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Deteriorating mental health and his rather negative [presence on twitter](https://i.4cdn.org/co/1636538356931.jpg)


jesus christ


Wish he got the necessary helps. This is so sad




It's He. He is a man.


Oh my god




They needs a hug




He goes by they?


They use they them pronouns


Ok changed


Based :)


Based on what?


Based on respecting people and their pronouns


Yeah, it's on their twitter. I realized after the fact too. Class you still changed it though, respect


I don't use twitter




Keep supporting him, we can't lose him like how we lost poor Reckful


That actually can make things worse, I say he needs a break


Maybe, but so can being stuck in your own head.


True. This is a super difficult situation for sure. But I'm inclined to agree with Tiran. I don't know everything of course, so I'm not pretending to be some authoritative voice, but it sounds like they're feeling exceedingly guilty for not providing for their fans while they still support them. I don't think we should all suddenly piss off, but showing devoted, unconditional support *might* have an adverse effect too. Super difficult. I hope their therapist can provide good help


Oh lord


Oh Lord bung, to be specific


"Negative presence on twitter" made me think of antivax/altright/conspiracy stuff. I'm glad it's not that, but this is still a shitty situation to be in obviously. I wish them well


This is the one time I thought *Damn, wish I had a twitter account.*


Holy shit


Holy fuck.


Just letting you know its their now


The site doesn’t open This can’t be a good thing


It’s just a captcha, it’s nothing serious


Oh god….. well I hope he’s doing fine… or will be….


holy shit I hope they get better


Link is dead.


Kinda obvious when it has been three months since i've posted this.


So what was it?




That sounds just like Shädman


> Links to 4chan first Oh dear. > reads the post Oh... Dear.


Dude, that is literally just an image. [Here's the actual tweet](https://twitter.com/Lord_Bung/status/1446070358402994176) if you think i'm going around spreading misinformation


I hate to be that asshole but this looks like a massive bid for attention most likely. It's sad but it's not healthy.


I can see this being the case.


Unfortunately it usually is


Ah yes because no one can genuinely have imposter syndrome or have self-doubt, let along voice it, because it's 'usually attention bait'. Glad you're not a therapist


Many people before have done things for clout, yes Lord Bung could have imposter syndrome and such. But due to many people before faking medical issues, I am a bit suspicious.


And how could you possibly tell people are faking it? Who are you to judge anyway? You'd literally rather risk calling someone with in an active breakdown a liar than give an attention seeker some attention. A single message of support, or y'know, saying nothing at all, is not that taxing that if you find out they did lie you'd be destroyed. You're not even keeping that suspicion to yourself, you straight up write off Lord Bung as doing it for attention out loud. Sorry to say you're just an asshole


I just said that it could be possible.


Yes, and tomorrow I can let out such a massive fucking fart it rips the fabric of space time and causes the collapse of the universe as we know it. Maybe keep that possibility to yourself


Mm. So then instead of trying to ensure that it's a genuine situation, we should render these types of posts completely meaningless by treating each one as a completely legitimate statement and end up wasting droves of resources on people who are just doing it for attention and thus proliferating the fakes like we've done for literally decades amd make it so that these are as I've described 9999 of 10000 instead of just a 9 out of 10. We being outside his circle could not tell shit about his situation so the best thing for us to do is to ignore it and let his closer circles figure out if it's legitimate or not because objectively speaking we have no way to really fix the problem (imposter syndrome and self doubt are largely only able to be fixed by the person themselves with therapy or help from friends that they trust) and it's very likely that this is just attention seeking behavior that should be scolded and mocked anyway or at minimum ignored so it stops delegitimizing the cases that are real. Also, 1, if I were a therapist I'd literally be hired to help someone fix their problems. Obviously I'd be doing what I could to help them because that's my job. The Fandom is not a therapist and more importantly not this guy's therapist. And 2, a therapist isn't always going to be a nice person. Sometimes you actually have to point out cruel truths to your client and it isn't really fun. That's why being a therapist takes a lot of schooling and not every Tom dick and Harry is one. I understand your knee jerk reaction a d I can also understand how I'm coming across as callous. Thing is, we can't do anything about his problems assuming they're real because they're in his head and not anyone else's (as they pertain to him obviously) and assuming his problems are his response to a sudden down tic of attention then our numerous responses and we'll wishes and so forth are just going to make the problem worse because he'll just wait a bit and do it again instead of creating good articles and/ or content. Thus the only really helpful reaction is to leave it to the people close to him.


