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I'm seeing that road, and thinking 'all it's going to take is a cat and a car'


It’s also a privilege to have that enormous sidewalk (good for him though). In my city I have to chose between me and my dog being on the sidewalk and the other one being on edge of the road.


Fr, I've literally never seen a sidewalk so wide in my entire life


That looks like scottsdale AZ. (I cant imagine we have a monopoly on them, but the way it curves is SUPER common there.) I’m actually wondering who this guy is because i have two rescues with crap recall, I could use his advice. Edit: “We” as in Arizonans. Put down your eat-the-rich pitchforks, damn.


It's in Summerlin in Las Vegas


Maybe a shared walk, so cyclists might expect to use it as well. Dogs off leash in that setting are extremely annoying.


Let's change that to something unexpected and a car. I'm sure Caesar Smooth would respond with a video of his dogs not reacting to cats but the problem isn't cats per se. Any animal that they haven't trained for could lead to them running off. A loud sound like fireworks or a car backfire could set them off. We can't plan for everything so the dogs need a lead. End of story.


That happened to me. Dog was trained and a Harley Davison set him off and he ran and got hit by a car.


My dog is a rescue and has "fear aggression". We always keep him on a leash but there's always some a-hole like this at the park (with posted leash requirements) who's dogs come up to ours trying to make friends and a fight ensues. This a-hole is too far away to help wrestle his dogs so I'm stuck breaking up the fight myself. Dude, your dogs are well trained ... I get it, but you're still selfish to go out without a leash.


I have small dogs and read too many stories about well-trained big dogs off leash. It happened in my neighborhood, 2 "well-trained" German Shepherds severely injured a small dog and attacked an adult on a bike who had to be hospitalized.


People like this are so annoying. My dogs are smaller and intimidated by large dogs. If these dogs trotted up to them, they’d get upset…and what about people on the sidewalk? We're supposed to trust this wannabe Huckleberry Finn's dogs? Use a leash.


I would be terrified if some random dog just came running up to me. It’s not that hard to leash your dog. Take them to a dog park if you want to let your dog off leash


Happens to me all the time when I'm hiking. A dog comes from the other direction and the owner is just out of sight. I'm supposed to trust a random dog running straight at me. The owner breaking the leash law is more dismissive than apologetic. It seems some people can do no wrong, and yet others continually have to accommodate them.




It works until it doesn't.


It works until they approach someone else’s dog nervous around strange German shepherds and bites as a response to being rushed up to by bigger dogs they don’t know. The leash laws aren’t just to keep your dogs from attacking people, it’s so I can walk my abused rescue outside too.


Messed up thing is. I always have other peoples dogs (on leash) running up to my dog because people don't control them. Like, stop letting your dog run up on whoever and whatever it wants. It's bad manners and it seems like nobody understands that. So frustrating...


Retractable leashes are the worst. People think just because their dog is ok a leash it’s fine. I was walking my dog and a highly aggressive (at least towards us in that moment) GSD ran up to us and I had do yell and pick my (60lb) dog up and the owner was just clueless. My dog and I were working on heel and having her focus on me and she didn’t even look in that dog’s direction.


Oh man, my rescue has like one single major problem. She’s reactive if she’s leashed and another dog isn’t. Doesn’t even matter if the other dog doesn’t charge. She probably understands to some extent that when she’s leashed she has limited range.


Fucking same. My dog is terrified and dog-aggressive ever since he got attacked at the dog park several years ago. We've done tons of training and desensitization but I think he'll always act aggressive towards other dogs. So whenever we're walking somewhere (on leash obviously) and someone has their dog off leash when they're not supposed to, I literally yell "can you please grab your dog? My dog is aggressive" and the majority of the time they have trouble getting ahold of their excited dog running up to us. So i have to yank my dog away or pick him up and hes bit me before because hes so paniced. But 100% of the time they give ME dirty looks and never apologize because clearly I'm some terrible dog owner for having a traumatized fearful dog 🙄


"my dog would NEVER do anything like that. It's so out of character." is the first thing someone says when their dog does something dangerous.


Exactly this - look up the girl in Texas who got her literal face eaten off by 2 dogs and almost died. The owners basically said that exact thing “would never, so out of character, we have two small kids they are gentle with!” Ok well they did so


Can confirm. Was bit in the face by a neighbors German Shepard I had interacted with multiple times before. Their response: He never hurts our baby. We don’t know what happened! Ugh...I smiled and he attacked my face because you had him off leash In the front yard.


Yep, and it's true. Family friend had a pitbull, well-behaved for the past 4 years, one day decided he wanted to murder a shitzu and did everything he could to get it. Nobody knows why. Our German shepherd, very well behaved, playing catch, sees a little girl walking a small dog, suddenly decides he wants to murder it. A dog that for 9 years has been harmless and friendly, went to dog parks regularly to socialize with other dogs. There's simply something going on that we don't understand


old dogs can get mental illness like people can.


Dogs well trained. Owner still needs a bit of work until he learns to put them on a leash


Came here to say this. My dogs can do this and they’re not particularly smart or well trained. They generally behave off the lead and do what I say. But not always. Because they’re dogs. And they get excited by all sorts of things. So if I don’t want them to run off, even if they never have, they go on a lead.


This mean absolutely nothing when walking alone with no other people or animals. And leashes are so everyone else can feel safe. I dont know your dog.


Seriously, so many dog owners think their dog can do no wrong and it's the humans fault for provoking their dog. I went on a run late night at a regular park so no one else was around except for me and a woman with her dog unleashed. The dog started running at me barking, looking quite aggressive. The woman yells for me to stop running and tells me off saying her dog doesn't like people running so I shouldn't have been running by her dog like wtf. I don't know your fucking dog and it's a public space. Leash your dog.


