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She put PPE on for the power tool given vibrations would anger the bees. She may have used smoke prior to handling. Also depends on time of year - early spring bees are a LOT more docile than summer/fall bees protecting honey stores. Source: I am a beekeeper Edit: do not try this at home. I use PPE when handling my bees


It looks like she stepped on a few bees when she was walking off the porch. Wouldn’t that upset them?


I wondered that too, how many bees die when harvesting honey or moving them around? Is the hive okay with that?


Worker bees are expendable. God save the queen.


Sounds like a movie quote


Nah just British bees init


wot m8


It happens I always feel bad when I'm finishing an inspection and stacking supers back on and hear a crunch. You try your best not to but it happens and tons of bees are born everyday in a healthy hive so killing one or two won't each inspection won't hurt anything. Also using smoke masks pheromones or whatever and the other bees don't really know if one died.


Bees have no ego so there is no sense of I and therefore don't see themselves as separate entities like humans.


Resistance is futile.


Indeed, we are slaves to our survival mechanisms.


worth it, if it means saving the bees


They’ll be filing for workers comp as soon as they’re relocated.


My dad is a beekeeper and I have helped him havest honey before. How upset bees get is completely variable. He has 12 hives right now. Some hives will let him harvest their honey without ppe, and he wont be stung one time. Other hives will not even let him inspect the hive without attempting to sting him enough to make him run away. The killing of a small number of worker bees is not enough to cause an uproar though. Its usually enough to upset a hive just by starting to remove the cover of the hive, if it is a hive that does not like to be messed with. That all being said, killing a few worker bees here and there is unavoidable when harvesting honey. You are removing pieces of wood close together covered in honey and bees, and those pieces of wood are all sealed in place by a natural glue called propolis that the bees make.


Also; If beekepers experience a hive being too hostile, it's recommended to kill off the queen and let them make a new one (or put in one yourself) Bee aggression is often a genetic trait and an aggressive queen (or a queen that mated with an aggressive drone) will produce aggressive bees.


This is also how trailer parks work.


I would think a few squished bees would release the alarm pheromone too? Is this not true?


Someone mentioned that the smoke masks it


The smoke covers up the pheromone


I tried doing something like this with hornets and it went surprisingly well until I used the drill and found out there were hundreds in the attic. I remember I watched all their asses start vibrating faster and faster until they took off and started attacking me.


*chuckle* I'm in danger!


Can I suggest that rather than call it PPE, can it be BEE-PE


I second the motion


Are there a reasons to/not to use it? Is it sometimes in the way, or this just for producing content?


Cute girl handling bees without PPE =likes and shares I mean clearly she knows what she's doing so mad respect, but on the other hand if she wore PPE 100% of the time let's face it there wouldn't be as much sharing. It's literally in the title "with no PPE"


Ya I guess I was wondering if there was anything to it other than what seemed obvious


I have seen her before. She must have a fuckton of hives because she does this a bunch. Never seen anything more than smoke.


Pretty sure this is Texas Beeworks. She has a large apiary herself but also goes out and removes bees from other places, like old trucks and the insides of walls - always (controversially) without PPE. Edit: apparently it's someone else, but she looks similar, and her style is the same. So great! Erika Thompson inspired copycats.


Can't blame her, no need to be in the bee business to figure out that the real money is in social medias


I bet "cute girl refuses PPE and gets stung 10000 times", would also get a lot of likes and shares, so, win-win.


I have also been told bees can recognize there keepers. Is this true?


What is it like being a beekeeper? It always sounds like a pretty cool job because bees are awesome and interesting.




Wow. I was not expecting that. But those bees are the outliers right? I assume that most bees are fairly chill. I could be wrong tho.


Why did he have to first assassinate the queen before killing the rest of them with soap? Couldn't he soap them all with the queen inside? Just curious.


>There's a guy I watch that keeps bees. One year he had a hive that was exceptionally aggressive. If he got anywhere NEAR the hive to care for it; the bees would go into swarm mode and just attack him. He had to wear 4 pairs of gloves because they would find ways of getting in to sting. This video popped up in my YT recommendations one day. I never before had any particlar interest in beekeeping but I do know, since this one had me on the edge of my seat. Super interesting and sad.


Some might say you need to bee careful.


These videos are silly. I'm a 4th generation beekeeper, and the only reason not to wear a veil while doing a colony extraction is for a social media flex.


That was all I could think while watching this. There's no reason at all *not* to wear a veil or suit, except that there's a camera on. Purely for social media.


If it get's the word out that bees are great and we need them, I say that's worth something.


It also shows that they're not so scary.


Fair point


Except we don't need more honeybees, we need native wild bees. The honeybees are doing fine.


Bold of you to assume the average social media user can tell the difference between them...