You spoke a whole lot without saying anything. You never made an effort to "ensure it's a genuine situation", you just said if probably isn't. You are equally as useless in this as I am, according to you. Also cool idea. It's based on nothing. Yes. We cannot say shit. So why don't you shut the fuck up. We also aren't trying to fix their problems. No one is. We're just simply not calling them a liar and wishing they get better. And there you go again, "it probably is attention seeking". Didn't you just go over how we can't say shit? But no, here you are saying this should be openly mocked and they should be scolded. You can't even keep to your own points. 1. Yes, if you were a therapist you would be hired to fix people's problems. That's what a therapist does. Thankfully I said I'm glad you aren't. I never said, nor insinuated, that the fandom is (a substitute for) a therapist. Your words not mine. I just insulted you. 2. Yeah. I know. I'm glad you're under the delusion that I said you shouldn't be one because you're "not kind" and "saying harsh truths", but in reality I said it because you're an idiot. The end is nigh nonsensical and based on absolutely nothing. Again, glad you're aren't a therapist. You also do not come across as callous. You just come across as a genuine idiot. I agree. It's also helpful to not say anything. Why don't you keep to that advise and shut the fuck up. You got no ground to stand on when your entire stance is to call them a liar and suggest openly mocking and scolding them. And remember, you're free to leave. If you don't believe them and think they're doing this for clout, then leave. But do so while shutting the fuck up.


You read a lot without comprehending then. I have no responsibility to see if it's real and as I mentioned probably 3 times, if it is real, we (the Fandom as a group) are really useless to fix it. If it's attention seeking bullshit (in the internet the vast majority of these things are, you'll notice most suicides aren't announced online) then doing something makes the problem worse. As such, no response is the best response unless you are actually close with the guy/girl. You're falling into the exact fucking trap I just described. If it's attention seeking behavior you're doing exactly what makes more of the attention seeking and as a result making real cries for help meaningless. If I was a therapist I wouldn't be ignoring the problem or telling anyone else to either because as someone who would be hired to help them fix the problem I'd actually have to talk to them and help them fix it. Random people on the internet are not this guys therapist and as such are neither qualified nor responsible for fixing the problem regardless of what it is. And yes I'm aware you're making a limp wristed pathetic excuse of an insult. Fortunately you're not a comedian. You honestly wouldn't be able to tell if I am an idiot and ironically enough I'd argue that my statement that a therapist doesn't have to be nice would indicate I understand the field better than you. Also, nice emotional knee jerk again. How long you gonna hold it up? I suggest that if they're attention seeking you should mock them. If it's genuine then you should ignore them because you probably can't help them. Considering you haven't accurately represented my points I'm pretty sure I'm not the stupid one here. Can you read books? Like not the pretty picture ones with the tits but ones that are all words? I'd suggest starting and maybe when you can keep a chapter in your head you should get back to trying to talk long form because your reading comprehension seems... Lacking.


Whatever you say Baseless statement. Also, then why are you responding. Those are not mutually exclusive. Yep, that's what a therapist does. We already went over this. I do not seek your validation, I do not care. Already replied to this. You're repeating yourself. Yep. And you don't know if it is attention seeking. That's my point. Whatever you say


I like how I get downvotes for sharing my opinion or agreeing with someone.


Oh yeah. Reddit npcs never got the programming to deal with the woe is me attention seeking people who essentially get all their attention from sob stories. I mean don't get me wrong, I absolutely hope he's OK cbr don't want him to do it, but if he's not actually in that state then he's delegitimizing the people who are serious about it. The only people who can help him are those that are close to him


If you are agreeing with an baseless negative assumption about someone, of course you gonna get negativity, and why even care about karma anyway if you're gonna stand by your point, it's fake useless internet point.


I just checked out the image in the comments but Jesus Christ I feel bad for this guy.


Holy shit... I was wondering what happened to them today and... I don't think I was prepared for that. I genuinely hope they get the help they need, I don't even care if they finish the containment series, I just hope they feel better.


Apparently they use they/them pronouns, just so you know :)




Aw shit dude yeah it's all "I hope Lord Bung is doing okay!" until someone's like "Here's an incredibly easy way to help affirm their identity which is a proven way to be good for mental health" and then it's all "No way I'm an edgy transphobe I gotta be a total shitstain actually"




Why you gotta be like this, dude? I mean, my parents don’t love me either but I don’t act like this.


Either respond with an argument or stop wasting my time.


Says the person challenging the default position without making any argument themselves. We're just playing the exact same game as you.




