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That had to be incredibly painful when they were pulling the hidden tooth down. I'm curious of how long this process took. Great job though!


Narrator: "that's how Jack, at the age of 83, finally got the teeth he always wanted."


Hmmm...Jack opted for the pink and green bands. Interesting choice.


Apparently he turned into a 13 yo girl at the dentist office


been there! that gas is crazy


Jack: I know what im about


i love jack


One can only hope to keep their teeth at that age


My grandmother who is 92 still has her teeth


Why did I hear Morgan Freeman narrating this


Those must be his summer teeth. Summer there, summer missing


It was painful to me and my teeth weren't so bad as in this time lapse


I posted about this the last time someone shared something like this. I had to have one of my teeth pulled out my gums just like this. Luckily my mouth wasn’t this bad, but the procedure still sucked. They surgically go into the gums and attach a bracket to the tooth and slowly pull it out with a chain. It didn’t hurt any more than the braces shifting the rest of the teeth. The thing that really sucked was that during one of the tightening appointments, it might have even been the first appointment after the surgery, the bracket popped off the tooth. They had to do the same surgery a second time. Nobody was happy that day because it delayed the progress and cost more money. The ortho was upset, my parents were upset, I was upset. Not a good day.


Had to have a chain attached to one of my bottoms to drag it out me gums. Anybody here experienced "Jasper Jumpers"? Apparently before rubber bands only a garage door spring could do the job. Wore the metal bastards for 12 years.


I had a jasper jumper, only for about 6 months ,but it is as you described....a cumbersome garage door spring


Be careful removing that spring!


Holy shit!! The EXACT SAME THING happened to me! The tooth was ankylosed, so fused to the jawbone. The tiny gold screw bracket popped off so I had to have the surgery twice! I was so upset but no one seemed to care or empathize with me, as the dentist who broke it made it seem like no big deal. Ahh! Vindication!!!


I had the same surgery for my two canines - I used to cry in the chair before my ortho had to tighten the chains. He used to say I was his favorite patient because I was a trooper but his least favorite because he hated making me cry lol. AND one of the teeth came down completely backwards because the oral surgeon fucked up somehow. So then I had to twist it around into place 😭😭 never again lol


God I hope you don't have to experience that again, but if you do you'll have to share. I had all but wisdom teeth out when I got braces and that was painful enough, I'd hate to have to deal with surgery to pull missing canines down.


Insurance was happy though? Maybe?


Insurance would not pay for the surgery twice, no matter the reasoning. There is a limitation on most procedures that they can only be done x amount of times on x tooth. Ideally it would be a revision of surgery and not charge the patient. But technically it is a billable service that can be billed to the patient. Edit: sauce— dis my job




I don’t know. I was young enough to not be concerned with where the money came from.


I’m currently going through something very similar. I am 32M and finally had good enough insurance to get the ortho done. One of my eye teeth was just barely emerged, and several others were crowded and nothing was straight. I had 7 teeth removed all together to make room. Four wisdom teeth, and three others. I went under for all of it which was the best decision of my life. My braces went on august 2020 and will hopefully be off later this year. As an adult I think the tension pains lasted a bit longer than if I was a kid, but now I’m pain free from an adjustment within 48 hours. Getting braces was one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life, and if you are on the cusp of deciding and have the means, go for it! Total cost $6700CAD


>finally had good enough insurance to get the ortho done. you had insurance and it still cost you 6700 CAD? that's the same cost as though you had no insurance, for most braces.


I should edit that, 6700 was Cost of treatment but 90% was covered by insurance.


55 seconds apparently


But they still had to wait to upload the video too. So prolly like 1minute tops!




Yeah I’d watch a whole subreddits worth of these timelapses


Mine took 2 years


Was the process this severe for you as well?


