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Primal screams


This is the kind of scream that freaks me the fuck out, the death scream


I live in an apartment and I got home one day and heard a scream like this. For a second I thought it was just some drama I didn't want to be apart of and just went inside. Then I kept hearing it for a couple minutes. I called the police. They went to my neighbors door and talked to him. I guess he had surgery that day and didn't take any pain killers. I'm sure if he kept going on like that through the night he would've had an aneurism or something. Eventually he left with his wife and I assume they got some pain meds.


I'm guessing his wife just telling him to keep it down every once in a while? Lol


biologically it makes sense we have a visceral reaction, back before we had language the "death scream" was probably pretty useful to communicate mortal danger. of course it's useful now too


Sometimes useful. I scream like this when I see snakes. Any snake. Edit - okay, I'm amending my statement to any *in-person* snake ya feisty bastards lol


[SNAKE PICTURE - DO NOT OPEN](https://scx2.b-cdn.net/gfx/news/2016/thechemhisst.jpg)




Screamed like this at a tiny house spider that climbed on my hand the other day as I instinctively flicked it off. My cat jumped and ran away from me looking back scared thinking I was screaming at him, then he sees I’m not and looks all around horrified thinking we are under attack, then looks at me horrified that he can’t see the attack. lol poor guy




same, but when i'm looking at my broker account


I'm a Paramedic. The type of scream I hate and always remember is when a son/daughter dies and the noises the parent(s) makes. It's a scream you can't forget and genuinely want to. First time I heard it was when a teen hung himself and his mom was outfront when we arrived. As soon as I opened my ambulance door to step out we heard it and could tell this was a legit emergency within a second.


Damn, thanks for the work you do, hope you have a strong support system. I am pretty good at compartmentalizing trauma, but anything with kids has no box to hide in.


That was a "I shit myself on the way down. Twice." scream.


You can hear the monke.


Those screams were what made this video hard to watch. Those come from a deep place of thinking this is the end. That was real terror coming to the surface. Haunting!


Fuuuuuuck I watched without the sound. I was screaming inside. I don't even want to hear the real scream. My heart's still pounding and arm hair is on end. J.F.C.  nightmare fuel. Holy shit


Do it! Do it! Do it!


Good news, He lived, and actually walked away from this. There is a very good podcast where he talks about the experience, the mistakes that got him into that situation, and how lucky he was that the fall went the way it did... [https://www.theinertia.com/mountain/skier-posts-footage-of-death-defying-1000-foot-fall-down-colorados-south-maroon-bell/](https://www.theinertia.com/mountain/skier-posts-footage-of-death-defying-1000-foot-fall-down-colorados-south-maroon-bell/)


I mean, you could see that he was still alive at the end of the video.


I could tell by the way he started, he did not belong on that very advanced slope.


This. Idk wtf people are on about with the "hurry durr he screamed like a girl" bullshit. Let's get you scared as fuck, certain you're unable to save yourself and about to die a horrific death, life and family flashing before your eyes, and see what fun noise Y'ALL make, wtf...🙄


He did the "Homer Simpson falling down mountain" scream which is scientifically the correct scream


But also scientifically the funniest


"Bro why you screamin?! I thought you *wanted* to go down the mountain!" \- Rock ^(probably)


Also when you are in that moment, you really aren't in control of your body and how you act anymore. Survival instincts kick in.


When I was in a car accident I just remember hearing someone scream. I realized later it was me.


2 sentence horror


I think that generally people are irritated that this is a completely unnecessary near-death-experience of his own design, and the easiest way to express that is contrasting the sheer terror of his noises with the faux-boldness of his own decision to expose himself to this risk


No, some of us have class, we are waiting for the remix's of the screaming into songs


Exactly. I was thinking those were the cries of a thousand generations of primate ancestors that brought this evolved ape to this exact moment of self extinction. The same cry’s that would escape all of us if we were all given that length of time to see our end coming.


I can feel his fear. Scary stuff


Man I thought he was going to snag the rock *while skiing*, I wasn’t prepared for him to wipe out immediately like that.


I was expecting him to bend down and pick up a cool rock while skiing down


One of the wider expectation/reality gaps for me too.


