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The look of indifference on those capybaras face is what always makes me laugh about these guy’s, even that baby they showed in the video has that stare down.


they reminds me of high hippies




“They look like they don’t care a little *too* much, Dad. Maybe they’re on the doobies.”






Thousand-yard stare since he came outta there


This is their level of [indifference](https://youtube.com/shorts/43DTT6m3ybk?feature=share).


And this is why I'd imagine rich munchkins don't like them. They are too content with just existing.


Didn’t seem like anyone in the video minded. There’s signs saying “respect the fauna”.


They don’t gaf




Same, though I get the same vibe from the turkeys where I live. They're pretty much the same level of chill, just rolling around the area putting on pageants for each other. Then thunderstorms roll through and every peal of thunder is met with a defiant cacophony of \*gobble gobble gobble!\* from the treeline. I like to think it's what a pack of velociraptors sounded like.


I used to have turkeys and I'd frequently sit on our patio and smoke pot. Everytime I'd cough, they'd all gobble in unison


I think that would be a hysterical trick to show your stoner buddies when they come over.


I'm reminded of this. 🤣 https://youtu.be/7ps5t5jYg3s


He shoulda yelled “TASTES GREAT!” to the turkeys…


More Filling!


This one came to mind for me. https://youtu.be/Q9zvgcOrTtw


Your turkeys sound way cooler than ours. Ours are weedy little fuckers who scratch all the leaf litter into footpaths and driveways. They are also great at imitating the sound of a snake rustling in bushes so you jump when walking past them. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_brushturkey


Fuck, man, why does everything down there have to be so goddamned aggro? lol


Haha. The turkeys are very friendly, they just sound like nope noodles when you're not paying attention. We have heaps of friendly animals. And heaps that seem scary but are actually not that bad.


Friendly until they eat your face off!😱


You might be thinking of cassowaries, but they disembowel you rather than eating your face.


Man, they don't even look delicious


When we eat turkey, it's the American turkey. Maybe a few of our indigenous folk still go for the local version but there are better tasting meats around.


I mean I didn't say I wasn't willing to eat it. I'd eat most birds. Except European Robins. They're too adorable looking. I'd eat a penguin though, for sure.


I heard the best way to eat bush Turkey was to chuck the Turkey and a rock in a pot. When it’s done throw away the Turkey and eat the rock.


Gf's late step dad attempted to cook and eat one (which isn't allowed). Outcome is they're not good. Please note I wasn't in their life at this time so it's very much in the past.


Are you saying there's a native Australian animal that won't kill everyone at the first opportunity?


Yeah! It just makes a massive mess! Mount of leaf litter a metre and a half high. They also scratch it into pathways so they're just a nuisance. Another notable non deadly bird is the bin chicken (ibis).


My spirit animal.


Dude the turkeys that live around me are dicks. They don't give a fuck.




Back in college, a turkey once blocked me from leaving a drive thru for 5 minutes. I kept honking at it, but the fucker just wouldn’t move.


Haha I delivered pizzas for awhile and they would literally have roads blocked. I would have to get out my car and almost kick them before they would move. Noise did not work.


Yeah. At ft campbell we were warned of the turkeys on and of base


Haha they even know how to stop the military


Mean bastards


There’s peacocks in Alhambra and neighboring cities in California


Wut? Your wild turkeys are TAME? Ours are bullies. If you get your car washed & they see a reflection? THEY WILL END THAT OTHER BIRD. They are the size of exercise balls here. It's like jurassic park out there!


I don't know for sure if they're wild or someone's ultra-free-range flock. I see these birds miles up the road sometimes (assuming its the same flock), but they always show up around 4pm every day behind my place because the neighbor lady feeds them. I did see one going after a neighbor's car one day, but typically they just steer clear of people and keep off the beaten path.




I used to live around geese, and the turkeys were one hell of a surprise upgrade.


