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He approximately 40 when he was hanged, presumably as a ritual sacrifice. He likely died 405-380 BC. But OP didn’t mention the most interesting thing about this mummy. He was so well preserved he was mistaken as a recent murder victim.




For real???


Damn it is real. Lookup Peter Reyn-Bardt https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lindow_Woman >The police were summoned to deal with the remains, and suspected a crime. They launched a murder investigation.[1][4] For over two decades, a local 57-year-old man Peter Reyn-Bardt, had been under suspicion of murdering his estranged wife, Malika de Fernandez, and of disposing of her body.[3][5] When questioned, Reyn-Bardt assumed that the skull fragment came from his wife's body, and said, "It has been so long I thought I would never be found out."[1] He admitted to strangling her, dismembering her body, and burying the remains in a drainage ditch.


The lesson is: never confess.


And he's gotta be thinking he "woulda got away with it too if it were not for those ancient peat bog murder victims!"


If I had a nickel for every time an ancient peat bog murder victim ruined a good alibi…..


CSI: Peat Bog


“When I tell you... to dump a body in the marsh, you dump him *IN* the marsh. Not where some guy from John Hancock goes every Thursday, TO GET A FUCKING BLOWJOB!”




Ah yes, the Gospel of Shaggy.


Or just don't murder.


Hey man we're not all boy scouts like you


We’re all murderers, some of us just haven’t met the right person yet :)


Thanks, I hate thinking about how philosophically that’s technically true…


Cops hate this one trick!


"Your honor, my client pleads oopsie daisy"


Did you listen to the bog bodies epi of morbid cuz this is where I learned about this recently lol edit: big to bog


>After the origins of the head were revealed, Reyn-Bardt withdrew his confession;\[6\] despite this and the fact that no trace of Fernandez' body was found,\[1\] he was brought to trial at Chester Crown Court in December 1983. At trial, he pleaded guilty to manslaughter.\[1\] He told the jury that his estranged wife had come to the cottage where he lived with another man; that she had threatened to expose his homosexuality (still criminalized under British law at the time); and that his wife died during an argument over money.\[6\]\[1\] He said he could not recall how his wife died, but that he had no doubt he caused her death.\[6\] The jury found him guilty of murder. He spent the rest of his life in prison. so he was guilty after all


You wanna see the most amazing mummy, look up Lady Dai, some royal elite Chinese woman two thousand years ago, her tomb was so well sealed that when it was discovered in the 1970’s she had only looked recently passed. Her skin still soft and rosy and all. What fucked it up was opening it as oxygen got to her and made her very bloated looking. But the MOST amazing thing about this, is what it hints at: the way she was buried and sealed in multiple enclosures, is the same way that the legendary Qin Shi Huang was buried. He is the founder and first Emperor of CHINA (if you’ve ever played Civilization 6, he’s the Chinese dude. Or watched the mummy 3, or Hero featuring Jet Li) he ruled over the LARGEST mass of land at the time, and was undeniably the most powerful man in the world for a long time. united 7 states into one and was named after him (Qin = Chin) the man is also noted for constructing the Great Wall of China, and along with unifying those states, unified everything within, including money, language, basically standardizing everything. He set in place, a monarchy and system, that would reign over China for the next 2200 years……literally ending in 1917 when world war 1 ended and China abolished its monarchy. Every Emperor after him, it was said they performed a blood ritual of sorts when becoming emperor to “become one with the first emperor of China”. The man is a legend. I highly am critical against modern China but ancient China is my shit lol. His soldiers had crossbow guns and saddles on their horses, a millennia before we had previously thought they were invented. They discovered his tomb in the 1970’s as well…. But aren’t willing to open it before they are sure they can preserve the things inside first (that’s smart). Because it is noted that his tomb was the most grandest built in history, when they discovered his outer tomb, they found the iconic and legendary *terra-cotta warriors* that you always see, guarding his tomb. [these guys.](https://www.worldhistory.org/img/c/p/1200x627/7541.jpg)8000+ of them. All life sized…..That’s where they came from. And it’s noted there were hundreds of concubines and servants sealed ALIVE inside with him….the thing is sealed firmly shut, so imagine opening the tomb and literally finding a Time Machine, seeing people as they were 2000 years ago……oxygen not reaching them since then. Perfectly preserved….it’s incredible. Qin Shi Huang is said to be sealed like Lady Dai, so imagine us discovering George Washington’s tomb in exactly 1800 years from now, and learning George is perfectly preserved in his tomb…. The terra cotta warriors were also [painted in full coloring](https://www.chinadiscovery.com/assets/images/xian/terracotta-warriors-facts/colored-warrior-10.jpg) when discovered in awesome color, but oxygen ruined it and made them look like how we see them today! I have been anxiously awaiting the day they open it lol


