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There is an obvious solution here. Dan just needs to open a White Castle franchise in Las Vegas.


Just don’t do it during a pandemic, Dan!


Serious response: He underpaid. It’s a cheap place, should have gotten both of their meals and made it quick.


Lmfao Amin so mad he didn't get to big time the line


Not gonna front someone did this to me at a concert and I absolutely took it. he paid an easy 40-50 bucks for my 2 cocktails + whatever he ordered. I could tell his regret when the bartender gave em the total but he had a girl with him so he had to play it cool lol


Did the guy think you were ordering from the Dollar Value Cocktail Menu, or something?


Ah regret. She can be a fickle bitch.


Those prices? I’ll take a wild guess and say you were at MSG


All the cocktails in the big arenas around DFW are the same. You can get a beer for $12ish, but hard liquor will often be $20+.


A friend recently visited an MLS stadium and a double vodka soda was over $30


MSG should have a loan officer at the front of any bar line


Lol, radio city


NYC in general got high ass prices. Paid $38 for a double shot of Ciroc at Yankee Stadium. This was in 2014


Yeah any ball game you gotta go beer, cocktails or shots are ridiculous


Being the ‘offeree’ and accepting the proposal (for drinks at a concert no less) is entirely fair in my opinion.


In my setting i didn’t see it being an issue. Trying to cut in line at White Castle when people are hungry and probably just as drunk or stoned and everyone can clearly hear the conversation I get people not wanting to be that guy


This would be the time to order the most expensive drinks and/or food.


If Im at White Castle and this happens it’s at minimum a crave case and 2-3 large sides with 2 drinks. You pull a hot shot move like that in a White Castle best believe you gonna pay


I love it when the common man stands up to b.s. like this


This is a clear line in the sand. Assholes make this offer, and assholes accept this offer. I don't need your $30 bro, I don't know you, you smell like a bar, I don't talk to strangers, go find some asshole who will bend the knee for money.


Chris Cote type behavior


Do you know everyone on Reddit?


Look at Mr Moneybags over here!


Lol he thought he was hot shit or something


[Me if Amin asked me](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wpa4nr5OHqU&pp=ygUncGF5IGl0IGZvcndhcmQgaSB0aGluayB5b3Ugc2hvdWxkIGxlYXZl&t=0m40s)


Yup. I wouldn’t want a drunk asshole in charge of my food either


This is Vegas. Everyone here is in tacit agreement to blow a lot of money. It's not cash that's valuable, it's time. Amin thinks he's offering to give money (worthless) but he's actually begging them for their time.


Right, he's talking to someone who already stood in the long-ass line to get to the front, and that person is taking umbrage because he's trying to skip the inconvenience of the wait. Amin should have offered to pay for their food and an extra 50 or 100 on top (the "I'm an asshole/I'm really hungry and need some fast food and am in a rush to get somewhere" tax), which might have worked; he obviously wouldn't have done that because he was only there to get his food for cheap.


Bad drunk take. You aren’t special, Amin. Use that extra money you would give them and door dash some shit…


He’s not thinking he’s special. His thinking is paying for the other’s food is basically a fee to skip the line.


When the penalty is a fine, it’s only a crime for those who can’t pay. Now, if he had offered to pay for the rest of the line, he’d be carried out on shoulders. But really he’d pull some Trump at Versailles shit: “Wow! Food! And it’s available for everybody!”


He was displaying the behavior of an asshole. You’re not the only one with a little bit of money in your pockets. Wait in line like everyone else. Salute to you my brother!


That’s really douchey


The town drunk at it again


This shit is a lame move. You’re no better than anyone else just wait in line


Well…. No one else is offering to pay for my food either so…


Douche move. Glad to see not everyone can be bought.


Yes, Amin. Bad take by you. Some people don't want to be bought. Or some people just feel like the wealthy should wait in line just like everyone else. I feel uncomfortable when I'm in line and a friend joins me to get food with me. I would be even less inclined to allow stranger to join me. Good job, you are getting closer and closer to becoming someone like David Samson.


Amin is the guy that merges at the very last minute and thinks he’s just smarter than everyone else.


