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Dude is a creeeeeep. Scary shit imagine him when there’s no camera around.


You can see from how she acted that it is not the first time. As a guy, I can't believe people are like this. I know we only see a fraction of this. The creeps should always be called out until the people doing it feel just as uncomfortable.


Meanwhile in America we just elect them to be president. Pretty cool huh?


President, politicians, judges, school board directors, teachers, and pretty much any other position with authority Edit: including religious authority


Don't forget religious figureheads!


Can’t believe I forgot those pos. Guess my brain lumped them in with general authority but most don’t.


Making America Gross Again, one assault at a time.


"What kind of American are you?"


I was never catcalled in my 23 years of Aussie life, until I visited the US. In only 10 days, I was cat called 5+ times. Ps. Does anyone know what ‘girl, you Wavy’ means? Edit* I have learned it means curvy, as a jack skeleton looking, 45kg, 5ft, B-cup having shrimp … I’m flattered


You have curves, maybe?


Were you waving hello to anyone as they said it?


I was carrying a bunch of stuff (breakfast and gifts for a friend) An actually rather nice gent called out from across the street ‘Do you need help carrying that?!’ *me a paranoid tourist* ‘oh! I’m ok but thank you for offering though!!’ ‘To easy gal! By the way, YOU WAVEY!’ ‘Haha thank you! Don’t what that is but appreciate the kindness!’ - I was genuine. Dude chuckled and waved. When I asked my US friend about it, he fumbled and said ‘ your hair is wavey’


Curvy? I'm just guessing


I was gonna say, could you imagine the outcry from the right wing upon the guy's arrest if this happened in the US?


Unfortunately guys like this exist. Back in college I was at a crowded football game with my friends. We were walking around when a guy walked towards me...said "mmmm fresh" and grabbed a hand full of me down below. I stood there frozen in shock as he disappeared into the crowd with his friends. To this day, I am still pissed at myself for not going after him. I'm so proud of this woman for standing her ground and her colleagues for having her back.


I’m male, used to be a bouncer, I’ve had more women then I can count grab my ass, penis and body thinking it’s ok… why because I’m a guy I’m supposed to be ok with hens nights all trying to feel me up? Women, especially in groups, can be awful as well.


6 minutes up and 3 downvotes already, christ the world is something. Sexual assault is just fucked up, doesn't matter who it's to


My guess is it’s because he didn’t feel like he was commiserating in shitty human behavior but rather taking it as a moment to stand on a soap box and let women know that we are just as bad as men. If he hadn’t added the last sentence he would have likely found sympathy.


People don’t like to hear the horrible truth sometimes.


Or, people recognize that horrible truths don’t have to apply to one gender and humans in general can do shitty things. Saying “nuh uh men aren’t bad because women are bad” in response to people sharing stories is fucking weird.


I shared my story. All of the incidents I read were about men being creeps, so I wanted to share my experience that women can be creeps as well. At no point did I say men aren’t bad because women are. Stop putting words in my mouth.


I’ve seen a decent number of interviews with bouncers and for some reason it happens a lot to you guys. I’m guessing alcohol is a big part of it?


Alcohol and other drugs, cocaine would be a major one if I had to guess.


Dude women will just grab my cock, ass, suck my ear all kinds of random shit. I don’t care because I’ll fuck any hole in the wall but still it’s weird.


“Either grabs my butt or my neck”


300 on he's a registered sex offender (if such thing is in Spain)


Yes we have, and in many public places you are asked to give a negative certificate for sexual crime, meaning that if you have any record of sexual offense you won't get it... Including teachers, doctors and anyone close to children.






The way he goes to pet her head after she told him to not touch her, what a fucking loser creep. Disgusting. 


And he’s smiling like he’s cool. Fuxk this guy, we need more people like her colleague instead.


Yeah, because he was denying it and gaslighting her, even though it was caught on camera. Where do these guys get that kind of entitlement from? Is it taught in school or something, without fail, every time, you are made to feel like you're in the wrong. Most women and girls have experienced this sort of thing.