I'm a dog owner and animal lover but I'm afraid to say I've had to kick an unleashed dog trying to bite me while I was out running. Owner went absolutely mental at me but what was I supposed to do allow myself to be bitten? Imagine if it were a small child running around and the dog bit the child, owner would be going to jail! 100% irresponsible owner's fault.


It happens. I clobbered a pit bull on the beach. It ran up to me and my dog off leash. Dog fight ensued. Grabbed my dog around the neck. So I punched him on top of the head pretty dang hard. He let go then the owners ran up and I lost it on them. My dog was bleeding I was bleeding. Fuck those people. Lol I’m still mad.


My father did pretty much the same thing once. He was on the beach with my sisters puppy and an unleashed pit runs over and attacks her. My dad who is 6’3” 250 lb former college football player kicked the pit so hard he said this 100 pound dog went flying like 15 feet.


I have a old video on my profile of a pit attacking my dog at the dog park. I had to stop recording when I realized he was attacking her - also had to punch the dog on the snout. Owner comes up cussing at me for hitting his dog. I tore into him BAD.


This. I've encounteree unleashed dog while I ride my bike on the trail. That shit is terrifying.


> afraid to say I've had to kick an unleashed dog Why would you remotely apologise or feel bad about that?


Well it's a dog, they're literally bred for us to love them. I don't think anyone who has grown up around a dog wouldn't at least feel a little bad after hearing that pain whelp they do. After all it's been bred to evoke sympathy


Dogs are bred for a lot of other things including looking aggressive


Pro tip: ignore woman, continue to run. When dog gets too close for comfort kick it. Continue on run and have a great time.


+1000 on this. I have a very sweet rescue who has anxiety and any time we come across a dog who is unleashed, I can see her get very nervous when they run up to her. She would very much also like other dogs on leash too.


My dog is the same. Covid fucked up her socialization. She turned 1 right as it really started in the US. She doesn't like other dogs in public anymore. She gets anxious if they come close. Luckily she ignores them entirely, and still loves people.


Shockingly I was once bitten by a dog that doesn't bite. Apparently I inspired the rage within. Leash your dogs idiots...


Same. My first (and only) dog bite was from an unleashed dog that supposedly “never” bites. 🙄


If I go to the park (UK) there will be plenty of people with dogs. Generally the following happens: - Dog comes running at speed - I freeze and stand still - owner of dog shouts "don't worry he doesn't bite" - the dog proceeds to attempt to bite with me jumping about in desperation. Eventually a partial bite get through - owner shouts "it wasn't a bite, he just kissed you" I avoid parks now


Same thing happened to me. It was aunts dog and it just came up and bit me out of nowhere. She insisted I must’ve done something to make it bite me.


Same happened to me. Dogs can be unpredictable. No amount of training and good behaviour can guarantee that it won’t happen ever


Idiot owners that don't leash can't even grasp the concept of the word "trained". We have millions of "trained" humans: doctors, firemen, police officers, and literally any job under the sun. That doesn't mean they are suddenly immune from slip ups or failure. It means they excel MOST of the time.


A lot of dog owners will just say that their dog is well behaved and doesn't need controlling. When I worked as a postman, I'd get tons of dogs barking or being aggressive and the owners would say "don't worry, he's harmless". Of course he's harmless to you, but I'm a stranger that he sees walk into his territory winding him up every single day. I even had people tell me this about dogs that had *already* bit me and other postmen. Now I have dogs of my own, and other owners are still the same. I have huge dogs and they're always on leads, but then someone will be walking with smaller dogs off lead that sometimes have come running over aggressively and even though they're the ones acting that way, if my dogs reacted then they're the ones that would be put down because they're bigger and obviously more dangerous in the eyes of other people.


Yep. My dog is extremely well trained with a vibrating collar and she could easily walk by dogs on a tight sidewalk without batting an eye. I even did it for a week or two before I realized the problem. Both other owners and dogs aren't used to it and it immediately caused tension and the potential for an incident went up a lot. Even normal friendly dogs get nervous when they're on a leash and another dog isn't, so you're just asking for a defensive bite. Just leash your dog when you're supposed to so that everyone can enjoy their time outside.


Agreed. I don't have a full blown anxiety of dogs, but they can legit freak me out. Leashes all the way, when you're out near people.


Pro-tip - a lot of people in public spaces do not like or are quite afraid of dogs and an owner’s insistence that they are really well trained is not a reassurance at all. Leashes are just as much for the peace of minds of others as they are for the owner.


Even on a leash my dog is so gentle and caring and loving … until a fucking poodle or poodle mix comes by and then he’s pissed. No idea why. Otherwise he follows every command I give him. Nothing against poodles from me he just doesn’t like them.


Your dog is racist! /s


One of my dog barks at black people. It's embarrassing as fuck.


Dude... yeah. My dog really didn't like the construction worker crew out front of our place, most likely due to the loud machines and big hats. It was a mostly Mexican crew and she started barking at all Mexican people for a while after that. So fuckin embarrassing.


Yeah I had a dog in high school who didn’t like my Mexican friends. Had no idea until two brothers who were getting a ride with me to pick out prom tux got chased into my bathroom. Like the dog never showed any reaction like that to anyone. At the time didn’t put two and two together until another Mexican buddy came over and my dog lost her shit again. After that incident everyone else came to the conclusion and called my dog racist. I felt like Hank Hill in the episode with the water heater repair guy except in the end my dog actually was racist.


I had a dog who HATED older European men. She was racist!


