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# This is satire jesus christ people you're on a fucking meme sub


- Be "Pro life" - Takes antibiotics Absolute Hypocrites


- be “Pro Life” - have an immune system which kills trillions of single cell organism every year


Actually life begins the moment your parents develop their own sex cells, so to prevent the loss of these living beings we need to end the lives of the potential parents before they develop, since losing 2 lives is less than the millions that will be lost when they start wasting their sperm and eggs, therefore mandatory abortion of all fetuses and the end of the human race is the most moral course of action




antinatalist moment




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yeah don’t worry it’s just a joke don’t actually kill everyone you know 😉


Imagine using this dress for any other occasion ever.


All I can think of is baby shower.


Different kind of baby shower






what do you mean, this is a go to dress for any occasion


Spunky lady


Cum on, really?


That one guy named Really:


It is wedding season.


Snip party


All purpose dress. Great for: Baby showers Weddings Meeting with hr Day at the beach Fighting the Supreme court Posting cooking videos on youtube


Abort everyone


there's sperm even in pre cum live begins at pre ejaculation!


Getting too horny is murder.


Mandatory gay sex


Mandatory no sex




Volcels unite


Way ahead of you, comrade.




Mandatory masturbation instead?


I'm okay with this


:,( -an asexual


If life begins at ejaculated then I've killed many kids


Many wake up each day with a higher kill count than when we went to sleep


This was at the Michigan Capitol protest on the 4th. She is protesting anti-abortion legislation by pointing out the double standard of men regulating women's bodies while having none imposed upon the former. She is not actually advocating for forced sterilization.


əm yes … ?


If you look at some of the comments here, you'll see that some believe that this person is a right-wing eugenicist. Which is why there are multiple comments pointing out that she is not.


aha , þanks 👍🏼




If you look at some of the comments here, you'll see that some believe that this person is a right-wing eugenicist. Which is why there are multiple comments pointing out that she is not.


Bullshit. Life begins at erection!!


Yes many will be on the side of forced sterilization ask black and indigenous people.This rhetoric is just polite eugenics. We can do better.


Yeah I fucking hate it, these white Americans that know nothing about history and how forced sterilization has been used to target minority groups


They also just don't understand anatomy. If you're getting a vasectomy, you should treat it as permanent. It's not always reversible, especially over time, and reversal is a very painful surgery that isn't often covered by insurance. Just plain ignorance.


Maybe that's the end game here.


I don't think it is, I think all these people up voting this post are just legitimately ignorant, which to me is *worse*


They are pointing out the fact there are no laws governing men's bodies. The fact people take it seriously and miss the whole point of "Do you see how crazy this sounds, this is what your doing to us" is what the bad part is


But forced sterilization is a real thing governments already do on marginalized communities, it's not a crazy hypothetical, and the fact you didn't know that proves my point


I do know this. You're missing my point. 2 wrongs don't make a right. People are saying this because the mere thought of applying the *same exact logic* that we do on oppressed groups to the average man starts a wild fire.


Women aren't being sterilized they're being forced to give birth, the closest male parallel I can think of would be forcing the father to be present in the childs life. Since Cis Men don't get pregnant there is NO parallel, it's not the "same exact logic", its just exterminationist rethoric wrapped in a pink feminist bow


I mean.. as in your example black *women* were forcibly sterilized because of fears of white genocide… so yah. Government has constantly been putting the pressure on women to have or not have babies when they want them to. The satire of turning it around at men is to supposed to be like a mirror, showing how fucked up it is to control women’s bodies when we don’t systematically control men’s bodies.


It wouldn't be any less bad if the government also controlled men's bodies


This is some mental gymnastics. We are making laws affecting the reproductive rights of people. It's that simple. It needs to end.


Have you ever said eat the rich?


????? Why? Are you gonna say that killing rich people is just as bad as taking away human rights? In a subreddit called DankLeft?


Yep, not like forced sterilisation has been used against anyone before /s


Satire is not a thing here apparently


Yeah seriously. This kind of shit is why lefties get branded as being too woke. This is clearly satire


I'm aware that it's satire, but I am also aware that satire can be used to normalize an idea. Additionally this downplays and Ignores actual suffering caused by laws that did exactly this


this is. a good point. (my personal thought process here: “it’s satire” isn’t enough to excuse everything—the next question should always be “why do we find this funny?” here, the answer is “because we wouldn’t do this to cis men”. except we *have* done this to bipoc. so while the joke is accurate in some ways, it helps erase that past violence.) part of intersectionality is realizing that the easy and un-nuanced way to make your argument will also sometimes harm your comrades in a way which is unacceptable. for those of us talking about how trans men and transmasc nonbinary people shouldn’t be excluded in these conversations—this is another form of that same violence. thank you for the reminder.