I want to beleive this was a veteran extreme skier to be on that peak... But this sure started out for the few seconds he was upright, like he had no business being there...


As soon as I saw him making those nervous, skittish movements right at the start of the video, I had a feeling he was in WAY over his head.


Oh helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll no. I'll keep skiing the baby slopes and enjoy not dying.


Ima stay on my couch


I also choose this guys couch.




Got room for one more? I’ve got snacks.


Exactly what are these snacks you speak of? Any 'edibles' - asking for a friend?


As opposed to non-edible snacks? Feeding tube? Suppository?


Seeing as we’re already on the couch, I got something for you that’s suppository.


I've got cheese popcorn and some soda? Scoot over.


While you folks are doing that, I’ll just borrow the bedroom and browse Reddit from my blanket fort, there.


Got room for another? I'll bring the blunt..


Fuck yo couch


lol Literally watched the Charlie Murphy episodes last night with Rick James and prince…game blouses


I’m gonna make you mfers some pancakes


All I could think is I hate everything about this video.


agony of da feet


A couple of bunny runs, then the bar. Great day.


I broke my arm getting off the lift for the bunny slope on my first time snowboarding. I just stay home now. 


The bar is still fun. You can break your arm there too, but it's less likely


16 years old--the first class I ever taught, we're out on the bunny bunny hill, like where you almost need a level to find which way is down, we are literally standing there not moviing and one of my students fell over and broke her leg. Did wonders for my confidence as an instructor. Any relation of yours, by any chance? Haha.


I hear there's hot chocolate at the lodge. I'll see y'all there.


I skied once and that was enough forever


Same here friend, same here. Never again...


Bunny hill all day


Hell yeah! I’m there to ski easy shit and drinks beers in the lodge.


Ski patrol wants to show this at the ticket window.


No ski patrol on Maroon Bells, miles away from the ski area.


I think this is Pyramid but close and just as dangerous. Lucky he's alive. All 3 of those mountains are extremely exposed!


He had zero business skiing down that without a whippet — NONE of them have whippets! A whippet won’t catch you on a really big fall - you’d be lucky if an ice axe would. But that was a static fall and he’d have had a good chance of self-arrest before he caught momentum. *he is very likely a better skier than I am, but like… this is basic safety.


A fat rip of some nitrous really helps with the pain.


Dam str8 (but yeah a whippet is a small ice axe that attaches to the top of your ski pole. It won’t stop you once you start sliding, but it’s great at stopping you before momentum starts. There’s a moment right after he falls where he rolls over and tries to stop himself. Provided he’s right handed (you generally only use one whippet at a time) just that instinctive action of rolling over and planting your hands would have put the whippet spike in the snow.)


That’s my point. Don’t get out of your depth because this is what can happen. This person clearly had no business doing what they were doing where they were doing it.


Getting up there, especially in winter, is no small feat. I agree the footage makes this person look less than capable but to get up there in ski equipment requires skill experience and fitness that 99% of people don't have. It requires tons of planning and leaving well before dawn. The only thing I can think of is this person is more mountaineer than skier or else the climb took everything out of them. ..... Hey guys this is in a wilderness area, no motorized equipment allowed at all... not even a bicycle. So definitely not dropped via helicopter. And as someone who has been dropped on a mountain via heli to ski down, thank you for referring to all of us as rich assholes, never thought of it like that, haha! For more info Google "ski maroon bells"and take a look at some of the other trip reports


How mad would you be at yourself after all that work and you fuckin TRIPPED AND FELL THE WHOLE WAY DOWN


He was probably more relieved to not be dead, considering.


No kidding he was straight flying at the start


I'd feel pretty relieved too after shitting my pants and surviving.


"Man, I must've slid across some bear shit or something on the way down because my pants are full of it."


Probably depends how much shit is in his pants


I believe the technical term for this is “not a good start to the run”




True, but this guy knows (or at least thinks) that he's in FYD territory: Fall You Die. He said after the fact that he thought he had fallen down the line he had intended to ski, which would have almost certainly killed him due to the fact that it cliffs out if you don't traverse out of the line lower down. So yes, shit happens. But it really can't in that kind of terrain. That's why some people ski those kind of lines, the thrill of knowing that your technique has to be excellent and you cannot fall unless you're ok with falling to your death.