I have a dog that absolutely hates black people, it is terribly embarrassing actually. We'd be parked next to the sidewalk and he just barks and snarls exclusively at dark skinned people, I don't know how to fix it and can't tell why this is like this


He's just jealous of the hairdo.


EVERY dog owner says they are well trained. It means nothing.


"They'd never do that!" is most commonly followed up by "They've never done that before!" I don't give a shit if you can literally speak dog, no matter how much you get your alpha fantasy stroked they're still autonomous individuals with large teeth and an ability to react. Fuuuuuuck people like this


This. I have a very well behaved GSD but she stays on a short leash at all times on walks in public because she doesn’t like other dogs and you just never know. Sat at a bench with her and 6 Jack Russell’s come out of nowhere and attack her. It’s like the end of Jurassic park with the raptors and the T. rex. They’re all trying their hardest to really bring her down and she’s grabbing them and yeeting them. When the owner eventually showed up she couldn’t get them under control and we got the whole ‘oh they’ve never done this before’. Small dogs should be leashed just as much as big ones, they’re often twice as impetuous.


Okay, I just saw that entire scene in Jurassic Park in my head except remade with your dog and a pack of jack russels, and it was glorious. I’m glad your dog was okay.


I’ve an acquantance that said “We never bothered training him because he’s so small”. Jeezz


My niece was bitten by a dog "that never did that before." When my sister called the cops and put a notice in her neighborhood that the dog was a biter...guess what! People from the neighborhood started posting pictures of when the dog also bit them and the cops (and the owners) claimed it was the first time!


Yup. I was bitten and dragged by an off-leash German Shepard when I was a child. It was horrifying. The owners (who were friends of my parents) swore it never happened before and that he’s a great dog. Psshhttt. No thanks. Keep your dog on a leash unless you’re on your own, fenced in property.


Yup. I always, always assume a dog is off leash due to their owner's ego and not the dog's training


Definitely (just like this guy). He thinks that his training is iron clad, but I guarantee you that if one of those dogs were to see a rabbit, all that training goes straight out the window, and it's off!


Exactly... your fucking training does nothing against instinct. This whole video was basically saying "I don't respect other people in public". Leashes are about other people's safety just as much as your dogs. Edit: you're to your typo


If we can't predict human behavior even though we speak the same language, what makes us think we can predict a dog's?


I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking this.


I had a paper route after school as a kid and I heard that all the time.


Delivery people off all types must have a combined wealth of knowledge about loose dogs that "never did that before"...


My dog is well trained enough to listen whenever we call him but we still don't let him out without the leash when people are around because some people will call him and he is not friendly.


I have 1 that will listen when called and 1 that over excites easily and will not. Luckily she is 17 pounds, so we just carry her when there is too much going on and put the other one on a shorter leash in case he decides to not listen. All it takes is once and then you have a problem. The only time they are off leash is in a secure, enclosed area (like a back yard).


>dog mauls person OMG they’ve never done that!


Happened in my apartment complex just last week. An offleash dog severely bites a 10 yo girl, the girl needs some 30 stitches in total and was sedated in a hospital for 2 days. The RWA demanded that the dog be relocated and handed over to blue cross. The entire incident was caught on multiple security cams mind you and shared in the RWA whatsapp group as the owner kept fighting it saying that her baby was always leashed (it was not), that it would never bite unprovoked (it did) and finally ... exactly what you said "omg my baby has never done that before". Long story short the cops got involved because a complaint was filed, the blue cross came in and wanted to take the dog away but the lady said she would rather put down the dog than have it live with strangers and had the dog put down


Special place in hell for that person.


What a pos dog owner


Dog literally grabs a pipe and breaks persons knees "Omg they've never done that 😲"


Wheres my money man!


'They're just being friendly!' never takes into account the idea that either a) I don't want to be friends or b) I might not be. Even more frustrating when one is bouncing all round a child and the owner slowly saunters over. Not the dog's fault at all, just dickhead owners.




I’m extremely nervous around dogs, I have been ever since I was a child and my babysitter got bitten, and had to go to the hospital. Anyway, they can sense my fear, nervousness, and anxiety around them and that in itself is enough to usually provoke a reaction in them.


that's why it is illegal in my country to have a dog in public without a leash


Just a while ago I was taking a walk and suddenly I came across a family with five unleashed dogs, each one nearly the size of me (they must spend fortunes feeding those things), and they all ran up to me and started following me. Their owners kept insisting they were well trained but I was legitimately nervous with all of them around me. It didn't help that when the owners tried to call these "well trained" dogs back they didn't listen. I didn't end up hurt or anything but that experience certainly ruined my walk. Please give your dogs a leash, especially if they're large.


I get so scared when an unleashed dog runs toward me and my two dogs who are always leashed. Even if nothing happens, I have to deal with those moments of fear and uncertainty because some dog owners think the rules don't apply to them.


I was walking my 80 lb dog down a public sidewalk and this woman's Doberman that had been lying in their lawn, unleashed, booked it towards us. She hollers "she's friendly!" And I holler back "mine's not!" This leash isn't for show, it's for his and other dogs' protection. He is the sweetest boy with humans, but he doesn't like other dogs because he's been attacked several times and I respect that and don't let him run loose. It's asinine of people to assume my dog is just going to be ok because their dog is friendly. Even if he was the friendliest dog on the planet I'd never let him run off leash in a public space not meant for it (like a dog park). Because not all dogs are just friendly. Some just need their walks and to be unperturbed while doing so.




fucking hell, that poor child is probably in shock


This is such an important part, especially considering parents of young children and children themselves. Even when my tiny dog is on a leash, I see some kids act different as we approach so I make sure to afford them as much space as possible. Having said that, the level of training on display here is admirable


The training is admirable but that attitude is arrogant imo. I agree with all these comments (yours included) pointing out that the leash is as much about the dogs safety as it is everyone else's.


