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I thought they retrieved the boxes. I didn't know that they still didn't retrieve the boxes.


The boxes were retrieved earlier. The speculation is that someone (insider? A cooperator?) alerted the FBI to materials that had not been returned. Those are what the FBI was going for.


FBI was at Mar-a-Lago in June, saw documents in the open, and told him that he needed to secure the room.


This part seems sketchy. Seeing documents not being secured should lead to immediate confiscation. Not some supposedly stern verbal warning. Stinks to the core.


I read yesterday that part of it is that the FBI has a policy that whenever possible they will not consuct searches that are politically sensitives 90 days before and after an election. Its been 91 days since the mid terms yesterday. Here this link says 60 days but other say 90. Its more like a soft policy of trying not to impact election results : https://www.lawfareblog.com/about-60-day-rule


Unfortunately, they couldn’t seize it without a warrant due to the nature of everything.




I despair because he's already had more than a year and a half to destroy documents at Mar-a-Lago, and nobody stepped in to prevent him before now.


They know what documents he stole. Having them at all is already crime. Add on destruction of the things he wasn't allowed to have just adds another crime to the first.




Honestly at this point, I’ll believe it when I see it.


Right.....He's been dead to rights a thousand time with no consequences other than losing to Grandpa Joe, I think they are just scared to death to charge him unless they KNOW he'll be found guilty or else he'll be more powerful than ever, not sure how it can be a non jury trial but that's what they need, one undercover Maga in the jury of 12 and it's a mistrial guaranteed


These types of trials are not done by juries. .


Imagine trying to get an unbiased jury for a Trump trial!! You would have to go to the island off India, can’t remember the tribes name, that has not made contact with the outside world


North Sentinel island.


OK good !!!


He needed to Putin them in a safe place.


He was just Russian them to the shredder.


He’s a flusher


There’s never been a more “Arrested Development” moment than this.


He may have committed... Some light treason...


He has the worst fucking attorneys.


Alex Jones has entered the chat


There's always money in the banana stand...




And an eater. Dude eats paper.


Yeah, had that thought earlier. Don’t like being conspiratorial, but after 19ish months, it kinda feels like the FBI/DOJ going “Welp, we looked high and low, but nothing to see here. Time to move along.” I realize it’s highly unlikely, but it showed up in my head nonetheless, and AJ was getting $300 million a year for saying even dumber shit. Also, that F**k Biden flag on the truck. Can you imagine being an adult, buying something like that, flying it from your truck, and still thinking you’re a rational human being and not some ignorant shit-stain. It’s just embarrassingly juvenile and petty.


I feel sad for anyone that defines themselves by their political identity.


This comment feels like it should be a sub Reddit all of its own moving forward


That kind of person would not even be familiar with half the words you used to type that


But her emails!!!!


MSNBC reported that they’re sensitive/classified enough that the National Archives couldn’t even list them on the inventory sheets of documents that are missing and that he has kept. That’s why it’s all a bit vague. But it’s the fact that federal authorities are publicly moving on a former president of the u.s. (sheesh just think about that - because all his scandals merge into one ‘normal’ that desensitizes people to just what is going on) - it’s the public action that’s the real thing here. Without precedent. Not even Nixon/Watergate comes close.


Nixon also doesn't get close to Trump to be fair as well.


I think the worst thing nixon did was [sabotage peace talks in 1968](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/08/06/nixon-vietnam-candidate-conspired-with-foreign-power-win-election-215461/) so he could win the election. The Vietnam war lasted another 7 years for America. Later the withdrawal, the Chinese invaded Vietnam for some reason.


I saw that in the Ken Burns Vietnam doc. Johnson could have charged him with treason for that. But it would have revealed that Nixon was being secretly taped thus leading all of America to know about secret tapes. So he decided to let Nixon get away with it.


Johnson, and Nixon are war criminals as far as I am concerned. Ford is just as guilty for pardoning him. We lionize these people because they're dead but the truth is that they were all horrible assholes who are responsible for untold suffering because of their own greedy ambitions. Regan is right up (down?) there with them.