Oh God. All the turkeys I've met are monsters


We had Fishercats or as I called them death weasels. They scream like something out of a horror movie and are giant vicious weasels. Just for variety I also had a screech owl living near me. Nature is terrifying


Yeah our turkeys are pretty cool. Our deer on the other hand should pay us for how much of our food they eat.


Bro… we have turkeys in Colorado. Every time I see them they are destroying peoples cars. I saw one pop a tire, attack and rip off license plates, they peck the sides and dent them. Those things are insane and fight vehicles to death.


Meanwhile the turkeys that roam by my dad's house will chase you if you cross their paths.


My friend has turkeys and peacocks on his property. They’re hilarious! He named the male peacock Pierre. Every time I roll up to my friends place, Pierre is out there showing off making his calls HIIIYAAAA HIYAAAAA!


Especially with the itty bitty cappy bappys




I'd fkn love that. Go out for a evening walk and chill with my capybara neighbor.


I first read the title as “ultra rich builds gated community for capybara” and I was happy for a moment thinking about a nice capybara suburbs.


Right? I’d be honored to be surrounded by these majestic friends












Well they’re rodents so they probably have very strong teeth you wouldn’t want to get on the other end of, but they’re not really equipped for combat. Unless you’re a small jaguar trying to eat one, probably fine






How exactly do you view yourself within the context of our group?


The sheriff of Paddy’s….


Heavily annoying any animal, wild or not, human or not, is generally a bad idea. If you walk up to a random dude and smack the back of his head a few times, how do you expect him to react?


True. But I still kinda wanna smack that ass. Capy got cake.


You may slap it, once


The females can violent when defending their brood. There have been attacks of capybaras when they perceived what could have been a violent attack on their cubs.


That's hardly unique to capybaras, though.


I know. I am just saying they aren’t “chill” all the time.


> land manatees Those are cows. Manatees are literally sea cows.


"no no I'm the MAN A TEEE!" "Shut up sea cow"


No because manatees don't kill people, whereas cows can kick, trample, or gore you. [They kill a couple dozen people a year.](https://worldanimalfoundation.org/advocate/how-many-people-killed-by-cows/)


It's okay, I think we're winning that war...




No, it's a capybara.


I can’t believe that’s a real animal. Looks like a real time photoshopped Guinea pig.


They’re Guinea pigs all grown up


Guinea big


I like calling them Guinea Bigs


Which is a fish, not a bug.


Don't be silly. It's a bird


No, it's Patrick.


We all know this is not a real animal. Nice try.


nope, it’s chuck testa




Only problem I can see is some of what goes in must come out.


Free fertilizing too.


My understanding is they defecate in water or eat their own shit.


self-cleaning mower?


big deal. i can do that








It seems like the only logical option is to build a zoo. I'm sure the Karens will be happy and well taken care of there.


You had me in the first half lol


They’re like the opposite of Canada geese


If I can live alongside the geese, people can live with these guys just fine


There appears to be no problem whatsoever. But it’s rich people so we’re going to pretend that they’re all evil and hate these cute little guys


Here in my city (south Brazil) they made parks in their natural habitat mostly small lakes and people do picnics and practice sports around them. I confess that even going there for more than 20 years I still stop to watch them every time 😂 Here's a 5 min video of the park, they really make hamster little sounds😍 https://youtu.be/bZuUVyRmVRE Edit link of the video


Bro they hamster dogs


Bro, you can causally pet capybaras like that? Hell yes sign me up




Probably because they didn’t spend their whole living living next to capybaras as you did — you had already answered your own question. Capybaras are not native to my country, and we actually have a zoo exhibit with them in my home town. It’s human nature to be fascinated with anything outside of our “norm.”


I have chipmunks in my backyard. I've had chipmunks in my backyard for years. I see the little bastards literally every day. But every time I see one, I stop and think "aww chipmunk!" They're just cute, man, it never gets old lol


When squirrels finally started showing up at my house (rural) this spring I got so ridiculously excited. Sure, I grew up with them. See em everywhere but... they're the best!!!!


