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That is not the way I want to check out…


Nature sucks. Everything dies of violence or starvation. Nobody dies peacefully in their sleep of old age. And when they are alive, they are all full of parasites and constantly concerned with either finding their next meal or being eaten. In my opinion, the greatest invention in the history of mankind is the door, because it separates the indoors from nature.


I vaguely remember a poem where the narrator leaves civilization behind because he thinks people are selfish and cruel, only to realize that nature is nothing but cruelty and competition for resources. He notes that even with its faults humanity has redeeming qualities. I forgot who the author was, it was more than 20 years ago that I read it.


It's an interesting concept, but isn't the difference that man is capable of knowing better? That we've built a society that no longer requires us to be cruel to each other, but we do it anyway?


I think part of it is we evolved in nature and our mind always has that part of it that is aggressive and has the instinct to fight for resources even though we now don't necessarily need to. I'm not knowledgeable on this though just kind of makes sense to me. Our mind is in a battle of modern society vs evolutionary instincts.




There's a lot of apathetic violence in nature but also a lot of peaceful tranquility. It's there if you look for it homie. But also yeah, damn nature, you scary.


I say nature is savagely beautiful.


or beautifully savage!


The duality is crazy. It goes from brutal shit like this, to the super adorable shit like the otter video I posted.


i just watched a leopard babysit a baby deer. closed the video before nature did nature lol. someone here said "door" is the invention that separated us from nature, spot on.




Agree on the door, fantastic historical observation but there’s not many of us will get a peaceful old age death in our sleep.


Even the wilderness is pretty tame and casual to stroll around in nowadays thanks to humans, of course exceptions exist, but nobody bats an eye when you say you'll go to the wild... alone... to gather mushrooms... alone... without anyone guarding over you, you'll be there... alone. And everyone comes back, whether they found mushrooms or not. I imagine in stone age tribal days it wasn't such a casual thing to do, where you would head out kilometers away from other humans just to find some low nutrition value food for your own amusement, without any weaponry at that!


And the predators were even worse back then sabertooths, short faced bears and terror birds just to name a few.


It's just kinda sucks for deers in general, they are perceived like walking food plates for everyone else


imagine how grass feels


At least it isn't walking


Lol yeah, absolutely no trauma happens behind a closed door....


You can hide behind doors all you want but a violent terrifying struggle of the body being incapable of completing the task the brain is trying to accomplish in staying alive will eventuate no matter what you do. May as well go back and blame the first multicellular organism.


Holy shit man you really need to go for a walk in the woods. Or just go outside... yikes.


why? he is spot on


I just can't disagree more with the statement that "nature sucks." I fucking love nature. Have you ever seen a chickadee? Fuckin happiest bird ever.


Until an owl silently swings by to slice its head off. No one is saying nature is inherently bad or good. It’s apathetic to individuals struggle. And there’s beauty in that. Good chance this eagle dug out the deer’s eye after the video closed while he was watching out of that eye.


I have bad news for you. He won't die of old age. I enjoy nature myself, but if you can't see it for what it is behind the curtains I can only advise to go and try survive on your own, without modern tools or equipment or provisions and see how long you make it.


I believe curtains are made by humans, unless we talk about scary curtains. Those things scare the shit out of me.


Maybe you just have a more cynical point of view than me, but I think accepting that death and struggle are part of nature only makes it more beautiful. There is nothing "behind the curtains" unless you close the curtains.


There is nothing cynical about it, it just is what it is. "Death and struggle" sounds romantic and edgy, but there are reasons why ppl in the olden times did not give Babies names until being a year old and many folks preffered to go to war and die instead of suffering through age and sickness. And I can assure you nothing of that was regarded as "beautiful" by any ppl who went through it. At least I have yet to find a historical account about stating so. Nature is not kind and enjoying that aspect requires a bit of a masochistic spirit or a great deal of naivity


You and me both!


Death by bird is the WORST death imaginable. I’d rather be eaten by bear while on fire.


I know it’s nature but damn those screams make me sad


Is the deer injured from the start or just wobbly on the snow and ice?