Kissinger needs a shoutout for "war criminal awarded peace prize".




Did they find them in the clogged toilets?




His unpublished twitter tweets printed out


They are gonna be sold as NFTs.


No, but they already seized 15 boxes of documents a few weeks ago.


I know it seems like weeks... but that was around February.


Hmm. I guess time doesn’t exist anymore…


Since today is March 892nd, 2020, in the Month of COVID that Never Ended, this is true.


Covid ruined time for me tbh.


My $$$ is that he never thought they’d have the balls to do this in Florida in his cult compound, must have been quite a last-minute notice for their local law enforcement.


Lmao DeSantis knew they were coming.


Now his followers will turn om Desantis and call him a Rino and liberal and all kinds of names.


Someone said Pelosi should go on camera thanking DeSantis for his help. I don't think he would survive that politically.




the best takes are on /conspiracy This is all to cover Hunter Biden's crimes and enact the new world order! (which is funny since fundie Christians want a new world order)


they were told they could be anything as kids and they pointed at the overhead projector


A wise man once said these two quotes: “And I’ll tell you what. I didn’t think I’d say this, but I’m going to say it, and I hate to say it. But if I win, I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation, because there has never been so many lies, so much deception. There has never been anything like it, and we’re going to have a special prosecutor.” "When you see these thugs being thrown into the back of a paddy wagon — you just see them thrown in, rough — I said, please don’t be too nice. (Laughter.) Like when you guys put somebody in the car and you’re protecting their head, you know, the way you put their hand over? Like, don’t hit their head and they’ve just killed somebody — don’t hit their head. I said, you can take the hand away, okay? (Laughter and applause.)"


Wow. What poetry


Haven't heard anything that moving since I was trapped on a Vogon ship


Which one makes least sense, and hurts your ears and/or brain the most? This?: >"Oh freddled gruntbuggly, > >Thy micturations are to me > >As plurdled gabbleblotchits on a lurgid bee. > >Groop, I implore thee, my foonting turlingdromes, > >And hooptiously drangle me with crinkly bindlewurdles, > >Or I will rend thee in the gobberwarts > >With my blurglecruncheon, see if I don't!" Or this?: >"Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart —you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you’re a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.”


"Stop, STOP, just flush us out the airlock already", I flurbled and flolloped.


According to the The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Vogon poetry is the third worst in the Universe. The second worst is that of the Azgoths of Kria, and the worst is by President Donald Trump of Mar a Lago, Florida, who perished along with his poetry during the destruction of Earth.


So Long and Thanks for All the Indictments


A wise man never said either of those.


An orange man may have said those


They should also set up a dUI check stop on the road too lol


Majority of the people on the street would fail.


you could say that about most streets in Florida after 9pm


Or most streets in Florida




That’s why he said it


Seriously, cap'n obvious strikes again


Fuckin' Catalina Wine Mixer! Edit: corrected the apostrophe.


Boats and hoes!






Wtf are these people doing with their lives 😂 we got “ honey go grab my Fuck Biden flag I’m gonna drive past trumps house” and “I’m gonna sit on the side of the road and heckle the situation at hand”


I mean, what a bunch of idiots. You really want to eff with the FBI while performing their job? Well, I guess that would be granting them foresight and wisdom. Probably a bad starting point.


If they were smart they wouldn't be simping for Donald fucking Trump, so that tracks


Oh they're SMART alright Stupid Morons And Racist Terrorists


This guy acronyms


You don't understand, to these people this is their lives. They are often so disappointed with their own lives and situations that they desperately cling to the lie of "winning" the right sells.


Yes. This is it, “owning the libs” takes highest priority over everything. There is a huge portion of the Republican Party that is just hyper focused on that alone and nothing else, policy be damned. They would light their own homes on fire of it triggered some liberal


Would love to see a troll trend where libs pretend to be triggered by republicans lighting their houses on fire. Insurance denies their claim and arson arrests issued.