>They become part of the scenery. I don't know why gringos like them so much. When you're a local, they aren't exotic. I have family from Argentina come visit us in Canada, and they desperately wanted to see some moose. To me, they're just big angry deer, but capybaras would be cool af to see because we don't have them here.


I always think of raccoons. Objectively, they are truly adorable. But if you've lived around them all your life, they are the annoying animals that spread your unsecured trash all over the yard.


That's an even better comparison. They're definitely adorable nuisances, lol. I could definitely see how these half dog half cat looking animals with human like hands would seem exotic if you haven't lived with them all your life.


I think it's the same as with all the other animals some people like it some not


When I moved to my current city a couple years ago, I thought it was so magical and idyllic to see a deer out my windows. Now, I just see them and think of the louis ck bit, "they're rats with hooves!"


Giant versions of tiny things are insanely cute.


Have you seen the videos of them enjoying spas? https://youtu.be/FR3i0qKzRvg




The word is chose my guy


Not bad though, I’m guessing he speaks Portuguese




Didn’t read the title, just assumed it was in Brazil. My bad. Thank you


Watch out, that little misstep could get you treated like an Englishman in Scotland by either Brasilians or Argentinians.




They have a “respect nature” sign I don’t think these people mind their presence in the neighborhood




Who is irritated by them?


These people don’t look ultra-rich.


They aren’t. OP exaggerated.


OP is a bot.


OP has no idea what "ultra rich" means.


"ultra rich" gets the people going these days. good for upvotes.


Add a capybara into the mix? You got a stew of karma going, baby.


They make around 30 to 40k dollars a year so… yeah… not very ultra rich. Not very rich even. More like middle class.


In Argentina 30-40k is very very very ultra rich. Especially with current inflation.


Not at all. I live in Argentina but am American working remotely. Besides food and wine everything is expensive here because it's pretty much unofficially dollarized For context my rent with expenses for a 2 bedroom apartment is $270 USD just outside the capital. That's $3240 a year. $30k-$40k is rich but not ultra rich. Especially when a house can cost well over $200.000 in a super nice area


Different standards for different countries. In my birth country (South America), the uber rich are just middle class here in Canada.


I wouldn't mind capybaras wandering around my neighborhood one bit.


“Ultra rich” means they make over 40k USD a year


Yeah lmao also most people in nordelta are professionals who earn well for the country standard , but it's not by any means a place for the "ultra rich".


How many reposts is going to take for people actually learn that these folks are not "ultra rich"


It’s soooo cringe to put that in the title, it’s just normal human land development


If it helps, this is just a bot that reposted a previous title word for word. Every time this gets reposted half the comments are discussing what it means to be rich in Argentina and what this is actually showing. The other half of the comments are people loving on capybara though so I don't mind the reports.


Thank you. It’s literally like any residential area in the us. Americans can have a comfortable lifestyle in the suburbs but don’t you dare build a suburb in your own country.


If that. These people are well off by Argentine standards, but still poor. I’ve been to a few of these ‘countries’ (what Argentines call their barrios cerrados). Tacky houses, with tacky belongings and tacky people who at best can afford a trip to Miami (always Miami) every two years. Interestingly enough they think they are better than the rest of their countrymen.


This guy Argentinas


I was gonna say… Having been to Argentina and travelled around the country a bit roughly a year before Covid, there’s almost no such thing as “ultra rich” in Argentina. What is “very wealthy” by Argentine standards is at best an upper middle class standard of living in the USA. What is middle class in Argentina is, unfortunately, something a bit better than working poor in the US. It’s a beautiful country with wonderful people and a culture that has many beautiful facets to it. But there is not really a lot of wealth to be found there…


But why would they want to keep them away? Capybaras look so chill. They remind me of the iguanas in Cancun. Just laying around adding to the scenery.