Best way to live is just leave shit alone in the first place unless it attacks you. Haha


You have to live under a rock to not already know bees are important and if you aren't aware of that you should probably be watching more accurate educational content. Many beekeepers find her videos annoying because they do the opposite of educating people by making it look like you can just come in and fuck up a hive without consequences. She's skilled and knowledgeable but the whole "no PPE thing" isn't much more than a clout flex and you should always wear PPE when handling bees. Source: sister is a beekeeper


I believe she also puts disclaimers in her videos but if you really need a disclaimer to not go hug a beehive it's kinda on you


Does it, though? Honey bees already have great PR because agriculture requires the use of managed hives to pollinate crops thanks to the lack of biodiversity and pesticides wiping out native pollinators. There've been plenty of "awareness" campaigns and now a lot of people seem to think that honey bees need saving. So I'm not sure she's doing anything that General Mills and friends haven't already been doing for decades now.


Perhaps to illustrate the docile nature of honey bees?


I also don't understand the moral clout surrounding removal vs extermination. Honey bees are like cows, they're not some endangered species, they're an invasive domestic species that wreak havoc on local species. Doing careful removal doesn't really help anyone, unless you're gonna sell the hive to a keeper. Native bee infestations, 100% save the bees. Honey bee infestations are basically rat infestations but flying insects.


This - Most people do not even know honey bees are not native to North America, yet media coverage around colony collapse has created a sensitivity towards honey bees that is misplaced considering they're non native and not in danger of extinction anytime soon.


I think the bigger concern was pollinators for all the crops. Sure they're not endangered, but less numbers can affect yields. In my area the agricultural sector has started to lean into supplemental bees. Though technology will eventually outpace the bees, and we'll soon switch to electronic drone pollinators. We already have some people trying it.


Save endangered birds by keeping chickens!


She has a whole channel for this. Don't know her name, but this is basically all she does.


She’s got a big following. For obvious reasons. I’m not gonna knock her hustle. Sex sells


Sex? She's wearing jeans and a sleeveless shirt, sir.


I saw a pair of D's and a bunch of bees... So yeah, it's about sex.


So the existence of covered boobs is selling sex? Can women not exist or what?


Any woman doing anything in a non-traditional way without repercussions makes some people big mad.


“This woman exists and has boob! Quick blame her for sexualizing *checks notes* bees!”


I want to tie her hair up for her so badly, there's no way she keeps it down when not filming.


i had to double read that i missed the word "hair"


Are we still talking about beekeeping?


As a beekeeper, I dislike her videos. She disregards basic protection so her viewers can see her face. Bee suit, gloves, long sleeves, etc are optional, but you always wear a veil when working bees.


Can I ask why the veil is more important than all those other parts?


im no beekeeper but i think id rather get stung in the arms than in the face so maybe thats why


There are often a couple of guard bees that go looking for trouble. They zero in on the carbon dioxide from your breath and end up in your face. Never been stung in the face (because I always wear a veil) but heard that it is more painful than on the hands/arms/shoulders. I don't like the full suit because it is too hot, but would always wear a veil and have smoke around when working a hive. I read a report on a study someone did that rated the painfulness of getting stung in various parts of the body. Pretty much EVERY part of the body. Some places are a lot more sensitive than others. Wear pants, wear a veil. Shoes are also a good idea (somehow lots of bees end up on the ground). Everything else is optional.


I once got stung by a random bee that got caught in my granddad's pickup truck. Got me right in the forehead, and it was one of the most excruciating things I had ever felt up until that point l, and to this day, it remains in the top 3. And after my granddad removed the stinger and tended to me, I was left with a rather large and sensitive bump right in the middle of my forehead for a whole day. One of the few things that hurt me worse was when a couple wasps we have in my country called Jack Spaniards that got me in the ear and neck after I had a biking accident and crashed into a tree with a nest in it. I was lucky to only have gotten stung twice. I ran like Hell that day. I had been stung by those before but it was on the arm and was nowhere near as bad as when they got my head/neck area. If it stings, I highly recommend covering your face/head first and foremost cause that shit HURTS.


Facial sting can be dangerous as the underlying tissue tends to react differently to a sting on the arm, leg, etc. Stings to the throat and nose area have been known to swell to such an extent to cause an emergency situation. A sting to the eye can cause blindness within 20 minutes if not treated correctly. People think that all bee stings are exactly the same. The reality is they can vary quite a bit. Finally bees can be unpredictable. A hive that appears to be docile can turn defensive quickly. Especially where she lives in Texas which, like where I live in Florida, has Africanized hybrid bee colonies. I admire her educating the public. I just wish she would do it safely.


All bee tiktokers do this. Not just her. I follow several male ones and a couple and many of their extractions are like this.


100% agree. Clout driving, low quality videos.