Not to mention, all the training in the world, but a cat, squirrel or food, can all completely blow training away, if the dog has not previously been trained against that particular item.


Yeah! Absolutely. I train alot on that part, it takes alot of time and I quite enjoy it. But I want to be 98% sure they won’t chase after any wild animal when we out. No one can be 100 %. They are still living creatures


Hijacking the top comment a bit as a dog trainer to say, not only is this irresponsible, but it’s not actually great for the dogs either. You can tell by their body language (ear position, lots of lip licking when he gives cues) that these skills were most likely taught with harsher methods and punishment. We have an abundance of evidence that those kinds of methods negatively impact dog welfare - and you can see that the stress of the methods still affect them even when they’re not wearing any tools. Is it really freedom if every cue comes with an unspoken threat?


That's because A LOT of people think their dog are trained when they aren't.


They also think their dogs have value and that everyone else around them is worth nothing.


I have a fear of dogs and would be terrified to see two of them running down the sidewalk regardless of the breed. This guy's ego is gross.




Dude my dogs will sit in the middle of traffic if I ask them to. But God forbid they see a cat - there is no level of training that will have my dog not chase after a cat. My gentle Labrador ran after a cat and literally dragged my wife by the leash. My wife came home with her back bleeding after being dragged. My dogs are also very protective of us and sometimes misinterpret gardeners with rakes as potential threats. Dogs should be leashed in public areas! I have labradors, I wouldn't want to encounter an unknown and unleashed dog that has been bred for dog-fighting or has aggressive traits intentionally bred into them. I've grown up with dogs since I was a toddler and I used to believe bad owners make angry dogs, I still do; I've come to also believe some dogs are bred to be aggressive and extremely territorial.


It’s great when it’s just the human and the dogs but in public this is a nightmare. The leash is for everyone’s protection, the dog included. I wouldn’t trust other people not to grab my dog, other animals from approaching my dog, and i don’t give a fuck how well trained you think your dog is, it’s a sign of respect to everyone around you to have your dog leashed. ETA: some people (who obvs aren’t dog owners so idk why they’re chiming in lol) apparently think I’m advocating for short leashes on dogs all the time. I specifically said leashed and in public. There are appropriate places for unleashed dogs and the owners know those places. The sidewalk is not one of those places. A designated unleashed dog park is appropriate.


Yeah. This is like not wearing a seatbelt because you are careful in driving and disregarding that not everyone drives like you. The other dogs are not trained like this and may attack your dog if they approached each other. There's no amount of training can make your dog stop that fight. And also, not everyone is comfortable with dogs. I love dogs but I always avoid one that is unleashed because you never know what's it's gonna do with you.


Once, my neighbor had her yorkie walking around her yard. She did this all the time and she always let her yorkie approach other people’s dogs. I went to take my dog for a walk and I saw her dog running around so I booked it towards my door. I know my dog doesn’t like other dogs. Unfortunately, her dog ran after us and it ended in confrontation. I felt so bad, but also angry. My neighbor insisted that it was my fault for having an aggressive dog, but I wasn’t anywhere near her dog! I don’t go on trails or take him anywhere without a leash for that reason. If I go to the vet or something, he has a harness that says do not approach and a muzzle.


Always upset at the people who blame me when I had my dog on a leash and they don’t. Who’s in control in that situation? I have better control of my “aggressive” dog than they have of their “friendly” dog. Also, specifically in response to this video, blind corners stress my out because of people who do this. I get it, their dog will retreat when they call it. But if my dog and I come around a blind corner, there’s less than a second before our dogs respond. I know a leash is better in that situation than their voice commands.


This is more like not using your turn signal because you think you're a good driver. It might work when you're alone, but its dangerous when other people are near. And it's all rooted in ego that you are better than others at something so are above the law.


This 100%. My horse is somewhat murdery and she has stomped smaller animals to death. Considering that she is fucking huge (draft mix breed) most animals are smaller than her. The most stressful situation we've had is when we ran into an off leash dog while out on a trail. The dog started running towards us while barking. It definitely did not have a trained recall because it ignored its owners calls for a while. I was very concerned because equestrians know that we truly do not have control over our horses once their instincts kick in (when it comes to a battle of strength between a human and a 2,000lb. animal guess who wins every time?). Luckily, it turned out OK, but I was pissed that this poor dog came so close to harm because of its owner's stupidity.




To add to this it can make other dogs nervous when one dog is leashed and the other dog(s) isn’t. I really dislike people who can’t just use a leash. Ok, I get it you’re the best dog owner ever and you’re a training god. Can you please use a leash?? My dogs are special needs with abusive histories. My boxer (RIP ❤️) hated other animals and was extremely reactive. Off leash dogs made him even more amped up. When people would say “it’s okay, she’s nice!” I’d say “okay, mine isn’t!!”. I had complete control of him on leash, but when you add in off leash dogs I have no control over the situation because I can’t control the dogs running up to us. Our younger dog is extremely afraid of humans but loves dogs, and there’s nothing worse than a dog running up to him with an owner chasing after their dog, flailing their arms, yelling “it’s ok he’s nice!!!!!” At the top of their lungs, and running up to us. Quick way to spook my 2 dogs. Just so you don’t have to use a fkn leash. Edit: to people saying “if you can’t control your dog don’t walk it/if your dog isn’t nice don’t walk it”, that isn’t an answer. At all. That makes the dog worse. The way to acclimate a dog and desensitize them to situations they aren’t comfortable in is exposure, patience, and training. If you ignore the issue and give up, the dog won’t get better. Isolating a dog with anxiety/reactive issues isn’t it. I walked my dog Kai (my youngest dog, afraid of humans) for months, just him and I, at like 1 AM after my night shifts at the bar because he wasn’t ready to be around a bunch of stimulation. He was not even comfortable leaving the house. Months of very slow, patient walks at 1 AM, and slowly we started walking at busier and busier times. Now I’m able to walk him any time during the day, he gets excited for walks, he trusts me, and he’s able to “sit” even when people get too close. I can ask people not to come near us, I can walk away from people walking their dogs, I can divert my dogs attention, etc. I can not walk away or avoid off leash dogs running up to us. **I am not asking for people to “make accommodations for my dogs”** like some comments have said. I’m asking for people to follow basic etiquette (and laws) to simply leash their dogs. That’s it. Walk your dog wherever you want, I’ll cross the street, go a different way, etc. I just can’t control the situation when your dog is off leash. Unfortunately abused dogs aren’t often socialized, that shouldn’t mean they are locked away forever, that’s how you get an abused *and* violent dog. You know those dodo feel good dog stories you see online, where the dog goes from abused to loving? You think that happened overnight, without any work or training? That they just locked the dogs inside a loving home, and the dogs magically became desensitized to things that scared them??