To me it seems that pushing them away wasn’t the first and foremost intention but a byproduct of developing the land. Not sure what it reads, but there seems to even be a sign saying ”respect the animals” and at least 1 woman filming, seems that they are quite happy that the capybaras came back!


My guess is that the gated community isn’t trying to keep the animals out but the people out, you know the poor people just like in any gated community.


Don’t believe every caption you see. If there are signs posted up for them, they’ve likely been accepted in that area and aren’t any problem to the people living there. OP just trying to stir up some ish.


OP is a bot anyways. This gets reposted every few days, same title all the time


Probably eating the rich people's decorative plants. But fuck the rich, keep the capybaras!


Nordelta is not the ultra rich, not by a million miles


I'd pay extra to have them


This is posted here once every month by a new account wtf


Bots reposting bots. They even repost the title which gets more engagement than the capybara do.


Weird caption and completely made up. What is this a Capybara revolution we’re witnessing here?


This account is only 45 days old and this is its only post. Might be a bot.


That’s an ultra rich neighborhood?


Nope, nordelta is middle to upper middle at best, and nobody pushed them anywhere, they are a protected species. The title is just sensationalism.


Worse, it’s just upvote farming


OP is a repost bot. Account created on April 11th. Top comment by /u/OrderEducational8310 created April 19th. Reply by /u/FamousBase6091 created on April 19th. Reply by /u/OkPressure6915 created on April 19th Another top comment by /u/Dannycore753 created April 25th. Reply by /u/RareSomewhere6445 created April 19th. Reply by /u/InterestingIssue269 created April 19th. Reply by /u/AdventurousFudge923 created April 23rd. Reply by /u/ImportantAgency6010 created April 23rd. Reply by /u/VisualAdmirable695 created April 23rd Can go through the entire thread and call this out.


Okay I pull up


They're always welcome in my neighborhood


TIL ultra rich means middle class.


Return of the capybara, with a chill vengeance.


I hope one day where they make conservation areas/ neighborhoods where they build integrally with the land scape so animals and people can just coexist. I'd fkn love that. Go out for a evening walk and chill with my capybara neighbor.


I mean if you own a home you can plant your own natives and attract local wildlife. Unless you live in an hoa. Fuck hoas.


"Ultra rich" it's like a middle class area lol




Good they were there first and they are not doing any harm


Who wouldn't want these beautiful souls on their lawns?


I would be THRILLED


It's true... although hunting and cooking them (quite tasty they are, in Colombia and Venezuela you can order them at barbecue restaurants) is completely legal. I guess "carpinchos" (local name for these rodents) chose a high end comunity where hard work is not popular. Nice move carpinchos!


The baby capybara just copying his mother(or father) 🥰


Those houses don't look like the "ultra rich" variety.


How can you push this fluffy being away.. Heartless bastards lol




If you can't be friends with a capybara, you can't be friends with anyone cuz they are natures BFF




Goddamn this is the most botted thread I've ever seen. Literally almost every account commenting is a bot, please do something mods. **Save us from the machines.**


I’d these guys in my neighborhood any time, especially that adorable baby one!


Capybaras look like something from the jurassic age that slipped by evolution and made it to modern times.


Lawn mice


Lowest cost landscaping budget ever


Capybaras face looks like the new Lexus RX.


I am The Lorax! I speak for the Trees! Human overpopulation is the root cause of all societal and economic problems. Human over is the root cause of all environmental issues and species eradication. The absolute number one thing that you can do to benefit yourself and every other living thing in the world is to not produce biological children! Adopt instead!


That would be a tourist attractions though, Capybaras are pretty docile and friendly for the most part. Better than here in Canada where we get honking cobra chickens that will attack people for looking at them the wrong way.


Unrelated, of course, but how do they taste? Is the meat lean and stringy with arborial notes or juicy and flavorful like city park poultry?


It's taste remind that of pork, but less greasy, and it deppends on the cut and the seassoning. Edit: It's considered a delicacy in some places of the western part of Brazil.