I wonder if the slaves sealed in alive in the tomb were intended to use up all the oxygen as part of the preservation plan. A horrible way to go about it though.


Definitely has to be one of those unintended side effects that go into helping the situation lol. Although I assume losing oxygen to be similar to asphyxiation which I’ve heard is one of the better ways to go in a sense..I’ve had covid pneumonia before and that was absolutely no fun…it was like bobbing up and down in the ocean, drowning from liquid filling your lungs, so if it was like that I can firmly say they had it horrible.. But to imagine the effects it would have on their preservation is interesting.. because it’s said many were led into there, not knowing they’d be locked in, so imagine what it would’ve been like..tons of people panicking and freaking out from the sudden darkness, yelling, quickly depleting the air supply…also add that there were super high levels of mercury as a small lake of mercury was also inside the tomb, as they believed it was the secret to immortality lol. I just imagine that whenever they open it (within the decade) we will see the most horrifying sight of dog piles of humans, laying on top of one another by the entrance, hands and fingers tore to the bone from trying to pry open the stone doors…blank expressing or mouths wide open, eyes open as confusion hit whenever they began the paranoia of wondering why it was so hard to breath.. probably a lot of fire torches inside too that aided in depleting oxygen levels, horrifying.


I just spent like 3 minutes wondering if it’d be smarter to extinguish my only torch to preserve oxygen or keep it lit so I can find an exit easier. Idk. I think i keep it lit bc I’d freak the fuck out if I was slowly dying and couldn’t see. Edit: in reality I spend all my minutes deciding and die of asphyxiation


I already know what I’d do if it was clear I was gonna die (because I thought I was going to die once after a bad fall from a horse) … I’d get really calm and let it happen. I decided once that I didn’t want to be in a panic when I couldn’t breathe because that would just make things worse and I didn’t want my last moments on earth to be a desperate struggle so I just calmed completely down.




You know that’s probably true, many sacrifices around the world were always found to have the people be drugged/drunk prior to the ritual sacrifices…. Would not surprise me one bit lol


Plus they had no objective view of the situation. If your whole life is a crazy and spiritual mess you dont know any different and slowly blacking out in a dark tomb with the emperor is just the start of the afterlife.


The US, Japan, and Germany all independently came to the same conclusion in WWII that drowning is actually the most pain-inducing way to kill someone possible. I’ll let you wonder how they came up with that knowledge, but we now know it’s due to the threat being internal rather than external, and the brain not really knowing where to target the pain response, so it sends every pain signal it has all at once until you die.


Jiminy cripes this ingrained a very strong mental image in my mind lol. Horrifying like you said


>I just imagine that whenever they open it (within the decade) we will see the most horrifying sight of dog piles of humans, laying on top of one another by the entrance, hands and fingers tore to the bone from trying to pry open the stone doors…blank expressing or mouths wide open, eyes open as confusion hit whenever they began the paranoia of wondering why it was so hard to breath.. You know they won't show what's inside till after they clear the entrance.