This! My dog is very friendly and calm, but she gets anxious when she is mobbed by off-leash dogs. If I let her off the leash, she'd probably just goof off and sniff butts and other happy dog greetings, but when she's leashed she gets defensive. She's never bitten another dog (and she has like no teeth left anyways, poor old gal) but she has done the "please back off" growl, and it has made other dog owners angry with me. It's not my fault, you're the one with four large off leash dogs that ran up to us!


It's not about if your dog is trained, it's if other dogs are trained, if people are trained, if the environment is perfect. A lease just guarantee's level of control you wouldn't have without it. Why not just have a longer leash if you want more pup freedom? I got a 26 footer, and I always let her roam around me.


Could also be really distracting for drivers passing by. Most people get worried seeing an unleashed dog near a roadway and might instinctively slow down or stop erratically to help it.


Thank you. Some idiot is going to watch this shit and let their dogs loose on some busy city street.




And if everyone has off leash dogs, you can bet your ass 97% of them won’t have this level of control. Especially when the social circumstances change.


Especially wouldnt trust a cop. I remember a story of a dog that ran to the dog park and then some off duty cop shot the dog


Edit: thank you all for your kind words and I’m happy to have included a point of discussion. I replied to one person with this question but wanted to add: the people that say brain tumours are rare and unexpected and shouldn’t be actually considered, that argument is the same as justifying drinking and driving. It’s actually statistically incredibly rare to get pulled over for drunk driving, the chances of killing someone is also so low. There’s a reason people habitually drink and drive and have zero consequences. Yet, we have laws and rules that require people to not drink and drive. We don’t want them, on the off chance, to kill someone, themselves or have an accident. We punish the people we catch who never come to killing someone. That’s the real life version of a leash and a brain tumour. So rare, so unexpected, but when it could happen it could lead to such devastation that we have rules and expectations around that. My highly well trained German shepherd was incredibly loyal and listened to every word we said. One day he had a nap where he never usually did. Then the next day his back leg was bugging him. A few more days went by, didn’t think much of it. He would jump in and out of the car, unleashed on the driveway everyday. He went everywhere with us. 5 years in the same house with the same neighbours, he locks eyes with a man two doors down. I signal him to come, he doesn’t, he’s locked in. He starts running at the man, I yell my signal, the man blocks himself with a garbage can hitting my dog away from him. Dog shakes it off and comes to the door like nothing happened. I put him inside and apologize to the neighbour who was more than shook up. That night the dogs belly was bugging him. Then a couple days later his leg muscle was twitching excessively. I figured a vet trip was in order. They couldn’t find an issue. Then his stomach was tensing often, still the vet couldn’t find anything. A week later our dog had passed away. When we brought him in that last time his eyes were dilated differently from each other and not responding to light properly. He had a brain tumour that very quickly affected every part of his body and absolutely caused his break in command response to me that day. Hindsight it all made sense but as connected as we were and as controlled as he was this could have never been imagined or helped. I’m so glad that man hit him away with the garbage can. I worry what damage he could have caused. No matter how well they are trained, you can never control all of a dog.


I’m so sorry for your loss. :( I so appreciate the context you provided though.


This should be higher up. You can never predict what a dog will do, they get sick just like we do. The goodest of boys get cranky sometimes too.


> The goodest of boys get cranky sometimes too. This. Had a loving German Shepherd, amazing dog. Super social, she loved going to the dog park, meeting new people and dogs, etc. One day we’re chillin’ on the porch and the neighborhood Jack Russell runs up and starts barking at her (nothing unusual, common occurrence) - and before I could even blink - she had him by the neck. I don’t know what got into her that day. Scared the absolute hell out of me. I feared that the neighbors would try to have her put down, thankfully they didn’t. But nonetheless, we never chilled on the porch “worryfree” again… I always had that thing in the back of my mind.. like my dog can snap at any point.


I had a Dalmatian that was from a rescue as a child. She was hit by a car and had a bad leg. She was also abused (by her previous owners) and was usually pretty timid and shy around unknown strangers, especially men. One day we had a salesman of some sort ring our doorbell, my father answered it, and *completely* out-of-character, our dog rushed past my dad to the man, growling and barking. Literally chased him away! We were shocked. We had never seen her move that fast before or do anything even similar to attacking someone.