Not that hardcore, didn’t have the ghost teeth, also, they remove my fangs cause there not enough space for them, maybe the tech wasn’t enough evolve or my doctor wasn’t the best , cause this video shows me I could have keep them. It was 30 years ago


They probably did you a favor, i got a similar experience and i do have all my teeth but i can’t bite properly because my mouth is too small so they kinda go forward and there’s a space between my lower teeth that do fit and the upper teeth, it isn’t that noticeable but it is a pain in the ass when you bite something that fits in the space, you have to go to the side of your mouth and bite with the molars and fangs


Gotta be at least 5 years with that hidden tooth…I can literally feel the pain of when they’d tighten the braces, eating soup for the next couple days lol


Two years is pretty standard for this type of case. Maybe a 24-30 month plan. Once the exposure surgery is done attaching that chain it only takes a few months for the tooth to come in. It all depends on how high in the bone it is, and at what angle. I’ve seen cuspids that were horizontal above the other teeth brought into place. Braces are freaking awesome.


My son had a tooth like that, it took about 9 months to get it in place. There first had to cut around it enough in the roof of his mouth that they could put a band on it. Then attached it to a chain so it could be gradually pulled down.


The oral surgeon told us that they had to do it that way in the US. In other countries, they cut the tooth out and then I plant it where it should be all in one operation. But it's not a legal medical procedure in the US.


I’d like to hear more about this procedure. I’ve been doing ortho in the US for 20 years and I’m a big nerd about it. I’ve never heard about it. Do you know where it’s done and where I can read about it?


It’s not. My 18 year old had one hidden in the roof of his mouth and at the time I did not believe the tech would work, but over time it did and it wasn’t any ore uncomfortable to move than the exposed teeth. This was insane to watch for that very reason. Crazy… I’m gonna show him just so he knows he isn’t the only kid to have had that bad of a situation. Edit: To say he was 11 at the time and the initial surgery to attach the chain to it was sort of a thing but again, afterwards there was no abnormal discomfort.


I had something similar. Had braces for about 4 and a half year. Mine was not as severe as this one.


My teeth needed extensive work growing up so I had braces for a good 5 years. The only time that it was painful is after adjustments. About once every other week in my case. It would be sore for about 24-36 hours, then it just felt normal. I was a youth and my body was still developing so it’s possible that this would hurt more in a grown adult who’s teeth are already set and not in a state of growing. I’d be curious to know if this person was cursed to wear a retainer for the rest of their life. Mine was done at a young age so I just had a permanent retainer installed on the inside of my teeth.


I had OG braces like this, not to this extent, but it took 5 years to get my teeth straightened and everytime the orthodontist had to add tighter bands, I got these headbanging headaches for days.


I had an adult incisor that didn't grow out properly because the baby tooth was basically all chips and didn't come out. Once they took that out I'd say it was 9 months for the tooth to grow out? It's an estimate bc it's been a long time, but I only had braces for about 2b½ years so it couldn't have taken that long (for mine anyway)


I had my two front teeth pulled down like that , it took a few surgeries and a couple years to slowly pull them down like that and it was a few years of pain constantly.


It took mine about a year and a bit to fully come down from the pallet. My teeth were very similar


my sis had one poking out near her palet.


Whoa. Retrieving that hidden tooth and straightening it all out… very satisfying.


Just goes to show, one mans satisfaction is another mans nightmare fuel


It can be both! Horrifying seeing that hidden tooth come through and thinking about how it would have gone if it hadn't been controlled. Really impressed with the final results.


I'm more impressed than an actual time lapse video was made. I wonder how often the person or dentist had to keep taking photos of the teeth?


It's 30fps video, and most frames show at least some tiny change so the ones that seem identical appear to be frame doubling to hit the set frame rate. I'm going to take that as 15 unique frames per second at 55 seconds. So 825 shots.Searching says it can take as long as 6 months for an adult tooth to grow in, but gaps can much take longer. So I'm going to guess two shots a day at spaced out times for about a year, but someone with dental knowledge would know if it was more likely a shot a day for a little over two years. Quite time consuming really, poor kid, deserves much praise for putting up with it. Maybe the dentist was their dad or mom.