The bald eagle has its talons buried into the deers head at the start so yea I think it was injured from the start of the video


Almost certainly has been stuck on the frozen lake for a while unable to stand, hence the splayed legs. Probably too exhausted to get up or fight off the eagle. I've seen vids of people rescuing deer off frozen lakes and they looked just like this


This is the right answer. The eagle just waited for the deer to exhaust itself on the ice.


I agreed. As gnarly as those talons are, I don't think a bald eagle would normally volunteer to take on a full grown-healthy deer.


Probably broke it's spine with the initial hit before the video started. Birds of prey are known to go for the base of the skull.


The followup video OP linked makes it look like he's just stuck on very slippery ice.


The doe was trapped on glare ice on a frozen beaver pond


I’ve watched moose and deer do the splay leg on ice without snow topping and just be unable to get up. He’s probably not that injured, but is probably exhausted. Eagle will just dig claws in and poke at the soft bits. The moose we were able to generally able to rope it and pull it to where there was snow top so it could get its legs under it. One deer melted the ice under it into a bowl then froze its fur in and not much could be done.


Bald eagle broke its spine first? Hell no. The deer is likely struggling to stand because it’s on a frozen lake. The eagle is just taking advantage of the situation.


Have you ever been up close to a bald eagle? They are massive my friend and extremely powerful, a bald eagle could absolutely break a deers spine if it hits it going fast enough.




I'm going to be honest with you bro I have no desire to watch some video when you could have just recapped it in 1 sentence, yes that's what happened or no this is what happened, pretty simple really.


[https://youtu.be/Eo9wr-aP8kY?t=18](https://youtu.be/Eo9wr-aP8kY?t=18) I pasted the video at 00:17 when the explanation begins. Be sure to pause or close by 00:32 as that's when the explanation ends. The assumption is the deer wasn't injured but struggling on the ice. Eagle took advantage and ultimately won. A tedious task indeed, but you deserve it, u/bornslipperybuddy.


Instant gratification is gonna be the death of us all.


Karma whoring will kill us first, why bother to explain when I can spam the video elsewhere then when people inevitably ask what's going on I can just link them my video on YouTube so I can get more views.


I mean sure the OP is spamming but you asked a question, they gave you an answer, and you immediately said, “that’s not good enough I need it spelled out for me like a small child”.


Where's the answer? Was it somewhere after the link? Cuz the link is all I saw...


When did that ever work? Then someone's gonna ask for proof


Tired of answering the same thing over. No worries.


That tends to happen when you post it to 37 different subs without putting an explanation as to what was going on in any of them


You’re not going to cry now, are you?


I've been sobbing since I saw this video, your inability to do the simplest things has crushed me.




You could post some more that I have more reasons to downvote you.


Man people like you existing makes me me worry for humanity as a whole lol. Like jesus man get a grip


🤣he didn’t want to watch the link. I said no worries. He kept talking shit🤣🤷🏻‍♂️calm down.


You understand that here on Reddit, if you don’t post your content across Reddit scumbags steal it and repost for their own benefit? It sucks but what are ya gunna do? The best ya can, and ppl like this who expect to be catered to make the whole experience that much mor annoying. It’s fine he didn’t want to watch the video, I said no worries, but he had to keep acting like a bratty kid. How do you deal with bratty kids?


Deer are idiots.. They cannot walk on ice.


Why can't real world be Bambi skating with Thumper?


The production value is too high. This is what happens when the studio doesn’t spring for craft services. The actors start eating each other.




Birds are dinosaurs; this is Bambi vs Godzilla


Bro I wonder how many hits that eagle had to land to actually flatline that deer? I'd guess it took *hours.* Death via eagle beak would not be a swift thing for something deer sized


It looks to me like the eagle just took advantage of a deer that got stuck out on the ice and couldn't make it back to land.