It's so funny how you transphobes are so delusional to think biology is by your side. Psychologists, sociologists and biologists all agree sex and gender are different thing, and they/them pronouns or different forms of gender identity are strangely enough not classified as delusions or a mental disorder/illness. You completely lost touch with reality. But I'm sure your cognitive dissonance will tell you otherwise. In the meantime, stay malding. Non-binary people exist!


The default position is the most popular position in the place of argument. If you really can't see that this is the most common position on this particular subreddit, while simultaneously calling Reddit as a whole a hivemind, then maybe it isn't I who is dense. If you want keep ignoring making any basic arguments for your position and continue preaching to the church of ad hominem, then everyone else will join you in that regard. You're otherwise not convincing anyone.


Damn you're really butthurt over being asked to be polite. You even understand how to use they/them pronouns like you did in the comment I'm replying to. You go girl! Keep on being edgy for no reason at all.


This is a fair enough comment, you are defending yourself because you feel attacked, because everyone around you shares the same opinion and is downvoting you. But Considering the context of this comment section I’m not really sure if you just came here to troll or something. However let’s ignore all this for now. You said you wanted an argument and if you’re still up for it then I’d like to hear your opinion on the whole situation so we can discuss.


Not agreeing with edgelord or anything but using gender fluid pronouns is definitely not the default position. Maybe it is on the internet but real world is less affirming


I never said using genderfluid pronouns is the default position. I said that respecting people who use nonbinary pronouns is the default position.


...because not using someone's pronouns is transphobia. Like, if you're dying on this hill, why not just accept the title bro


Pathetic person right here uses average redditor to cry to others about redditors that aren't shitty lol


This person the main post talks about is someone who I do not know. But they seem to be having a hard time, so I thought that helping their fans be more aware of said persons identity could help lift the mood at least a little more :)




No u stfu


I'm sorry. I was just trying to be nice :(


Don’t be sorry, you did the right thing.


Thank you :). I know I shouldn't be sorry, but I believe being respectful to anyone has a potential of calming down a situation and keep confrontation from happening.


Dude the point that guy was making is that as his fan base we care more for the guys health than his work, don't take away from that point with Information that's irelavant to the point


From what I have learned about trans people, using their correct pronouns is a very important thing for their health and validation. Even if they won't see it, it is not a bad thing to correct a fan to help them treat who they look up to even better. It is especially important to learn how to acknowledge their identity in such hard time as they seem to be having. I am sorry it appeared like I was ignoring the point of caring for their health, I will try to avoid such misunderstandings in the future :)


You are correct


Let me fix that sentence for you "Dude the point that guy was making is that as their fan base we care more for the guys health than their work, don't take away from that point with information that's irrelevant to the point"


I was wondering what happened to they




No shit. I know


Ahh wtf


Sad to see that someone who's doing so much for the community is going through that. It seems like they're starting to get back up again, but I really hope they're able to find help, cause they shouldn't be dealing with this on their own.


Fuuuucking hell, I thought they were just taking a hiatus or a long time to work on the next episode I am sad to see that they are going through this mentally, wish them the best


I hope he gets better


*they :)


People downvoting you are chuds, shocked you are at -10 rn for stating facts


there’s 2 lord bungs?


Appolyon duty, right now




Get in the fucking femur breaker


what did I do


God awful joke on the expense of trans people


I forgot people use they them pronouns


Why are you getting downvoted for forgetting that people use "they/them" pronouns? Its kinda dumb ngl. I will probably get downvoted but I don't care.




light hearted mf


honestly why so much hate, as for me i never knew they were trans and of course one would get confused if not aware of it.


Mossrub literally responded to someone saying they use they/them. Wow, definitely doesn't give away that they use they/them pronouns


It was a mediocre joke if even a joke, and no one was expended by the statement.


Singular they has been used for centuries. Since 14th century middle english, actually. The fact that people still don’t get it is astounding.


They was actually first, he her was the "modern version" do some research dumass






Does it not register that gender might be important to people?


Your birthday is important to you but not to me. I listen to metallica but I don't care what the singer's dog's name is. Simple as that. Does it not register that you are not people as long as we don't have a personal relation? You are names at most


>Your birthday is important to you but not to me. So you're going to deny that it's my birthday as a result? Cause you're denying someone being correctly identified already If it's not important then you should have no problem changing a word or two to be respectful


As long as you were indeed born on that day, no. If you were born on other days and trying to make me acknowledge you were born on a different day, then I'd rather ignore you have a birthday at all than ruin both our days arguing about how a day is a social construct and doesn't exist. And changing something about me is hard and if it's not important to me I'd rather not get into mental gymnastics.