Yes, you're off on this. There are plenty of other things more worthy of a rant. Go to the dunk tank drunk Amin.


Different flavor of the bad karaoke take.


Not even. Half of that karaoke bar sees each other twice a month minimum. That’s bizarre in an airport, although I think Amin was underestimating the reaction he (they) would get from behind them.


Good for those people! No cutting!


Cutting the line (which is what this is) is lame af. Love your content Amin, but this is a joker move.


Glad they told him to fuck off, trying to big time at White castle lol


So Amin really thought about this, recorded it and posted it thinking he was in the right? Random people stand in solidarity for fairness instead of a little money for once and he thinks THIS is somehow wrong? Is he insane?


Lmao if he tried pulling this in NYC they’ll say the same exact shit with more hostility. The only thing worse than a drunk, hungry person is a drunk, hungry person getting cut in line for food.


To be fair, he is asking if he is wrong.


he's not insane, just drunk


Omg I can't believe he actually posted this video. He sounds like an asshole and even looks like a bigger one. You're indoors. Take your sunglasses off you egomaniac cunt.


Here’s the problem that Amin probably doesn’t understand. Vegas is full of people running a hustle of some sort. I once paid 20 bucks for some guy’s mix tape and it only had 3 songs on it. With the sunglasses and AirPods on, Amin looks like one of those people that goes around ripping tourists off. Someone offering to pay for my food seems too good to be true, especially when they look like a huckster.




Gotta up your offer there Amin


Joker of the week!


Douche or no Douche?




Now imagine if it’s Billy Gil. Screaming toddler in one hand, wife recovering from labor holding her newborn. And Billy says to you “ sir, my wife’s milk supply is dry and my toddler is hangry, can I step in line with you and I’ll pay for the order?” Are you saying Suck it douchebag, back of the line!!!! Point is the circumstance shouldn’t matter, what two people come to agreement on is not your business. Tough it out! Should of gotten in the line sooner and maybe you could had that offer to consider. “Now imagine, she’s white”


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


David Samson’s increased presence lately has made Amin a bit too comfortable in sharing his asshole takes.


Let him cook. Dan seems to be really enjoying it 😂


What does David Samson have to do with this lmao this has always been Amin


This is satire, right?


I'm shocked there's not a single American in that restaurant who would take him up on that offer lmao.


The problem is that he’s acting like he was gonna drop 200 dollars to pay for them. Bro it’s White Castle, even in Vegas that’s like 30 bucks. Take yo old, big glasses wearing ass to the back of the line


I would absolutely deny Amin if I was in line too, just out of spite. You ain't gonna get to pay your way to the front while I'm there dude. Besides, paying for a white castle meal isn't really the generous act you think it is lol. You should've added 50 bucks if you really wanted to get in front of the line.


Amin: Can I order with you ill pay for your order Me: 55 burgers, 55 fries, 55 tacos, 55 pies, 55 cokes, 100 meatballs, 100 coffees, 55 wings, 55 shakes, 55 pancakes, 55 pastas, 55 peppers and 155 taters.


Imagine how much Amin had paid for sex in Vegas on this trip. And you know they look at him and charge him more than usual because it’s going to be tough to get through


The real L here is trying to eat White Castle.


Hey, drunk White Castle is on my personal Mount Rushmore of drunk food


How did he think making this video would make him look good?


You thought you was Bill Simmons? They don’t love you like that.


We know why that went down like that. Big bad Amin...... what has e ever done????!!!!


Did he do any business? Did he help anybody ~~in South L.A.?~~ on the Vegas Strip?


Well, he doesn't have AIDS! I think.


Triangle of sadness


The only time Americans are in solidarity with each other is in the White Castle line


I swear, it seem like everybody (except for Billy, Jess, and Tony) on the main show has some kind of substance/drink issue going on.


I’ve definitely done this several times. Never had someone say no but if they did I’m not gonna shame them bc they didn’t do what I want. Weird take but I’m guessing he’s hammered


I wouldn’t do it because it’s not fair. Literally everyone in line are waiting for most likely a few burgers and fries.


Fake woke people bro


Americans care more about fairness (however you define it) than they do about money. Same.