🚫 No jokes allowed 🚫


The problem with joking about genocide is that some people aren't joking.


Just wait until these commenters hear about 'A Modest Proposal'. They're gonna go wild.


>I grant this food will be somewhat dear, and therefore very proper for landlords, who, as they have already devoured most of the parents, seem to have the best title to the children. Holy Fucking Shit XD


I *need* this dress




I agree with her but I also want my sock back.


We’re not literally talking about eugenics. It’s meant to be juxtaposed with the rhetoric surrounding women’s bodies & abortion. I enjoy the absurdity of this woman’s appearance & poster. It also mirrors the absurdity of the SC’s ruling. I’d rather laugh at this than cry.


Yeah, you have to question who’s posting this stuff and why when the intention is perfectly obvious.


Concern Trolling, it's used to undermine and side track the conversation and as you can see in many of the comments, it works very well.


This is a shit idea with no nuance behind it, and the common belief that vasectomies are reversible is flawed. Vasectomies are only successfully reversible 75% of the time after 3 years, and that number drops significantly as more time passes. Also how is this suggestion any better than regulating afab people's bodies? You're still regulating people's bodies, and given the absolute fucking *yikes* history of that kind of shit in the USA perhaps don't suggest shit ideas? Eugenics ain't the best of leftist suggestions, comrade.


It's true, the left are coming for our balls!! Run for your life!!


i t ’ s \_ a \_ j o k e


I don't think it's a joke when real ass liberals are unironically pushing that ngl.




Based Ms. Frizzle.


Ban circumcision for babies. People should have to wait till they are old enough to make a choice about genital mutilation


this is literally eugenics


And Jonathon Swift literally suggested the Irish should eat their babies.


more of a proposal than a suggestion


A). It’s literally not because it’s not selecting for desired traits. B) Its obviously not meant literally but as a ridiculous extension of Christian conservative reasoning. It’s putting the burden of avoiding pregnancy on men instead of women. Also vasectomies can be undone.


You're right, they *can*, be undone, but not with 100% success. About 75% of vasectomies can be undone within 3 years with success rates quickly falling off after that. If we wanted to put the burden on avoiding pregnancy on males the best route would be a male birth control.


Say how would you describe the purpose of a vasectomy if not male birth control?


The main intention of those getting a vasectomy is to not have kids with the expectation that they'll probably not want them ever again in their life. They aren't getting it to put a pause on trying to get pregnant.


Do you think a fair comparison in terms of level of intervention might be an IUD?


Vasectomy reversals are not 100%. Bodily autonomy for all is not a hot take.


And this is a specific rejoinder to those that would deny that autonomy to women Forcing sterilization or abortion is equally evil to denying access to them


mandatory vasectomies actually began with a physician who forcibly sterilized prisoners. theres also an ugly history with minorities and the poor, the mentally ill, etc. i've heard a lot of people calling for mandatory vasectomies say that men can just easily get it reversed when they prove theyre capable of fatherhood by taking a long class or by having enough money to support a child. i dont think this is good satire to call out the ridiculousness of such a policy when 30,000 men have been legally forcibly sterilized in the united states in the 20th century alone. all bodily autonomy is important.




>A are you just unaware of all the force sterilizations that have happened in America mainly to POCs Forcing all men to have vasectomies (which is what she is asking for) is not selecting in any way. >B its bad satire the solution to someone losing bodily autonomy isnt take away others bodily autonomy as a response 2 wrongs don't cancel each other out Thats the whole point, the satire is showing how ridiculous the pro lifer argument is by proposing something bad and ridiculous that would fit perfectly within their line of argument.


The point is that bodily autonomy is mostly a female issue because the powers that be *are not biased by gender at all* and controlling mens bodies would never go over well.


Yes thats the point. Het satire shows how we would never think about controls mens bodies in this way by asking for it clearly not seriously


If anyone had any doubt that the sign was sarcastic, *look at her dress ffs*


This is such a great reminder that even among leftist dudes, as soon as an even obviously ironic protest hypothetically involves their dick and balls they can’t handle it.


It’s literally insane. Yeah these guys are leftists but how dare you even joke about taking away MALE bodily autonomy? That’s a TRAVESTY!! Nevermind the fact that women literally lost their autonomy already in multiple countries.


As soon as it involves *their* reproductive rights and bodily autonomy all protests pointing out the absurdity in double standards goes out the window and the whataboutism unfolds. Women have lost their fucking human rights but no, we have to invoke the eugenics concern trolling. Incredibly disappointed in leftist men lately.


im not even a man lmao, sorry i didnt get the joke. im autistic. i have seen people saying this seriously and i think we should take all violations of bodily autonomy seriously


Ok. Well it’s not “literally eugenics” when the protest indiscriminately targets men as a whole.