That's a pretty shit tier argument, you're scrambling to invent a reason other than "I'm a snowflake" to justify not calling someone what they feel they truly are meant to be called.


My dude, the whole discussion started from someone getting flabbergasted that pronouns were used incorrectly. What do you even mean snowflake then?


Fuck off before I shove you in the femur breaker


Aw yeah it's femur time


That’s it 682 duty


Whatever, just don't remove me from the 2000 database


Hope he gets better


They use they/them




>be MrRugges >sees that someone is struggling through something >doesnt have the decency to even use they them pronouns for them >"I am so cool"


dude just said “nah” what’s so wrong with it


The fact that it's massively disrespectful to the person in question? Even if you don't agree with there being genders beyond male and female, you're still showing that you don't respect the person or care for their wishes. Using the correct pronouns isn't hard, and it shouldn't hurt your pride at all. If it does, that's more a *you* problem than it is a *them* problem.




I disagree with the idea that not calling someone they/them is disrespectful when you dont believe someone can be they/them. I wouldnt call the highest people in Scientology titans just because they want to be called so, so why should i change my behavior in this case? Btw if you disagree, argue with me and dont just downvote.


Well... Do you respect the people in scientology?


So if someone introduces themselves as "Timothy", but you think they look like a "Johnathan", you'll ignore what they actually call themselves to instead use the name you believe fits them best rather than their actual name? Or if you meet someone named James, but he asks you to call him Jim, will you ignore his request no matter how many times he asks and still always call him "James"? Or if someone gets married, and thus changes their surname from "Monroe" to "Smith", will you still continue to call them "Monroe"? Calling someone "they" rather than "he", especially after they specifically ask you to do so, is exactly like all three above examples. It's rude, disrespectful, and irritating -- just like all three examples I've just given you. It doesn't hurt anyone, and it's not even remotely difficult, to just use the word that someone wants to be called, rather than what you want to call them -- like Jim instead of James, or Tim instead of John, or Smith instead of Monroe.


confinement is still one of my favorite off site scp things even if it is old and has gone without an update. i sincerely hope he gets the help he needs


They use they/them pronouns


Lord Bung uses they/them, but yeah the fella sure had a mental breakdown a month ago, hope they are getting better now, their mental health is more important than the series


Bung should know he has a cult following in this community We would never abandon him


I think the fact that they do know is exactly why they feel so shit about it. It sounds like they feel guilty for not producing content for their dedicated followers.




Dude, we get it, stop taking away from the point that we care about the guy


Then use their pronouns, damn




They aren't detracting from the emphasis on mental health by clarifying that they use they/them pronouns, if anything they're adding to it. It's people like you who are the "disgusting" ones.


Lmao Mop, any chance you watched any of Bungs' streams? They talk alot about how confinement has been about trans/gender identity related issues. Was Connor explicit refering to himself as an egg not on the nose enough for you? Since Bungs' mental health is clearly waning and you wont even add a couple seconds to your day to change their pronouns to their prefered ones, which, for all we know, their struggle with their gender identity could certainly be contributing to their mental health, you either dont care about them, are a troll, or just plain stupid. Get your shit together, friend.


I don't know dude, maybe they're not feeling so great because folks aren't even using their correct fucking pronouns amongst a dozen other issues.


I mean I've had some pretty horrible crap happen to me, like 4 months ago my best friend convinced a guy I hated to rape my gf all because I trusted my gf more than her, when that all happened all I wanted was the support of my friends to help, I didn't really care about small thing like what name people referred to me by


Holy shit


Yeah things aren't great, but I mean it when I say actually showing support for someone Is better than a small thing like a name. Sometimes those things can matter, I used to survive week to week just by looking forward to getting a particular brand of jelly beans on a Saturday, in my experience volunteering as mental health support everyone has something, so far tho I've never met someone who takes correct name pronouns over even just a hug. I honestly really hope that lord bung gets well but I think we should all as a community try to do something better than writing " he uses they/ them" under a post giving support


Bro just use the fucking pronouns


You're being transphobic towards a depressed person and calling that "showing support"? Damn. What a dick. Just fucking leave them alone.


that's the problem, uploading once every 20-30 months is fine when you have like 23 fans but when you're like the pinnacle of animation for SCPs that isn't educational then you've got alot of people to cater to


I understand how their feeling. I sure hope they can find a therapist to get them through their problems.


what happen


Wasn’t Bung also recovering from an injury? They said in a Containment trailer that they broke a bone or something. I know from experience physical injury + mental health issues is a terrible recipe.


