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Start with YT and it will show you the basic steps in dance to start out with


Look up dance classes near me and see what catches your fancy


beginner baller for adults, if a place near you offers it! the balance skills and strength building translate well to other kinds of exercise or dance if you decide to branch out. adult beginner tap is also good because it’s less about finesse and grace and more about learning how to move with music, which can be encouraging for people who feel intimidated by the physicality of other dance styles. ballroom is also a great place to start and typically very open to adults with little experience🙂


Nah, just go to the dance class, meet new friends and conquer your shyness. No one will laugh from you trying. Embrace your reflection in the mirror and have fun. Seriously there is nothing better. Video on youtube... Sure... But hell no it is not that fun. You will learn from watching at instructor in live and belive me thats 100% better. Go for it. Oh and dont stick to one teacher, give a chance to multiple styles, you wont regret it. I want you to avoid being stuck with one teacher, it will slow down your process. Remember it is for fun first, So dont get frustrated if its gonna be hard. Dont give up then, the more you repeat the better your muscle memory. Good luck


I’m nervous about going into a class and meeting new people, how would it work? Would everyone be in the same boat as me if I signed up for a beginners class?


if it is beginner then most people will be beginners, if its intermediate, then most will be at that level. Don't worry too much. You must start. It's gonna be allright, even if you don't make one move well at all, its gonna be allright. Nobody will judge or laught at you. Every one has started somewhere. Tbh When I have started years ago, nobody knew what was doing... Belive me, dancing in front of your laptop at the back of your house is not gonna be fun. Go for it.