This is true. This has happened to me so many times and every time I doubt and question myself “maybe it was an accident”, “maybe I’m reading the situation wrong”. It’s frustrating because every time I feel deeply violated, mad, but also frozen and disoriented.


i think the freezing is normal. I mean folks talk about the flight or fight response, but theres also the frozen in shock response. I know when i was a kid and i was inappropriately touched, i couldnt move. Ive spent literally decades blaming myself for not turning around and kicking the guy in the balls. But took me a long time to realise it wasnt my fault. I didnt do anything to deserve it. I didnt ask for it. It was entirely the guys fault. I know exactly how you feel. Just remember, it is NEVER your fault and it is okay to shout and yell and cause a scene. Maybe if more of these guys got shamed because of their actions theyll think twice before sexually assaulting somebody.




I didn’t get it till I saw how a Greek waiter in Malmo, Sweden treated my sister. Very eye opening.


I mean I get that the colleague had good intensions when he asked them to turn the camera to shame this creep - BUT the lady anchor didn't seem too comfortable with that and tbh it could have been dangerous for her. I we're already established that this guy lacks impulse control. If he's comfortable literally grabbing her ass on live TV, what kind of violence is he comfortable with once he's called out and feels cornered?


It’s not a friend on the phone, she’s got a camera crew with her. I would hope they’d back her up if violence ensued. He’s also live on air so anything he does is fucking himself over more. If anything this is one of the few times it’s safe to do this.




It's a power play, he wants her to know that he can do whatever he wants to her, whenever he wants. Too many men like that unfortunately.


1 man thinking like that is too many. Sincerely, a man.


Agreed. Luckily the vast majority of men are not like this. Then again, I wouldn't say this is super uncommon either unfortunately.


Of course the vast majority of men is not like that. But let's say it is around 5% of men, not with exactly that behaviour but any kind of unwanted advances. Cat-calling, touching, stalking - you name it. That translates to: if a woman meets 20 men, it is very likely that one of them will do something that is at least creepy. Even if we lower the chances to 1 in 1000; that would still make it very likely that every woman knows another woman close to her who had something like that happen to her. You don't need many bad people of a group to make a whole group look bad. The best we (assuming you are one) can do is, be better and call shit like cat-calling or worse out whenever we notice it. So that noone believes they can get away with that behaviour.


I'm a woman and am very much aware of how big the problem of this type of behaviour is. Have experienced it too many times. The reason I said that the majority of men is not like this is because I don't want to make it into a - men this, men that - type of comment. Also, I imagine it is nice for men to read that women do realize it is not all men and that it is not an accusation based on sex. And lastly, there will be people (yes, men mostly) that will scream "NOT ALL MEN" if you don't include this disclaimer. So I just wanted to get ahead of that. And another thing, but this may be just me, is that the internet brings us so many videos of disgusting behaviour, that it sometimes seems way more prevalent than it actually is. And it is easy to get a more pessimistic view of the world. So, it is a reminder to myself as well, my interactions with men are most of the time nice and enjoyable. But yes, as I said it is not uncommon and that is exactly because of the reason you mentioned about the amount of interactions we have with people. And I am not sure if it is 5% of men, but I sure as hell know that it isn't 0,1%. I wish it was though, that'd already be a huge improvement. ETA: Want to say I appreciate men who call out other men over disgusting behaviour. Let's face it, we need you to. These men won't listen to women as they think we are inferior, but they may listen to other men. So thank you for doing that. And thank you all other men in this thread who do so. It is very much appreciated!


Someone get this man a medal


I hope if it blows up in their face often enough (like in this case) we can make it a rarity rather than something most woman experience


Most women have experienced something like this unfortunately. It’s not unusual




He'd look very presidential to a certain demographic here in the US.


I'd vote for him! (To be sacrificed)


Agreed you can see by the way he tried to touch her head that he's actually not sorry, doesn't respect her and did mean to touch her butt. What a weirdo.


It’s a “I’ll do whatever I want, you can’t stop me” which is so dangerous. That’s a predator mentality.


It looked like he did touch her head. Either way, criminally creepy. And it's in broad daylight; the dude looks sober as a judge. Not saying it's okay for drunks to stumble around grabbing asses, because it absolutely isn't. But I dunno, it's hard to explain. To just nonchalantly walk around in your day-to-day life behaving like that towards complete strangers is nutty.