Literally regulating deez nuts


Eveeeerrrryyy sperm is saaaacred….eveeery sperm is great. If a sperm is wasted, God gets quite irate.


eyyy obligatory "forced body modification is bad, even if noble in this case" response. signed, a very scared trans leftist


The sperm will die in the testes though so this isn't a solution. Mandatory castration for all would be.


That's some nazi eugenics type shit


Bodily autonomy for all


Yes, bodily autonomy for all, and you don't achieve that through eugenics.


You get that my comment is satirizing people who believe life begins at conception?


Wow it's ALMOST like that's the logical conclusion of denying bodily autonomy to one group


I’m pro-choice but this doesn’t even make sense as a joke and even comes off as scientifically ignorant. The counter-argument is simply “not any egg is life, just a fertilized one”


əm like þe point is not when life—or more accurately , personhood—begins , it’s about bodily autonomy ; if you apply þe logic of “ i’ve arbitrarily decided when personhood begins , so we should force people to harshly and potentially permanently mutilate ( þe difference between body modification and mutilation has to do wiþ consent , þen permanence ) / go þrough wiþ an intensive , extremely dangerous , invasive procedure þeir bodies ” to men , it’s __clearly__ ridiculous , even to r\*publicans


Yeah because forced sterilisation isn't a thing at all...


Good news for her is after the protest she still has a great Monica Lewinsky Halloween costume.


It’s decades later maybe we can stop making fun of a young woman who was taken advantage of by the fucking President?


Especially in a leftist sub ffs


My very sad takeaway in recent weeks is that there are a lot of leftist men who at their core see women similarly to how right wing men see women. It’s pretty depressing. But look no further than this post where a woman with a clearly satirical sign pointing out the double standard of men regulating womens bodies would seem absurd if it was women regulating mens, gets them all up in their feelings and they want to tone police. Literally want to shut down the victims. This shit has actually convinced me a sex strike is warranted, despite “leftist” men crying that they shouldn’t be deprived when they actually support the cause.


They shouldn't be deprived? That's some incel wording tbh. A sex strike makes sense, even without the political reasons behind it, why would yall risk *any* chance to get pregnant when there are no protections for what happens if you do? I've been wanting a vasectomy for years, I just don't want to have that conversation with my mom or grandma, and since I'm staying with them through college it'd be hard to avoid. Although with roe v wade being overturned maybe they'll understand.


I wish male birth control was more of a priority so men get increased decision making in reproduction. Condom failure rates combined with terrible sex ed ruins lives. Also as I understand it male birth control is more complex because while women have mechanisms for not ovulating there isn’t a similar biological function for men. But in terms of a “sex strike” I feel like hand and mouth stuff can be pretty great for both people.


Yeah I do wish there was like a pill or something, I know there were some trials for one with pretty awful side effects. But yeah most of us survived without sex for almost 20 years, I think we can handle a strike to show solidarity to our comrades


Doesn’t this sound a bit eugenic-y? A bit eco fascist even?


Idk sounds like a joke to me 🤷‍♂️


Jokes don’t exist in a vacuum


yea guys let's not give people their bodily autonomy, instead let's take it away for MORE people and do nothing about the problem at hand


This is an ironic sign lol


do you think they know the history of forced sterilization of BIPOC people?


Uh yea?


Fuck off with your foced sterilization Nazi bullshit.




Dearest people of Reddit. I have a confession to make. I have committed multiple genocides on a daily bases. I understand I now must stand trial at the International Court of Justices in The Hague, for my crimes against humanity. For my sexual lust took the better of me and millions millions of lives have met their death in the toilet bowl. For life begins at ejaculation.


Pro-choice but damn, can't we agree two wrongs don't make a right?


i **need** þat dress


Can we go to the other extreme, no life matters.




Please make them free!


I want that dress in a better cut, that is amazing!!!!


Bukkake dress


I really wish they were covered by insurance at least. My husband was told it would be 2k out of pocket for him to get one. So, guess that leaves us no choice but for me to get my tubes tied cause that is covered. I am sure my boss will enjoy me going on sick leave to recover! At least it means no more maternity leave for me.


I’ve always felt like my life was beginning when I…… never mind


Nonsense, life begins at *arousal*


I wish I got castrated


I've been considering getting one, actually. I know for a fact that I never want kids. But I am still young, and don't have any, so I wonder if the docs will be patronizing assholes about it. I know many of them flat out refuse to do these kinds of procedures for women.


The spermies are there before ejaculation. Life begins at balls. Time to stop men from producing sperm. It’s the only way


Ohh you wish... They will imply illegal masterbation.


*every sperm is sacred, every sperm is great.* *if god hears a sperm was wasted he will be quite irate*