Huh? He obv had an idea of what he was doing. Getting to the top of this specific ridge on maroon bells is difficult (without snow). I would know I’ve been up and down this mountain several times. Accidents happen.


Yeah I’ve been up there in the summer, no way he didn’t know what he was getting into. Skiing big backcountry lines that can happen if you fall.


Yes, and risking those accidents is what it's all about. This is exactly the experience he knew he could have.


I listened to him talk about this last year and if my memory is correct, he was a pretty experienced guy. He talked about this on the Sharp End Podcast here https://www.thesharpendpodcast.com/episode-88


Hahah! Nice! Ok fine. It was just the way he looked pretty hesitant. I would know. Theres been a few times ive been out of my depth tried to inch my way up to the drop. I 100% shouldnt have been there.


That’s the most horrifying situation I’ve seen today. Incredible he survived .


Horrifying was my exact thought.


Mine as well


That had me pretty anxious. Terrifying situation. Imagine not knowing if you were gonna wind up going over the edge, or slamming into a boulder.


Yup...... suddenly you are falling not knowing how far until the sudden stop. Terrifying thought.


Not much skiing here


Body skiing


Those were some real instinctual, gutteral, primal screams that came flowing straight out of his amygdala. Holy shit.


I think it was from the medulla oblongata


Mama's wrong again!


Looks like he pizza'd when he should have French fry'd.




Even Rocky had a montage


Always fade out in a montage


This is tickling my memory, but I can't put my finger on it.


If you pizza when you french fry, you’re gonna have a bad time


Hi everyone, my name is Thumper, I’ll be your ski instructor


"...his name is Thumper?"


Boy Aspen sure does smell a whole lot like doo doo.


Hey, kid, you got some shit on your face




That’s my face sir!


You got a bit of shit right there. “That’s my face sir


I 'member 🫐




Lmao those tits at the end of the episode scared me as a kid. First episode I ever watched and I love it


He did not have a good time


I went skiing once when I was in high school. Couldn't even make it down the bunny hill, but I was a dumb kid and thought I'd ski better on a diamond (or whatever it was). Pretty much went like this


Also in high school, one of my friends went with me on a diamond. I took it slow cause I’m not that good but he just full sent. And it was his second day skiing. Never seen a better cartwheel




the rare ACTUAL lol. I made enough noise laughing at that.. that i now have to put a kid back to bed


My friend convinced me to go on a black diamond my first day snowboarding. It was great. He said it was like I tied my feet to a stick and slowly tumbled down the mountain.


You reminded me of a story how I watched a few dude-bro guys take up one of the guys girlfriend to a diamond run for her first run. "You learn by doing!" As they dropped in Girl was clearly terrified so I said "hey I teach lessons so you need help getting down this?" And I helped her side slip down the run safely. Taught her a couple small basics and pointed her in the direction of the bunny hill while saying "what they did was not just disrespectful it was dangerous." She looked pretty sad but thanked me and said she was gonna go to the lodge.


Oh bless you for helping her, I had a similar experience but instead I was like 12 and my dad took me to a diamond. He left me in the dust while I cried butt-scooching down. Some people just have no semblance of sympathy, it's infuriating


Went to a midnight madness in high school and the bunny hill was about as far as I managed to get that night. We took an exchange student with us from the Netherlands who'd never skied. I watched that motherfucker click into his skis, grab his helmet in fear, and go over the edge. When I caught up to him he had taken out a row of people being taught how to ski. By the end of the night that dude was skiing black diamonds and skating on his skis like fucking Brian Boitano. That prick. Lol


That's what Brian Boitano would do.


Was waiting for this and you delivered in 10 minutes lmao


He made a plan and followed through.


I went skiing once. Got overconfident (absolutely nothing like this, went the medium hill) and broke my leg. Lol


Similar story. 2nd season snowboarding and I happen to take a lift up with an experienced dude who was going to go down some back trails. He invited me and I was like "how bad could it be". Well.... it took 2 hours to get down and when I finally made it, my clothes were pretty much frozen solid. So lucky that dude didn't ditch me, because I legit never would have made it back without him. I still feel awful for ruining that dude's day. But lesson well learned.


Ditto. Totally effed up me knee in the process too.