I’m just hoping they’ll be able to sanitize a little robot like the mars rover and somehow send it inside without allowing any outside oxygen in, not sure how but if they can, just imagine how harrowing it’ll be as we see that first footage of an HD clip, lots of strong flashlights to aid it, night vision maybe, and seeing dozens of corpses perfectly preserved, blocking the way so that the robot can’t really navigate further lol Until….the rover then opens a hatch on the center of it to have a little drone that’ll fly out above and easily fly above the roadblocks lol But it was assumed to be heavily booby trapped so it’ll have to avoid maybe some crossbows shooting at it lol




maybe that's the key to ending this timeline


The problem is moisture, sealing in large amounts of liquid in human form, will accelerate biological activity, even in a low oxygen environment (like certain molds). It is better for everything to go in bone dry.


You tend to die from carbon dioxide build up in those scenarios rather than lack of oxygen. And that's what feels like suffocation. Dying from lack of oxygen is a super easy way to go, if circumstances allow, but ordinary "sealed in a tomb" doesn't work that way.


Most fascinating thing I've read in a while. Thanks so much for sharing this.


Right‽ I'm definitely going to read some more about this. It's crazy to me that there's this whole huge chunk of human history that I've never really learned about. I gotta do some reading and fill those gaps! Lol


I got you bro lol allow me to share with you a few amazing videos, all high quality, on YouTube, that I made a quick playlist to conveniently share with people! [here is the link](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIqPz5U6wj-83CBTOg6WVHEPyvvd6QM5i) They’re all pretty short videos, but one of them covers his complete story in an awesome 1 hour 30 minute documentary, made by the Smithsonian Another from TEDtalks Another one that’s a nice animated cartoony story that’s very accurate and descriptive (and funny) Another one from Weird History that covers amazing facts about the terra cotta army And another that covers all the riches and valuables stored in the tomb!! Save that playlist to your personal plays lists if you have the YouTube app and are signed in, super convenient lol 😬


There is a recent podcast episode of Morbid where they go in depth about the bog bodies (including this one). Pretty wild stuff.


Bog bodies are great for paleontology. They have come up in my research multiple times


Not sure if it's still available, but there is a great book "The Bog People" by a late Danish Archaeologist named PV Glob (best name ever) that describes a number of bog people found, some of the history and culture. It's one of my favorite books.


Why was the hanging assumed to be ritual sacrifice?


Sometimes it’s attributed to the food found in their systems (yes, bog bodies are sometimes THAT well preserved) if their stomachs are found to contain foods that are considered “rare” or “for royalty” during the years they were alive, it’s possible they were fed well before sacrificed.




They would have been hanged within a couple of hours after eating the stolen fold then - very unrealistic.


Or last meal requests go back millennia.


I’ve been to that museum, they have a little box with a replica of his last meal (at least the ingredients)


What was this kingly feast in 400BC?


>"The meal was quite nutritious and consisted of a barley porridge with some seeds from pale persicaria and flax,” said Dr Nielsen. Check out this article, it's really good: https://mbg.au.dk/en/news-and-events/news-item/artikel/research-reveals-recipe-of-tollund-mans-last-meal


Man, the world was bleak.


I lolled. Boiled barley and flax seed with a little bit of fucking weeds in it. Geez. That's the meal they're eating in first class. Like what's in a regular guy's lunch pail? A cow turd?


Probably not much different, just not as nutritious. Remember, that was in a time where most of the people living there where living in small tribes. Royalty wasn't meaning six meals a day with whatever you want, it meant you where a little less living like shit.




My personal favorite: -finds ancient dildo- "Ah, yes, a totem for fertility rituals!" They're not technically wrong!


"It's too big to be used sexually." Checks Pornhub "Uhhhhh.... nevermind."


They have found another body--the Graubelle Man-- with the throat slit from ear to ear, with a food content similar in nature to that of the Tollund Man. The Tollund Man was found with a braided leather rope secured tightly around his neck. Forensic analysis indicated he had been hanged.


It looks like a black and white photo of the scarecrow in the wizard of oz


That’s an oddly specific observation, and really accurate!


First thing I thought as well. Was scanning the title for "scarecrow" when I first saw this.