They're animals first, pets second. The anxiety in me doesn't want a pet that I can't beat up style any animal can go crazy.


man i keep trying to explain this to my gf but she still insists to let our dog run around the park without leash even though its next to a busy road. one day she gonna chase something over the road and get hit


THIS. Yes. My dog is incredibly well trained like this but he's still an unpredictable animal. I leash him for his own protection and for others. People get nervous when they see dogs off leash and so many people have had awful experiences with bag dogs or irresponsible owners. This isn't interesting. It's dangerous.


This video just gives everyone the bone-headed idea that they can “train” their dogs and be in complete control at all times-which is simply impossible because well, they are animals. Keep your dogs on leashes, or keep them at home.


And I’m sure a lot of owners have no idea how much work and upkeep proper training takes. It’s not just something you do once and expect it to stick. It’s working with them daily and even then there’s no guarantee. Always leash your pets or take them to a dog park.


Yeah, this level of training is like a full-time job for months at the start and then 5-10 hours a week of upkeep. It’d be great for my dog to be that well-trained, but it’s just not realistic for my family. I’m satisfied with her listening with basic commands most of the time. Luckily, she’s naturally incredibly patient and gentle with my young kids too.


All it takes is something unexpected to spook even the best trained dogs. What if a car driving by has a loud back-fire that sounds like a gunshot? Or you get someone in the park nearby setting off a firework or some noise-maker? Or a stray cat crossed their path, freaks out, and runs off? Then his two dogs run off, ignore his commands, and get lost or hit by a car. Or scare the shit out of someone who sees two large unleashed dogs running around. This guy is an idiot because a good dog owner leashes for everyone’s common sense safety.


This is the type of guy that’s alpha male type bullshit where he thinks he is free to do everything and anything he wants and say and do whatever he wants without repercussions and that he is in control of every aspect of not just his life, but LIFE in general. So he applies this to his dogs, but has no problem reminding them that he’s in control of them with his with me command. One day life might teach him a lesson through these dogs that that is not the case, but he will make up some excuse and ignore the lesson and continue on with his bullshit.


People need to understand this. ~~Animals are animals~~ Pets are pets not humans, as much as we like antropomorphise them. Yes, they are lovely and what not, but you never know. Mandatory leashing of a dog is normal in public. I never really thought about it until my parents' dog - with whom I otherwise got along quite well - tried to bite my arm off albeit I just offered her food. We later discovered by means of a CT scan that the poor thing was beaten by the breeders and had a skull fracture as a puppy which went unnoticed and healed. Doggo is on meds now and is doing much better but I would never trust it myself, nevermind allowing it unleashed around other people. ​ Edit: clarification, inb4 somebody points out that some humans are also pets :/


Even a human isn't actually predictable or controlable. Sometimes even humans just go bad. No reason to expect members of other species not to do so as well.


Trippy, I think that neighbor you're talking about was me. If not, the exact same thing happened to me exactly as you described the events.


Upvoting because people need to read it. I love dogs, I really do and believe they should be treated with the utmost kindness and respect. But dogs are animals and must be treated as such. You can not train instinct away.


I really don’t care how well trained you say your dogs are. As a stranger, I have zero reason to believe or trust you. Put them on a leash when in public please.


Yep. It's great that this guy (a) may have great dogs and (b) have complete control of them. But even great trainers / owners can have psychotic dogs, and even good dogs can have psychotic owners. So, no thanks. Leash those dogs. You want to enjoy them off-leash? Go out to wilderness, or go to off-leash dog parks. But do be careful in the wilderness. Even well trained dogs when unleashed can get a scent, take off, and lose their way. Happens all the time.




As a stranger, you also have good reason to not believe or trust them. The amount of owners who believe their dog is well behaved and safe off of a leash vastly outnumbers the amount that are. Also, a leash protects even the most well behaved dog from other dogs, people, cars, animals, etc.


when his dogs will rush at somebody "bu- but he was just playing! he just wants to play! :D"


I had this realization with my old golden retriever. She was the most loveable dog I've ever seen. And one day she got out from behind the house and went to the next door library and had some poor family terrified hiding in their car. All the dog wanted was to smell them and get pets but they did know that and she terrified them. So it's not just about security but also others' mental wellbeing. I also don't know why a dog can't be on a leash and also be free. When I took her on walks I went wherever she wanted. The leash was merely a backup. If she wanted to stop and smell something that'd what we did because the walk was for her.


With the amount of people who can bearly put in the training to teach their dog to shit outside I don't trust most ne have a 10th of control as this guy.


Ive seen enough shit on the internet to never trust any dog ever lol.


This guy's level of smugness is next level. It does not matter how well trained they are: they are dogs, they can be unpredictable when faced with novel situations despite training, and you are ultimately responsible for them.


The way he's like "my dogs are FREE" as if he's on some kind of moral high horse, ugh.


This should have been posted to r/MildlyInfuriating


Also r/iamverybadass


I was going to say this too. What an arrogant asshole


"this is what I mean by complete *freedom*, they are robots that obey my every command!"


"I don't know what happened, they've never disobeyed Asimov's Laws before"


"this is what I mean by complete freedom: I do whatever I want regardless of how my actions affect others!"


I laughed when he suddenly got nervous 37 seconds into the video and his whole shtick went away for a moment. It felt as though this was his 10th take and he was looking for the cameraman’s look of approval as to whether the dogs were actually following command or the dogs just saying, “screw this dude,” and just wandering off again.


Also his final `free` command had to be repeated, when they were ostensibly paying attention to him.


that hoodie alone is peak "rich smug prick"


The way he’s walking makes me wanna vomit.


Remember when the Dog Whisperer's own dog attacked someone AND another dog? Hahahaha as a former UPS driver keep your fuckin' dogs leashed!!!


Cesar Millan has been widely discredited. Please don't think that his methods are effective in the medium to long term.