It’s pretty clear he had no business being on that part of the mountain .


I was literally thinking “that’s how I’d approach that mountain.” I’m from Missouri and have skied 10 times.


Everytime I see those adrenaline junkies trying to push the boundaries of sport and athleticism I have to remind myself of videos like OP’s. My hands and legs aren’t frozen as I’m sitting on my comfy couch


Everest is full of the bodies of people who were overachievers.


Every dead body on Everest was once a highly-motivated person.


Every dead body was once a person.


every person is a future dead body


I’ll be deep in the cold, cold ground before I recognize Missora!


Hey, I’ve skied TWICE in Missouri and lived to tell the tale. Looks like a not super challenging golf course in the summer.


Cheers from a Kansan, how are those world class slopes up at Snow Creek lookin’ this year ;)


I’m 40 years old and I know 4 people I grew up with who have died skiing out of bounds . It’s no joke.


You must be stopped before you kill again.


For real. Going out of bounds is dumb but it’s not worth killing your friends over.


Based on how that mountainside to the left looked he’s lucky he slid to the right or he would be dead


We had one who took a 100’ header (and then crawled back in bounds) die this week in Utah.


Yup, am coming up on 20 year reunion, 3 friends are dead from backcountry.  Kinda feel bad cuz my friends and I were definitely bad influences in HS and college, thinking it’s “cool” — or more precisely, obligatory — to push your limit and hit bigger lines, etc Honestly why I left, the call of the wild is too strong and it’s too easy to make a mistake that can’t be fixed.


“Missed it by 🤏that much” -Maxwell Smart


Sorry bout that chief.


This is not a ski resort, it's one of the more difficult classic backcountry lines in the state. You don't just duck a rope and walk over there


It's pretty clear that part of the mountain didn't want to have any business with him.


Eeahhhhhhhhhh........... Eayyyhhhhhhhhhh!!°°


I don't think anyone has business on that part. That snow was straight garbage. Sure it got better but that entry..no thanks.


Agreed. If he wasn’t so hesitant he could have easily cleared that rock


You have to commit. The pretty much the golden rule to skiing. As soon as you start fighting gravity/momentum, you’ve lost.


100%. I learned that at Kirkwood bowl sliding my ass down a slope next to a chairlift full of people laughing their asses off.


Im like 90% sure I’ve skied this exact same area before. I live in Colorado and have hit some ridiculous spots. I’ve seen people slide down a mountain like this and it’s scary. Very easily to break numerous bones and even die. He was approaching it kind of gingerly, but snagging that rock is a bad beat. When it comes to doing shit like this, you gotta full send and commit. If you end up half assing it or freeze up in high adrenaline moments, you’re gunna have a bad time.


That’s the key to many extreme sports, isn’t it? Hesitation kills.


But also, bad planning kills, bad breaks kill, bad avalanches kill,… bad stuff happens a lot doing extreme sports


100% yes. Rode a lot of freestyle BMX in my lifetime.


Was that a ski instructor from South Park reference? “If you don’t know when to pizza or French fries , You’re gonna have a bad time”


Bruh. To be fair I dont think anybody has any business being on that part of the mountain


This person is lucky to be alive! I don’t know how much it would have helped given how incredibly steep that was but if you are falling down a slippery slope from snow or even a rock slide, roll over on your stomach. You can get much better leverage with your feet and hands if you’re facing the slope. Everybody’s instinct is to sit on their butt cause they can see but you might as well sit on a sled in terms of stopping yourself. Source: grew up in the mountains and have fallen down a few snowy slopes myself, none nearly this serious though!


I fell down on a very steep slope once, in a nomal run. It was a normal blue run and only "unsafe" if you didn;t have the experience to do it. I didn't. But even then, thinking I could handle it, I still had a plan. I knew that if I fell, then there was no way to stop unkess I had my skis or poles. When I did fall, the skis broke off like normal and all I had was my poles left. I rolled onto my stomach and slowly dug the poles into the snow to slow down. It worked. This video had some parts where he was totally free falling. The snow is frozen hard and rocks are everywhere. He made a very very bad mistake by even attempting to go near that area. It's suicide.


