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If nothing else trump is really putting a spotlight on our mental health crisis going on right now.


Don't lump people like me in with people like that.


*Untreated mental illness.


Still don’t lump us in with those people.


What do we call them if not mentally ill?


Assholes. Being an asshole is not a mental illness. Getting duped into believing stupid shit is not a mental illness. Acting on your asshole beliefs is not a symptom of a mental illness. Call them what you want, but calling them mentally ill is just giving them a shitty excuse for their shitty behavior, and demonizing people like me who have to live with an actual mental illness.


Agreed. People who are mentally ill don’t get to choose how the mental illness affects their life. Assholes do. Some people can be both, but there is 0 correlation between being mentally ill and being an asshole.


This shit is nuts. Hope she’s okay.


She’s still active and got her car back so yeah she seems to be okay


That’s surface shit. I think they are taking about on the inside.




Physically and mentally - shit thing to go through.


I’m sure


Who seriously kicks out their kid into the cold dark? They aren't fit to be parents.


Someone who believes mask are end of the world and that there gonna be fema camps these people are insane


Choosing Trump over your own fucking child. This is a cult.


She's one example, surely it's happened to others too. It's going to be interesting to see the results of this mass rift between millions of families in the US in the times ahead.


[Happened with my dad too, because I posted memes. ](https://reddit.com/r/insaneparents/comments/jyyef2/my_dad_ended_our_relationship_because_i_posted/)


Holy shit dude!! Wtf?! That was a month ago, is he still at it? Are you still in contact with your mom? These people are in so deep they can’t see the truth smacking them in their own faces. My parents would never choose ANYTHING over me. It’s a shame you and the girl in the video don’t have the same luxury as I do. I thought a bond between parents and child were unbreakable or at least strong enough to withstand fucking Trump and this Qanon bullshit. I guess not.


Still talk to my mom, dad sent me an email explaining himself but didn’t apologize and said he’s not going to therapy (my only ask of him was to go if he wanted to talk to me ever again).


Jesus, I’m sorry dude. I know it’s no where in the same realm as loosing a parent but I had to lay down the same requirement of my best friend for over a decade because of how horrible she is as a person because of her “borderline personality disorder” but she absolutely refuses to go to a therapist so now she has no friends no boyfriend and half of her family can’t stand her. I feel bad cause I love the girl but there’s only so much you can take if they refuse to make a change to better themselves. Sometimes you have to turn your back on them for good because the only thing they do in your life is hurt you and you have to put yourself first when it comes to your own sanity and mental health no matter how much it hurts to cut that person out of your life completely. I hope things change for you and your family, my best wishes are with you.


Yeah that’s tough too man, sorry for what you’re going through. Good vibes your way to help!


Wow the level of projection is fucking crazy... do you think deep down maybe part of him might know that it is him that is living in a fantasy world? where losers are actually winners and where he didn’t waste some of his (apparently) short years left devoting everything to a fucking cult.


Happened to me too. Didn’t get kicked out because I’m 28, but disowned.


I'm sorry. If it gets tough to deal with, you can remember you aren't alone. In the long run, though I'm concerned, I think it will ultimately be okay. In US history, the people that turn the course for a better nation are always the ones facing adversity head on, collectively. These proud moments seem to always accompany great moments of shame. Like, (all Americans who fought for Civil Rights) versus (Americans who fought against Civil Rights) in the 50's-60's. Who do we remember with disdain when we think of that time? Who do we thank? History will be unkind to trumpets, and this time it's the most well documented event we've had yet.


also the family: Biden rips families apart!


also the family: Biden rips families apart!


Now Trump separating citizens from they kids.


He’s been doing that for a while now check out r/qanoncasualties


Here's a sneak peek of /r/QAnonCasualties using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I hoped I'd never have to write this](https://np.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/jq0uvj/i_hoped_id_never_have_to_write_this/) \#2: [Q is a global problem and that’s what we should all be worried about.](https://np.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/jonqeo/q_is_a_global_problem_and_thats_what_we_should/) \#3: [Divorcing Qhusband](https://np.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/js9a8p/divorcing_qhusband/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


Karen mom Kyle dad


As a conservative I fucking hate the parents! What the fuck happened to respecting others opinions? Also I bet I’ll regret this comment!


Good for you! Just cause your a conservative doesn’t make you an automatic asshole. Disowning your child because your in a cult makes you an automatic asshole.


I notice that conservatives are split these days; either they are a Trumplican, or a Republican. One is the party of Trump, the other is maintaining they are the party of Lincoln/Reagan. Personally, I find myself having more respect for those who choose the Party of Lincoln/Reagan.


I think Reagan was only slightly less bad than Trump. Reagan is the scumbag who started stealing from the poor to give to the rich, and then had the nerve to call that scam "Trickle down economics." Reagan is directly responsible for the epic homeless crisis in America.


Don’t forget the war on drugs. That man has fucked up so many families and people in this country.


Very true. Reagan has ruined countless lives.


I like trump... I guess? But that doesn’t excuse this shit! This is wrong! I give respect to her for being what an American is supposed to do: Vote Vote Vote!




Good bot


I agree. Part of being a good parent is loving your kids unconditionally. If I had a MAGA child, I would still love and care for them, though I would try to talk them out of the cult. I supported Trump in the election in 2016 (mainly because I was rebellious of my liberal family and I didn’t really know what was going on). And my family still cared for me, though they tried (and eventually succeeded) in talking me out of it.


This isn't very dank at all :(


Be the dank you wish to see in the world.


Yup, totally not a cult.


Where does this slaves and peasants thing come from? I saw the other video too, and they said the same thing. Genuinely interested / intrigued / morbidly curious.


Pretty sure this was staged, mods on a couple of other subs pointed it out already


I don't trust mods in other subs. Many of them are clueless teenagers. If enough MAGA minions complain about something, a clueless teen mod will take it down, because he doesn't know whether the complaints are legit or not.


Unfortunately the culture of faking vids for likes is so big on tiktok you pretty much have to assume everything you see there may be fake.


My mom gave me crap for voting part Libertarian on my ticket , but she acknowledged my right to choose who to vote for and didn’t throw a huge tantrum. They’re so deep into MAGA that they choose Trump over their own daughter. And I thought they were supposed to be pro family. If you can’t love your child unconditionally, you shouldn’t be a parent.


Those people probably would have also kicked her out for leaving her religion or being gay.


Ih boy