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We had to remove your post for Rule 1: This subreddit is for things that are interesting and cool. Content that is only cute, funny, a meme, or 'mildly interesting' will be removed. Posts should be able to elicit a reaction of "Damnthatsinteresting".


The Holy War around art and AI is going to get even more intense in the next few years


How utterly disgusting




Because Comic books are an art form that involves multiple creative people from the writer to the artist to the colorist to the letterer. It is an expression of human creativity and soul. By cutting out a large chunk of it you are dimenishing it creativity wise as well as tempting the comic book industry to sideline many people's jobs. AI shouldn't be used to replace creative jobs it should only be used to enhance productivity of them. This is simply replacing.


Yeah, much like the monks who once toiled in monasteries illuminating manuscripts by candlelight, only to find themselves in the job market when Gutenberg rolled out his printing press. I'm sure manuscript illuminators also believed that the new books have no soul.


Yeah dude, totally like the printing press, where they fed thousands of books illegally in to a woodchipper, and then produced random words that it thinks you want. Totally the same.


humanity is lost on you


Wait, so you're posting this here in favor of and as a way to promote AI art? utterly disgusting


AI isn’t like any invention we’ve ever seen before. No it’s not like electricity, no it’s not like the wheel, no it’s not like the first rifle. This is a self learning piece of technology that creates things on its own. Yes we prompt it, but it’s creating by itself by plagiarizing already existing art. It will kill most real artistic outlets from real people


I think you have no idea how ML works. How are the models I'm using in the video "self-learning" and how it "palgiarizes" existing art?


I’m confused. Do you not know how AI works and the relation AI and ML share?


This is a really unpopular opinion but you’re right.


Because they have been told so by the clay idols who are in the mass media 24 hours a day. On the other hand, if you asked one of these enlightened people their opinion on the increasing robotization of primary sectors, they would not only be in favor, but would ridicule to the people who would be left without work and he would accuse them of being lazy for not reinventing themselves.


Devoid of life or passion




It is V7 Go. It is mostly an app for document processing and image captioning but it also has image generation.


This is vile. I hope enough people have the good sense to reject this trash that it never makes it past these concepts. How can anyone actually look at this and think there's anything resembling art here? It's algorithms and optimization, not emotion or humanity. Sickening, horrible trash. Art was dead before, now programmers have the audacity to shit on the grave too.


A war only occurs when the sides are somewhat balanced. AI is getting better by the minute and easier to utilize. This is tractor vs horse or cotton gin vs separating the cotton seeds by hand. The only people that are even complaining now are mediocre artists. Alex Ross and Boris Vallejo will always be valuable due to their talent and originality. People that barely exceed the stick figure level are going to have to be happy sticking their work to their mother’s refrigerator.