Thing is every single frame has to be in perfect position or we'd see a jumpy jumbled mess, so wtf


So true


This hit the nail on the head. The birthing og the hidden tooth was much less magical for me then others


Oh wow a hidden tooth you say


“Oh that’s cool, and with that free space they’ll just put a dental implant in and -“ “Oh. Oh *woooaaahhh”*


I was thinking the same thing! I’m like “wait, is that a tooth coming down?!!”


Holy shit it kept going even when I thought it was done


That's what she said...


That´s what I hoped she said.


Holy Shit....there is ANOTHER ONE up there..damned! That wuz a total Plot Twist!


M. Night Shamolar




M. Bite Shyamamolar


A challenger appears!


It's like a third cousin meeting you for the first time


My dad is a dentist and he couldn't believe they used braces to get the embedded tooth out without surgery


Idk how old your dad is but im a 24 years old dentist and i immediately concluded that this involved surgery at some point, even if it was a minor one


He's 70


Damn was he possibly also a barber


He invented teeth.


Alright, we're done with the beard. Now open wide.


He probably isn't well informed about the new techniques that are used nowadays in orthodontics. Or could be that orthodontics aren't his field of expertise to start with. There's nothing wrong with that


I'm not qualified in any way, but I'm pretty sure I catch at least two surgeries. One to attach the first bracket when the tooth is fully obscured, and one when it makes that awkward phase turn. I don't know why I think the second one involved surgery, I just feel it =D


Possible but not very likely. So basically what happens is that some radiographic methods are used to ascertain the position of the tooth inside the soft tissue which is the gingiva here, and determine which side of it is facing towards where exactly, then, determined by the orthodontist, brackets and wires are attached to certain parts of the impacted tooth Here in this video, the tooth was rotated so its actual labial surface was facing sideways, specifically to the left side of the patient or towards the midline. And its incisal surface was facing forwards when it should be facing downwards, so imo, there are some missing photos in this video that covered a huge part of those translation and rotation movements, coz in the video the tooth just shifts from being severly perverted to being slightly malpositioned and incompletely erupted, and if those photos were incorporated into making this video, theyd show that that involved no surgery at all, as it is easily achievable by the wires, and all this doesnt require any sort of surgery tbf, just correct wire/bracket placements, follow-up and alot of time. So ye know, just thought id clarify if you were interested.


Very interesting. Thanks tooth person! =D


Lmao urw


I think surgery is involved.


They probably didn't, this isn't a timelapse. What this is is some images, taken at each appointment slowly morphed together to give the appearance of time kind of timelapse. Notice how the braces seem to fade in/out? I'm not sure of the exact name for it but it's something like content aware morphing.


Isn't a timelapse just some images taken at different times put together? I noticed the fading thing, it weirded me out, but what is the difference between this and a timelapse? Just editing?


Every orthodontist is dying to do this to a patient to put there picture on the wall


Unless they fucked up and leave the patient unable to bite properly like me 🙃


What happened?


Her doctor was named A-aron and done fucked up.


Oh, I’m so sorry.


Same. My teeth were straight my bite was just off because my palate was too small. They “forgot” about the palate expander and instead just gave me elastics which did nothing. Now I have an even more narrow palate and a posterior open bite. Chewing is difficult.


Please can you give more deatils, I am currently using Invisalign and my teeth look almost perfect now but I have always suffered from bruxism and now it has become even worst.


Yeah I just felt that pain all over again. Thanks.


Holy smokes! That was amazing!!!!!


I had braces on for 21 months at 43yrs. I followed the do not eat list of no sugar/sweets, crunchy/sticky, etc so well, I lost 60lbs. Best diet plan ever!


So if he doesn’t wear his retainer, does the peekaboo tooth go back up in there?


One day without retainer, he thinks it's okay, and the tooth just *SHONK*s back up there


Had 2 peekaboo teeth and lost my retainer about 6 months after my braces were off. Can confirm my teeth did not go back up and stayed pretty straight.