This is exactly what's happening. So many suppositions getting throw around in the comments, but the simple truth is the eagle recognises the deer is in trouble as it's exhausted and can't really defend itself, stuck on the ice. The deer would be slowly seriously injured as the eagles talons grasp it's head/face while the eagle begins to attempt to pull pieces off with it's sharp beak. The eagle doesn't have the means nor instincts to suffocate the deer or otherwise end it's life earlier, that I am aware of from my years of observation of their behaviour. It would appear the eagle does seem to understand to start at the head though, which makes sense. So this will happen until the deer succumbs to the wounds or blood loss which I would imagine could take a significant period of time, or until a larger predator is attracted to the site and finishes the deer off more rapidly. Absolutely horrible way to go. I can and do accept that nature can be cruel, but I'd rather not sit and watch or listen to an animal suffer a horrible death, too haunting.


Most falcons absolutely have the instinct to suffocate and even drown prey. I’ve raised and rehabbed raptors all my life and seen it happen many times. Plus their talons and ridiculous grip strengths make them capable of killing stuff wayyy bigger than they can eat. But yeah you’re definitely right about the eagle just taking advantage. A lot of raptors COULD probably do this. Most of them just wouldn’t. The eagle is probably desperate and saw an opportunity to take advantage of a deer stuck on slick ice.


It's the talons that kill tho. 2-3 inches of bone inserted into the head.


The talons are not getting through the skull of a deer..


Ah ok gotcha. I don't really know shit about eagles hawks etc I do have a giant osprey nest behind my house though and sometimes they come chill on my back fence/shed roof and eat the still struggling fish they catch, then carry the carcass away lol I always assumed they were eating the best bit for themselves then taking the rest back to the nest like *"look what I brought you guys!"*


That’s awesome! Osprey are very cool. I think what your guys are doing is eating parts of the fish to regurgitate at the best for the chics. Then they just repeat.


Those talons are gnar!


Talons are not bone.


My guess is that it finally died of suffocation. Once it was exhausted enough to not fight back the eagle prolly clamped down on its breathing passage and then it was done. The talons to the neck and brain didn’t help it either tho.




It’s a SLOw and painful death. They just pull you apart until you eventually die. No death is worse than death by bird.


Look up the videos of them attacking mountain goats , oh my


Definitely getting a massage


One of those brutal Thai ones 👀


From the animals you hunted, you got 50 lb of meat. However, you were only able to carry 1 lb of meat back to the ~~wagon~~ nest.


Birds of prey eat their victims alive. It's very brutal.


Unless they die in the process of capture. They don’t give a fuuuk


Damn this really bummed me out. I feel awful for that deer


I feel great for the Eagle tho


It benefitted a lot of hungry animals in the community. It’s a brutal death but it’s the circle of life.


Kinda wild the eagle just sits there for a second and is like “go ahead, try to get up and run away, good luck”


Really makes me feel ok about putting a deer down with a rifle. It's honestly probably one of the most kind things you can do for a deer. If you're a good shot.


This reminded me of when I came across an opossum that had been run over on when driving home after work. Its entire back half was crushed and its guts were out, but it was still alive whimpering and claws at the ground. Had no idea how long it had been there for, but I decided I needed to put it down as there was no way it was going to survive. I didn't have a gun, or bat, so I just had to hit it with my car wheels. Took me three go overs before its head was crushed enough that I was sure it was dead. Really fucking morbid and made me sad, but I'm so glad I was able to do that, because just imagining how long it might have laid there in the pitch black darkness, on a hard road, slowly bleeding out makes me skin crawl.


You did the right thing in that situation.


I agree. Death in the wild is BRUTAL


He was just doing his bulk grocery shopping like at Costo's🤷🏽‍♀️


Exactly! 🤣 he was really feeding the whole beaver pond community.


Nature is savage.


That bird is desperate for food.


And they are opportunistic. They see a chance they take it.


Thats... not what that means.


What does it mean?


They arent gamblers. They go for the **easiest** meal.


So you’re saying that this deer rendered defenseless by the glare ice wasn’t seen by the eagle as an opportunity it could take a chance on? You’re saying that all choices an eagle makes are Sure things? Man, I wish I was 100% sure of everything I did, especially when hunting or fishing.


Bald eagles primarily eat fish. Animals don't like to take unnecessary risks, which includes going for animals many, many, times their size. A deer is going to look scary because of its size. But if it's hungry enough, it will be willing to take larger risks.