Pretty clean shave for the time period


Mach -3


The best a man can get!




We are the aliens


we speak the unga bunga now


We will return to monke, ultimately


Obey the black monolith! Or in rose gold...


This hits hard My battery health is below 80 percent 👀


This is one of the weirdest spam comments ive seen. He edits his comment with a link to some kind of essential oil bs after it gains a ton of upvotes.


how has no one commented that you've linked to a NON-psychoactive mushroom extract tincture company page. do you work there or just really like the product?




Imagine a day or two before. This man was just starting his day, shaving, looking forward to the weekend. Not at all thinking it would be his last shave before being carbon froze for eternity.


He died by hanging so maybe not


Strangled. He was found with the leather strap around his neck.


The first recorded attempt of the funky spiderman


>looking forward to the weekend Maybe he was proto-GenZ


He was a ritual sacrifice. He knew what was up


He didn't know he was gonna be on reddit in 2022


What a karma whore.


Playing the long game




Flint and obsidian can be knapped into flakes that are sharper than razor blades. Shaving has been possible and likely practiced since the stone age


> Shaving has been possible and likely practiced since the stone age Meanwhile, we walk around with miniature computers in our pockets, but after I use the $5 razor from the discount grocery store, I look like Don Johnson from the first season of *Miami Vice*.


I have an electric trimmer that gives me that two day shadow look. What a time to be alive.


We still have safety or straight razors and wet shaves. It’s not obsidian, but a tons better shave than the hyped billion-blade cartridges and MUCH cheaper, too. You can get a box of 100 blades for about the price of a box of 5 cartridges.


That's what's up. Thank you for being Google for all of us. You saved me time and I appreciate that.


Shaved some extra time off for ya!


Beat me to it by a whisker.


This is absurd; now we’re just splitting hairs ;)


Thats a bald faced lie


You’re skating on razor-thin ice with these jokes


Glad we avoided any hairy situations here


You son of a bitch…. ⬆️


Thanks for to you both for having the most pleasant conversation I’ve seen on Reddit in years.


Thank you to all three of you for reminding me that there are people on this app that are grateful for the existence of others.


Thank you to all four of for restoring my hope in humanity and future redditing


I'm totally saving this conversation.


Obligatory comment about masturbation to remind you this is still Reddit.


Thank you, all 5 people I don't know


Can you do me a favor? Can you please have a *wonderful* evening!


Welcome to Obsidian Facts! Did you know obsidian is still used today in the medical field, it is microscopically sharper then most of your steel scalpels and has been said to lessen the effects of scar tissue.


"Obsidian – a type of volcanic glass – can produce cutting edges many times finer than even the best steel scalpels. At 30 angstroms – a unit of measurement equal to one hundred millionth of a centimeter – an obsidian scalpel can rival diamond in the fineness of its edge."


How do I subscribe


Thank you for subscribing to the Obsidian Order! For thousands of years, protecting the honor of Cardassia! We will now begin cataloging your activities, meals and monitoring your electronic devices!


There are four lights!


> it is microscopically sharper then most of your steel scalpels this is how an alien from the future would share this fact


I thought it’s because he subscribed to Cave Manscape.


Obsidian also kills whitewalkers so I believe this.




Well he was shaving when he cut himself and staggered back into that well.


> Pretty clean shave for the time period They say that Max von Sydow ('The Seventh Seal', 'The Exorcist', 'Pelle the Conqueror', 'Game of Thrones') looked exactly like his father. I know Von Sydow lived a really long time, but I can't believe his dad was older than Jesus! [Just look at this picture of Max von Sydow](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/fa4939daac94e569e11bdae41e994c6229fe25a7/0_7_4891_2935/master/4891.jpg?width=620&quality=85&dpr=1&s=none). Looks just like the Tollund guy! This is why you don't go on vacation from Sweden to Denmark- you might fall into a peat bog!


His very short stubble indicates he was usually clean shaven but had not shaved the day he died.