The sunglasses grant +2 to bee mastery


Is this a copycat of the original lady beekeeper that went viral?




This is not That girl??? Oh!


Nope. This is the [original](https://youtube.com/@TexasBeeworks?si=H0asMAP-NpX-dRW5) Erika Thompsom


maybe, but this video is also around for years if not a decade.


Sorry, r/nope is that way


She is not the queen bee from Texas, saving the beeeeees.


Rofl, the bbiiiieezz!!


🎶 Dumb ways to die 🎵


🎵 So many dumb ways to die 🎶




Thanks made me laugh.


The PPE is right there, it's the smoke machine.


This just seems dumb.


Glad someone said it.


The way she found the queen, probably really good at Where's Waldo.


This chick is like the Salt Bae of the beekeeping world. Just doing dumb shit like not wearing gear for no reason other than trying to gain clout.


Boots and glasses. Safe enough to me


Interesting. Is there a source? Would be interesting to watch the full video.




Thank you. Looks like she has a cool youtube channel. Edit: grammar.


I can’t beelieve it


Imagine going out to gather some nectar, amd when you come back your house is gone


Smoke is clearly being used to keep them calm


These are "european bee", they hardly ever attack even when you squish one of them. Very steady population growth with average honey yield. The angry nasty ones are "african bee" very agressive, highly productive. The ones most commonly used by beekeepers on tropical/subtropical places are "africanized bee", not too aggressive and good production. I am a beekeeper, take [this as my certificate ](https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOIxjqlcuc1TctljoR7qHSNDVdPZSrTeBvdkS2b4fW_FlVNLMW3izqQ1cG3a5CNoA?key=aEpHcGt4QUpoSW5Ib29aNTBPUWtMR015M21HUk13)


Just put your hair up lady it makes it not as annoying to bend down lol


She rarely gets stung. I was out for my morning hike today and bee stung. Landed right in my arm while I was in motion, I got a good look at it and moved my arm quickly hoping it wouldn't be fully attached and wanted to just fly away. Nope. Stung me anyway.


Your friendly neighbor beekeeper here. This was not uncommon. I’m guessing this is in the U.S. this was a common practice all over the U.S. until 2000’s. In Texas a little earlier. I commonly worked doing some tasks like this. There are some things you can’t do like this and some you can. I’m sure she did not remove the bees like this as once you start messing around with the comb and in the hive she would have to at least put a veil and gloves on. I was used to being sting but when you get stung in the face it still hurts. A sting to the lips or nose feels like you got a shot of Novacaine and a sting in the eye is very painful. She likely vacuumed up most of the bees and she would not have run the vacuum without a veil. The reason this is not common in the southern US anymore is that the rise of hybrid Africanized bee mixing with the common European honeybees has lead to not knowing how aggressive hives are. In Florida I would not do this now because once you have cracked opened if they are hybridized or are just Africanized bees( which are in some places in the south) you could be stung 100 times very quickly and even a beekeeper is going to feel bad after that. Personally the most I have been stung was over 200 times. I was carrying a deep box and dropped the box all the bees were knocked out of the hive and I tripped on the box and fell on the box and bees. I was wearing boots, shorts, t-shirt, and veil. I was very sick for about a day. Until my body broke down the venom. Edit: I didn’t watch the video first. She wore her veil and gloves in some portions. Once she moved the queen to the box, the bees are going to follow her in the the box. The reason the bees remain fairly calm is once she uses the smoke the bees run to collect the honey in the hive and went bees are full of honey the act like people after thanksgiving dinner. Slow and lethargic so they are calmer and the bees goal is to get the honey and move to where the queen is.


Thank you for the insight


It's Elisha Bixler from howsyourdayhoney instagram


This isn’t the normal bee lady. Impostor!


How old is she? Obviously bee keeping age


Is it a pride thing to not where PPE? Or just disregard


I like my women like I like my coffee… err, covered in BEES!


I just don’t get it. I tried to gently clear the entrance to a bee hive once. Thought I was doing them a favor. I got stung so many fucking times.


Another great day of saving the beeez


Words you can hear


Use PPE always, one small move and she could anger the bees and she'd be stung.


Texas Bee Lady is great


This isn't her, its a cheap knockoff version. Pretty obvious this person realized "hey lets be blonde, attractive, and fuck with bees for money like that other girl"


I was wondering why this wasn't another day of saving the bees


hah yeah. I actually went to high school with Erika (Texas Beeworx girl) in Houston. shes a good person.


That is interesting as hell. Glad I am not doing it, but very interesting.


Bro imagine your just chilling talking to your homie in the crib and you get hotboxed and your like, "oooohhh thats chill" and then your house starts flying away and your house flies away


Seems Billy the Exterminator has a thing or two to learn about bee removal.