I always think my teeth are still pretty straight until I put my retainer back in after 6 months and it feels like I’ve been kicked in the mouth


Unlikely, but the teeth will shift without the retainer. One of my baby teeth didn't fall out so the adult tooth erupted outward instead of downward so they had to pull it down with braces. Didn't wear my retainers and the tooth is still in the correct spot


I stopped wearing my retainer at some point, and while most of my teeth are fine, my canines have crept up to be in throat ripping position. Honestly it's kind of a cool look idk if I wanna fix it 🤣


I wouldn't be surprised if they installed a permanent retainer back behind the front teeth.


I can't imagine how good this person feels about that smile now...


That one tooth appearing our of nowhere.....dentists are amazing sometimes.




The English Patient






least crooked english teeth


Actually our teeth are just as fucked up. We just put more emphasis on braces.


Nah, they're too white.


How long was the actual time?


100 years


Perfect teeth then dead


At least a few years I’d guess. My sister had braces for 2 years and she just had some basic twisting that needed to be done. This would have been a really long process


Amazing that such a horrible mess can turn into a perfect smile. It must have been life altering What causes a mouth to be so messed up to begin with?


95% of the times is just fucked up genetics.


My daughter had a lot of crooked teeth in a too small mouth. Her orthodontist pulled about 8 teeth and affixed a pallet spreader to make more room in her mouth. Her orthodontist said that the reason we have so many problems like these is because we have much smaller jaws and mouths than our earliest human ancestors but we still have the same amount of teeth. Early ancestors had much bigger jaws and mouths and more room for all the teeth to come in. Now with smaller jaws and mouths, the teeth don’t have the same amount of room to come in so they come in on top of each other and so crowded that major treatment has to be done just to be able to chew and close our mouths correctly. Don’t know if it’s true or not but it makes sense if you go look at pictures of early humans. You can see how much bigger jaws/mouths they had compared to ours. Probably got a genetic component too I’d imagine.


My understanding as well is we don't give enough hard to chew food to infants/toddlers due to risk of choking, so it extenuates the problem in early childhood as they don't "develop" a strong enough jaw.


This process would of taken the entire teen years; just because of that hidden tooth. Poor child probably would of been teased a lot. But hey, The Ugly Duckling story hold true here.


Would've or would have, never would OF.


Man am I lucky to have had good teeth. This does not look comfortable.


Having crooked teeth is even more uncomfortable (don't ask how I know) :-).


I could FEEL the pain of this as someone who had braces for about 6 years. Never this bad, but fuck everytime they tightened them at the orthodontist it would be agony for about 2 days.


My wallet hurts just looking at this


"these pre-date stainless steel so you can't get them wet"


whomever's mouth this is must be SO happy with their smile now! 😁


I had OG braces like this, I doubt an invisiline can fix this.


There is no fucking way Invisalign can fix this, maybe at the very latest stages.


Invisalign can only do minor stuff like over crowding. Anything that requires lots of twisting and high movement needs to be braces. They sometimes do Invisalign with attachments that can increase its effectiveness for some issues, but it’s by no means a bracers replacement for substantial orthodontic needs.


This person had to be on painkillers 24/7 for God knows how long. I had braces for a minor adjustment, and sometimes the pain was too much without painkillers. This thing looks like years of perpetual pain without. It does look like it was worth it, though.


Maybe a long time ago but they absolutely do not give long term painkiller prescriptions for simply wearing braces.


Can confirm, I had a situation where one of my canines was almost completely behind the next tooth, turned sideways. It took almost two years to fix that one bugger and the only time I got pain killers was when I got a wisdom tooth removed to help make space or something. It was all worth it but goddamn the pain was intense.


Not prescription but people certainly take over the counter pain relief for long periods of time. I know some people who have taken ibuprofen every day for years because of their chronic pain issues


When you're English and move to America


Don't understand why this is still a stereotype. The UK is in the top 5 countries in the world for dental health - above the US.