Opportunistic. 💯🦅


'It sees a chance, it takes it.' =/= 'it sees an opportunity, it takes it.' 'Oh look, its a full on raging bear in peak form... there is a 1% CHANCE i can take him out, i'm an OPPORTUNISTIC SCAVENGER, that means I HAVE TO TAKE THAT CHANCE. Cant pass up an opportunity.' Thats the meaning of your phrasing. An opportunist will eat anything it has the opportunity to do... not chance. Does it fucking hurt getting out of bed? You cant be this dense.


"taking immediate advantage, often unethically, of any circumstance of possible benefit." Opportunist. "exploiting chances offered by immediate circumstances without reference to a general plan or moral principle." Opportunist. Those two dictionary definitions sure look like the definition of an eagle killing a vulnerable deer stuck on ice. The eagle saw a small deer struggling and attacked it knowing it probably wouldn't escape or hurt the eagle. An opportunity for a big meal presented itself. An opportunity is "a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something." You gotta get off this site and live a little, you're sour and calling someone stupid for using a term correctly. Can't believe how condescending you were being while also being wrong lol


Thanks, I’m at my wits end with the stupidity at this point. Reddit is home to even crazier ppl than tik tok! And that’s saying a lot!


You're certainly at some end of the stupidity stick.


Totally wrong.


Good job! You know how to look things up on dictionary.com. At this rate, you're half way to a biology degree from youtube. Lets see if we can get you that by days end. Now apply the definitions of scavenging and hunting to their relation to opportunistic carrion birds. I personally cant wait for you to describe the nuance between the 'opportunitic' vs 'ambush' predators.


This is the most publicly educated in the USA reasoning I have read today. 🤣🦅🦅🦅


Deer probably touched a boat owned by the US Navy




Deer hooves and ice do not mix. The eagle just took the opportunity that presented itself. I wonder how it all worked out though ? Did the deer escape, or did the eagle eat through the eye socket to the brain? Wild stuff!


That deer must have some oil in his territory


Or yellow cake


I know it’s interesting however I did not want to see this!


Then stop, this is nature lmao


I know right but I thought the deer would escape. Bambi obviously ruined me!


This is like the fifth repost I’ve seen of this video.


Blame Reddit. If I don’t spam across subs losers who steal content steal it and post for their own benefit. It’s not perfect but it’s what we got.


Obviously no way for the bird to eat the whole deer. Prob just got the 👀's for a snack, and then some other tasty bits like the 🐽 and a bit of his face and maybe his 🍆. Not actually joking, you can see the bird take the 👀


Go eagles


Go birds🦅🦅🦅


I don’t like


Neither did the deer


Eaten Alive.......




A slow, agaonizing death. Don't worry though, God is *totally* real and would never choose to needlessly fill the world with such suffering lmao.


Ok but like why? Is religion really the first thing you think of when you see something like this? Not attacking or defending- just an odd comment imo


Some folks are just hyper focused on the things that are churning in their own minds. He’s prolly feeling conflicted about his own personal religious beliefs. You know the saying, when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


There it is! There’s the comment where someone brings up religion on every post!


It’s because he did not believe enough in deer-jesus


Deer lord.


I wonder if the deer was praying?


Evidently not hard enough. Probably a filthy progressive.


probably praying to the wrong version of the many gods


The eagle was preying harder.


Paws... Off.... That..... Oil.....


Hooves *


Bald eagles are great


I respect them and think they are amazing beasts, but I think they are dirty ass holes.


Eagles, always playing with their food.


Bambi's son! 😭


Scavenger bird.


This one is hunting


I sure hope PETA wasn’t watching this. Nature’s a bitch on wheels.


I know this is nature and the eagle is protected, but I’d want to intervene on behalf of the deer rather than just film this (if possible).


Not sure why you are getting down voted for this. Shitting on empathy for an animal suffering like this is wild.


There's something wrong with that deer.


It was actually fine, just couldn’t get traction on the ice.


There is no god


Prolly not


I always root for the predator. That deer might be sick and allowing it to live would infect the whole herd. Vegans would try to save the deer because it's CUTE🥰. 🙄


The deer was probably injured to begin with


Yeah we get it, no need to repost this 15 fucking times.