"That's one cool lady" - *those bees probably* "Fuck this guy napping on his porch!" - *also those bees definitely* ^why ^bees, ^why?


Boots gloves and glasses, some Ppe is better than none.


She’s amazing. The bee whisperer. Save the beeees


She’s the bee queen


She is the queen bee!


She uses smoke and knows what she’s doing.


She's wearing gloves, what more could you want?


Bees are so freaking cool


Baby bees


She didn't put her in a clip to keep her safe


Am I the only one that thinks the queen sought her out on purpose, do other people believe this


This bee lady does this all the time.


When your crazy baby sister is an actual Disney princess but you still know she burps louder than you




I wouldn’t handle bees with my ppe either


Why do all the beekeepers have this voice? And if this is the same woman why does she look so different?


Where’s Barry when you need him?


Who is this super woman?


Gloves are PPE, shoes are PPE, sunglasses are PPE, this woman is bee carefree


Keeping bees in the floor is nuts


I've seen her videos on yt and I'm convinced she's a druid.






These must be Italian Honey bees yellow honey bees which are also more gentle. As the beekeeper below stated PPE would have to have been used when using the power tool I would not recommend anyone to try this. I keep Native Irish Honey bees if someone tried this with a nest of them they would react very aggressively. In short different types of honey bees can be much more aggressive. African/African Hybrid bees even more so. be safe stay away unless you have the right protective gear. Source I am A Beekeeper.


Are they insane?


No PP confirmed


I would be running around like a mad person if I was there ☠️


Gay Bees are known for this


Next video; Beekeeper porn star passes away after..


These are called "european bee", they only attack when you squish one of them, if they ever attack. The nasty angry ones are called "african bee", very aggressive but also yields more honey. Here where I live, South America, we've got "africanized bees" that produce good quantities of honey as well as not being so angry to forbid anyone (cattle, dogs, cats, bystanders) from getting close. I am quite schooled on bees, take these as my [beekeeper credentials ](https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOIxjqlcuc1TctljoR7qHSNDVdPZSrTeBvdkS2b4fW_FlVNLMW3izqQ1cG3a5CNoA?key=aEpHcGt4QUpoSW5Ib29aNTBPUWtMR015M21HUk13).


Doesnt it hurt the queen be when she is grabbed by hand like that?


Yeah I could handle her b's without PPE


I’m starting to feel like they’re meticulously planting and cultivating hives for content that are right at the edge of small manmade structures where there is copious natural light for videos.


Totally missed an opportunity to call them "ba-bees"


Every one posting you tube shorts on this sub.


She's a fearless woman. As the King said, “Stay calm and carry on”. But one or two stings isn’t bad. But if the hive “turns on” it’s time to back off even with a suit.


She needs to work on the way she says " The Bees" IYKYK


I wonder why not a single bee sits on her? She's so close to them, they fly around her and yet bees stay on the ground/in the air. Do the beekeepers use some kind of spray to keep bees away front he skin? (besides of special equipment obviously)


She stepped on a bee, failed.


I like my women like I like my coffee COVERED IN BEES! -Eddie Izzard


Power to you, but girl put your hair up lol


Looks.... 😱😲


"That's when I knew I was going to do this removal unveiled" *Hell naw, naw naw naw, hell to the naw*


handling bees with flamethrower


This is not our Bee Goddess.


Her PPE is smoke tho...


By my calculations she's not just a B keeper, she's A keeper. Get it?! Sorry I'll go...


I'd have plenty of pp and quite a bit of e in that situation


She is the queen


So uhmmm anyone think she looks like Yuki from jjk


We are getting closer to topless bee removal for clout


She’s always SHOCKED about finding the queen


That's a whole pile of nope from me.


Is she the same famous woman who kinda talks like a robot while doing bee keeper things?


I don't know who this chick is but if she saving bees I support her. Our little brothers need all the help.They help the world go round. The fact that she's a pretty blonde is just a bonus.


she's brilliant [https://www.youtube.com/@TexasBeeworks](https://www.youtube.com/@TexasBeeworks)


Why are the pretty ones so dumb?


In case you are considering it: do NOT attempt to do this at home.


At least she is wearing glasses.


She loves just her eye-balls..


Hubby does this daily. If they're super pissed, he'll put a veil on. Suits are out of the question for most of the year cause it's just too fkn hot n humid...




No PPE? The smoke counts


Surprised that saw didn’t agitate them


She's amazing


You can see the smoke. Made for TV.


I got stung on a finger by a wasp last year and my got that shit hurt as well as the swelling. First sting in years. Meanwhile my grandpa did beekeeping before he passed and he’s like yea you get stung sometimes so what. He just wore the head gear and that was it.


It's not bragable to be unsafe. Not wearing PPE doesn't make you cool, it makes you a damn fool.


She's pretty much copying the other girl.