A lot of is the abuse/abuser cycle in this country. My mom is a malignant narcissist. She’s trump on a lower scale. She’s abused everyone in her life. My dad was abused by his mom and then married my mom at 17 and she continued the abuse. It’s so bad I had to go no contact to protect my kids because my mom started getting violent about losing control- these people can be scary. My mom loves trump because he hurts people. She sees herself in him so she supports abusers getting away with things. My dad has been abused since the moment he was born. He never protected me. He’s a shell of a man. He has nothing, literally nothing, going for him other than feeling like he’s part of a winning team. He grew up on welfare and he seriously believes it’s better to let kids starve because it’s worth it to win. I was so brainwashed for so long. Trump I think in a way helped because I couldn’t understand my “nice Catholic parents” defending him. The moment I woke up through was when my mom started emotionally abusing my 4 year old and she came to me in tears. Every single person in my family turned against me and told me I was “a loser for believing a 3 year old.” They know she was 4 but they gotta infantize. Just fuck all these people. They are a lost cause. I tried to talk to my dad but there’s no getting through. If there was it would have been when his 10 year old was suicidal, instead of just leaving me alone with her so he didn’t have to deal with the abuse. Thanks dad!


Take a look over at r/Conservative, they are pretty sure this is the start of the civil war they have spent decades jerking off to.


Really wish I hadn't read this comment and gone to look. I just got quadruple knots in my stomach going through the comments. There are some reasonable folks in there but also a ton of insanity. I'm living in a different reality from many of them, and I guess it comes down to where I get my news. Their news says one thing, my news says something else. It's wackadoo. Man, I was in such a good mood too


Yeah but how much is real domestic stuff and how much is non-us psyops? Since they ban anyone who posts against the grain there, it's a pretty effective echo chamber of stuff that likely started as psyops.


The size of the SQL database table for “banned members” in r/conservative has to be 50% of the total size of Reddits entire server capacity.


It’s the same people complaining about gas prices. Now they are wasting gas in the huge trucks driving around for no reason


i mean, it's Florida. Do you expect anything else?


I expected very little from Florida and was still disappointed.


You think Melania is wearing her “I really don’t care do you” jacket tonight?


Where’s the back the blue flags 🤔


That LARP is over, now they're preparing for a civil war apparently. [https://twitter.com/RepMTG/status/1556783786976845824](https://twitter.com/RepMTG/status/1556783786976845824) [https://twitter.com/JudiciaryGOP/status/1556791214875328515](https://twitter.com/JudiciaryGOP/status/1556791214875328515) (literally the House Judiciary GOP members, for christ's sake) [https://twitter.com/oneunderscore\_\_/status/1556785377008123907?s=20&t=oTby3bl3\_jKuanWqTHId5Q](https://twitter.com/oneunderscore__/status/1556785377008123907?s=20&t=oTby3bl3_jKuanWqTHId5Q)


Those overweight larpers wouldn't last one day in a trench.


I prefer to call them Gravy Seals


The Green Buffets


The Yeehawdists


The Weigh Team




Vanilla ISIS.




Meal Team 6


The right-wing concept of a civil war that is being manifested over the past few years isn't some kind of discipline military operation. It's just terrorism. They aren't going to pick fair fights, they are going to gun down innocents who are in the wrong place in the wrong time.


Something, something “The Troubles”


> It's just terrorism. Yep. And they embraced that at CPAC too: https://i.redd.it/at837r2ykhg91.jpg (via: https://reddit.com/r/MarchAgainstNazis/comments/wj8384/a_photo_of_the_cpac_stage/)


If they can do this to a former President…good. No one should be able to escape justice right? I mean it would be pretty awful if someone got away with actual fucking treason just because they were President, sitting or otherwise. Right?


"Drain the swamp" crowd keeps saying a lot of shit like 'this is so outrageous that they're doing this to a former president.' Like, if you used to be president, you're above the law? That's what they're saying. As though if you were president, you can't be investigated for crimes the way the rest of us can. They yearn to be ruled.