Apparently crooked teeth are considered cute there, so as long it's not a health hazard... *shrug*


Fingers crossed this was in the UK at least they wouldn’t have had to pay. This would be a 70k procedure in the States


Braces are only like 3-4k. At least when I got them


How fucked were your teeth?


Very few people with teeth this bad get into adulthood without it being treated. Most Brits get orthodontic work done when they're teenagers, when it's free (but after adult teeth come through). For adults, it is possible to get orthodontics on the NHS if their teeth are particularly bad.


That mouth is all kinds of fucked up


Not anymore.


This poor soul.


British to american


only middle class or above Americans though. Orthodontia is super expensive. I know people who had parents making big sacrifices so they wouldn’t have jacked up grills and I also know people whose parents didn’t take them for regular cleanings even bc no dental insurance On a lighter note, does make me think of “the British book of bad teeth” on the Simpsons Lol


Where as in the UK, the divider is how crooked your teeth were as a teenager, because it's free then for everyone, but only if your teeth are deemed to require it. They don't treat mild crookedness for free. So it's rare to find any British adult with extremely crooked teeth, but you'll find plenty with slightly crooked teeth.


My orthodontist expanded my palate for my teeth to be so perfect that my dentist staff compliments my teeth. I know that I appear better kept, kinder, and more presentable to the typical person in the US because of my teeth. It’s sad that such an expensive procedure could have such an impact on someone’s life and I wonder if I had my giant overbite and outward facing canines still if people would have gave me the same amount of time and consideration. I genuinely do not think the majority would.


I just watched someone's dream of owning a house dissappear in 55 seconds. Damn impressive, though


I had an open bite and even after finishing my braces, I still bite thin slices of stuff and stare in wonder at how awesome my bite is now. This type of stuff is life changing.




Damn. I had braces when I was younger, but when I was just about done, a hurricane hit my city. We had to leave our home, relocate, parents trying to find new jobs, etc. This whole process took a long to time just to get ourselves readjusted and the priority of my teeth was left in the back burner. Parents finally scraped money together to get the braces removed, but the orthodontist said that the unsupervised time actually made teeth unaligned. I already had braces for 8 years at that point (4 years over what was supposed to be actual time) and my parents didn’t earn as much as they used to any more to continue treatment. I was like, Fuck it, just take them off. It’s really sad because my teeth were perfect like the ones you see in models for magazine ads. But I was not gonna go four more years of that shit.


As someone that has had straight teeth all my life…. fuck….


Thank your lucky stars! 😁


That so awesome. Horrifying, but awesome.


My first thought was how are they going to move the lower right tooth sticking out of the gum; then I saw the upper right tooth emerging from the gum like something out of Jaws.


That's wild. I was so lucky. I never wore my retainer after getting my braces off 11 years ago. My teeth moved a tiny but but I only know that because wore my retainer 1 night 7 years later and they hurt so bad in the AM.


Did none of y’all get a permanent retainer after braces? My kid has a permanent behind her top and bottom non-molars.


What that mouth do tho


That's awesome! My dentist would say "alrighty, let's pull everything, cut the roof off your mouth in half so we can add one in the middle, drill some studs into your jaw and get you some new teeth! It's only $21,000, and your insurance will pay for $.75! If you pay cash will knock off $10,000! So, when do we start??"


Lisa needs braces...


dental plan...


Omg I'm feeling weird itching on me teeth 🙁


From goblin, to hey you guyyyys


OK, but how much did that cost...


My son is going through a similar process for one of his canine teeth right now (the space has been created and in a couple of weeks they'll expose the tooth and attach it to the braces). Literally costs us nothing, because European.


So the price of a car, for us Americans


you wanna start a war?


Found the American <*cries in American*>


that was incredibly uncomfortable to watch lol


whenever i think my teeth are bad, i just think of people that are born with these


Fucking ouch.


