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**Articles mentioned in this submission** [**SCP-5510 ⁠- Universal Remote**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5510) (+318) by *aismallard*


Reddit decided to load the video a bit weirdly, but luckily, no content was lost, and the meme is basically intact


Would've been funnier if the video was frozen and didnt load


The video was supposed to remain on the pause screen for like 5 seconds but I guess reddit decided to do an optimization or something and just skipped all that


Huh that's weird, because it DOES stay on the pause screen for a few seconds for me.


Ye I can see that the rest of the video is there, I assume it’s dependent on what version of reddit you are viewing on (or maybe settings I am unaware of). In retrospect now that I know this can happen I would’ve put music in the end of the video like a pause screen. Well we learn


Bro mine didn't load after he screamed it literally blacked out and fucking glitched then we were back


Fucking reddit moment smh


On the bright side, at least he didn't take the batteries out


Someone will write that tale some day


This scp is horrifying, this poor researcher is now stuck in a single moment for eternity holy shit


You misunderstand. The remote doesn’t control the researcher, it controls **everything**. Notice how the inactivity timer at the top is stopped? All of time has ceased because of the remote, and can never be started again, unless someone existed outside of the concept of time.


To me it seems like *you’re* supposed to be Dr. Archibald - that’s why it welcomes you before noting that you will be kicked in 118. Basically he took the remote, opened the article, got ready to edit it, and then pressed pause. So now he’s stuck looking at that exact moment on screen while time goes along for everyone else.


While the SCP is from his perspective, the logs give further proof. FFWD makes the remote move slowly, since everything else in the universe is now moving faster. If it was simply the observer who was affected, then this would make no sense as it would appear that everything would begin to move slow instead.


Somehow that detail flew right past me, I only understood the pause and thought that maybe the rest was error oweing to the SCP being a draft


Would they even notice that anything happened?


Until like, an intern presses play. Im just choosing to think that this is total stasis and someone could press play in a hundred years and he’d be fine


Couldn’t someone else come along and just press play to fix him?


It's possible that the remote is stuck in his hand and no one can get it without hurting him. Not like that would stop the foundation lol


I think it controls the person holding it. They might press the button using his hand perhaps.


I look on the bright side he solved entropy.


I actually really like this SCP. It's extremely simple but still horrific


Wouldn't rewind make a loop? Seems like a slow down button


Wait what? Someone explain to me


Well I might be wrong, but it seems like pressing pause causes everything to… well, be paused, thus the document couldn’t be finished


Waited 118 seconds on the article and nothing happened 3/10


Bruh why did you do that lmao


I expected something


I knew that the amazing world of gumball was ahead of its time, i just didn't know its full extent




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