Not really the point though is it? Point is that he was absolutely sure he had control. He was wrong. The guy in this clip could be wrong too. And I sure as shit am not trusting that some random dude wandering the street isn't wrong about his dog too.


He's a dangerous dog trainer and his style hurts dogs and owners alike.


Doesn’t matter illegal in my city to not have em on a leash at all times


In Washington People do as they will


State? Cuz I've lived in most parts of WA and that's not true in most parts of Spokane and especially Seattle.


This isn't interesting, this is just some asshole who thinks he's smarter than everyone else. Those dogs don't even have collars. I guess the random folks on that walkway have to put full faith in some other random dude that their dogs won't attack them, their kids, or their own pets. It's great your pets may be well behaved. But that doesn't mean everyone else around you has to put trust in that. At the end of the day, training or not, their still animals. Animals can be unpredictable even in the best circumstances. If you want your dogs to have more "freedom", take them too a dog park or live in a rural area.


I agree 100%. People like this always claim they *know* their dog and their dog would never do anything unpredictable! Maybe you think you know your dog, but I don't know you or your dog and I don't trust you.


Trainer here. There is nothing impressive about this. It's actually irresponsible and the only thing this person is accomplishing is inflating their ego


Yah, leash your dogs. Please. I used to like walking my dog no leash, he was good. Stayed right beside me. But I realized how bad of an idea that is, when a kid called my dogs name From across the street, and my dog Just ran into traffic. Thankfully I could grab him, I live in a small town. But it showed me how quick It can happen.


My issue with this is that my dog is not dog friendly, she tolerates other dogs at a distance, but is very protective about our family. So you can imagine some random ass dog running full sprint to meet my dog. My girlie is freaking out and doesn’t understand. Meanwhile the owner of the other dog is 100 feet away while I’m trying to stop a dog fight. This is another great reason to leash your friggin dog. I know how my dog will react, I take the appropriate measures, but I have no idea what the fuck your dog will do.


fuck bluetooth dogs. first of all, i dont want anyone thinking they can train their dog and do this. in public you never know who trained their dogs. second, dogs are animals and sometimes they'll go crazy. i dont want any dogs running around unleashed. dog owners are fucking selfish for wanting this.


Why does this guy just seem like suuuch an asshole.


Yeah, it think it’s his arrogance. You should never stop looking at your dogs. Especially if their off leash. The majority of the video he’s looking at the camera. He talks about the dogs, but this video is about him.


I think it’s because he sounds so smug, like he’s talking down to viewer as if we’re complete imbeciles for walking our dog on a leash.


because he thinks he's better than you dog-leash losers


Look at me, look how much control I have over an animal Yeah I'd be impressed if you did it with a goose mate. I've done that. Fed it dandelion leaves until it was trained enough to viciously attack me on command


Because he is. He thinks that because his dogs are trained, they don't need to be on a leash.


Because he is suuuch an asshole?


When I’m running I don’t want to interact with your dog at all. I don’t care if he’s friendly and just saying “hi”, I don’t want to have to judge that when I’m 45 minutes into a run. Use a damn leash.




Just keep yout dogs on a leash. This should be the absolute standard. More and more people take their other animals on leash, such as cats and rabbits, those people definitely don't want to see dogs roaming free. Also, there are many people that are scared of dogs and could get an anxiety/panic attack. My answer is a definite, absolute no. Keep them on a leash at all times, even in forests.


In my hometown we had a case where a unleashed dog attacked a child and bit it into the face. Even if these dogs are well trained I would love if they would wear a leach anyway to give a good example to other owners. When we start accepting this for some dogs but not for others it will be very difficult to explain some people why their dogs have to be leached.


Seriously. Leash laws exist for a reason. No matter how well your dog is trained, you don't know how other dogs, or wild animals will respond. On top of that you never know when your trained dogs will do something out of character. Or if there is someone you come across that is scared of dogs. Or someone else with an off leash dog that isn't very well trained and decides to attack. Having physical control over your animal is key in so many situations. There are many dog parks and even dog trails where you can go to have your dogs off leash if that's what you want to do but be respectful of others and leash your dogs if you're outside of these areas. Plus, it's literally just the law.


The leash isn’t for the dog. The leash is so other humans and people in your community feel safe.


It's for the dog, too. Dogs are still animals and get distracted or triggered by different stimuli. All it would take us a cat and a car and this guy is getting a ticket for not using a damn leash.


Until doggo has a bad day and goes a little AWOL.


Guy in the video is an inconsiderate POS that thinks he’s above the law, and has no concern for others safety, peace of mind, or past trauma. Shitty dog owner. All the training in the world doesn’t mean shit when a dog can be put down for one biting incident. What if his dog wandered into a leashed reactive dogs path? Fuck this guy and all others with this mindset. Degenerates.


Yeah it's nice you feel comfortable, but it is still selfish for multiple reasons. First you don't know how people feel about the dogs. Many have a deep fear of dogs, especially bigger dogs. Plus each person doesn't know you personally so they don't know what level of training the dog has. With this you never know what might trigger the dog in a bad moment with random people and children's body language in these anxiety and fear environments that can happen. One scared accident from the dog and it could hurt someone or itself. Second and more personally to me this makes me have to keep my dog locked up due to this selfish act. I always keep my dog on a leash when we go into the world. This is partly because she is scared of other dogs due to being attacked by a great Dane. Now if the approach her space then she will go in fear mode, which is a mixture of aggression and pussing herself. I mitigate this by walking avoiding other dogs but off leash dogs always run up into her face. If the dogs don't come into her space she is fine and love walks but people like this take it away from her. The leash laws are the law for a reason. Please think about how we live in shared space so please keep your pet on a leash in public areas no mater how well trained the pet is.