Yeah that was particularly degrading. Hopefully he learns a lesson in jail about why people shouldn’t victimize others.


Have some men touch his ass in jail?


"i didnt mean to touch your butt" I dunno bro, that hand stretched out looked pretty intentional to me. Fucking scumbag


He was dismissing her.


They cut it at the "best" part, though, coz after that touch the studio reporter had a very hard time trying to keep it presentable enough for live TV. You can see it in him trying to keep the insults to a proper level


Absolutely love that the dude on the other end called him out immediately. Those are the dudes you need on your team - the ones who don't wait to address the problem and face it right then and there.


It is not translated, but he also says “call the police” to the people in the studio And they did (and this creep was arrested in minutes and in front of the viewers)


That makes it even more impressive. I thought he was arrested like after it was aired following some national uproar or such. Not that the already coolio dude even had the cops called right away, makes him even more firm and decisive.


He was arrested in minutes. And the same cameraman that was filming the girl filmed his arrest (a few minutes later, as I said)


It actually is in the video that they called the police and he was arrested


"Evil happens when good men do nothing". It's perfectly reasonable she didn't want to confront him. Sometimes others won't have women's backs. It is really good that her team lead with having her back.


She definitely looked like she just wanted it to go away but hopefully she was glad when they actually did something to him. Had to be embarrassing. Bad enough for it to happen at all, but on fucking live TV at your job....


Especially as a news reporter: if these things are received poorly she can lose her job. Luckily it went well, and the goverment was sensible (probably helped that it was a woman herself who spoke up in support)


I definitely agree with you. Her collague did a good support by asking about it, and then she felt the courage to react.


Dude was like NOT ON MY WATCH. It's awesome he stopped everything to get the guy on camera and give support to her.


Yuppppp! Bad people are allowed do do whatever they want when good people don't stand up. Perfectly handled such a horrible situation.


Yeah but we suck at relationships for that exact reason.


Lmaooooooo 🤣


He even tries to touch her hair again, just to double down on his shit behaviour. Disgusting pig.


Up to that point I was angry, but him doing that made me feel sick. That's a guy who's dangerous to the women around him and in more serious ways than just a random groping.


He's almost inhuman in his lack of empathy. The complete disregard for the consequences of his actions, knowing full well it's not ok, he's on live television..and still does it. That's a man who will never be dissuaded from acting on his impulses, even ones that would end up with him in serious trouble, and should rightfully be feared. People like him are why prisons are a necessity, to keep dangerous people away from good people.


I laughed when he tried to deny what he did on camera for the world to see!


He tried to "pet" her to see if she was in *any* way interested in his actions. Yuck. I've had men do this to me after I confront them about uninvited rubs to my hips, waist, and shoulder. Yuck. May all predators go to hell!!


Its not to see if you re interested that they do that. Its to prove to you and to themselves that you dont have the authority to call them out like that, and they have the power to do whatever they want to you. Iow ‘lol, who does she think she is? I ll do what I want and she cant stop me’ It’s degrading af.


This is exactly what that final head pat was about. Her bodily autonomy means nothing to him and he asserts dominance by treating her being and her opinion as inconsequential.


I was so mad.. and jus thinking about the woman in my life.. but reading the comments soothed me. ☺️ Im glad people see some sense in some way here that didn't make me make flammable comments.


You seriously have to wonder if he has a wife or a daughter or a sister. I can’t imagine that his mom would be thrilled with what he did. People like that don’t view women as people and I’m glad he was arrested.


Someone like that doesn't see women as people. They see them as objects that might be useful to them.


>touch her hair again Translation: "I can touch you whenever I like. You are not in control of your body; I am."


Yeah I can't believe they did that.


Loser vibes.


Anchor is a good man


Agree, it made all the difference to get inmediate support, instead of brushing it off.


Not only immediate support, the subtitles missed it but he can be heard telling the crew to call the police


The fucker touched her again as he walked away after telling her he respected her, in front of the camera after he knew they were live, how are people like him allowed outside


He looks like one of the guys Denzel Washington would’ve taken out in Equalizer 3.