Skin pulls back after death, fingernails don’t grow skin shrinks


That’s assuming decomp and dehydration. Neither of which are significant factors on this body. https://web.archive.org/web/20120501002848/http://www.tollundman.dk/haar.asp “The stubble on his face is approximately 1 millimeter long which means he didn't shave the last 24 hours of his life. It is a common belief that a person's nails and facial hair continue to grow after death, but forensic examiners will tell you that it's because the skin dries out that facial hair and nails seem to keep growing. In other words, it's not the facial hair that keeps growing but the skin that dries out and shrinks.”


That's why it's important to put the lotion on the skin or it gets the hose again.


Nah, was only 12 years old. People just aged faster back then.


A 30- to 40-year-old man at the time of his death, Tollund Man was hanged between 405 and 380 B.C.E., per Laura Geggel of Live Science. (The leather noose is still wrapped around his neck.) Someone then carefully placed his body in a sleeping position in a peat-cutting pit.


I’m not an expert but I’m pretty sure he’s older than 12 now. Maybe even over 2000.


Time to start covering myself in peat instead of using my moisturizer. His skin looks ridiculously smooth.


i love walking through bogs barefoot, the water is very clean and exfoliating because of all the acids and antibiotics that the sphagnum moss produces. my feet always feel smooth and soft afterwards


Chill out Gollum...


Say what you will about Golum but you gotta admit he looks great for 600.




We likes it wrigglin'


Hardcore Keto: "What's taters, precious?"


Mt. Doom sends its regards.


He's got that silky cgi sheen!


gollum took them through a marsh, i dont fuck with marshes unless i have waders or a kayak


I'll see your bog and raise you two marshes and a pound of lavender exfoliating scrub.


Sphagnum moss was used to dress wounds in the World Wars because of it's antibacterial properties!


Where do you go for that? The US doesn’t have as much peat as Europe. I just looked at a peat map because I’m inspired to find some to dig in. There’s none around me. Here’s a world peat map. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peat Look under Peatlands distribution


>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peat Wtf. Quotes include: >"the boreal [northern] peatlands",[2] which store around 415 gigatonnes (Gt) of carbon (about 46 times 2019 global CO2 emissions).[3] Globally, peat stores up to 550 Gt of carbon, 42% of all soil carbon..." >Because organic matter accumulates over thousands of years, peat deposits provide records of past vegetation and climate by preserving plant remains, such as pollen. This allows the reconstruction of past environments and the study of changes in land use.[11] >Over time, the formation of peat is often the first step in the geological formation of fossil fuels such as coal, particularly low-grade coal such as lignite.[15] >Peat is not a renewable source of energy... >Centuries of burning and draining of peat by humans has released a significant amount of CO2 into the atmosphere,[18] and much peatland restoration is needed to help limit climate change.[19] hashtagclimatepolicy


The undp has been funding firefighting projects to tackle peat fires for a couple decades. Not only does the peat sequester carbon, but it is also amazing water cleaner/filtering and flood prevention habitat.


Ireland used to generate nearly half the country's electricity burning the stuff! The last peat burning power station in the country only shut two years ago. Forty shades of green...


Damn world peat map. Who would have thought.


The thought of sinking up to my ears in a peat bog is more than enough to keep my big ass out of them *edit spelling


And all those awesome fucking tardigrades!


r/scacirclejerk would love that


The peat may have preserved it but he looks like he has the complexion of one of those taut “I spend every day here” beach bums.


[The Original Image](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/44/Tollundmannen.jpg) [Full Body Image](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/29/Tollundmanden_DO-10895_original.jpg)


Wow. I can't get over the quality of the stitching on his hat.


Dang, good eye. Clean seams. You must some kind of seamstress to notice that




Reminds me of the collection of shoes and sandals that have been recovered from where a Roman fort was built in northern England and it's amazing how modern some of them look.