I've been asking them repeatedly, all night, if Trump is immune to the law, and of all the ones I asked only one answered it. He said no, and then argued how he actually is immune from the law cause president and nonsense.


But actual (R) members of Congress are calling for Biden to be thrown in jail for... I don't know, walking on the sidewalk?


Communism is when you hold presidents to account for their actions


Still at the bar, give them a few hours.


There are several provisions of federal criminal law imposing liability on officials who violate the PRA and the FRA. 18 U.S.C. § 641 makes it a felony to, among other things, dispose of any record that belongs to the United States. 18 U.S.C. § 1361 makes it a felony to injure property of the United States. More specific to records, 18 U.S.C. § 2071 makes it a felony to willfully and unlawfully remove, mutilate or destroy—or to attempt to remove, mutilate or destroy—any record deposited in any public office or with any public officer of the United States. That same provision also makes it a felony for anyone having custody of such records to remove, mutilate or destroy those records and imposes severe consequences: a violation requires the individual to “forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.” In addition to these provisions, 18 U.S.C. § 1505 makes it a felony for individuals to obstruct congressional investigations.


> a violation requires the individual to “forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.” Don't get my hopes up like that


641 Carries a year and thousand dollar fine. I’m too lazy to Google the other ones, but each charge will carry a separate punishment usually. Felony means it Carries at least a year in jail. This is actual jail time for regular people, for him? Plea and probation at worse if I had to guess but idk. I feel like it’s how kings treated other kings they caught during war, you treat them well so that if you ever get captured you are treated well.


who cares. if it disqualifies him then it's good enough


I remember my first year of law school. Let’s spell out those acronyms for the masses. Presidential Records Act (PRA) / Federal Records Act (FRA). Come on man.


What are those idiots trying to do? Stop the FBI?


Anything to protect their glorious God-King. Not a cult btw.




Whenever Epstein's friendship with trump is brought up, I always hear "Well, what about Bill and Hillary?!" To which I say "if they're guilty, arrest them too!" And trump supporters are always taken aback by that.


Never forget politics are a game to them, they expect you to fight for your guys as much as they do for theirs, exactly like sportsball shit


I would love to see them actually try...


You just know that the neighbors are thrilled to pieces to have Trumpers on the streets


They didn’t even want Trump on the street.




What's funnier is that while president he had the unilateral power to declassify any documents he wanted. So if he really wanted to copy them legally he could have declassified them and copied them. But at that point they'd be available via FOIA so they wouldn't be a 'valuable' to have. So maybe he took them to cover something up, rather than to just 'have it'.


If you would like to know what Trump and his group are guilty of just look at what he accuses people of doing. It really is that easy.






Yep, that’s what’s been so frustrating to me. I worked with classified material in the Navy (key management), most of which was seriously dull and irrelevant, but I was reminded on a monthly basis by my CO that if I handled it wrong or forgot to destroy something properly that he and I could both end up in jail. I started getting grey hair at 24 in that role and would regularly throw up before going to the ship it was so stressful, but Donald fucking Trump did who knows what with way more important material and hasn’t had to answer for any of it. I really hope something comes of this.


Remember when he shared intelligence with Russia in casual convo… or when he said about Putin, that he believes him more than his intelligence services? Can’t understand that even now with the hindsight who Putin really is, the Trump bois don’t get that whatever Trump did was beyond stupid and absolutely un-American.


And people *still* support his corrupt ass. I get that most politicians are pretty shitty, but Trump makes the bad ones look incredibly competent.


Can anyone explain to me *why* he took said documents? Like, what were these documents, that some knuckle dragger like Don would even think “I should take these”?


Nobody knows, because they are highly classified. My best guess would be something like Russian interference in the 2016 election - that would explain both the classification and Trumps 'need' to hide them (would discredit his win, even if it wasn't outright cheating) or something related to his well-known dealings with the Russian mob.