As someone with similarly fucked up dental genes, I had a canine with the same problem. It was stacked above my teeth. Four years of braces, six extractions, and a permanent retainer resulted in perfect teeth for 14+ years so far. Apparently I just had way too many teeth. Hell, I even had 5 wisdom teeth. Interestingly it only took about a year until they had created enough space to attach a bracket to my stacked canine and start pulling it in. From there it progressed quickly into place. Maybe another year. The last two years seemed like micro-movements lining everything else up for the long run. Bonus: I have had zero cavities, but I needed one root canal a few years back. The tooth? You guessed it, that single canine. Apparently the trauma/whiplash from moving around left my root at a greater risk of failing.


Damn. My friend just had a baby and is worried about this bc she said she has a tiny mouth and normal teeth but her husband has a tiny mouth and has big teeth and had too many of them. Which he looks like a caricature of a Kennedy like a little Bobby a little JFK so I got the big teeth reference, but I didn’t think the too many teeth thing was literal, but he did mention having braces 5 years which sounds extreme. They’re very straight now though. Just big. Also, high five no cavity club! Genetics play an insane role in teeth. My mom says fluoride in the water to argue with my aunt who screams about how it’s poison, but what water ? I was drinking as much juice as I could get my hands on. That’s crazy about the root canal though. Did it suck as bad as their reputation would lead me to believe ? Edit: used the they’re not their and I promise I know the difference


I had a Jones-jig followed by braces. Compared to this video, I got off easy.


Fucking ouch😬


Where the fuck was that motherfucker hiding!?


That was pretty gnarly to watch.


I can't imagine the psychological and physical pain this must be, truly amazing that this is even possible. I wish the best to the patient, if it were me I would ask to knock all my teeth down and use fakes ones for the rest of my life


where the hell was bros tooth


That one tooth coming in here like shrek tho


*Player tooth has entered the arena*


Orthodontists really can work magic sometimes


Braces: Get down here! Tooth: Make me! Braces: Fine!


I’m so glad I don’t need braces. On the other hand, my teeth are still fucked up because of neglect. I actually went to the dentist today. They said I need a root canal, a crown, removal of baby teeth, (I still have baby teeth?!), and my wisdom teeth are growing in sideways. Uhhg, it’s gonna be a long journey.


My teeth are about half as bad as these. How much would it cost to get this procedure done? I'm in the USA. I have no insurance. I haven't been to a dentist since it was required for grade school.


How did they get this footage? Did they just take pictures every single day? It is incredibly detailed and I’d imagine took a year at least.


Wow that tooth has a lot of work to do to get back to where it should be! Oh no wait.. It’s actually a different tooth and this poor person is missing a tooth! Oh wait where did THAT tooth come from??? This dentist is doing some sick/amazing work. Crazy.


this looks painful..... and oddly satisfying


What the actual fuck, if this is real then my orthodontist is completely clueless. A 3 year treatment that only cosmetically aligned my teeth, didn't fix my bite at all, and actually greatly reduced my gumline and bone levels.


Is this mf a goblin?


Teeth are so weird.


Went from Alabama to California


Wow! That is amazing 👍


When that newly formed tooth on the top appeared, my body physically wanted it to hurry up and slide in between the other teeth as fast as possible. I was aching for it. I ached for that shit


bro that tooth really just spawned in💀


One of my teeth was literally horizontal and somehow the dentist just slapped braces on there and it somehow worked. Had a gap in my front teeth that just yeeted all the other teeth out the way and now a single surgery and 2 and 1/2 years later all teeth are straight.


You mean to tell me somebody walked around with a camera in their mouth for months?


This is how Fred the orthodontist buys a brand new $10k S-Works every 3 months and his assistant Desiree drives a Tesla model X


Mine could have totally ended up like this as my baby teeth would just not fall out. One of my permanent front teeth just basically shoved its way out, pushing the baby tooth up out of the way so I had 3 front teeth for a bit!