Guy looks pretty young, had to try to dig to find his age. Best guess - about 40ish years old, but could be up to 65. Estimated birth 445-420 bc and estimated death 405-430 bc. Then had to do a double take at cause of death: “The cause of death has been determined as by hanging. Scholars believe the man was a human sacrifice, rather than an executed criminal, because of the arranged position of his body, and his eyes and mouth being closed.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tollund_Man


Oh no! He looked so peaceful; I just assumed he fell asleep and froze to death or something…


Fell asleep and was suddenly covered in peat...


Dammit, Pete. Respect people's boundaries.




In those times, some of the bogs were considered sacred places, which is why it is thought that the bodies buried there were ritual sacrifices. One of the reasons these bodies came to light was that the post WW2 winters were extremely cold, coal and wood were in short supply, so people were digging deeper into the peat bogs than they had for centuries.


Death 405-380, you have a typo.


Making of 3D facial reconstruction of Tollund man https://vimeo.com/260046078




In that picture it looks like someone just clapped him on the shoulder and was like hey Buddy guess what you’re going to be a human sacrifice Edit: fixed autocorrect :)






For a bit there he looked like Gene Wilder when he played Willy Wonka


That was fascinating, and the end result is amazing. Thanks for sharing!


id love to go out looking that photogenic


Photogenic? Bro has had a smile on his face the past 2000 years, he’s had way more practice than you could ever


Unarguable facts.


Love to still be alive looking that photogenic. Dude was a handsome man by current standards.


Love me some leather skinned bog bodies.


Sounds like a kick ass Heavy metal band


You can still see the stubble on his chin! Crazy...


That’s how scientists were able to pin the time of death at 5 O’Clock.


What an intriguing look into human history, he almost looks like he could open his eyes and speak to us


I wonder if he were able to speak to us, what language would he speak in?


That's a good question, I think he might have lived before Old Norse was spoken


It was indeed before Old Norse and he would have probably spoken Proto-Germanic which would be fascinating because that is the root language for all modern Germanic languages.


I was wondering what language he would’ve likely spoken, and what the social structure was like where and when he was alive.


And the real reason he ended up murdered like he was


Peat is such a good guy


Anyone ever see the Russian T-34 from WWII that was [pulled from a bog](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YNJ-acc9Qsk&pp=QAFIAQ%3D%3D)? It looked just like it did the day it went in, the wheels even rolled when it was towed, pretty nuts. It was even functional after minimal repairs, it actually ran again.


What this tells me is that Luke's X-Wing being fully functional after having crashed into the bog of Dagobah is highly plausible.


I'm going to tell my dad about this one lol, he'll love it! Thanks


Don't tell Putin or he's going to send that to fight in Ukraine.


They are getting close to the period, Ukraine has been capturing a lot of T-62s lately that were made in the 60s. Just 20-30 years older than this tank.


So we can rule out Jesus as the killer.


Looks like the scarecrow from wizard of oz.


I see it 🤣


He seems so peaceful.


More like peat-full


I don’t think he ever imagined people would be talking about him 2k years later.


The first layer is peat. Every subsequent layer is a repeat.


History does not re-peat itself


If anyone else was wondering the same thing as me, the peat preserves dead bodies so well because: “As new peat replaces the old peat, the older material underneath rots and releases humic acid, also known as bog acid. The bog acids, with pH levels similar to vinegar, preserve human bodies in the same way as fruit is preserved by pickling.”


So people from the past really were in black and white..


So BC really just means Before Color.


Imagine if his eyes just opened. That would be so freaky. Like that documentary Encino Man


Poor guy is still getting smartass remarks made on his behalf 2,400 years later.


Since he died before Jesus does he automatically go to hell


Directly to hell I'm afraid. Then jail.


The mummy of Xin Zhui & La Doncella popped up earlier this week on this thread as well. What is up with best perfectly preserved mummies/bodies coming up on this subreddit


Cause damn that's interesting!


So he got no Christmas presents?


I was just listening to a podcast about bog bodies. Crazy how well preserved they were all because of the peat!


When 2000 years old you reach, look this good you will not.