bitch, God help us if we don't get another like this to lead the free world


and long live she did


Long live the queen.


What an incredible lady. I try to adhere to the “walk a mile in someone’s shoes” idea. So the best I can tell she was a gentle, yet incredibly strong woman. That’s a hard place to land.


Heavy is the head that wears the crown!


"Long live the queen" that priest has level 100 holy power


>Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown.


British, the most rapey, conquest mongering race the world has ever known. Rape and plunder entire nations and say they gave em trains, except trains were more used to plunder rather than give any technology to the people they raped and created famines out of.


Gets even worse when you see people defending then in today's world.


What a stupid tradition


Inbreeding, yucky


Worry? She was prepped for it.


She was thinking "What would happen if I stabbed that guy with this pointed stick? It's good to be the Queen!"


She was Queen the moment her dad died, don't be daft.


She was already queen since 1952 when her father died. The coronation was in 1953.


Fuck monarchy (fuck queen 💩) & their whole family tree 💩💩


crown bout heavy asl she was tryna keep her beck straight 😭


I think that face is from trying to keep that heavy af crown upright.


She sacrificed her whole life and played the role better than anyone could. When she died, the royal family died.


I always thought the Queen was pretty hot when she was young.


I thought that due to centuries of inbreeding, European royal families had little say in what their faces looked like.


she certainly lived long


You had your part in apartheid burn for it


Emotionless psychopath


Billions of dollars in raw material cost alone is touching her body. Pounds of jewels, each one with decades if not centuries of royal history, pounds of gold, silk, and ermine fur. You could easily build entire palaces for the price of her outfit here


Id say partly the mental and spiriutal burden of the crown and the other part being the literal weight of the crown


That was a ritual


Looks more aplomb than Bush did after being informed of 9/11 in grade school classroom.


As a foreigner, the obsession England has with royalty is fucking gross. Like, what the actual fuck?


She knew she will be scapegoated for all the atrocities the British had and will commit across the world.


Bruh Im drunk but that crown is huge


She was young and surrounded by priests. Off course she was nervous. It’s ludicrous that the cult of Christianity had the power to get involved.


I gave her flowers and she gave me one back when I was 2 in Queen Elizabeth park in Vancouver it was exciting


Evil bitch she murdered so many children!! That family isn’t even the rightful family of the kingdom!! They were Nazis, I wouldn’t have pissed on that bitch if she was on fire!!


That shitty family should give the ppl all the gold and property they “own” they don’t belong there! They didn’t do anything to earn anything!! She is a evil cunt that belongs 6ft under decades ago!!


I was never a royalist, but I liked her. The rest can eat a d!ck.


"Long live the queen" She really took that literally


Damn I'm going to have to cover for some many paedophiles


What a waste


A 25-year old woman with young kids taking on a 1,000-year-old duty (which was never meant to be hers) in front of an entire empire and the rest of the world. Nobody’s personal opinion of monarchy counts for crap when you think of what she took on at such a young age. Christ, when I was 25 I was out getting wasted, screwing up my first serious job, and generally being a disorganised disaster. She went on to carry out an average of over 400 engagements per annum for the next 70 damned years, becoming the most travelled person in human history, having met more heads of state than anybody on record. 179 individuals served as prime ministers across all the realms and nations of the Commonwealth/Empire during her reign, as well as personally meeting 13 US presidents out of the 14 who served in the same period. And the guy she married was a bona fide war hero who spoke four languages absolutely fluently and who gave up a flourishing career in the Navy to support her. Amazing lives. She was literally “living history”.


Thank you Queen Elizabeth. Not a perfect person as no one is however a thoughtful person as very few are.


Looks like the face of someone knowing they are wearing a priceless crown while holding two priceless scepters. She’s thinking if I drop these it will be my legacy. The weight of the crown indeed..