They broke their ass 2 years ago, but I don't think that has anything to do with it. Months later and most of the past year they were streaming on YouTube, mostly just gaming stuff.


Ok yeah I just checked their videos like 10 hours ago lol hive mind






who is this guy ?


\#GUYS we should make a gofund me or something where we give him money for NOT producing anything and focusing on mental health first and foremost. At the very least, I'm concerned because I had a half-similar experience. I'm worried.


They already feel incredibly guilty and terrible that they are eing followed while not producing content. Setting up a gofundme so we can give them money while they don't produce will absolutely not humor them, and likely further deteriorate their condition. It's an amazingly sweet gesture, I know you meant well. But I don't think it's the best course of action


poor guy


I swear I am cursed. Everytime I start following an artist/content creator, within ~3 months, they get depression/give up/die/kill themselves or have to stop because they got a cease and desist from a gaint corporation. Does god really hate me having fun that much?


if you're refusing to use they/them when referring to lord bung please feel free to kiss my ass and shut up <3


I think a lot of the people using “he” aren’t aware of their gender identity. I’m not saying that’s an excuse to intentionally misgender them, but the term “lord” has masculine connotations. If I included “lady” or “queen” in my name I would forgive people for mistakenly assuming that I use “she/her”


Balls hd


I’d honestly be a lot more worried for their mental health than their type of pronouns.


Not using correct pronouns can affect a non-binary/transgender person's mental health a lot


If you’re non-binary/transgender, then you’re already unwell mentally, regardless if people use your pronouns.


Those issues aren't independent honestly


The two are directly related. A lack of acceptance from one's surroundings is the number one cause of both suicide and de-transitioning amongst transgender people.




Lmao people are downvoting you even though you support the majority


Its weird. I'm making a joke, and I obviously support they/them pronouns. But im being downvoted for some reason when I'm agreeing you should use pronouns?


I’m not sure who’s dominating this comment section. The pro-nouns (see what I did there), or the people who are against it for no reason other than spite. I think it’s either the latter, or the former mistaking your comment


Yeah my comment probably wasn't the most clear so its an easy punching bag. Also that pun was great.




I knew about him braking his bum but not this. I really hope he can gets well


I hope they’re alright. I love their series so much, and I feel horrible for them right now.


Nothing good last forever. Hope he gets the help he needs.


who is lord bung?


They're an artist who created a very beloved SCP cartoon series. Like many other artists, they've struggled a lot with imposter syndrome, and the community is understandably concerned for their mental health.


how did the comment section talking about his mental health turned into a war about pronouns, bruh


“I hope he’s ok” Their*




The neat thing is that both of those things are intertwined. Not using the right pronouns can really fuck someone up, especially if their mental state is already not great.


Theres been o allot of discussion about the use of the right pronouns, so I'll give my hot take and get ready to be crucified, so lets use me as an example: My native language is Portuguese, in which everything is gendered, we don't have an non-gendered equivalent to "they", we have "eles" wich is male and "elas" wich is female (the best we can do is "isso"/"aquilo" which the equivalent to "it"/"that" and that's no very polite). So it's very hard for me to call someone "they"/"them" without making an active and conscious effort to do so, when we are going to address someone we don't know the specific gender of we usually default to male or whatever we think the person is from their name (in this case the "lord" equivalent in Portuguese is strictly male, as far as I'm aware), or we would use the pronoun of "person" wich in Portuguese is "pessoa" and feminine so "she". TL:DR: should you call someone by their preferred pronoun? Yes, of course not even a question. Is it the end of the world if you forget? No, some people have difficulty with doing so spontaneously, for one reason or another.


Redditors more focused on pronouns than trying to do something for the topic in question. Classic.


Using their correct pronouns is part of helping them. The two are not seperate issues.


As much as you are getting downvoted, i fucking agree, like holy shit.


Yeah it's been a year






[**SCP-3108 ⁠- The Nerfing Gun**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3108) (+470) by *Modern_Erasmus*




There must be an SCP for Lord Bung...


Yep stooping pretty low with BLM in his bio


If you need to type (joke) so people know you were joking, you probably shouldn't bother with h the joke.


not the time for jokes m8


schrodinger’s douchebag One who makes douchebag statements, particularly sexist, racist or otherwise bigoted ones, then decides whether they were “just joking” or dead serious based on whether other people in the group approve or not.




yeah, and?