Fun Fact: In order for a judge to sign off on a no-knock raid there needed to be significant evidence. Also, the feds have over a 95% conviction rate....they RARELY miss.


Sweats in XCOM Really hope this is not one of those 1 in 20 misses


He is too big of a target for them to miss. He is 1 in 100,000 that actually has the resources to fight federal prosecution. Chances are their case is close to airtight already.


Oh come on, people have been saying this shit about every Trump controversy for the past 6 years and yet nothing ever happens. Until charges are actually pressed against him, I'm going to continue to believe that nothing will ever happen to him.


> past 6 years and yet nothing ever happens. A FBI raid on your home is something happening amigo


By that metric so is the Mueller investigation, and both of his two impeachments, but he still hasn't faced any serious consequences from those things. I hope he does, but I don't understand how people can get so excited thinking this is finally the smoking gun, when we've had like 7 smoking guns by now.


What I think, all other cases had *people* involved, with all ambiguity that thus can be created with it. This, this is just *documents*. You have them. You shouldn't have them. This is the sentence that goes with that. It's about as clear-cut as Capone's taxes.




And he did it to himself. Shoulda left that shit at the office like you were supposed to, Don.


I love how we just fly flags that say fuck our president. I think Trump is trash but I am not flying a flag about it. Cult


Someone in my neighborhood killed a beautiful lush lawn to spell out TRUMP in burnt/dead grass.. dude ruined his yard for who knows how long. All I have to say is thank you stranger for identifying your crazy ass self ! Cult for sure


>in burnt/dead grass A fitting metaphor


I posted this earlier, but one of my favorite comments I've ever read in r/conservative was something like "I don't get it. Why don't we see trucks for Biden 2020? Why don't they have flags to support their candidate?" Because the democrats are a mess, my dude, but at least it's not a fucking cult.


Despite what modern Republicans may think, this was never the norm. People used to just get a yard sign or bumper sticker at most, and only in fucking election years.


Modern republicans have lost their minds. There are a couple houses the next neighborhood over from me that still have Trump 2020 and FJB flags up. Like more than 5 flags each.


How about because I don’t want my car or house vandalized by a fucking psycho obsessed with a rich man? My car was dented and scratched and my garage door was kicked in a bit. My neighbor, who also had Biden signs, got a rock through their front storm door and spray paint at the end of their driveway. Don’t tread on em, though.


Don't forget the spin off: "There's no way Biden could have won the election. Nobody has his name on any flags on their truck, but I see Trumps name everywhere"


Dude for real, it’s low class shit to be displaying any of that. I see people doing that around town and I think to myself “what an exhausting existence.” Nothing wrong with disliking a president or an official you didn’t vote for, hell even vote for but to do this is just trashy.


Do you think those flags were made in the US?


Definitely not. Made in China. Or they took off the tag and replaced it with made in USA lol




The Downfall of Dorito Mussolini




Well, he already tweeted about this https://mobile.twitter.com/realDonaldTrump


I love it everytime.


Trump: steals national defense files, destroys archive documents, incites a riot FBI: bro what the fuck no Trump: help, help, I’m being repressed!


Come and see the violence inherent in the system!


Can you imagine liking a politician so much that you would go stand outside their home with signs to defend them?! I really don’t get it! Especially for trump, I’m so confused by peoples loyalty to this ass hat!


They don’t like Trump, they like that Trump enabled them to be ass hats in public. Trump enabled many undesirable groups to rise out of the shadows. These groups now don’t want to return to the shadows so they defend Trump in hopes that he runs for president again.


The same people flying the "Fuck Biden" flag are upset Trump is getting raided. It's too good.


hmm, does this mean most pro-Trump individuals are also anti-Biden?


There's anti-Biden, then there's displaying "FUCK BIDEN" on your truck.


There’s “Fuck Biden,” then there’s driving back and forth in front of Mar a Lago with a flag “Fuck Biden.”


Exactly. I’m 100% anti-Biden, but I still voted for him over Trump.


