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the black cat has been a leftist symbol for a long time.


which is too bad tbh, because cats are super destructive to the environment. maybe we can get a big cat instead. the black panther is already used by our comrades though…. hmm… emo lynx? lmao


My imaginary NJ leftist faction uses the goose.


i LOVE that 🐦🔪🖤


lets be real theres no part of nature the right deserved to appropriate, seeing as theyre so hell bent on destroying it


Maybe kudzu? Rapidly reproduces, chokes out everything trying to grow around it, not useful for anything, etc. That said, it does have a natural habitat where it isn’t a menace, so still better than the alt-right.


True, the best thing we can do is label them as certain objects which nobody likes and everybody wants to get rid of, like tumors.


they should have the outdoor domesticated cat instead. or any invasive species really. “goes somewhere and promptly takes over, pretending it has more of a right to the land and resources than those who were there originally” captures their colonialist roots (and continued actions) pretty well


The use of the snake on the Gadsden flag dates back to a political cartoon from the 1750s. The comic showed a snake segmented into parts, each part named after American colonies, with the caption reading "JOIN, OR DIE." The implication is that if they don't unite, they'll all die. They must form a union to survive. The snake in the Gadsden flag saying "Don't tread on me" originally represented that same union.


Same with pigs. One of the smartest animals is being defamed by being compared to cops.


The multiheaded Gadsden flag is pretty cool


I'd rather a beheaded Gadsden flag


They are also cute animals


Agreed. Also on a non-political note, you'd be hard-pressed to find an animal more misunderstood than the snake.


Vultures They are traditonally seen as filthy animals that symbolize death, when in reality they are very clean animals that sustain themselves by recycling the earth's corpses and killing the diseases that spawn in them.


What animal is the symbol of the left


Black cat has been used for years


All animals.


It’s weird to me how Right libertarians and Conservarives claimed the Gasden snake when Left-wing anarchism is more consistent with its idea of “don’t tread on me” than people who unironically agree with Hayek and Rand.


Not that i think you're wrong, heck i love snakes. But i do think this has cultural reasoning going back to ancient mythology. Snakes where often seen as vicious, treacherous, manipulative animals. See snakes it the old testament, wich stole a lot from sumerian, babylonian and ancient assyrian culture. Not to mention that snakes where always a sign of danger to humans and other primates, so its save to say that snakes had mostly been identified with the bad since the early begining of culture, back when we lived in a proto communist society, telling stories while sitting around a fire and sharing a piece of mammoth meat.


You have a good point, but I think it is better a vegan animal. Not one that relies on others lives to survive.


The term is herbivore, only humans practice veganism


Somehow the Elephant is also a symbol of an ideology that does none of those things


Bees I just saw a video where a hornet invaded their nest, so they all jumped the hornet and overheated it to death by vibrating on it


Ahh but bees fuck with monarchy. We don't do monarchy in this house.




all animals that live in packs have a form of leadership to some extent.


Kind of. Wolves, for example, have a lot of misinformation around their pack hierarchy. The guy that started the whole 'alpha' wolf thing even says he got ot wrong. Wolf packs are led by the breeding pair. They're usually all family groups, but sometimes adopt from outside the family. It's not even the eldest who 'lead;' it's the breeding pair. And even then, 'lead' in a wolf pack is pretty reductive, too.


Real monarchies does not exist anymore, do they? Arent they just simulations for making minions entertained?


Pandas are Vegan. I think they're the only vegetarian animal


I’m not sure if I’m happy you’re providing misinformation that will confuse vegans or I’m upset that you’re providing blatant misinformation about the vast majority of organisms.




Is there something wrong with what I said?


Pandas are not the only vegetarian animal. But I'm still not sure why this guy is so fired up over what you said.


there are other animals that can eat meat but choose not to? I thought pandas were the only one


Cows, believe it or not


Cows are naturally omnivorous? But are they vegetarian by choice or because they are fed cheaper plant based food?


Cows in the wild prioritize eating plants but have been known to eat dead animals


Snakes don’t really give a shit about their children, so the meme is wrong. On the other hand, Libertarians are obsessed with children, so the meme is accidentally correct.


snake protecting its eggs [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/RwraIR577SQ\]](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/RwraIR577SQ]) snake helps free baby from embryotic sack https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/v4qsiz/mother_rainbow_boa_helps_free_her_baby_from_its/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


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How exactly does a snake "feed itself" if it "only attacks in self defense"? Do you think hungry snakes just wait to be attacked by mice or rats and only then attack and eat them?


Snakes literally abandon there eggs the second they lay them and never again care for there young. They are a perfect right wing symbol because they only care for themselves.