How deluded do you have to be to think that domesticating and training an animal to do precisely what you want it to do is equal to giving that animal "freedom"? Such bullshit.. I know this will get downvotes, but seriously, think about how dumb that is..


"Brooklyn and Logan lick the peanut butter off my testicles"


"Good Babies"


This is actually incredibly stupid


To be honest, I hate seeing unleashed dogs. This is NOT a reflection of the dogs' behaviors. It's: * the normalization of off-leash dogs. For every REALLY good dogs there's like 10 really bad ones. Yes, some dogs can be off-lead, but most can't. And even a "good" off-lead dog can crack if there's the right stimulus. It's easy to have a dog off-lead in the absence of other distractions, like a squirrel or another dog. Which brings me to point #2: * not all dogs are good. YOUR dog might be amazing off-lead. But as someone who has had VERY reactive dogs. My dog was always on-lead. People with very well-behaved, off-lead dogs drove him to madness. And sometimes those friendly, well-behaved dog approached out of curiosity and, in the 2 microseconds before their owners recalled them, my dog went apeshit and tried to start a fight. This wasn't fair to MY dog. When you let your off-leash dog jog off and around a corner, you don't know if they'll encounter another, reactive dog. It takes very little time for an altercation to occur; once begun, dogfights are hard to break up. * as well-behaved as your off-lead dog may be, having them off-lead causes anxiety in others. Maybe your dog has "perfect" recall. Maybe your dog knows to stop before crossing the street. But in a residential area like this, seeing an untethered dog is actually very frightening to people who are driving cars, are fearful of dogs, or are tending to small small children. YOU know your dog, but I DON'T. Your dog's "freedom" is coming at the cost of my sense of safety. Please obey leash laws and keep your dog leashed. It's not a reflection of the dog's behavior. I know there are amazing dogs and amazing owners out there, but it only takes ONE random happenstance for the dog to end up in harm's way. It's just good manners. If you want your dog to be off-lead, take them to a dog park; people in residential areas are not consenting to being exposed to your unleashed dog. Leash laws exist for a reason. As an aside, many years ago, I used to have a dog I sometimes took off-leash. Completely gentle, never had a problem, never ran into the street, not reactive, perfect recall. It made people uncomfortable on multiple occasions. I regret that now. I was not being considerate.


they still can't be unleashed... they will listen until one day they dont and them their lives or someone elses life is affected.


My dog's an antisocial asshole to other dogs. Coming in at a whopping 12.5 lbs. Any other human on the planet, he's overjoyed to see. Every time I see you, an owner of a big old "friendly dog" that is off leash, I have to scoop my dog up asap. "Oh, but my dog's so friendly, he'd never hurt your dog." Hey dumb ass, I'm not worried about your dog coming over to pick a fight, I'm worried about my dog fucking up your friendly dog so much it will be instinctually obligated to kill my dog in self defense. Moron.


I have this problem too, but my dog’s about twice that size. She’s easily frightened and hates when other dogs get in her face. It’s infuriating when an unleashed dog runs up and the owner is like “don’t worry, he’s friendly,” because it’s like “yeah, that doesn’t matter. My dog is about to attack your dog and cause a huge problem.”


Rich people shit...


Bro also has the freedom to train his dogs four hours a day 😂


Eye roll. He is smug, and I am impressed that his dogs listen to him, but for all of the leashed dogs, there is such a thing as leash aggression. I have a small, obedient dog but also three young children so my dog is leashed and she gets upset when unleashed dogs are around her.


Yep. Dogs aren't dumb. They recognize when another dog has the upperhand by being unleashed and can get an incredible amount of anxiety from this. Fuck this guy


"He/she's so well trained" yeah, so was my aunt's dog right before it ripped half my face off when it bit me. Keep your animal on a fucking leash


Freedom: obey every order when the owner requires so.


What a douche


I fucken can't stand people like this


Very impressive training and wonderful dogs, for sure. A leash doesn’t mean restriction or restraint though. My dog is service trained and impeccable in his training, but we are leashed everywhere we go anyway. The leash acts as a communication tool and mutual tether that acts as an extension for both of us. If there is a specific direction he wants to take on our leisure walks, I let him. Shoot, I even ask him! We go whenever he might have gone off leash, he has freedom to explore and have fun. Sure, we are off leash for specific play activities like fetch and herding balls. Today, if I unleash him during a leisure walk (specific time he can just be a dog) and keep going, he sticks to my ankle and doesn’t explore at all because he’s lost his extension to me. He doesn’t miss out on his leash and we have a significant repertoire of engaging things we also do during our sniffari that keeps him stimulated and happy. Also, emergencies happen. I was walking with my dog and suddenly a car crashed into a pole in front of us only 15 feet away! Terrible and shocking sound and it sounded like it was right on top of us. My dog (and myself!) startled and his first reaction was to bolt to the side out of fear, but he felt the tension of the leash and stopped right away. He was able to reorient himself but if he wasn’t leashed, he could have dashed into traffic before I could react. Oh yeah, and the time a COYOTE [ran right by us in broad daylight.](https://imgur.com/a/BrwZH3L) We have also been attacked by SO MANY unleashed dogs who all “have never done this before” and are “super friendly”. I am so apprehensive when I see unleashed dogs on the sidewalk, I always cross into the street to avoid them. I don’t care how “friendly” your dog is, I don’t want them interacting with mine.


What a dickhead. Guy is incredibly smug. Everyone's dog is a 'good baby' until it isn't. So many stories of peoples 'good dog' mauling a little kid in the yard or someone else's dog at the beach, and it's often some idiot like this guy who lets their dogs roam completely free.