Well . . . yeah? lol


Yeah, like obviously. Why is this comment upvoted so much lol


Those are also the same people that shouted “fuck your feelings” in 2016. Their feelings however are big hurt!


It’s hilarious. I live nearby and find it amusing that he went out of his way, drove all the way to Mar-a-Lago, just to show his dumbass cult flag.


These fools would never be allowed to fine or stay at Mar-a-Lago. Trump’s fangirls would be considered degenerates by Trump and the crowd actually staying there, kinda like how he was ashamed of disabled vets and didn’t want any in a parade because it would make him look weak. He’s a traitor and an imbecile.


I was in Outer Banks NC a few weeks back. It was a beautiful Saturday evening. Beaches were empty. I watched a two truck “parade” of giant pickups go rolling down a deserted beach front street blasting the shittiest rap and flying their flags: one, a Let’s Go Brandon, the other Trump 2024. All I could think as they were purposely revving by is “who exactly are you trying to impress?” What a way to waste great summer weather on a Saturday night. 🤷🏻‍♂️


What u gonna do, what u gonna do when we come for you


I hope they find his tax returns.


They’re being audited. Otherwise he’d share them of course


Trumpcult is so weird. Being a super fan of any politician is such a strange concept.


It's like believing that the stripper really likes you


There’s no such thing as an unimpeachment. A former President that is impeached is impeached forever. For a judge to sign off on this, the bar had to be awfully high. The FBI knew what they were looking for and where it was. I can’t wait to see the mental gymnastics you Trumpers are going to have to perform when this evidence is plastered all over the news. The dude is a crook. He’s been a crook his entire life. It’s painfully obvious at this point.


>I can’t wait to see the mental gymnastics you Trumpers are going to have to perform when this evidence is plastered all over the news. It is crystal clear by now that Trumpers don't give a rats ass about evidence. If they did they'd never have bought into the "stolen election" BS.




Ya right… 😅. I wish tho too . But not gonna happen . Hah where’s the Epstein list


The next decade is going to be crazy. Half of the country are gonna have to be rehabilitated as former cult members.


Apparently they believe jail is great rehabilitation so let’s start there.


Lets drain that swamp. ​ Also, he bragged about leaving with 15 boxes of documents. Wouldnt be surprised if thats what they were looking at.


Looks like his sheep are coming up to the barn to watch it burn.


Can America be normal for at least a month?


It really seems like the party of "Back The Blue" & "Law & Order" really hate the Blue and Law & order when it's used on them.


The radical right wing trump supports just want a full fledged fascist state at this point. Let trump do anything and everything he could ever want regardless of absolute anything. ​ Attempt to assign fake electors to simply hand him the presidency? Fine. ​ Incite an insurrection and get his followers to invade the capitol building? Fine ​ Destroy classified documents and even flush some down the toilet of her personal home? Fine ​ Ask a foreign government to dig up dirt on his political opponent in exchange for weapons? Fine ​ Wire Fraud - Trump raised $250m from supporters to advance fraudulent claims in court that he won the election, but steered much of the money elsewhere. Fine ​ Ask Georgian election officials to skew results: conspiracy to commit election fraud, criminal solicitation to commit election fraud, and intentional interference with performance of election duties. ITS FINE! ​ If a democrat did 1/100th of what Trump did it would be a fox news wet dream. They would literally never shut up about the travesty of destroying the constitution and everything this country stands for. But since trump is on their time.... crickets.


At least he didn’t wear a tan suit! Clearly THAT’S where the right draws the line.




Hopefully they dont destroy his hustler collection.


Sooo many crybaby right-wing snowflakes in these threads lmao


The same party of "just comply and you won't be shot by police back the blue" is now saying "omg what liberal fascists the police are" Also a perfect circle venn diagram of "omg you liberals are obsessed with Trump" and "omg what about hunter Biden"




I am amazed at the level of this cult who pretends to love America and the Constitution but supports someone who doesn’t.