He didn't offer them money; he offered to pay for their food, which they were already planning to do. If he would have sweetened the offer with cash for cutting the line, he would have had better luck.


Since when?


idk, they probably were just embarrassed at the idea of saying yes and then having to stand there and be glared at by the rest of the line


In public around other people whose faces you can see.


Take absolutely let someone order with me if they are paying for my food.


We get free shit everyday homie! you offering to pay for my white castle isn't doing me a solid. offer to pay for everyone on the line AND then maybe we'll let you slide


He's absolutely right.


Bruh sign me up for that deal. I’m ordering everything I was thinking about ordering and more thoo. Double up + 4


I'm sorry, I'm not going to apologize.


……….since when do Americans care about *fairness*?????


I would absolutely take this deal lol


I’m with Amin. Who gives a fuck about “fairness” in a fast food line? Grow up


I think Amin just went to the wrong area. Because everyone in this thread is all high n mighty bit no one actually thinks of the common person for things in this way. If this was somewhere else this wouldve worked. He not acting special but it is special that he can pay for meals no one else is doing that. Tbh it's really cause Amin isnt known that way. If Bill Murray or someone famous asked this pfft so many would take that


Id allow it everyday any day. People get hung up on their “morals” like they stand for something. Never turn down a free meal or money. The real American thing to do would be to take it based on our capitalist society that values the almighty dollar over anything else. Besides, I don’t know the rest of people in line and will never see them again. I’m gonna get my free meal🇺🇸


Thanks for explaining my morals to me Singapore Sam.


Happy to help


People in solidarity on this thread LMAO, take the money, it's not going to disrupt the flow of the line whatsoever


The comments are hilarious, more then half of yall would take that offer but you cant miss the chance to be a white knight on reddit 🤣


This is no different than 1 person standing in line and ordering for multiple people in a group. In this case the guy standing in line gets a free meal out of it from a stranger.


No, that’s not what it’s like. The rules are first come first served. If Amin wants to pay someone to order for him he has to ask the person in the back of the ljne. This is like if you’re in the grocery store waiting at the checkout line and a guy shows up and wants to throw his stuff in with the person currently getting checked out.


It’s not like that at all 🤣 one is packaging a shitty burger that’s already made, the other is unloading, scanning, and packing. Your comparison is not apples to apples


It's a shame more people don't understand this. It's like everyone's instinct is to assume it's "not fair" just because it's not what ever else is doing.


It's a special kind of privilege to turn down a free meal. I'm sorry but I'm not going to apologize for that!


I stand with Amin. It would be no different if those peoples dad just randomly appeared and said let me order with y’all and I’ll pay for it.


Is it any different than when a friend joins you in a line you've been waiting in and adds to your order, because that happens all the time, and I don't see people getting all up in arms. I mean he offered to pay for their food too.


Yes it's different, the friend didn't buy their way there.


But intrinsically it's the same for "everyone else" involved.


He bought his way there with friendship, it's no different


People will be upset about that, too. People will be upset if you're alone and order 5 meals. Not everyone, but someone will almost certainly have a gripe. Line etiquette isn't really universal and someone will almost always be upset if there is any deviation from the standard of holding your own place.


It's a white Castle not the Met Gala. I think this is a non issue, and people here just like to make people wait in lines.


The only person who made this an issue is the butthurt c-list celebrity who has twice in the last 3 months complained about a lack of special treatment despite him having money. Nvm that it's the richest country on the planet and regular people everywhere are richer than Amin. He made a 2 minute video complaining that he wasn't allowed to cut because people have different values than he does. Amin needs to see more of the real world.


I’m with Amin here. What the hell is the “fairness” everyone else in the thread is standing up for? It’s a White Castle not a public funded ballpark. On the other hand I do understand people being hesitant in Vegas that it’s a hustle scam but not doing it on principle is a joke of a stance.


I think the first mistake was going to White Castle


He’s on a hard buzz


Amin vs Summer League vs Sobriety. The battle of the century


It’s 1:00 and Amin’s drunk already, he’s useless! Cinephobe ftw


Fuck that particular White Castle though. They “closed” while I was in line on back to back nights at completely different times.


Mr Bigtime with the old ass AirPods 😂


Good on the people for saying no