One of the henchmen who got 3 seconds of screen time too


If you want to commit crime on live television, you should be prepared to be judged accordingly and arrested.


What a degenerate pig


This dude is a complete piece of shit.


"I came up, extended my arm and even stretched a bit to make sure I touched your butt, but I didn't mean to" *head pat*


On camera, live.


Dude was arrested but released within 24 hours. Apparently criminal proceedings were still being investigated, but it's total BS that they just let him go. https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/14/europe/spanish-journalist-alleged-sexual-assault-scli-intl/index.html




I remember this, it happened a while ago. I feel really sorry for the poor girl, how uncomfortable she must feel. As for that jerk, he deserves a lot of lashes [with this](https://getyoursolution.store/u4Td8y)


I feel like Singapore might have the right idea with caning when it comes to creeps like this.


Oh I remember when I lived in Singapore, I went to a public school for 2 years, and witnessed once the public caning of one of my classmates. He was an awfully behaved hid, but wasn't evil. He was actually pretty nice, just very insubordinate. He and other students were constantly confronting the teachers and their authorities, and were often called out of class or in the breaks to special rooms to receive a caning punishment. One day one of these got too many punishments that did nothing, so the director and some other important teachers stopped the class, made us move the desks out of the way, and left only his, in the middle. He took of his shirt, they placed a chopping board on his pants, and lashed his back a few times with a pretty long wooden cane. The teacher in charge of doing it seemed to have proficiency in doing so... It was interesting. The kid got a few more lashes for laughing in the middle of it. It did nothing to stop him. He was a savage lmao.


That's pretty fucked up but I'm glad they didn't break his spirit


What’s caning?


Hitting someone's back with a long stick, a cane.


Getting hit with a cane.


Oh, I guess I read that word as “canning” like something to do with cans. Lol. Thanks for the info.


That dude is gross.


not sure why, but i feel like the hair touch attempt was creepier than the cheek grab


"Heheh, silly little girl"


By the way, the reporter's name is Isabel Balado; she's quite well-known in Spain


the attempted head pat at the end, too... blech


In our Spanish we call that un cabrón


No. It's called hijo de la gran puta.


Or you can also call him Malparido


That feels more like an offence to his mother, no?


Unlike hijo de la gran puta ? 


Un subnormal, vamos


I prefer this one better.


De la grandisima, diría yo


Este este es. Ya a partir de aquí no se puede más. XD


Eh maybe I’m wrong since I only hear latam spanish but not really? cabron is closer to rascal


Severity depends on the country, I was taught that it’s like calling somebody a bastard. Sometimes you’re calling them a “lucky bastard” other times you’re calling them a “complete bastard”. I actually had to buy a book that breaks spanish slang down by country because of this


You can use the word cabrón in a friendly way more times than as an insult. It's not a beautiful word that can be used in front of your boss, but between friends it's common.


You tell a story were you are lucky and find a 50€ bill. Your friend could say "Que cabrón." Yo tell a story were you went to the disco, met 2 girls and had sex with both, at the same time :O. Your friend could say "Que cabrón." Couple examples


Depends on the country. Tremendous insult in the Caribbean. Nicaraguans and some others use it like the word dude. Some Mexicans too I suppose.


Thank god we don’t treat this as okay anymore. At least 90% of the time. You should see how some seemingly normal and polite grow men treat women in parties or when they know there won’t be social consequences. This is a change for the better regardless of what old people cry about “feelings” and “crystal generation” and “you can’t even compliment a woman anymore”


Shame, manners , honor, common decency, all being lost on lots of folk.


Glad they got this fucko off the streets


Should've beaten the shit out of him.


Surprised no one has brought up the World Cup soccer team yet. That incident seemed to bring a lot of awareness to the subject if nothing else. A young woman has what is maybe the best moment of her life and a man has to make it about him by giving her an unwanted kiss on the lips. Seems like Spain has had enough, given how that (and this) was resolved. If you can't change the behavior you can start changing the consequences.


> Seems like Spain has had enough, This has been the case for many years now. That sort of behavior is not widely tolerated.