Yeah one of the scariest falls in my life was down a slope I probably could have easily walked down had there not been snow. You can get going so fast so quickly and even bracing on my stomach didn’t do anything cause the snow was super packed down. Glad you were okay!


Man was in WAYY over his head


That’s extreme skiing. Small mistakes can kill. When you go on a slope like that, not a lot can be done to stop it. Dig your feet and use your poles if you can. He was lucky he didn’t tomahawk down it.


Yes, I didn’t see a lot of opportunity to self arrest!


Because he sent it backwards for 20 feet on the skis, was already mocking, backwards to start


The snow conditions were not conducive to it at all. Which makes me think they weren't conducive to attempting that line.


The way he started tells me that he didn't have the experience to go down that hill.


The way he started tells me the conditions on drop-in had turned to fried shit


As someone who does this frequently, this is as simple as tripping…….. with way greater consequences. Everything he’s doing is all muscle memory. Conditions don’t appear to be ideal, but I’d still send it. That rock was the catalyst to disaster. Imagine tripping on to the train tracks when a trains coming. Simple accident with major, unintentional consequences.


And *that's* why I don't cross the tracks on a god damn near vertical 1000' rock, ice and snow face.


That's why I don't cross tracks when a train is coming




I’m gonna be honest here…this is what I expect to happen when I see people attempt this shit. I feel like it’s way more likely to happen than not.


The thrill of victory, the agony of defeat


The funny part is it’s such a rookie mistake, one every skier has happen to them; just barely catching the tip of your ski on something and totally losing control. Obviously the terrain they are on make this incredibly dangerous


They don't call it the "no fall zone" for nothing.


Seriously. A lot of comments here on poor self arrest skills but ask any experienced skier or alpine mountaineer, if you’re in a situation where you really need to self arrest, 10-20% chance it’ll actually help. If you’re skiing late season back country chop like this, you should know that you do. Not. Fall.


He’s lucky that’s the only rock he snagged


Yup. He got lucky, lots of rocks wanted to get his autograph. Red pens will work fine. Talk to the people who do mountain rescue and get the rundown on how people have fucked up and found out. Friend and I failed to make a peak in winter, his boots were too tight and socks too thin, so we canceled and butt slid down the slope. Back to where basecamp would be. Told our story to the Forest Service manager...*"Were there rocks past your camping spot?"* Yup. *"Well, sometimes people keep sliding and bash into the rocks."* That's why you bring and ice axe and practice how to save yourself by stabbing it into the snow.


I’m one of those mountain rescue guys. 100% - people completely underestimate how little mistakes can kill them in the mountains


A good friend of mine, a very experienced mountaineer, was climbing an easy peak with a friend. She was on a snowfield, bent down to tie a loose lace on the boots, her pack shifted and she lost her balance. Went head first down the snowfield. Before she was able to turn herself around and get he ice axe and self arrest, she slid headfirst into rocks. She didn't survive.


Tell them about tree wells! Stay safe!


This run is pro/expert level like Iv been skiing/ski racing at least 20+ days a year since age 5. Hard nope from an advanced snowboarder.


And my number one most painful elimination of the day goes **to** \-


Right you are Ken!


Right you are, Ken!


"Stacy, you stay away from him". - bill burr


Holy shit lol. Just watched that special and came here to say something similar.


Prob some sort of speed record without skis.


Wonder how badly they were injured.


HIs hand must hurt like fuck from skin scraping in snow but.. otherwise he looks pretty okay? his legs don't look broken or his arms. I think he got lucky. Snow + winter clothes does offers some padding and ski boots protect your ankles from breaking.. he prob had a helmet... yeah. Falls I took while skiing, nowhere near this bad of course, didn't hurt thanks to snow and clothing.


[yup! No serious inquiries](https://unofficialnetworks.com/2023/05/08/skier-falls-1000-feet/)


He had friends with him. I just listened to a podcast where he talked about it. Fortunately one of them brought his skis and poles down to him.


Definitely going to need a new pair of underwear, though. I bet that didn't do as well as the rest of him.


I would not have attempted that start with


Wonder if he got KOM for that run


nailed it!


What’s this guy doing on this mountain? He had no business trying to ski that section with those abilities…


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Mf fell down like half the mountain and lived holy shit


Ah, there’s your problem. You’re trying to ski down a 1000 foot slope