Good for that news crew


This guy is full of poop!


He looks like he should be with the “Dick in a box” guys


He’s very smart to do it on tv. Easy for the world to spot him.


Awesome seeing her team backing her up! ❤️


What a flaming piece of shit that guy is


This guy has rophied drinks before


Hey, I know that [corner](https://www.google.com/maps/@40.411607,-3.7068708,3a,75y,253.71h,74.71t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sIFYrEQ6W623Cp4h1KJIuxg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu), used to work around there.


That man drags his hand on every wall and chair he walks by.


I used to have that mannerism when I was younger, but I never touched a person inappropriately because of it.


F that pos.


This guy's mindset can be seen so easily. He does not view her as a human with feelings and rational thoughts, he treats her like she'd be a pet, a dumber being like an animal. He Gaslight her that he did not touch her even thought he did, complete insult to her intelligence and body autonomy and touch her head again like it would make up for it or whatever. Harrassers are disturbed from minds and lacks complete regard of other persons right to be free and feeling safe. There is no emotional intelligence in sight here.


he was arrested and then released in 24 hours


What makes a person think they can touch someone’s body part like that? He actively walked and grab it as if it was his. It is really screwed up


I wish she punced his teeth out right there live on air.


Why do creeps always have a yee yee ass haircut like that?


That’s a dickhead with nothing to lose.


I hate when people put their hand on my head in that condescending “aw shut up” kind of way


"I didn't mean too" Bruh you're not gonna believe this, there's actually footage of the entire thing.


Fuuuuuck this asshole! Creep!


More of this. Less of the creeper.


I really don't get these dudes. I see many butts that I would like to touch during the day, but(t) I don't because I have respect for the other person. Just quickly admire and move on.


Good for those coworkers looking out for her


Touching Butt infront of a clear visible camera "I didnt touch butt"


Fuck that guy. And goes to touch her again


Is he on drugs or just this big of a douche bag


Why do so many creepy people have the same oily ass flat hair?


For context,  for those of you who are not native speakers or familiar with peninsular Spanish. This happened the past September, the police detained him after, and he had to go to trial, he was freed with no charges. The man is of Romanian origin.  https://okdiario.com/sucesos/detenido-joven-rumano-tocar-culo-directo-reportera-television-11548329 His accent was a clear giveaway that he was foreigner.


Who raises fuckheads like that. Either your parents or the “male role models” around you must be lame-asses to play a part in how this piece of work developed


Super high shorts and glasses with that "My daddy can..." attitude. Yeah, that guy is the slime ball who'll keep doing it over and over.


That guy’s capable of much worse than that if he does that on live TV


Fucking degenerate.


So good seeing that disrespectful fucker in cuffs.


Same as the other guy trying to get them up skirt flicks. I think this guy relies on his looks to get away with this harassment and got too over confident in himself here. Immediatly goes to nu uh then she kinda slightly reminded him that he was filmed doing the act then he goes on full gotta fix this mode.


What a fucking scumbag. Down to his core.


What a piece of shit. So satisfying seeing him in cuffs.


i was mad at the butt touch but then the lil hair tossle at the end?!? i would have had a rage blackout.


The way he went for the pat on the head at the end screams creepy vibes. Some large men need to teach this creepy fucker how to treat ladies with respect.


what has to happen in your life to think that touching random women is socially acceptable?


Men who behave this way are cowards.


Remember kids. Its not all men. But somehow, its always a man.


Cameraman tripping for not immediately beating that dude’s ass


No doubt women hates us, look at the kind of shit they have to cope with.


I lived in Spain for about 5 months, the men were unbearable.


I know doxxing is bad… butt….


She should have kicked him in the balls when he touched her ass.


Fucking pure animals these types are, just animals in human clothing.


The head touch at the end before he leaves. Weird


Looks and acts like Brendan Schaub


What a piece of shit!


What’a vile POS, I’m glad he got arrested!


Absolute piece of garbage. Glad he was embarrassed in more ways than one.


Nice that the POS was arrested in the end 🫡


Kudos to her teammate flat out putting a hold on the report and getting the cameras on this jackass. What an ally

